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2 days later

I wake up and notice it's 7:30 in the morning. I look over and ash is fast asleep. I look in the other room and casey, Brooke, and Tyler are asleep too. I get dressed and ready and write down on a notepad the hotel put in our room. I write 'went to the restaurant upstairs for breakfast - Clary'

(Picture this outfit but without the necklace)

I go to the restaurant in the hotel and order a black coffee first and some French toast. I scroll through my contacts and get to Tessa's number. I hit call and wait. It rings and I hear "hi Clary." "Hi Tessa. What time should we be at the store" I ask. "We don't open untill 9. You guys can come over at like 9:15" she tells me. "Are you sure you want us to come then" I ask. "Yes Clary. I just want to give you guys time to sleep and get over here. Your mom and I can take care of things over here for 15 minutes" she says. "Alright Tessa, I will see you at 9:15 then" I say. "Alright bye Clary." "Bye" I say and hang up.

I call the castle next. It rings for a while then I hear "this is jace." "Hi" I say. "Oh hey Clary, sorry I didn't read the caller ID." "What're you doing" I ask. "Looking over some papers for the Texas institute they just sent me" he says. "What did they say" I ask. "They want a meeting first before they commit to anything" he says. "Well set one up then and talk to them" I say. "But what about you" he asks. The waiter comes and brings me my coffee. "Thank you" I say and he walks away. "Why are you thanking me" jace asks. "Not you, the waiter just brought me my coffee. You can make a decision without me jace. If it makes you feel better, just have the meeting in our office but move anything they don't need to see off of the walls and desk. You can always call me so I can talk to you guys and be in the meeting in a way" I suggest. "That's a good idea. I will let you know when it is going to be and will call you during it" he says. "Alright."

"So what are you doing" he asks me. "Waiting on my breakfast. There's a restaurant in the hotel so I came here for breakfast." "What did you get?" "French toast and a black coffee." "We had eggs and bacon" he says. I internally gag at the mention of eggs but still say "that sounds good."

"How does ash like New York" jace asks. "I don't really know, he hasn't really said much about it. The servants seem to like it so far. I took ash and got him new clothes and things for his room." The waiter comes back with my French toast and syrup and leaves. "That's good. I'm sure he is happy to be able to have things of his own. When should we tell the clave that Ash is real and we have given him the chance to stay in our world with Jonathan and Alice" Jace asks. "Um... I don't know but we need to have a clave meeting and let them know sometime soon. I don't want Ash to be stuck in that house with Jonathan forever. I know he will want to explore the country and city" I say. "I know, should we do it when you get back?" "I guess that would be okay, I feel like we should ask ash first and make sure he wants to do it when we get back." 'Yeah just ask him and we can make plans whenever he wants to do it" Jace says. "Yeah okay."

I take a bite of my French toast. "So are the kids in school" I ask. "Yeah, Charlotte and Christopher took them this morning after Grace and Braxton had breakfast" he tells me. "That's good, did they want to go?" "Grace did, she wanted to go see her friends. Braxton, not so much but he went anyway after I promised him I would go pick him up." "What does Alice have Charlotte and Christopher doing now that the kids are away at school?" "I don't know but I know she will be keeping them busy. She will find something for them to do."

"I'm glad everything is going good over there. I miss you" I admit. "I miss you too. How is that French toast" he asks. "It's good, not anything like the cooks make but it's still good. Call me if you need me. I'm going to eat my breakfast now" I say. "Okay, enjoy your breakfast" he says. "Thanks, love you, bye" I say. "Love you too. Bye clary" he says and I hang up.

I eat my French toast and drink my coffee and go back upstairs. When I go upstairs I see Casey, Tyler and Brooke getting ready. Brooke is in the bathroom doing makeup and casey and tyler are getting ready outside the bathroom since it looks like Brooke is hogging it. Ash is sitting in the bed watching TV.

"We don't have to be there until 9:15. I talked to Tessa. She is giving us 15 minutes to get there today after the opening time. When you are done getting dressed go upstairs and get breakfast and we can go" I tell them all. "What do you want me to do" Ash asks. "Just get dressed and we can go to breakfast. We will figure something out for you to do while we are at the store" I tell him. I sit on the bed and draw in my sketchbook.

Ash looks in his bags and picks out some clothes and goes in the bathroom. My phone rings again. I see its Tessa and hit answer. "Hi Tessa." "Hi clary, there is something I forgot to tell you earlier. When I found out through your mom that you were coming I let someone make an appointment to see you. She is getting married and wants you and only you to create her wedding dress" Tessa says. "Okay, well when is she coming?" "She's coming at 3 this afternoon. The only reason I didn't tell you this morning was because I kind of forgot she was coming until for some reason now." "Alright Tessa, I will figure something out when she comes." "Alright, see you soon clary." "Okay, bye Tessa" I say and hang up the phone.

I keep drawing in my sketchbook until everybody is ready for breakfast and I take them to the hotel restaurant since I am the one with the credit card. When they all eat their breakfast we start walking to the store. "I grabbed my phone charger in case you needed it" I tell ash. "Thanks" he says. "So when do you want us to introduce you to the clave as being part of the shadow world? Jace wants to know too" I ask him. "I don't know, but can we wait a little while so I can get used to living with my family in a real house" he asks. "Of course you can, just let me or Alice know when you want to have it and we will set up a date and time" I tell him. "Alright, but what about uncle Jace?" "You can tell him if you want but I thought it would be easier to tell Alice since you are living with her. She is the one that schedules all of the meetings and everything too." "Oh okay" Ash says.

"Ash, do you wear runes too like Mrs. Clary" Casey asks. "I have tried but it hurts" Ash admits. "I remember it hurt me too when I first started. Once you do it enough it gets easier and you get more accustomed to the feeling" I tell Ash. "So should I try again" Ash asks. "I think you should but its all completely up to you. I think Mark and Helen Blackthorn have learned to deal with it too and use them too" I tell Ash. "Who is that" he asks. "Mark and Helen blackthorn are like you in the way that they have both faerie and shadowhunter blood. They live in Los Angeles though" I tell Ash. "There are others like me" he asks. "Yes but they are the only ones know of though" I admit to him.

We get to the Herondale Designs store and Casey, Brooke and Tyler look around. "Let me show you three around and show you where you will be" Tessa tells them. She shows them around the store which is now two floors than when we first bought the store. Once she is done we all get to work helping around and selling clothes.

When it gets to be noon we all go to a pizza place for lunch. "Mrs. Clary can I ask you a question? You don't have to answer it if you don't want to" Casey asks. "Sure Casey" I say. "Who is Grant to you? The way the two of you talk to each other its way more familiar than you walk to any of us at the castle besides Mrs. Alice" she asks. "There is a reason for that too. Grant was my boyfriend once upon a time" I tell them. "What happened" Tyler asks. "He cheated on me" I tell them. I'd much rather leave it at that if possible. I want to protect them from him but I don't want to tell them what really happened at a pizza place.

"What had really happened to Mrs. Alice" Brooke asks. "What do you mean" I ask. "When Jonathan lived at the castle and he and Alice started dating he was normal around her. She slept in her room and worked like a normal person around the castle. Then I heard something happened and he became more protective of her" she explains. "That story is something I need to tell you in private. Something bad almost happened to her" I tell them. They nod in understanding.

When we finish lunch and we start walking back Ash asks, "Is she okay though?" "Alice" I ask. He nods. "She has never been better. Jonathan has kept her safe and happy. I will tell you what happened to her later tonight, but you need to remember what happened was a long time ago" I tell ash.

We go back to work and things go by good. Brooke seems to be good at fashion and selling clothes. When 3:00 comes by a girl with long brunette hair comes in. She goes to the check out counter where mom and Tessa are helping people. "I have an appointment with Mrs. Herondale" the girl says. "I will go get her" mom says. Mom makes her way across the ground level floor to me where I was watching them. "That girl Tessa let make an appointment is here to see you" mom tells me. I follow her to the counter where the girl is waiting for her. "I'm Ashley" she introduces herself. "Nice to meet you Ashley. You can follow me and we can get to talking" I say and shake her hand.

I lead her back to the break room where we can talk and I can make her dream wedding dress. Ash is sitting in here but I know he isn't going to do anything. "First tell me about your fiancé" I tell her. You can tell about the relationship by the way a person will describe the other person. "I am marrying Joshua kestre. We met at his sons school bake sale. They came to my apartment trying to sell some cookies. I'm outgoing and loud and he is calm and more of an introvert. He's the perfect guy I never knew I needed" she tells me. "He sounds great. What kind style dress does he like" I ask. "He likes more simple but sexy style dresses on me" she tells me.

"What were you wanting for your dress" I ask. "I want a ball gown style dress. I want it to have sparkles" she tells me. That's not a lot to go by but I can try to make something out of that. "Does Michael still want the simple kind of wedding dress for you" I ask. "Yes, he said simple when I asked what he was looking for" she says. "What about lace? Lace surprised me. I didn't like lace but my wedding dress was lacy on the bottom" i tell her. "We can try it" she says. "Let's see" I say and start coming up with sketches.

A little while later I am able to come up with 6 different sketches of ideas from what she has told me she and her fiancé like in order to hopefully make them both happy. "Do you like any of these? It's just some quick sketches I came up with while you were telling me what you were looking for in a dress" I ask her as I show her my sketches. "I like these" she says pointing at the ones she likes. "I can't decide which one is my favorite though" she says. "I will have the dresses you do like made and you can try them on and decide which ones you like he best" I tell her. "But what about the ones I don't like" she asks. "I'm sure we will be able to sell them" I reassure her. "Okay." "Alright, let me go call the people who make my designs come to life and let them know these are coming and send these to them and I will be right back" I tell her and leave the breakroom.

I find Tessa in her office on the computer. "I need to call the sewing company we use" I tell Tessa. She gets up and lets me sit down. She looks through the drawers and pulls out a notebook and opens to a page. "This is one is for the company" she tells me a points at a number. "Thanks" I say and she leaves the office.

I call the number and it rings. "This is Sophie how can I help you" someone answers the phone. "Hi Sophie, this is Clary from Herondale designs. How are you" I ask. "I'm great Mrs. Herondale. It's nice to finally get to talk to you" she says. "I have a special order for you guys to make Sophie" I tell her. "Alright, what is it" she asks. "Wedding dresses, I had a meeting with someone and she was able to pick out 4 different dresses. I will need them back as soon as possible because I am not sure I will be in New York for long" I tell Sophie. "Can you email me the copies of these designs so we can get started as soon as possible" she asks. "Yes, what is the email" I ask. She tells me her email and I write it down. "I will have to send it through Tessa's email is that okay" I ask. "Yes ma'am" she says. I send her the designs and we wait until she gets the email. "Give us a month and hopefully we will have these four done and sent to you" she says. "Thank you Sophie" I thank her. "Of course Mrs. Herondale" she says. I hang up the phone and go back to the breakroom.

"They are going to get started on the dresses right now and have them back hopefully soon. Can I get your number to call you when they are ready " I ask Ashley. Ashley tells me her number and I write it down in my sketchbook on the page with the designs for her. "I will call you when the dresses come in" I tell her. "Thank you" she says. "Of course, let me walk you out" I tell her and walk her out.

I help out around the store until closing time and then we go back to the hotel. We order room service for dinner. "Do you all still want to know about what happened with Alice" I ask. They all nod. I sit on one bed and the four of them find a place to sit while I tell them. "So while I was dating Grant I found out he was dating me for one thing and one thing only, sex. When I wouldn't give him what he wanted he cheated to another girl to get what he wanted. He was like that all throughout high school. Other girls never seemed to get the memo to stay away from him. Then you know, I hired him at the castle and he was fine for a while and then I guess he saw Alice and that part of him opened back up and even though she was dating my brother that didn't stop him. He wanted someone pretty. He hid Alice in his closet one day while he was working in hopes that no one would notice her absence. He had planned on using her after he was done with his work to get what he wanted. Luckily Jonathan was still living in the castle at the time and noticed she was gone for hours at a time and no one had seen her. He went looking for her and found her and took her to his room. Grant had come for her but thankfully Jonathan had also gotten me and Jace to help with him. Josten was put in charge of him for a few nights and made sure he never did that again whatever Josten had done to change his mind and his attitude" I tell them the story of that terrible night for Alice.

"I remember him disappearing for a few days and when I asked what had happened to him or why he was gone nobody knew" Tyler says. "No, nobody knew and we wanted to keep it that way" I tell them. "He still flinches whenever the head guard is around" Casey says and giggles. "I guess that is a good thing" I say. There is a knock on the door and I get our room service food.


A month goes by and Tessa and mom are able to hire a few more people to help. Things have been busy here which is a good thing. The dresses came yesterday and today Ashley is coming to try them on. I see her walk in the store with three other people. I walk over and greet her. "Hi, who have you brought with you today" I ask. "This is my mom mary, my best friend and maid of honor Sarah and this is my brides maid Kimberly. I brought hem here to help me pick out which dress is the one since I can't decide" she introduces me. "Nice to meet you all. Are you ready" I ask. "Yes" Ashley says.

I lead them all to the back. "You three can have a seat here and You can follow me Ashley" I tell her. She follows me to a dressing room. "Is that kid here" she asks. "You mean Ash?" "Yeah" she says. "He's here. He's back in the break room again. Why?" "Can he come help me pick one out? I liked him when I talked to him last time I was in here" she asks. "You know he is 15 right?" "I know. He told me" she says. "I can go see if he wants to help. Let me go get you the dresses and then I will go see about Ash before I help you into the dresses" I tell her. I leave he dressing room and go into the back room where all of our clothes are waiting to be put out on the main floor for all the customers.

I grab the four dresses and put the bags in the dressing room Ashley is in. "Let me go talk to Ash and then I will come back and help you get into the dresses" I tell her. She nods and I leave her to go to the break room. When I get to the break rom I ask Ash "what are you doing?" "Being bored" he says. "Well do you remember Ashley who I was talking to that one day to make her wedding dress?" He nods. "She is here now to try them on and decide which one she is going to wear. She wants you to help too along with her mom and 2 friends" I tell him. "She wants me to come help pick out a dress? But I know nothing about wedding dresses" he says. "That's okay just let her try on the dresses and tell her what you think when she asks you. All you do really is tell her what you think of the dress and if you like it" I tell him. "Okay I guess I can do that" he says. I lead him over to where Ashley's mom and friends are sitting on the sofa. "This is Ash, Ashley wanted him to help with he decision too" I tell them all. The three women exchange a look and them back at me and ash. "You can sit with me cutie" Sarah says. Ash walks over and sits with her and I go to the dressing room.

"He's our waiting with the other three. Are you ready to try on number one" I ask. She nods. I unzip one of the bags and help her get her first dress on.

"I really like this one. It's simple like Michael wanted but classy" she says. "Do you want to go show the others?" "Yeah" she says. We walk out to show her mom and friends and Ash. Poor ash has Sarah flirting with him. He doesn't seem to mind though. "I like that one" Kimberly says. "Me too and the halter top" Sarah says. "It's definitely that poofy style you wanted" her mom says. "What do you think ash" Ashley asks. "I like it" he says. "What do you think though Ashley" I ask her. "I like it and I think Michael will like it too... but it's just not sparkly enough" Ashley says. "Alright. Let's go try the next one on" I say.

We go to the changing room. "Try this one next" I say and help her get into it. "I like this one on you" I tell her. It's a strapless simple but sparkly dress. "I actually do too. Let's go show the others" she says. We go out to show the others.

"I really like that on you" Sarah says and Kimberly nods in agreement. "I don't like it" Ashley's mom says. "Why mom" Ashley asks. "It's just not you" she says. "But I actually like this one mom" Ashley says. "It's just not you. It's not the one" her mom counters looking determined to go against this one dress. "Alright back to the changing room" I say and Ashley and I go back to the changing room.

"I really liked this one" she says. "I do too. It looks good on you" I compliment her. "Thank you" she says.

"Will I ever find the one" she asks. "Sure we will, if we don't have one you love I can keep drawing until you find one absolutely love and know it's 'the one'" I tell her.

"Let's try this one. It's not very sparkly but it's poofy" I tell her. I help her out of the one she is in and into the next dress. When she has it on she turns and looks at herself in it in the mirror.

"Oh" she says and looks curiously at herself. "Is that a good or bad oh?" "It's a ... good oh. I actually like this" she says. "Do you want to go show the others" I ask. "Yeah" she says and we walk out.

"Oh I like that" Sarah says. "It's definitely that poofy style you were asking for" ash comments. "This one looks good on you" her mom says. "What do you think of this one Ashley" I ask. "I really like the lace and the bodice. It's definitely poofy enough, but there's no sparkle to it" she says. "Let's go try on the next one" I tell her.

We go back into the dressing room. "Last one for today. If we need to I can draw some more and have them made" I tell her. I help her into the dress. "I love it" she says. "I'm glad. Let's show the others" I say.

We go out to the others. "I love it" Kimberly says and Sarah snd Ash nod in agreement. "I do too it's just enough sparkle and just enough poof" Kimberly says and Ashley's mom hums in agreement.

"It's definitely poofy and I love it. I think Michael will love it too" Ashley says. "Ashley, is this the dress" I ask. She is quiet for a minute then she says "yes, this is it." Her friends give her a hug and I can tell they are all excited for her.

Sarah comes up to me. "Mrs. Herondale?" "Yes?" "Can I take Ash for pizza" she asks. "Why" I ask. "I want to know him better. Plus he's really cute" she says grinning. "Sure I mean if he wants to" I say. "I will go ask him" she says and goes over to the sofa he is still sitting on. She talks to him and he comes over to me. "Can I go with Sarah, aunt clary? Just to go get pizza" he asks. "If you want to. Just be back before 6 and keep your phone on you. Here's 25 dollars for the two of you. You will get her pizza, understand" I say and give him some money. He nods. "Yes aunt clary."

I help Ashley out of her dress and bag it up. I help her check out and buy the dress and ash leaves with Sarah. "Where is ash going" mom asks me. "To get pizza with that girl Sarah. I told him just be back before we close at 6" I tell my mom. "But what if something happens to him" she asks. "I think he will be okay mom. He has trained enough and can protect himself. I'm just worried about his social skills with her" I try and reassure her. She sighs.

"When are you guys heading back to Idris" she asks. "In two days. I've already started packing but the other four have not" I tell her. "I've loved getting to see you and ash, Clary. And having ash spend the night at home those few nights he wanted to come overnight. Have you talked to jace or the kids" she asks. "I've talked to jace some. He said Grace and Braxton want me to come home" I tell her. "That's sweet" she says. "I miss my family. It will be good to go back home" I say.

What did you guys think of the chapter?

What do you think of ash going out with Sarah?

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