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                        I wake up. My head is still on jaces chest. He is asleep. We are both laying on the couch. I am wrapped in his arms. I guess jem and Tessa take a bedroom and izzy took the other. I sit up and go over to the bathroom. I grab my suitcase on the way and look for a new pair of clothes to wear today. I find a light blue sundress and a pair of one inch boots to change into.

I put it on and brush my teeth and hair. I walk into the kitchen to see what there is to eat. I see bagels, pop tarts, muffins, cereal, and breakfast biscuits. I look at the clock. It is 7:15. I look through all of the cabinets for a bowl. I pour myself some fruit loops. I take the bowl of cereal over to the dining area. I set it in the table and quietly walk into the room where I fell asleep. Jace is still asleep so I don't wake him up I just grab a tale  of two cities off the coffee table and take it to my breakfast.
                               I sit at the table eating and reading. "Hey clary" I look over and see jem in the doorway, "your up early. I thought you would be sleeping like everyone else." "No, I woke up and was hungry so I came to get some breakfast." He nods his head in understanding and walks into the kitchen. I get a text. It's grant. 'Where are you?' I text back and say 'almost to italy.' 'Why are you going to Italy' 'my job' 'pizza palace is sending you to Italy?' 'No idiot, Sherri hill is.' 'Oh 😔.' I finish my cereal but keep sitting at the table and read.
                            I take the bowl to the sink and clean the bowl and put it in the dish washer. Jem is making bacon "you want some" he asks me. I nod my head and take a piece off the paper towel on the counter. "This is good bacon" I say with bacon in my mouth. I swallow and say "is Tessa still asleep?" "Yeah it's just the two of us that is up" he says. "Well I am going to go sit down, come find me if you need me." I leave the kitchen to go sit in another lounge room. I sit down in a really comfy chair next to the window. I look out the window and see us passing the ocean and a little land. We must be landing soon. I start reading. I suddenly feel two strong arms around my neck. I smile and say "good morning jace." "How did you know it was me?" "Because I just know. I woke up an hour and a half ago. I didn't wake you up did I?" "No. I'm hungry though." "Well then go in the kitchen and get something. You have two legs and know where it is." "Ugh fine" he groans and walks to the kitchen. I turn back to my book. "Attention passengers this is your pilot speaking. We will be landing in Italy in about 30 minutes."
-----------------time lapse 45 minutes-------------
                     We have all gotten off the plane and are now riding in a new limo to be dropped off at the hotel. I look out the window and see a river and lots of cafes. People are walking all down the streets. It's nice being back in Italy. "So you know your way around Italy?" Izzy asks jace. "Yeah" he says. "How? None of us except you and clary have been here." He sighs and says "when I was with Sebastian we went here borrow we got clary and after. I figured my way around." "That's not fair. Why couldn't you have kidnapped me? I want to go to Italy." "Izzy it's not like I wanted to be kidnapped. I just was." I can tell izzy is not too happy that she was not kidnapped even though I don't know why you would want to in the first place. It wasn't much fun being trapped in that house and having Sebastian all over me, literally. "You really don't want to be kidnapped. I promise" Tessa says. We all look surprised at her. We didn't know she has been kidnapped. "Long story" Jem says.
                                The limo pulls up to a big golden colored hotel that says in pezzo do casa palace. It looks like it must cost a lot to stay here. The limo driver opens the doors for us and gets our suitcases out of the trunk. I take my suitcase and walk in to check us in. I walk up to the desk and say "Hi. I was sent here by Sherri hill. It may be under clary fray." The guy behind the desk nods and types into the computer. "Mrs. Fray, they have you and your guests staying in the deluxe pent house suite. its on floor 29 room 14. How many keys will you be needing?" "five please" I tell him and he scans a bunch of cards which I guess are the keys. "Here you go" he says and hands me the keys "enjoy your stay."
                           I walk back out to where izzy, Tessa, jem, and jace are waiting and talking. I hold out the keys and say "these are the keys. now lets go find the room." They take them and we go up the elevator. "This place looks like it costs a fortune to stay here" izzy says. I nod and say "its a good thing I am not paying to stay here because I am personally broke other than what they are going to pay me for my designs and what little money I make at pizza palace." The elevator door opens to the 29th floor and I look for room 14. I find it and put the key to the lock to unlock it.
                            We all walk in and the place is beautiful. There are 4 bedrooms, a large living room, the deck has a hot tub and lounge chairs, a large kitchen that is empty as I figured it would be except cooking things like plates, bowls, all of the essentials, a dining room with a large table and white chairs lining it. There is also a large crystal chandelier in the living room and the dining room. there are barstools to eat at in the kitchen. This place is absolutely stunning. I walk up the steps to see what all is up here. It looks like there is a theatre room, 2 more bedrooms, a pool, and another living room with what looks like a 75" TV, there is also an office. I walk over to the balcony and see everyone asking around the first floor still. I say "I am staying up here. I have made up my mind. It is awesome up here as well. There is only two bedrooms up here though." I walk down to grab my suitcase and walk up the stairs to pick a bedroom to stay in. I find one that is all white. I set my suitcase down on the floor and start unpacking things into drawers and the hang-ups in the closet. I hear footsteps come up the steps. I keep unpacking not bothering to look who it is. It is probably someone just looking arount the place. "hey clary," I look over and see Tessa "I was just about to go over to the grocery store. do you want to come?" I nod my head and we walk out of the penthouse, before we leave we yell "we are going to the grocery store we will be back later."
                             On the way down the elevator I tell Tessa "I have a letter actually that is similar in a way to the one Will wrote. I brought it with me. It is in the room though. I read it all the time." She smiles and says "I want to see it when we get back from the grocery store." We get to the grocery store and get tons of food some we might not even need but who knows.
                                       As we are riding up the elevator with a big cart full of groceries I say "You know I like having you with me. It's like I have an adult with me but at the same time I have a good friend that I know I can talk too at the same time." She smiles at what I said and she says "well I'm glad. I like talking to you and jem said he does too. If you ever need us you know where to find us. You can spend the night any time at our house. We both liked having you there." "I would love too. I love your house. It's so pretty." The elevator door opens and we walk to our suite and open the door. "We have groceries" I yell. Everyone else comes to help us unload the groceries. It is 4 minutes to 2:00 when we all finish unloading the groceries. "I have to go down to the lobby I will be back later" I say and walk out the door and go down the elevator.
                           I walk out and see a tall woman smile and walk up to me. "Are you clary fray?" She asks me and I say "I am." "I'm Reagan Miller. Sherri hill hired me to be your personal assistant." We shake hands and walk over to the chairs in the lobby. "It's nice to meet you. I am sure I will be needing one at some point" I say and find a little sticky note on the coffee table and write my number and say "this is my phone number just text me whenever. I was told I have a photo shoot at 5:15?" "Yes. And Mr. Prickett said he wanted your boyfriend to come with you. I will come to pick up the both of you at 4:45." Oh wow that's not long. "Ok thank you. That is good to know. Is there anything specific we need to wear?" "No just wear what you have on now. There will be clothes there for you to change into." "Thank you Reagan. I will see you at 4:45 then" I say and she smiles and walks out the Lobby doors.
                              I head back up the elevator and into the penthouse. I walk in and collapse on the couch in the living room. My face is in a pillow and I hear "oh no what's wrong?" It came from jaces voice I knew without looking from the pillow. "The two of us have to be ready to leave by 4:45 because Reagan will be here to take us to the photo shoot." "Huh?" He says because apparently my voice must be muffled by the pillow. I pick my head up and say "the two of us have to be ready to leave by 4:45 because Reagan will be here to take us to the photo shoot." "Who is Reagan?" "My personal assistant" I say and face plant in the pillow again. My phone vibrates on the coffee table. I don't move my body just my arm and reach for it but don't grab it only air. "This is just sad" jace teases. I just keep reaching for my phone but still get air. "It is Reagan and she says don't worry about changing for the photo shoot. I will see you both soon." I moan in the pillow. The puts his hands where my side closest to him is and rolls me over. I glare at him and say "no." I try to roll back over but he won't let me. "Nope. I don't see what's so bad about the photo shoot." I sigh and say "it's not the photo shoot that is the problem. It is the beginning of the end of my vacation." "I thought you wanted all of this." "No, you know I don't like being the center of attention. That is izzy not me." He grabs my hands and pulls me up so I am sitting up. He sits down and pulls me so I am leaning against him. "You will be fine I promise. It will be a lot of work but you will be fine. We are all here too." "I know" I smile and say "I am glad. I love you." "I love you too" he says and we stay there for a few minutes then I get up and walk to my bedroom.
                               I grab a small box out of my suitcase and look through it. It has a bunch of my favorite things that I will never get rid of. I look thorough it till I find a folded up piece of paper and I unfold it.

I read it and it suddenly makes me lighter and happier. I fold it up and hide it in my boots. I go downstairs and see Tessa sitting in the living room on her phone.
                                 "Hey Tessa, I have the letter I was telling you about. He doesn't know I brought it." I sit down next to her and pull the folded up letter out of my shoe. I hand it to her and she reads the letter. "That is so sweet. When did he write this?" "When we were in Alicante for the first time. Before we found out we weren't siblings. We didn't find out until after he left." She hands the letter to me and I fold it and put it back in my shoe. I look at the time on my phone it is almost 4:40. "Oh my gosh. It's almost 4:45" I practically panic say. "What happens at 4:45. Reagan my personal assistant comes to pick me and jace up for the photo shoot." "Why is jace going?" She asks me. "For some reason Michael prickett, the head of Sherri hill who is setting everything up, wants jace to come too." "Whoa whoa whoa, did you say personal assistant?" "Yeah. I have a personal assistant. I am not paying for one Sherri hill is. I am not sure what I need one for yet but I'm sure I will." "Wow, that's awesome." I nod and see it is two minutes till 4:45. "I will see you later Tessa. We have to go." She nods. I walk out of the room and get a text from Reagan. 'I am here. I am in a white red Range Rover. In front of the hotel. Come out when you are ready.'
                     I sigh and yell "jace! Get your butt in here! We have to go, Reagan is here!" I sigh and wait at the bottom of the stairs for him. I text Reagan back and say 'I am coming I am waiting on him though. Boys take forever.' I get a text back saying 'it's all good. I will wait here for you. I totally understand my husband takes a long time too.' After I read her text, I hear a door close down the hall and hear footsteps. Jace comes around the corner and says "I'm coming. Good lord clary. Let's go before you loose it anymore." I roll my eyes and we go downstairs. I see a red Range Rover in front of the building. I walk to it and we get in the back.
                          She starts moving and she says "You ready clary? Don't worry too much about the photo shoot. The building is not far from here. If we are a few minutes late they can wait." I smiled and say "yeah I hope they will." We pull up 15 minutes later. At 5:05. We walk in and everyone in the room looks at me. Someone walks up to me and says "are you clary?" I nod and they hand me a bunch of outfits to change into. "We will take some pictures of you in the Dress you are in now then you will change into each of those outfits. We will eventually get to the pictures of you and your boyfriend here."
                           They tell me where to stand and they take at least a dozen photos of me in just this sundress. I take the stack of clothes and go change where someone tells me to. Someone hands me an outfit. I first change into a white shirt, leather jacket, black pants, and some black heels. I walk out of the changing room and into the photo room. I see Jace watching me. I smirk and head over to where they take the pictures. I pose for a bunch before I have to change into another outfit.
                           Next someone hands me a new outfit. I change into a cream colored tank top with a loose blue jean color covering over top of it. I put on some cream shorts to match. I put a beaded necklace and some tan sandals with all of it. I pose for at least 20 pictures.
                            Next I change into a light pink dress that goes to my knees. I like this dress and the black outfit the best out of what I have seen so far. We take only a couple of pictures with this dress then they tell me to get changed into my last outfit. When I pick it up in the changing room I see it is a short blue dress. It is cute. I take a picture in the mirror in the changing room before I walk out. I walk out and see Jace waiting for me. The photographer has us talk a bunch of different pictures together. This is my favorite part of the photo shoot.
                                When I am done I go back to change into my sundress. I look at my phone to see it is 8:00. Wow time goes by fast. Once I walk out jace meets me. The photographer comes too and says "we will meet with your assistant later after you leave and choose the best pictures to sent to Sherri hill. You are free to go." I take jaces hand as we walk outside with Reagan to her car. Once we get in the car she starts down the road. She says "like he said I will be back once I drop you both off. I will pick some of the best pictures and we will send them to Sherri hill. I can also send them to you clary if you want." "Please do I would love to see them." "Alright. You looked great in all of them." "Thank you" I say as we pull up to the hotel. "Thanks Reagan. I will see you later" i tell her and she says "bye clary."
                              I shut the car door behind jace and we walk to the penthouse. We walk in the door and I look to jace and say "I am so hungry. I should have seen if we could have stopped somewhere for dinner." He nods and says "I am hungry too. Let's see if anyone made dinner in the kitchen." We walk in the kitchen. It looks clean but there is two plates on the counter with four tacos each. There is a note in between the plates. It says 'clary and jace, I know you both probably won't get home till late. We went ahead and ate if you don't mind. We are all fine. We left the hotel to go look around the area for a little while. Enjoy the tacos. We will see you both later ~jem.' "Well we have probably a while till hey get back. Who knows when they left. Do you want to eat the tacos where and then watch a movie in the theater room?" Jace asks looking at me. "Hmm... yeah sure why not." "Yes" he whisper yells in victory. I roll my eyes and sit down at the bar stools and start eating my tacos. Jace does the same. We eat our tacos fast. "You know, you looked great in all of that tonight. Especially the black leather jacket and pants with the white shirt. You looked HOT!" He tells me before we head up they stairs. "Oh hush. I did not. I did like that one though. I wonder what the pictures look like" I say.
                                 We walk to our rooms to change into our pajamas first since it is getting late. I take the letter and put it back in the box. I put the box back in my suitcase and head to the balcony over the living room. "You know where the theatre room is right?" I yell out. I hear a muffled "I think so." I walk into the theater room and turn on the tv and start looking for a movie to watch. I text izzy and say 'hey. We just got back. We are the tacos. And now we are going to watch a movie in the theater room. Take your time getting back and have fun on your walk. Italy is so pretty. Love ya'. Jace walks in a few minutes later.
                        He is in a white t shirt and shorts. "You mind if I stretch my wings out? They are a little stiff." I shrug. He lets his large grey wings out and says "much better." I laugh. He folds them back in and sits down next to me. I hand him the remote to choose. He starts looking through the movie choices. I get a text. It is from Reagan. There are 4 different pictures attached along with a text. The text says 'these are the ones I thought were amazing. What do you think?' I look at the pictures

                        Oh my gosh. These pictures are so great. I text Reagan and say 'those pictures turned out great! I love them! Can you see if you can get some of those put on a flash drive for me or developed? I'm sure my mom would want to see them too. She will want to hear all about Italy when I get back and that includes the photo shoot. Thanks for everything Reagan.' I turn to jace and say "the pictures turned out great." "Let me see" he says and I hand him my phone to look through the four pictures. "Yeah they did. I told you you look Hot in that first picture." He hands me back my phone and I get a text from Reagan back saying 'yes ma'am I can. They are putting them on one now for you. Do you want all the pictures or just the four?' 'Can you put a few more on it than the four? Not all of them just some more if you know what I am saying.' 'Yeah I get it. Is 20 ok?' 'Yeah that's fine. Thanks.' 'No problem. I will give it to you either tomorrow or Monday whenever you want it.' "Hey, Reagan is putting the pictures and some extra good ones on a flash drive. Should I get it tomorrow or Monday?" "I want to see them tomorrow. I know I was there but I still want to see the pictures." I nod and text back saying 'me and jace both want to see them tomorrow if that's not too much trouble.' 'Not at all. I will drop it off early at the front desk and text you when I do and you can pick it up.' 'Sound good thanks Reagan.' "She is going to drop it off at the front desk early in the morning for me to pick up. There is a office up here with a computer I can look at the pictures on" I tell jace. "Ok good. I can't wait to see them. These four turned out good" he looks back at he tv and scrolls through more movies then says "you like superheroes?" "Of course I do. I grew up with Simon remember." We watch Spider-Man 2. Isabelle walks in in the middle of the middle of the movie. "I love this one!" she sits next to us and we watch the rest of the movie. When the movie is over it is 10:30. I decide to go to bed since I have been up since 7:15.
                                    I wake up at 9:15. I head downstairs in my pjs and put a pop tart in the toaster. I get a text from Reagan and see it says 'good morning Clary. I dropped off the flash drive at the front desk in the lobby a couple of minutes ago. I am not sure if you are up but it is down there for when you are ready to pick it up.' 'Thank you so much Reagan. I am awake but i am eating breakfast. I will head down to get it in a few minutes. I cant wait to see the pictures.' I pour myself some milk to go with my chocolate pop tart. I eat my breakfast quickly.
                                 Nobody has come into the kitchen yet so I just walk out of the penthouse and head down the elevator still in my pajamas but I don't care. I reach the lobby and say "there was a flash drive dropped off here for me a few minutes ago." The woman behind the front desk slides a drawer open and pulls out a small black flash drive. "thank you" I tell her before heading back up the elevator to the room.
                            I walk in and everyone is in the kitchen making their breakfast. "where have you been" Isabelle asks me. "I had to go down to the front desk to pick up a flash drive." "whats on it?" She asks. "Some of the pictures from the photo shoot. I will be in the office upstairs looking at the pictures if you need me." I walk up the stairs and head over towards the office. I put the flash drive in the computer. It take a while for the computer to read the flash drive. A small box pops up on the screen and says 'do you want this computer to read this flash drive?' I click yes. It immediately opens to show a single file. I click open and click on the first photo in the file. As I go through all the pictures I am surprised at how good they all turned out. I understand why Reagan only chose four though to send to Michael. There can only be a few on the page when they write their article.
                         "Hey clary," I look up to see izzy "I finally found the office. I want to see the pictures. i'm sure they look so good." I find the pictures she sent me last night in the file. I drag those pictures Reagan sent me last night up to the front of the file and click on the first one. I get out of the seat so she can sit down and look through all of the pictures. "These are great. You should be a model." i laugh and say "I probably shouldn't. You would be a better one than I would." she shakes her head and looks back through the pictures. She comes up to the one of me and jace, the one that Reagan sent to me last night, and says "This one is so cute! I love this one of the two of you." I smile and say "me too." She stands up and says "I will go get Tessa, she will want to see these too." she walks out and I look back through the pictures.
                       A few minutes later Tessa walks in and I move so she can sit down and I click on the very first picture. She starts looking through the pictures. "These are great! you are so photogenic." She gets up. I sit back down. "Thanks. It just seemed to come natural to me." She leaves. I click save and take he flash drive out of the computer. I walk to my bedroom to put on some clothes. I pick out a cream colored sweater, jeans, grey scarf, and some tan ugg boots.

                             I grab my sketchbook too and walk down the stairs. I go out on the deck and start thinking of ideas for my first dress. I decide to make it like the dress they had picked out for me in the photo shoot when I had pictures with Jace. I make it come just below the knee.
                              I hear the door open and I look up to see Jace. "I went and got you a coffee. I got it like you like it. It took a while for me to find you." He hands me a Starbucks coffee cup. "Thanks I need it. The pictures turned out great. As far as izzy and Tessa has told me." I take a sip of my coffee and I start drawing. I shade in at the bottom. I add a little collar at the top. I add a little lace where the shoulders are. I make the dress sleeveless but with straps. "What do you think" I ask jace as I turn the sketchbook to show him. "It looks good." "Well good because this is my draft. I will fix it later." "How many drafts did you do for Isabelle's homecoming dress?" "Only one." "So you mean you could have made it even prettier?" "Maybe, I don't know." I shrug.
                           "You want to go swim in the pool downstairs?" He asks me. "Yeah but I don't know how you can. At least not with your wings. Won't they show?" He shakes his head and says "no. They can fold inside my skin. Raziel I guess added another layer or something so I can hide them if I need to." I don't quite understand. I guess he sees it in my face because he smiles and says "I'll show you. We probably need to go inside first." I nod and get up and we walk inside. We go into the extra unused bedroom. He takes his shirt off and lets his beautiful grey wings come out. "Here watch" he says. He turns so I can see his back where the wings come out. "This is what you have seen" he says as he folds them against his back like a bird. "But this is what I am talking about" then his wings go actually inside his skin in his back. "That's so cool" I say. "Yeah. I like having them out but folded better though." "I'm sure. Now, are we going swimming or not" I ask anxiously. I want to swim and get at least one day of me time while I am here. He laughs and says "I guess... I will meet you in he kitchen in 5 minutes to head down. I will ask everyone else if they want to come too." He says this and walk out.
                                 I walk to my room and look through my drawers in the dresser for the 2 swimsuits I brought. I put on the swimsuit I wore at Tessa's house and a long pink and white cover up. I slip on some flip flops and put my hair in a pony tail and head down to the kitchen.
                           Later izzy walks in followed by everyone else. We all head down to where the heated pool is. Jem doesn't swim but the rest of us do. I cannon ball in the pool. We swim for a long time. I get out and act like I am going to jump in again but instead end up pulling jem in with me, I do this on purpose of course. He looks so mad and also playful at the same time. He lunged toward me in the water and I try to swim away as fast as I can. I am not fast enough because he ends up pushing me under and i still pull him under with me. When we both come up jace, Tessa, and Isabelle are watching us looking amused and start laughing. I push him under and this time he pulls me instead. We both come up laughing. "You are so boring" I say. "No I'm not" he argues. "Yes you are!" "Am not!" "Are too!" We both splash each other and pull each other in the water. I manage to get out of his grasp and quickly swim away. I feel someone grab my foot just before I reach the wall. My eyes get wide knowing I'm going to get it. I get jerked back. I get dunked in the water. I kick and kick but am still stuck. Finally I manage to get me arms free and my head above the water. I take a deep breath in and lunge but he moves too soon. Man! "I will get you eventually Jem Carstairs!" I say and we both walk out of the pool all wet.
                                We both grab a towel and we all head up to our room. When we get in our suite I tell them "I'm going to shower." I go up to my room and take a nice hot shower. When I get out I put my sweater and jeans back on. I brush my hair. I collapse on the bed. I sigh. I sit back up and walk downstairs.
                            I walk to the balcony and before I start down the stairs I hear izzy say "she is right you know." "The fact that I am boring?" Jem says. "No, well yes, but I mean the fact that she will get you eventually. She is a smart girl. Much smarter than most people give her credit for." "Then I guess I should watch my back" Jem says. I head down the stairs and act like I never heard any of it. "What are you guys taking about" I ask them trying to sound oblivious. "Nothing" izzy says. "Okay" I say and walk over to the fridge. I look for the something I can eat but don't see anything I want. I see Jace walk in and I say "jace, where's the best place to get lunch around here?" "Hmm..." he thinks for a little bit and then says "sedapios about 2 blocks away." "Is it where I can afford it?" "Yeah it's pretty cheap. Why?" "Because I'm going there for lunch. See y'all later. I grab the key off the counter and right before I leave I hear jaces voice say "well, alrighty then."
                        I head out he door and go look for sedapios. The food is good here. Jace was right it's cheap too. I am on my phone sitting at the table outside with my food in front of me. I hear someone say "hi cutie." I look up to see a dirty blonde looking at me. "Hey yourself." "What are you doing here all alone?" I can tell he is flirting with me but I don't flirt back. "Eating lunch. Isn't it obvious." He smirks and sits at seat across from me. "Whatcha looking at?" "Pictures" I just say simply. "What kind of pictures?" "Pictures that were taken yesterday kind of like a modeling photos but not really." "Let's see" he says. I guess it can't hurt if I show the pictures. Hopefully if he sees the picture of me and jace he will back off. I go to the four pictures Reagan sent me last night. I hand the phone to him. He smirks and glances at me before looking through the rest of the pictures. Just wait till he gets to the last one.
                           His smile eventually goes away. "Who is this?" He asks as he turns the phone to show them picture of me and jace. "Oh that's my boyfriend." The look in his eyes turn to jealousy. "Have you fallen in love with the wrong person yet?" "Unfortunately for you, I am perfectly happy with Jace." He rolls his eyes and says "you'll break up eventually. When you do you know where to find me." I won't. I am starting to get annoyed. "No actually I don't know where to find you. I won't break up with him either." "Suit yourself" he says and gets up and walks away.
                                Finally, he's gone. I tap on the google app and look up 'prank ideas'. I need ideas to get back at jem. I go to my notes and start typing ideas.

1. Get some of jems favorite kinds of donuts and fill the insides with ketchup

  2. Onion that looks like an apple

3. Make their bathroom stink and replace the air freshener with bad fish smelling spray

4. Air horn behind his bedroom door

5. Fill the bedroom with balloons when asleep

  6. Mix skittles with m&ms

7. Soak the toothbrush in hot sauce

8. Fill shampoo bottle with oil

9. Fill the bathroom sink with cereal

10. Put a note on a cup and make it look like a large bug is trapped

                         I will have to do this when he is asleep. I will need to get the stuff for all of this first. I take my tray inside and leave it on the tray spot.

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