Prank wars

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I head down the street looking for places I can get all of this. I get a text from Reagan saying "hi clary. I will come pick you up at 7:20 in he morning. I know the interview isn't till 11:30 but the restaurant is far away from your hotel. We can go get breakfast first. I am sorry you will have to get up early. I will see you tomorrow.' I text back and say 'it's alright. That's around the time I get up anyway for school so it's not really a big change. I will see you in there morning.'

The first place I  go to a clothes store so I have a bag to hide everything in. I buy only a couple of things clothing wise, like a pair of jeans, and sandals. Now for the for the fun stuff. I look through my phone for tessa's phone number and hit call. Three rings later I hear "hey clary. How was lunch?" "It was good. I need to know something about Jem." "okay... what is it" she sounds skeptical. "I need to know what his favorite kind of doughnut is." "Do I even need to know why you need to know this?" "You will figure it out tomorrow." "Its just plain glazed." "Thanks tessa. Your the best. I will be back later." "OK, bye clary" she says and I hang up. I will get the doughnuts last.

I walk to the grocery store and buy an onion and some green and red food coloring.

Next I go to a Walmart and look for a fish smelling spray. I doubt it even exists. Found it! I also find a tiny stink bomb and an air horn and grab everything else I need for my plan. I go to the counter to pay for it all before going to the next store.

Next I go to a party store to buy a small pack of balloons I can easily blow up tonight. The last stop I make it to a doughnut store right across the street from the hotel. As soon as I Get the box of doughnuts and put them in the bag.  I start heading back now.
As soon as I get back I tell jace, tessa, and izzy I need to talk to them. As soon as I get them away from Jem or out of hearing range I say "okay guys. I have a plan to get back at jem. You will see what I am planning tomorrow. Whatever you do, DO NOT eat the apples or the doughnuts." "Why" izzy asks. "Just don't. I promise you will regret it if you do." "Okay then what do we eat" jace asks. "I dont care, go anywhere or eat anything other than the doughnuts and the apples. We got plenty of food when we went to the grocery store." "So is this why you called and asked me what Jems favorite kind of doughnut is" tessa asks. "Yes" I reply. "I am a little worried about what you are going to do" jace says looking a little scared. "Well" i say and pause "I do actually need your help with one of my ideas." He looks worried. "Don't worry it wont do anything to you I just need you. Come to my bedroom tonight. Tessa and izzy, y'all will figure out what I have planned tomorrow. Please whatever you do, DO NOT let jem know I am planning on doing anything." They both nod and walk away.

"You want to see the pictures" I ask Jace because he is still standing here. "Yeah" he says and we head upstairs and go into the office. I pull the flash drive out of the empty drawer and put it in the computer. I pull up the first picture. He starts looking through the pictures on the screen. "These are really good clary." "Thanks they did end up looking good." He turns around and looks at me and says "you want to tell me what your planning. You know, because you need me tonight." I sigh and say "I need you to blow up a hundred balloons." He looks so confused because he says "what... why do you need me to blow up a hundred balloons." "Ya know because you have wind power and can most likely do it faster than I ever can." "Yeah I have wind power but not for this reason. If I do this for you, you have to do something for me." "Deal. What do you want?" "Not sure yet, but I will think of something." I roll my eyes and say "just come to my bedroom after everyone has gone to sleep. You will see everything tomorrow. I am leaving early in the morning for an interview with a magazine so I won't see you all when I get up." "Okay" he says and says  "see you later." We both walk out of the office.

Well now everyone has gone to bed and I am drawing in my sketchbook sitting in my bed. I am not drawing anything in particular just the first thing that comes to my mind. I hear a knock on my door and jace comes in. "You don't have to knock you know." "Yeah I know. Now where is this pack of balloons." I pull out the bag of things in my closet and the 3 bags of balloons. "I need every one of these balloons blown up. I will be right back. I have to go get something out of the fridge." I say and he sits on the bed before I leave the room. I quietly go down the stairs and open the refrigerator door and pull out a bottle of ketchup. I walk up and see at least 70 balloons blown up on the floor. "Wow! That was really fast." "Isn't that why you wanted me?" "Well yeah, but I didn't think it would be that fast." I set the ketchup on the nightstand and go into the hallway and look into the storage closet to see if there is a bag or anything to put the balloons in. I find a large box. I take the box into my room and see the balloons almost all blown up. "Just put them in here" i say and start putting the balloons on the floor in the box. "Is that all you need?" "Yeah you can go to bed now. Goodnight Jace. I love you." He gets up gives me a kiss and says "I love you too" and walks out. I fill a stringe with the ketchup and put it in every donut. They all look like perfectly good normal donuts but they sure won't taste like normal ones. I close the box and stick it under my bed. I will put the box out in the morning.

I put a clothes pin to my nose and grab the horrible smelling spray, both the fish smell and the raw sewage spray and a headlamp. I'm surprised both of these sprays actually exist. I look through all the bedroom doors downstairs before finding jem and Tessa's room. I find out that Jace sleeps with his wings out. When I opened the door they started to move like they knew I had come in the room.
I quietly open jem and Tessa's door. Both Tessa and jem are sleeping. I smirk and tip toe to their bathroom. I don't turn on the light because it will probably wake them up so I just turn on my headlamp. I close the bathroom door behind me and start spraying the room with the raw sewage spray. I unpinch the clothes pin on my nose to see if I really does stink. As soon as it lets go I almost puke. I quickly put it back on my nose. Sweet angel it works. This will be hilarious. I take the tiny nanny cam out of my pocket and hide it in a corner so I will be able to watch the reaction. I take a cord and connect it to my phone, so it does a live feed. This will be priceless.

I close the door and go back up to my bedroom and grab the air horn and a zip tie. I walk back down to their bedroom and squat down next to where the bottom of their door is. I take the zip tie and wrap it around the top of the air horn. Now every time the door opens all the way the air horn will go off. I put a camera on top of the bookshelf hidden behind a book so hopefully Tessa wakes up first and I can see what happens if the door gets opened all the way. I next go back up to my room and grab the box of balloons. I take the box to their bedroom and scatter all of them on the floor in their bedroom. I know it is not the best idea but it is something simple and easy. I grab the onions out of the bag and food coloring too. I put the food coloring in a bowl and soak the onion in it until it changes color to look like apples.
Once I change all the onions to look like apples I put them in the box I used for the balloons. I grab oil, skittles, m&ms and hot sauce and put it in the box. I take the box downstairs to the kitchen. I flip on my headlamp and get to work. I put the "apples" into the fruit bowl. I take a pot out of the cabinet and put water in it. I put hot sauce in the pot. I turn off my headlamp and walk back in jem and Tessa's bathroom. Before I open the door I hold my breath. I find his toothbrush by a sink I am assuming is his since it has a bunch of other things that is not Tessa's. I grab the toothbrush and walk into the kitchen. I dip the toothbrush in the hot sauce. It's a good thing the bristles are red. I let it soak for a while. While it is soaking I start mixing the skittles and m&ms. I grab a plastic cup and a sticky note out of he box and write 'warning! There is a very large aggressive bug trapped inside this cup. Do not remove the cup unless you are ready to kill it or deal with it.' I take the other nanny camera out of my pocket and hide it in the kitchen. I turn it on and connect it to my phone. I walk back into his bathroom and grab a shampoo bottle. I walk to the kitchen and unscrew the cap. I pour oil in bottle. I shake it up so it mixes with the shampoo. I put it back in the shower for tomorrow. I walk back in the kitchen and grab the toothbrush out of the hot sauce. I take the toothbrush and a box of Frosted Flakes. I take them both to the bathroom. I set the toothbrush in the spot I found it originally. I open the box of Frosted Flakes and fill up the sink. I make sure everything is set and in place before going back to my room.

I go into my bedroom and turn off my headlamp and look at my phone to make sure the cameras all work. I turn on the app and first I see the bathroom cam. I slide to the left and see the bedroom cam. I scroll again and see the kitchen. Good, they all work. I set my alarm for 6:45 am. I fall straight to sleep.

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