Leaving for Italy

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It is now Friday and I am packing up my book bag. "Hey are you guys packed and ready for tonight?" I ask looking at Isabelle and jace. "I am, I just have to find that book you left" jace says. "I am still finishing. I don't know what to bring so I am packing half my closet" Isabelle says. "Izzy we are only going for a week. You don't need half your closet for a week. I have seen you closet and I promise you don't need all that. And besides it will be me who is doing most of the busy things. You guys can just hang around the pool or whatever. I'm the one who needs half a closet but I don't have that much clothes." "Yeah, but I don't know what all we are doing, I want to be prepared for anything. And what if you need to borrow some of my clothes." "I won't I promise. And I think I left the book in the greenhouse." "Okay thanks that just makes my hunt so much quicker." We walk out of the school. Jace and izzy get on the bus and me and Simon start walking toward my house. "Are you packed and ready for Italy" Simon asks me. "Ready to go yes, packed not all the way." "Do you want some help when we get to your house?" "Please?" He nods. We walk the rest of the wag to my house.
I walk in and we get a snack from the pantry. I made sure to tell all of my teachers I wouldn't be there at all next week. My mom walks in and says "hey you two. You all packed clary?" "Almost, once we finish our snack we will go finish." "I'm just going to make soup and grilled cheese for dinner. I know you guys don't have much time to eat." "Oh make sure you make tomato soup. Jace likes tomato soup" Simon says. "Why?" My mom asks. Simon just shrugs and says "I just remember he does when we went grocery shopping one time." My mom nods. Me and Simon finish our snacks and walk into my bedroom.

I open my suitcase. I pull out everything. "Can you look through all of this and see if it would be good I just don't know. I'm freaking out." "You know I'm not good at this stuff. I will do it but I'm getting your mom to check after me because I wouldn't even trust me for fashion advice." He starts looking through my suitcase. 20 minutes later he says "I think this is good but I will go get your mom." He walks out and comes back with my mom. She starts looking through my suitcase. "You need some more shoes" she tells me. I start looking through my closet. I honestly don't have that much shoes. Izzy is the one with all the shoes. Maybe I could just borrow some of hers since she is probably bringing every pair she owns. "I will see if izzy has any I can borrow. She said she is bringing like half her closet which is a lot." I look through my phone for izzys number.

I find it and hit the call button. "Hey clary" she says. "Hey izzy your bringing a lot of shoes right?" "Yeah. I didn't know which ones look the best with which outfit or dress so I just brought a bunch. Why?" "I need to borrow some. My mom is double checking my suitcase and she said I need more shoes. I'm looking through my closet but all I can find is some tennis shoes and combat boots. Can I borrow some?" "Yeah sure. Oh hold on jace wants to talk to you. ...Hey clary where in the greenhouse did you leave the book?" "Umm.., I think on the spiral staircase." "Okay hold on I'll run up to the greenhouse and see if I see it." I wait for a few minutes then he said "it was on the top step. I didn't look there. We will head over in an hour." "Okay thanks tell izzy thanks too. See you in an hour."

I hang up. "I thought you were calling Isabelle" My mom says. "I did. She said I could borrow some shoes. Jace took the phone and asked me where I put the book." "What book" my mom asks me. "A tale of two cities. I told him I left it on the spiral staircase in the greenhouse. He found it and told me they would be here in an hour." "You both spend so much time in the greenhouse" Simon says and my mom just glares at me. "Oh really" she says sounding like she suspects something. "It's nothing mom. It's just a special place for the two of us. That's why we spend so much time up there. That's where we had our first kiss and it was on my birthday too." "Oh, well, you look packed up pretty good. I'm going to go start on dinner" she says and walks out of my room. "Hey hand me those blue chacos please Simon" I ask and he grabs them from under my dresser. He hands me my blue single strap chacos and I put them on.

We both walk to the living room and sit down and start watching old reruns of friends. Tessa and jem come first. I open the door for them. They are each holding a suitcase. "You can just leave your suitcases in the hallway. Moms in the kitchen making dinner." They both leave their suitcases in the hallway and walk to the kitchen to see mom. I walk back to the couch and sit next to Simon.

Jace and Isabelle get here 20 minutes later. I tell them the same thing. Izzy and jace come sit with me and Simon. "Your still wearing your necklace" jace says. "I never take it off except to shower" I say back. He puts his arm around me and pulls me towards him. "Dinner is ready guys" I hear jem say. We all get up and walk to the kitchen. "What is your mom making?" Jace asks me. "Grilled cheese and soup. She knew we wouldn't have much time to eat so she just made something small and simple. I don't even think Isabelle can mess up grilled cheese and soup." "Oh yes she can I promise you, even izzy can mess up soup she has done it before." "Oh come on. It wasn't thAt bad" izzy says. "Not that bad?! Isabelle you gave all of us food poisoning for 2 whole days" jace says back to izzy. I laugh and we walk into the kitchen and get a bowl of soup and each grab a sandwich. My mom made me chicken noodle soup, my favorite. We all quickly eat our sandwiches and soup. I go grab my suitcase from my room and put it out in the hallway with everyone else's.

Luke comes home not long before the limo gets here to say bye to me and Simon. "Sorry I came back late guys, I was with maya" Luke tells us when he walks in the door. "I still don't understand why we cant just go by portal" jace whines. "Well you are free to do that with magnus tomorrow if you want, but I am taking the plane. I have always wanted to ride on a private plane and I am doing it" i said with a little more attitude than I intended. Jace just rolls his eyes but everybody looks surprised at the attitude that came from me. I look out the window and see the limo come around the corner to pick all of us up. I give mom, Luke, and Simon all hugs and say bye. "Have fun in Italy" mom and Luke tell me. Simon says "you and jace are so lucky, most of the teachers are giving tests next week. School will be so lonely without you clary. I will miss you. Have fun in Italy" and he gives me another hug before I walk outside.
We all ride in the limo and get at the airport and see a single airplane. This must be the private plane.

We walk up the steps and step into the airplane. There is a huge seating area with couches, chairs, and a large flatscreen tv. There is 2 bedrooms, a small dining area with chairs and tables. There is a nice kitchen too. Once we have all gone to look around we put the suitcases in an empty closet. We go sit down on the couch. "So when is this photo shoot?" Jace asks me. "Tomorrow at 5:00." "You have a photo shoot? For what?" Jem asks. "They want to put something of me in their magazine introducing me as their new designer. They for some reason want jace there too."

"Oh I almost forgot. Clary do you have the book?" Tessa says. "Jace do you have it?" I ask jace. "Yeah it's in my suitcase. Why, do you want it now?" "I just do" I tell him and he gets up and comes back with the book. He hands it to me and Tessa takes a piece of paper out of her purse. "Open to where it says it." I do as I am told and she slides the piece of paper across from the words in the book. I pull it closer and start reading the letter.

I read the letter over about 3 times. I smile as I read it. I turn to Tessa and jem and say "you both were right." "Yeah and now you know. You have proof in two places in the same room. No other family does so much for the people they love" jem says. I look at jace who has his arm wrapped around me and I smile. "What?" He asks me. "Oh, nothing" I say still smiling up at him. Izzy snatches the book out of my hands and starts reading the letter. I can tell she's jealous since she doesn't know what we are talking about. "Aww that is so sweet. I wish I could have met Will" izzy says. Jem and Tessa both laugh. "You look like his sister a little bit. The only thing is, you're a lightwood. You would have gotten annoyed at him very quickly Isabelle" Tessa said. Izzy turns to jace and says "you've got to step it up jace. You have a family reputation to keep." Me, Tessa, and jem all laugh. Jace looks confused but ignores us. He rolls his eyes. I don't think he read the letter. I tried to cover it so he wouldn't be able to read it. I knew there wouldn't be anything bad in it, I mean it's a love letter, but still. We talk as long as we can until we get so tired. I eventually fall asleep on the couch.

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