The faerie court

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We pull up not far from the park and I park the car. We get in the park gates and walk around. We walk around for a little while trying to look like mundanes so we don't stand out.

"Unfortunately the faerie courts open all the way when the sun goes down so we will need to stay low and act like mundanes" jace says. The guards nod. We all separate but the two guards don't go too far away. Jaces eyes widen and he stops. He jumps behind me. "Clary get it" he says sounding panicked. "Get what jace" I ask. He points his finger and I follow it. It's a duck. I sigh and say "really jace? Really? It's a duck." I go up to it and stroke it. "Don't touch it" he says keeping his distance from me and the duck. I sigh and shoo it away.
The duck waddles away. Jace walks over to me. "I can't believe you right now" I say and start laughing. He looks at me and says "I can't believe you touched it." I still can't stop laughing.
I scroll through my texts and find Tessa. I text her saying 'hey. How did this whole duck thing start?' Me and jace go sit on a bench in the shade. I hear my phone ring. It's Tessa. "Hey Tessa" I say. I hear her laughing. "Hey clary. Oh my goodness. You have that problem too? I will pass the phone over to Jem. He can tell you the whole story of how it all started. I wasn't there so he could tell it better" she says. The phone goes quiet for a second then I hear jems voice say "oh clary. That is so funny that trait has passed down that far in the line." "So how did it start" I ask. "It all started with Will. We both went to Hyde park in London. He thought ducks were too innocent. He wanted to see if he could start a race of cannibal ducks. He made me feed them a poultry pie. The ducks ate the pie. I guess when he saw them eat the pie it freaked him out. He hated ducks ever since." I laugh. "Thanks for clearing that up for me. Now I have something I could possibly use against him if I needed too. Thanks Jem. That's so funny. I will see you sometime" I say. He tells me goodbye and hangs up.
Me and jace sit on the bench talking for a while. I see someone who looks familiar out of the corner of my eye. I turn my head to see Josh. Josh the quarterback of our old high school football team. He looks different now. He comes over to us. "Clary? Clary fray?" "Its Herondale now" I say. Jace looks over at me and smiles. He likes hearing me say that. I say it proud too. "Herondale? You mean, you married the scrawny blonde?" I look him dead in he eyes and glare at him. "Watch it" I say threateningly. He puts his hands up in surrender. "So what have you been up to" he asks me. "Not much" I say. "Same here. Nice scar clary" he says. My eyes widen and I realize I didn't cover my scar on my cheek this morning. My hand jumps to my scar. "Don't. It looks good on you. How did you get it?" "I don't like to talk about it" I say. "Alright then. What have you been up to jace" Josh asks just noticing Jace is here. "Not much, we just recently moved so we have been getting settled into the house" Jace says. "You have moved? Moved where" Josh asks sounding surprised. Jace looks at me like 'What do we say?' since Idris is in between two countries. I mouth the words 'France'." He gives a small nod. He turns back to Josh and says "France." "Wow. I never thought you both would move to France." "Yeah. We live in the far north of France though. There is not much around" I say. "Cool. I get sent to Europe all the time for work. If I ever go to France I will look you both up." "Sure" I say. "Bye guys. It was good to see y'all again" Josh says and leaves. I sigh a sigh of relief and say "I'm glad that is over." Jace smiles and puts his arm on the bench behind me.
We stay in the park even after the sun goes down. The two guards we brought with us come over and the four of us go over to the pond that is the entrance to the faerie courts. One of the guards goes first then Jace followed by me then the last guard. We tumble down the passage and land on hard ground. I stand up and we are all in the faerie grounds.
One of the queens knights comes out and sees us. "Queen Clary and king Jace. What a surprise. I did not expect to see you here. What can I do for you?" "Take us to the seelie queen" Jace commands. The faerie nods and walks. We follow him to the seelie queen.

She is sitting on her throne. "Hello king jace. I was hoping you would come to see me, not with your queen of course" She says with a soft voice. She is looking at jace with lust in her eyes. I see Seraphina Willow standing next to the queen. "We have come for Seraphina Willow" I say. "Why have you come for one of my most trusted servants" she asks. "She has stolen something that is ours. We want it back. Either she give it to us now, or we take her by force and question her" Jace says. "HA! What has she taken that's of some importance? She hasn't left my side." "She has taken the mortal sword. We found this bracelet where the mortal sword should be" jace says and shows the bracelet. "How do you know that's hers" the seelie queen says but I can see in her face she knows it's sersphina's bracelet. "We have sources and ways. We know it's hers. Either you give back the mortal sword or we will take her with us" jace says. "I don't have your precious mortal sword, so leave and don't touch seraphina" the queen says threatening.

Jace looks at the guards and gives a nod. One of the guards goes over to seraphina and takes her. He binds her and brings her over to us. "We said we would take her. So after we question her we will figure out this faeries fate" I say and we walk out of the queens room. The guards follow, one of them with seraphina. We leave the faerie courts and grounds.
Everyone gets in the car and jace drives this time. We go to moms house and I walk in. I have to return the keys. "Hey clary did you get the sword back" mom asks. "No but we found out a faerie took it. We have her and are going to take her to the castle to question her tomorrow," I sigh "this is crazy mom. I mean the mortal cup is stolen and the sword too." "That is crazy. It just doesn't seem like Isabelle to steel something, especially not the cup. She knows her boundaries even if she is close to the king and queen" mom says. I sigh and say "yeah. Anyway, I have to get back to the castle and take the faerie back with us. Here's the car keys" I say and hand her the keys. "Thanks sweetie. I know you will make the right decision" she says and we hug.
I walk out the front door. "So how are we getting back" jace asks. "I can make a portal and y'all go in. I will go last and close it" I say. They all nod except seraphina who's head is down. One guard goes in first. He is followed by the one with seraphina. Jace goes in next then me.

When we get back to the castle it is dark outside. It hasn't been long though since the clock says 8:00. "Take her to the room beside the one Isabelle is in. Guard the door. She is not allowed to leave until we question her tomorrow" jace says. The guard nods and leads the girl away.

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