The missing cup and sword

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Three days later

I look down at the papers on the desk. I take the pony tail holder off my wrist and put my hair in a messy bun. I look over at Jace who is laying across the small sofa twisting a dagger in his hands. He keeps throwing the dagger at the wall and using his powers to pull it back to him. I look back down at the paper.
I hear a knock on the door. "Come in" I say. Jace sits up. He is still looking down at the dagger. One of the servants walks in. "I'm sorry to bother you your majesties. There has been a problem" he says. "What is it" jace asks. "The mortal cup has been stolen from the vault. As well as the mortal sword from the silent city in New York."

Me and jace look at each other. "We will head down to the vault first" I say and me and jace both stand up. The servant walks out of the room. Me and jace leave as well.
We both head down the path outside the castle and through the gates. We come to the big building just outside the city limits and we walk in.

We go to where the mortal cup would be and see that it is true. The mortal cup is gone. "How did this happen" I ask. One of he guards looks at us. "I'm not sure ma'am. One minute it was here and the next it wasn't" he says. "So you are saying it just vanished into thin air" jace asks. "No sir. But we don't know how it could have left. None of us have left our posts." I sigh and say "was there anything left behind?" "Yes ma'am. This scrap of clothing and this stele" he says and hands it to us. I gasp at the stele. I look at jace. He looks at me. We are both wide eyed. I know who's stele it is. It is Isabelle's.

"Thank you. We will take this back to the castle and try to figure out who's it is" I say. He nods. Me and jace walk out.

When we enter the castle we both go back to the office. I sit back behind the seat and jace back on the sofa. "Do you really think she did it" he asks. "I don't know. And since the sword is gone there is no way to know for sure." I look down at the stele and strip of cloth. This is definitely izzys. It is definitely her red stele. The scrap of clothing could be anyone's. "You know what we need to do right" jace says. "What's that" I ask. "We need to get a guard to get her and bring her here and ask her ourselves." I sigh and say "I guess so. I will go call for a guard to go get her and bring her here" I say. He nods. I stand up and leave the office.

I walk around the castle and find the head guard. Josten is his name. "Josten" I say. He turn to me. "Yes your majesty?" "I need you and some of your men to go into the city and get Isabelle Lightwood. I need you to bring her back here." He nods and says "Yes ma'am" and leaves. I don't want to hurt Isabelle or do anything to her but from what evidence we have I have no other choice than to have to question her like Jace said. "I don't want her harmed" I say. "Yes ma'am" he says.

I walk back to the office and open the door. I see Jace looking at the papers I was looking at before this whole thing had started. "I told Josten to go and get Isabelle. She and Alec, Simon, and Maryse are going to hate us. What are we going to do Jace?" He looks up at me. "I really don't know clary. I know they will but they will come around eventually. We need to go to New York and see if it is true about the mortal sword. If it is we need to get this figured out and soon." "It just doesn't seem like her to do something like this" I say leaning against the wall. "I know sweet girl. I just don't know" he says.

We sit in the office for a while thinking and talking about this whole problem. Josten comes to the doorway. He says "Your majesties, I brought the lightwood girl like you requested. She is in the bedroom in the hall of bedrooms first on the left." I nod and say "Thank you Josten, you can go." He nods and leaves. I look to Jace and he nods and stands up. We both walk across the castle to the hall of bedrooms. There is a guard posted outside the room. "We need to see her" Jace says. The guard nods and moves. He opens the door and we both walk in. The door shuts behind us.

Izzy is pacing back and forth. When the door closes she stops and looks at us. "Why in Raziels name was I brought here against my will?" "Izzy we had no choice. I'm sorry. The mortal cup and the mortal sword was taken. The only evidence we have is a stele and a strip from a shirt. The stele was yours. We will go to the city of bones in New York and see what we can find out. The rest will be figured out from there" I say. Her face looks heartbroken. "I didn't do it. Please believe me. I swear I didn't do it" She pleads. "Well izzy, we are not sure. I don't think you took the sword since you cant be two places at once but we are not sure about the cup. Like Clary said before we will go to New York and see what we find" Jace says. She pales and sits on the bed. We turn to the door. Before I leave the room I turn to the girl sitting hopeless and sad on the bed. "I'm sorry izzy, really I am" I say and leave the bedroom.

Jace is waiting for me in the hall. "We need to go to the silent city ASAP" I say. "We do. Lets go get some guards and we can hear over to the silent city" he nods and says. I nod in return. We head over to find a couple of guards. We tell them we are going to the silent city and we need them to come with us. They do. Outside of the castle I open a portal and we all go to the silent city in New York.

When we get here we head down the stairs. What we find is awful. There are dead silent brothers lying on the floor and leaning dead against the wall. I look to where the place where the mortal sword would be on the wall. The only problem is the mortal sword is gone. "So its true" Jace says. "I guess so" I say. I find something on the wall. I am surprised to see a bracelet on the hook that would hold up the sword. "There is only one way we can find out who this belongs to" I say. "How do we find that out" Jace asks. "We need to go to tessas house and ask her to change" I say. "And how do we get to her house" He asks. "Easy. We take a cab to moms house and get my car. My car can hold the four of us" I say. He nods and grabs the bracelet. "I like my car better" he mumbles. "What was that" I ask like I didn't hear it. "Nothing" he says. "That's what I thought." He gives it to one of the guards and tells them to hold on to it until we get to Tessa's house. The four of us leave the silent city.

I get my phone and call moms number while jace calls over a cab. "Hello?" "Mom? It's clary. We are coming to the house. I need to borrow my car for a little while." "Alright. We are home. Just come inside and get the keys" she says. "Alright. Thanks mom see you soon" I say and hang up. I see A cab pulled up and we all get in. I give the driver the address to moms house and we start heading that way.

I get to mom and Luke's house and I tell jace the other two guards we got to come with us to wait outside while I get the car keys. I walk in the house and say "I'm back." Mom and Luke walk up to me and give me a hug. "Hey clare. We miss you. You need your keys" mom asks. "Yes please. I will bring the car back. I just need to borrow it for a little while today" I say. She nods and we walk in the kitchen. I go to the key rack and grab my keys. "Why do you need your car" Luke asks. "Oh that. Me and jace had to come to New York. The mortal sword was stolen along with the cup. We found a bracelet where the sword would be and we need to take it to Tessa to see if she can figure out who took it" I say. "I can't believe someone took the sword and cup" luke says "do you have any idea who took the cup?" "We found a stele and a ripped piece of clothing. You will never guess who's it belongs to. They were both Isabelle's." They both look shocked. "Isabelle took the cup" mom asks not really believing what I said. "From the evidence we have I guess so but she says she didn't do it" I say. "Well I have to go." TheY both give me another hug and tell me goodbye and I walk out the front door.

I tell jace I should drive since I am the only one of us who has been to Tessa's house and knows where it is. We head over to Tessa's house.

When we get there we tell the guards they should probably wait outside the house. Jace gets the bracelet. "I love their house" he says. "Me too" I say "especially the inside. It's really nice."

The guards stay back and me and jace walk up to the front door and jem comes to the door. "Hey I didn't expect to see you two. Come on in" he says and we walk in. "Where is Tessa" I ask. "Putting Logan down for a nap. She should be down soon" he says. We nod and go into the living room.
Tessa comes down a few minutes later and looks surprised to see us. "I didn't know you two were coming. What can I do for you?" I look at her. "Tessa we need you to take something and change for us. It would help a lot" I say. She looks at Jem. He shrugs. She holds out her hand and jace gives the bracelet to her. She takes at it and closes her hand around it and closes her eyes. Her body shifts into a smaller woman. I notice from the ears that she is a faerie. She opens her eyes. Her eyes are silver. "What is your name" jace asks. "Seraphina willow" the faerie says. "Where can we find you" I ask. The room is quiet for a minute. "In the faerie courts with the queen. I'm a servant there" she says. "Thank you" I say. She nods and Tessa turns back into herself. "That helps a lot Tessa thanks" jace says. "Of course. I'm happy to help. If you need anything jus let me know" she says and we both nod and tell her we will. We give them both a hug before leaving and me and jace leave the house.

"Where to next queen clary" one of the guards asks. "Central park. We have to go to the faerie courts to pick up the thief who stole the sword" I say. He nods and we get back in the car. I pull out of the Carstairs driveway and head over to the park.

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