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IT WAS THURSDAY. Four days before the next game, in North Carolina. It was Kai's first away game and she was already stress packing, two days before they left.

"Kai, if you forget something, you realize that one of us might have it or you can go and buy it?" Aubrey asks from the couch earning a huff and a glare from Kai. "She's scary when she's mad." Ice comments lowly in hopes of Kai not hearing it.

"I'm sorry, I just have to pack my equipment too and shit." She says sighing while flopping next to the suitcase that was taking up most of her bed. "It'll be fine, I promise." Jana says and Kai really hopes so.

It was surprising how big Kai's dorm room was, most of the players were hanging out. Either on the floor or the couch since the suitcase is on the bed. Kai pushes the suitcase to the edge of the bed making more room on her bed. As if on cue, Paige and KK walk through the door with food. They set the food on the table in front of the couch and Paige walks to the bed and sits next to Kai.

Paige and Kai end up just sharing the food, them not being too hungry. Kai's phone dinged and she pulls it out, Paige reading over her shoulder. "Why the fuck is Kate Martin dming you?" Paige asks while grabbing Kai's phone.

Kai closes her eyes and flops back in exhaustion, "I don't know and frankly I don't have the time to deal with it." Kai says while reaching for her phone even though Paige already pressed on the message.

wassup gorgeous

"Bueckers! Now I have to respond." She groans and Paige rolls her eyes, "no you don't, actually." She points out. Paige does have a point but Kai always thought that it was rude to read a message and not respond.


"There, simple but effective." Kai says and shows Paige the message. She scoffs and snatches the phone again and puts it in her pocket. The players give Paige a look, a look Kai missed because she thought it was weird that an Iowa basketball player was dming her.

KK being KK, decides to go live again. "Kai, the viewers are wondering what you're doing." KK shouts even though they're in the same room.

Kai comes into the frame and waves, "hiii, I'm just stress packing for the away game." She answers and takes a seat next to KK, barely in the frame but still visible. "Holy fuck, she keeps dming you." Paige says in annoyance while pulling out Kai's phone to show her.

There was indeed three more messages from Kate Martin. Kai reaches for her phone but Paige is quick to pull back and put it back in her pocket. The viewers had witnessed this interaction, without the two girls knowing as Kai gets up to go talk to Paige.

"Bueckers, it isn't that big of a deal. I'm not even gonna respond until after the away game." She says while Paige's jaw clenches.

"You promise, Slade?" Paige wonders getting a nod from the girl. Kai puts her hand out, gesturing for her phone back. Paige reluctantly gives it back.

Kai grabs her phone and sits back next to KK. "Girl boo." KK says to one of the comments, Kai laughs at her 'catchphrase.'

"Oh my, KK. Can I please do your makeup one day?" Kai begs using the live to her advantage as they all started to agree with Kai. KK whispers 'girl boo' before agreeing with her. The comments start cheering and want a live video of it happening.

"I'm so tired." Kai announces and lays down on the floor, her legs still in the frame. Soon after that, she fell asleep. "Guys, she's out." KK laughs and shows the live by turning her phone. Paige comes up to her sleeping body and picks her up, with the camera on her.

KK pans the camera to follow Paige bringing Kai over to her bed. Paige turns around and looks directly in the camera. "What? Sleeping on the floor hurts." Paige justifies with some sass to it. The girls laugh at Paige, especially when she's sassy.

"Alright, this is probably our sign to end the live. Don't forget to watch our game on Sunday!" KK says and ends the live. The girls leave Kai's room, Paige being the last one to leave. She looks at the girl for a couple of seconds before leaving.


Kai walks into the gym with her two camera bags to ensure the best safety for her cameras as possible. The girls were practicing per usual, stopping to wave at the girl walking with the big bags for her equipment. Kai waves back and unlocks her office and dropping the bags on the floor in exhaustion.

Kai looks at her wall of lenses and cameras trying to decide what ones to bring. The practice today was short, just because Geno knew most of his players wait till the last minute to pack and he didn't want to be late.

One by one, the players head into the media directors office. Kai doesn't pay them any attention, stressing over what cameras and lenses to bring. "Fuck!" She yells startling the players. "Kai, you need to chill out." Paige says making Kai more angry.

"Don't tell me to chill out, Bueckers." She spits out and the girls stay silent, Kai was the scariest she's ever been to the girls. KK audibly gulps making Kai cut a look to her.

Kai goes back to looking at her cameras and opts for her trusty Canon cameras and lenses. She packs them tightly into the camera bags making sure that they won't get damaged. "Come on, I'll buy dinner." Kai says and the girls rush out of the office.

"Slade." Paige says, Kai turns around to see Paige in front of her. Kai sighs, "I'm sorry, I get really stressed and anxious when it comes to packing. Like you could've seen me packing up my life to move here for this position. I was hyperventilating like half the time and would stop my car to see if I had everything. And now I'm rambling trying to make up for me taking my anger out on you."

Paige blinks blankly at the girl before laughing. "It's okay, I understand. But someone as pretty as you shouldn't be stressing out this much." Paige tells her, "okay sappy P."

They walk out of the office to see the girls waiting for them outside of the building. "Y'all have fun making out?" KK teases making Paige run after her. Kai laughs watching the two of them run around the parking lot, KK almost getting hit by a car. "Alright! Where do you want to go for dinner?" Kai yells and it was a mix. "Okay, for chick-fil-a raise your hand."

Kai counts and then continues, "okay, now those who want chipotle?" Kai counts the hands raised and chipotle wins. "Alright, I'll see you all at chipotle!"

The girls carpool to limit the cars but within thirty minutes they all arrive. "Go and order, just say I'm paying for it." Kai tells the girls and they go inside. "How can you spend so much money?" Azzi asks while they were last to enter.

"I get paid every time someone uses one of my photos, I have some stocks built up, and I'm not paying tuition." She answers as the girls slowly move up to the counter. "Oh, so you rich rich." Azzi teases making Kai playfully slap her arm.

"No, I just know how to profit myself and my hobby." Azzi nods finally making it to the counter and ordering. Everyone goes through, Kai being the last one.

"That total will be $273.97," the worker says. Kai nods and takes out her card and adds on a $50 tip before sitting with the team at the big table. KK starts recording, putting the camera on Kai. "This girl, our media director spoils the fuck out of us. She just bought the whole team dinner and was able to leave a hefty tip on top."

Kai covers her face in embarrassment, "stoppppp." KK ends the video and they talk amongst themselves while eating.


Kai wakes up to an alarm, one that she set because they had to be at the airport early and still had to drive to the airport. Kai double checks her bags and suitcases before heading down to Ice and Paige's room. She knocks and waits five minutes before Ice opens the door. Ice had just woken up and Paige was still sleeping. Kai gives a deadpanned look and grabs Ice's pillow and starts smacking Paige to wake her up.

"Ow! I'm awake!" Paige groans while trying to dodge the pillow. Kai stops smacking her with the pillow. "Come on, we have to be at the gym in 45 minutes." Kai explains looking at the time on her phone.

Paige throws her covers off of her to get ready for the plane ride and bus ride. Once again, she was only wearing a sports bra and boxers. Kai's face goes hot and she turns around to hide her face.

Ice raises her eyebrows and gives a look to Paige, who gives a confused look in response. 'I'll tell you later' Ice mouths to Paige. Paige nods pulling down her hoodie over her head and putting sweatpants on.

The three leave the dorm room and grab some coffee before heading to the gym where a big charter bus was parked outside. "Kai, how do you feel about our first away game?" KK asks as a 'cameraman' comes behind her. KK shoves a tiny mic in Kai's face.

She laughs before answering, "I'm nervous about it. Like what if I forgot something, you know?" She answers and KK gives a side eye to the camera. "Girl boo. What are you drinking?"

"An iced chai tea latte, want a sip?" Kai questions and KK takes a sip before spitting it out on the pavement. "Now that is a federal crime. You should go to prison for that."

Kai rolls her eyes and KK goes onto the next person to terrorize. Before going inside Kai sets her suitcase in the storage area under the bus but keeps her camera bags on her. Kai walks into the gym to see some of the players shooting for fun and whatnot. Kai smirks and grabs a camera and a lens to take some 'bts' photos.

"You never stop taking pictures." Paige points out while Kai scrolls through some of the photos and deletes a few that were not salvageable. She turns to Paige and snaps a picture, catching the blonde off guard.

"You better delete that shit." Paige warns and Kai shakes her head. Paige rolls her eyes as they walk out to the bus again and everyone starts getting on.

Kai sets her camera bags in the front, where they will be safe and sound. Then she heads to the back of the bus where Paige was waiting for her. "Being a gentleman— gentlewomen as always." Kai teases and soon the bus takes off to the airport.

Kai ended up falling asleep five minutes into the bus ride. Paige takes a quick picture of the girl who was leaning on her. The ride was smooth and fast. Paige nudges the girl awake and they were the last to leave the bus. They grab their suitcases and bags before walking into the airport and going through TSA.

The girls board and wait for the plane to take off. The plane ride was short, only about two hours. Kai falls asleep again on the plane, "how can she just fall asleep anywhere?" Ashlynn asks and Aubrey, who was sat next to her, shrugs her shoulders.

"Just ask when she wakes up again." Qadence suggests and the two of them nod their heads.


Kai groans while getting shaken awake. "The plane landed," Aubrey spoke. Kai rubbed her eyes and grabbed her bags and exited the plane to go get her suitcase.

"Are you still tired?" Paige wonders seeing the girl yawn for the fifth time since waking up. Kai nods and starts to lean on Paige. "You okay? You've been sleeping a lot."

"It's my hypersomnia, I get tired easily. Especially when traveling." Kai explains with another yawn. Paige nods and lets the girl lean on her while they wait for their suitcases to come around.

The suitcases start coming out and Paige taps Kai, as you wake her. "Noo." Kai groans making the blonde laugh.

"You have to get your suitcase." She explains. Kai opens her eyes and the players all grab their suitcases before heading onto another charter bus. Kai rubs her eyes again, waking herself up fully for the day.

They load up the bus and they take off to the hotel. Kai scrolls on her phone, wanting to be doing something other than just sitting in a bus.

"You look more awake now." Paige teases, Kai groans and flips the blonde off. "No need to get feisty, Slade."

Kai smirks, "who said I was being feisty?" Kai ponders and Paige just gives her smile. Before she could respond the bus came to a stop at the hotel. "Fucking finally!" Kai cheers and is the first one out of the bus.


liked by _.ayannap, ice.bradyy, caroline.ducharme3, and 15,728 others

charter bus? more like party bus! excited to be in nc

tagged: uconnwbb, paigebueckers

azzi35: she slept like a log
kaislade: don't expose me like that 🙊

aubrey.griffin44: brother was shlumped
kaislade: it's called beauty sleep 🙄

katemartin: 😍

ice.bradyy: twin
liked by kaislade

paigebueckers: so fine
comment deleted by commenter

paigebueckers: put yo feet down
kaislade: imma slap you fr one day

tap here to load more comments

Kai smirks while reading the comments when Kate Martins comment catches her eye. She clicks on her profile and decides to answer her messages from the other day.

you are so talented
and pretty
i would love to talk to you some more :)

aww thank you!
ur pretty too
and yes we can definitely talk more


Kai takes the elevator up to her room, since she wasn't a player she didn't have to share a room with anyone. She offered and Geno said to not worry about it. She was still staying on the same floor as the players, so no doubt they'll all be coming in her room.

Kai lays down on her bed, knocking came to her door soon after. Kai gets up and opens the door to reveal all 14 players. Kai gives a plain look and steps to the side to let them in. "Okay, not to be like the coach. But if y'all want to drink, you'll have to do it tonight. We can't have any of you hungover during the game." Kai says simply.

"We should stay in and watch a movie." Caroline suggests. "I'm in." Kai says immediately and goes in the middle of her bed knowing the players were gonna hog the whole bed. Most of the girls agreed, some didn't, causing an argument to break out.

"No one is forcing any of you to stay in and watch a movie!" Kai shouts silencing everyone. The girls end up calming down and Kai chooses the movie, Mamma Mia.

"Mamma Mia? Really?" KK questions and Kai grabs one of the pillows and throws it at her, "it's my favorite movie!"

Kai gets the movie up and on the TV when her phone buzzed. She grabs it out and notices a new message from Kate Martin, gaining the attention of Paige. "You dating Kate Martin now?" Paige scoffs, reading the message from Kate.

Before Kai could tell Paige what really was happening, she got up and left. Slamming the door hard on her way out. Kai goes to follow but the others keep her back, "it's best you just let her cool down."

Kai nods solemnly and gets back into her spot to try and enjoy the movie. But even her favorite movie couldn't take her mind off of the blonde basketball player.

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