Some huge news and of course

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When we walk in we see mom, Luke, Tessa, jem, Maryse, and baby Logan. Logan sees me over his moms shoulder and his eyes light up. He reaches over to me. Tessa sees me and I take Logan. Did I mention how cute he is? I love this baby.

Having everyone here means this is not good. Something big is happening and it involves the five of us. "I'm glad your here clary." Maryse says "can the five of you sit please. Something has happened and it has a lot to do with the five of you." We do as we are told. I sit next to mom and Tessa and look at little Logan.  He looking at me with wonder and like I'm one of the most amazing things in the world.
"Now," she takes a deep breath then continues by saying " there have been riots by a bunch of downworlders and shadowhunters. They don't like the decisions the clave and enclave has made lately. They all want to overthrow them. They are wanting to have a king and queen instead to rule them." "Who do they want" Alec asks. "Due to what happened five years ago in the demon realm they want clary and jace to be the king and queen." Everyone looks at me and jace. We look at each other. "Why us? Why not Simon or Isabelle or Alec? We were all there" I say. "Yes we all know that. They all know that Simon had his memory erased. They want you two. They agreed when I told you that they would stop the riots till January 10th. They are giving you a month to decide. If you both take it they will start building a castle for you. You will have to move to idris until it is built. You will both move into the herondale manor as well." Mom, Tessa, Luke and jem all look at me. "Do you mind if I take Logan for a while today?" I ask jem and Tessa. "Go ahead. He likes you" jem says looking at the baby in my arms.
I stand up and walk out of the library. I take Logan and go up to the greenhouse. I sit down in the top of the spiral staircase. I look down at Logan. "What am I going to do Logan?" I say. He touches my cheek and plays with my hair.

Jace POV

I am sitting on he couch in the library. "What do you think we should do" I ask looking at Luke and Jocelyn. "Well jace, it all just depends on the two of you. I think it would be interesting to see the two of you as a queen and king. You are both some of the best leaders I can imagine leading. You have both done things that normal shadowhunters and downworlders can only imagine doing. You five went to edom and rescued all of us from Sebastian and the endarkened. No one will ever forget what you five have done. I can't think of anyone I would rather have lead all of us" Luke says. Jocelyn nods. What am I going to do? I stand up and say "I'm going to go see clary." "Do you know where she is" Tessa asks. "Yeah I do" I say and look at Luke.
He nods knowing what I am going to do as well. As soon as I leave the library I snap out my wings and fly over to the greenhouse. I know exactly where she is. She is in our favorite spot. I land and open the doors.

Clary POV
I'm looking down with loving eyes at Logan. I can't imagine being a queen. And living in a castle. I hear the door open. I know it is jace without looking. This is our favorite place in the entire institute.

"Hey" he says. He sits down next to me. Logan yawns and closes his little eyes. "Hey" I say back and look at jace and say "What are we going to do?" He shrugs and says "I have no idea. I can't imagine us being royalty in idris. This has never happened before. There has always been the clave for as long as I can remember. I do know one thing, you would make a beautiful queen." I blush.

"Clary, you found the broken boy in me. You mended my broken heart. You picked up the pieces of a broken, angry boy and you made him into a happy man. I wouldn't be here without you. Not just you but Alec, Isabelle, even Simon, but you're my heart." he says. Where is he going with this. "And your mine jace. You know that. I wouldn't be the same without you" I say sweetly. "Will you" he asks. "Will I what" I ask back. He reaches into his sweatshirt pocket and pulls out a small box and opens it. Inside is a small silver ring it is covered with a silver diamond.

I look at him. "Will you marry me clary?" "Of course I will" I say and kiss him. When we break apart he looks at me and says "thank you so much clary. We have been through so much together. I can't live another day without you." He puts the ring on my left ring finger.

"So if we take the queen and king position we of course need to ask Alec and Isabelle to be there with us" I say smiling. "Of course we will it wasn't just the two of us in the demon realm. We couldn't do anything without them" he says.

Logan starts squirming in my arm. He looks up at me and smiles. "Jem and Tessa were right. That baby likes you" jace says sounding surprised. "Yeah he does. I like him too" I say still looking at Logan. He reaches up and grabs my necklace with his tiny hands and plays with it in his fingers.

We stay on the stairs for a while and talk about what we are going to do. "So we are going to the beach" he says changing the subject. "Yeah. Izzy figured I needed it. She noticed my job has been stressing me out since I got back from being kidnapped. She was right. I booked a four bedroom at a beach place in Alabama. We can portal down there and maybe take our cars down there too" I say. "Sounds good. I feel bad that you are doing all this and paying for everything we do. I wish I could do something" he says. "Jace, its fine really. I don't mind paying for the beach trip and everything. And besides this ring probably cost a fortune. I am happy to pay for the beach trip" I say. "Okay but your not paying for everything when we get there." "Okay jace. Whatever makes you happy."
"So are we going to take the king and queen position" he says. "Yes I think we will. Let's just not say anything to the others yet because knowing all of them they will take it to far." He laughs and says "okay. I know what you mean." We stand up and go to the library.
Everyone is still in here talking and laughing. Izzy sees us and says "so what are y'all going to do?" "We don't know yet izzy. It has only been a few minutes since we found out. It's a big decision too" I say. I shift Logan in my arms and put him where his head is laying in my shoulder. Izzy and Tessa's face lights up. They both gasp. Mom and Luke smile. We go and sit back down where we were before, me by mom and Tessa, and jace by Alec.

"I was starting to think you both wouldn't come back. I was starting to think we would have to send a search party" Maryse says. "No we came back" jace says. "Let me see" mom whispers. I show her my left ring finger. "It's beautiful" she whispers. I feel Logan fall asleep on my shoulder. I pet his head and his little brown hair. "Take your time in deciding. You have a month and a few days" Maryse says. "Thanks Maryse" jace says.
Everyone in the room starts talking. I have no idea what it's about. I just sit here with little Logan asleep now in my arms. Izzy walks over to me and Tessa turns. "When did it happen" izzy blurts out. "When did what happen?" "The ring clary, when did Jace propose? I know it was him because who else loves you that much" Tessa and izzy say together. "Oh that, umm.. like a few minutes ago in our special spot m." Izzy squeals and says "oh clary this is so exciting. We have to go get a dress ASAP. We also need to start planning soon." Tessa nods. "Let me see" Tessa says. I move my left arm from under Logan and show her my beautiful silver ring. They both look at it and say "it's beautiful." I nod and say "yeah it is. I love it. I couldn't be happier."

Logan wakes up and I hand him over to his mom. Mom turns to me and Luke walks over to where the others are. "Clary I'm so happy for you. And it's going to be great if you are the queen of idris too. Can't y'all just imagine it, clary and jace getting married before they get crowned, it would be like an actual king and queen. We have to go dress shopping soon" mom says excitedly. "You guys are getting way to excited about this. It just happened a little while ago. We don't know when it's going to be or where. We can still go get a dress but not tomorrow or today I need some time. I will also need help planning all of this since I can't really do it on my own" I say. "Of course we will help you. We can't help but get excited, your one of everyone's favorite couples in idris. Everyone talks about you. You two are famous. And being queen and king is going to be amazing. Let's go get a dress next week. I have to work this week" Tessa says. "I can do that. I have to work this and next week, but I can take some time off." "It's decided then. In two weeks the four of us will go pick out a dress for Clary. Oh I'm so excited for you clary" mom says. I still can't believe I am going to be a queen. I have scars and stories that a queen should not have and be able to tell. I've got to cover this scar on my cheek. I might be able to do it with more makeup.
For dinner we decide to go to takis. We all get our usual. After dinner I get in my Ford Explorer and head back home. When I get home chrissie is asleep on her dog bed. I put on some purple pajamas and get ready for bed. When I come out of the bathroom I wake chrissie up. I take her outside so she can go to the bathroom. That is one of my things about becoming queen, I will have to bring chrissie with me. I don't want to have to take this sweet dog back to the shelter. I get her leash and take her out in the backyard. She goes to the bathroom and we go back inside.

I unhook her and go get in the bed. "Okay chrissie you can go around the house but don't mess anything up" I say and turn the lights off. I quickly fall asleep.

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