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When I opened my eyes, I was surprised by what I saw...

I saw that I was covered in a sort of glitter sparkles that disappeared into thin air. I was on a stage, the lights blinding me so I couldn't see any signs saying where I was. I was dressed in a hot pink flowy sixties-type dress that was wonderful for dancing. The music was still going on from when I was still in my room, so I continued to sing along to the music. With my eyes wide, I started to dance, as if someone had taken over my body and I couldn't control myself anymore. I was dancing even more gracefully than I ever thought I would back home. My voice also sounded different. It sounded silkier than it normally did.

Near the middle of the song, I saw someone I recognized in the crowd. Someone I never thought I'd see in my entire life. I saw Baby from the 2017 ABC performance of Dirty Dancing. She was looking at me like I was a goddess sent down from the heavens just for her. I must be at Kellerman's... I thought, But how? Kellerman's isn't real!

I decided to stop thinking about why I'm here and just focus on my time to shine in the spotlight. In the instrumental part of the song, I suddenly locked eyes with the same performance Johnny and he stared at me, waiting for me to call him up there to dance with me. I pointed my finger at him and a spotlight appeared onto his glorious figure. I bend my index finger towards myself,  telling him to come onto the stage and dance like we were lovers. I had always had a slight crush on Johnny Castle. This was a dream come true.

He jumped onto the stage and slowly walked to me and planted a kiss on my lips. It was short, but in that half a second, I felt at peace. All of my life was forgotten. I was in pure bliss, I was so happy-WAIT! Baby!!! I looked at her, and her eyes were not glued to my figure anymore. They were now glued to, as expected, to Johnny's well-built stature. It was like she had fallen in love with him and her heart had been torn apart in two and stomped on when he kissed me.

I continued to dance with one of the many men of my dreams. I have had a lot of celebrity crushes on guys in musicals. Like Johnny Castle.

I finished out the song and we hugged at the end. It was amazing. I stood in the spotlight as everyone cheered. But they weren't cheering my name, the name I grew up, learned to respond to. They were cheering another name, "Rachel, Rachel, Rachel!"

I somehow knew that was my name and I yelled out, "Thank you so much!"

Johnny and I bowed and took our seats. As the night went on, Johnny got closer and closer to me. It wasn't like it was bad, but I wanted some time to myself to figure things out. As much as I love this musical, I want to figure out what the hell is going on. Speaking of hell, I should probably watch my dirty mouth. I don't think that Kellerman's would appreciate it if I cussed someone out if I got mad at them.

Still, Johnny must like me a lot in this version of Dirty Dancing, because he was staring at me for most of the night. When it was time for the dance after dinner, he grabbed my hand and we danced like it was the last time we'll ever dance. It felt amazing. I never knew how great it would be to dance with a man, rather an invisible figure. Back home, no one would want to dance with me, but in this musical-type thing I was in, all eyes were on me and my partner. As we were dancing, I started to think about where I'm gonna go once the night ends. I'll just ask Johnny to walk me to my cabin, if I even have a cabin.

The night was still young, but I saw Baby dancing with Max Kellerman's grandson, whatever his name is. Neil, I think it was. She honestly looked like she would vomit to get away from him, but she's too nice to do that. They talked to Mr. and Mrs. Houseman and then they soon left. Probably to go work the games. Oh, no... She's gonna go win the chicken. I'll just stay here. I don't want to see her go through all of that annoying cycle of "being a good sport."

After about an hour of waiting, I told Johnny that I was getting a little bit tired of ballroom dancing, so we headed to the "Staff Only" building to go do some dirty dancing. As if right on que, I saw Baby talking to Danny, Johnny's cousin. She grabbed the watermelon that he almost dropped and carried it inside with him. Knowing that I'd get to meet Baby Houseman made my heart race.

We slowly but surely made our way to the "Staff Only" building. I tried making eye contact with Baby, but she just stared at Johnny like he was God and she had to please him with anything she could. He suddenly grabbed me and I danced as dirty as I possibly could with him. Penny was right, he could lead with the worst dancer possible and still make it look like they were the best dancers in the United States. It's honestly like I'm the "Penny" in this musical. But the crowd was screaming "Rachel?" This place is weird.

Once the song was over, Johnny let go of me and ran up onto the stage. He grabbed the mic and started saying:

"You broke my heart,
Cause I couldn't dance
You didn't even want me around
And now I'm back
To let you know that I can really
Shake 'em down"

I stared at him in awe of his voice and then the trumpets started to play and he started to sing "Do You Love Me?" He started dancing to the music like I had seen him do many times on TV, and then he jumped off the stage to dance dirty with me. I swayed to his back and did the splits to grab his  hands as he pulled me through his legs(Get your head outta the gutter!) and I pulled my feet together to push myself through his legs. I never thought I would ever do that. We danced off to the side as others danced to the beat. I notice that Danny and Baby are talking and staring at us and I'm having the time of my life right now. I'm giddy with excitement. I feel Johnny leave my side to go talk to Danny and Baby, asking why she's in here. I decide that I should feel at home, so I hope I look natural at dancing with some other guy.

I see Johnny walk away from Baby and she's frowning. He starts dancing with another girl, and then slowly makes his way toward her. He quickly pulled her close to his body and he started dancing dirty with her. She looked surprised, yet pleasure filled. After about twenty-seven seconds, I decided that it was a long enough dance for them. Johnny didn't mind, but Baby looked a little bit sad. I feel bad, but the feeling of not being in control of my actions took over, and I just had to steal Johnny away.

I somehow made my way to being on top of his shoulder and then as sexily a I could, got off and into the splits. Johnny finished the song, and we went back to dancing dirty as Baby ran off.

After a couple of hours of dancing, I asked Johnny what time it was.

"Around 2:00 in the morning. Why?"

"I don't know, I'm getting a little tired," I responded.

"Do you want me to walk with you to our cabin?" he asked in the sweetest voice I had ever heard.

"Sure," I said as he laced his fingers with mine and we walked to our cabin.

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