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Kai sets up the food and gets the movie ready when a knock sounded at the door confusing Kai. All of the girls had a key to her room so there was no need for knocking. Kai heads to the door and opens it up to reveal Paige and another blonde girl. "Kai, this is Colette. My older sister." Paige says motioning to the slightly taller blonde.

"You can just call me Cole, it's nice to meet you." The other blonde says, if Kai didn't know them— they could easily pass as fraternal twins. They had the exact same voice and blonde hair. Kai smiles at the older girl and puts her hand out. "Paige never told me she had an older sister." Kai admits as she lets them into her room.

Colette gasps at her younger sister and flicks her on her head, "keeping me a secret?" She teases. Paige rubs the side of her head. "You're literally in the WNBA, it's not like I can hide you." Paige says back.

Kai laughs at the two sisters, "so, what team do you play for?" Kai asks, making conversation with the oldest Bueckers. Paige hops onto Kai's bed while Colette opts to sit on the couch. "I play for the Seattle Storm." Colette answers. Kai takes the seat next to the girl on the couch.

Paige gasps, "wow, choosing my sister over me." Kai flips her off before turning her attention back to Colette. "And when does that season start?" Kai questions.

"It starts sometime in May, I think. I don't know to be honest." Colette admits with a laugh. Paige trudges out of Kai's bed and tries to sit directly on top of Kai. "Paige!" Kai yells and moves her body so she could fit in between the two of them.

"I felt left out." Paige says, half jokingly and half seriously. Colette doesn't buy her sisters words, finally seeing why Paige wanted to go to Kai's dorm room. Colette fishes her phone out and snaps a quick picture of the two of them goofing around.


liked by paigebueckers, kaislade, and 26,397 others

baby sis 🤍

tagged: paigebueckers, kaislade

paigebueckers: lettieeee
colebueckers: paigeyyyy

kaislade: dang whoever took this pic has some serious talent
colebueckers: my sladerrrrrr 🫶🏼

nika.muhl: prettiest sisters
liked by colebueckers

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"Paige, you can't lie to me. I know you." Colette says as they were alone in the younger sister's dorm room. Paige covers her eyes with her hands, "you cannot tell her, Lettie." Paige says with a pleading voice. Colette laughs. "I'm not gonna tell her, you should probably tell her sooner than later though. I can't imagine her being single for long." Colette says, hoping that her sister will make a move on the girl.

"I know, Kate Martin tried to get with her." Paige admits, "the one on Iowa?" Colette questions, not being all too familiar with the college basketball players. Paige nods.

Colette makes a hm noise as she tries to remember what the girl looked like from her memory. "She's blonde too, so that's a good sign." Colette tells her sister with a laugh. Paige rolls her eyes and playfully pushes her sister. "Are you staying for our next game, it's in less than a week."

Colette shakes her head, "sadly, no. I have some events going on." Colette answers. Paige nods, knowing how busy she could get. "I like Kai, you should definitely go for her." Cole speaks.

Paige nods, she just didn't know how to go for her without potentially ruining their friendship.


Kai pulls on Paige's hair as her head kept falling down, "you're so hard on my head." Paige complains. Kai doesn't respond as she continues to braid the blondes hair. "It's not my fault that you're tender headed." Kai snarks back as she braids down the hair.

Paige whines as usual while Kai finishes up the braids. "I can stop doing your hair if it's too much for you." Kai says with a smirk knowing Paige loves when she does her hair. Paige lowly shakes her head, resisting the urge to scratch at her braids.

Kai leaves the locker room to go grab her cameras, a routine she had ever since she started to do Paige's braids. Kai takes her seat on the court while the girls get announced.

The first quarter goes smoothly, just what the Huskies need. They were only up by 1 point but better than nothing. Kai loves watching the game through her lens, Aubrey getting many points in. Second quarter ends quickly, UConn still in the lead.

The second half of the game is over before Kai knows it. UConn winning it by a pretty decent amount. Kai and the girls get packed up and head out to dinner for the win.

It was a fancyish restaurant, Kai feeling overdressed but still confident in what she's wearing. Kai ends up next to Aubrey and Ice, Paige across from her. "I'm so proud of you," Kai gushes while wrapping her arms around Aubrey. She laughs and leans into the girls arms.

Paige watches the two girls talk, her being silent and seething. She had no reason to be worried about Aubrey, she had a girlfriend. But Paige couldn't help herself. "You okay?" Ice asks Paige pulling her out of her jealous trance.

Paige clears her throat and nods, "Kai, how many pictures did you get?" Paige asks gaining the attention of the brunette.

"I don't know, probably around 4,000." Kai answers as she takes a sip out of her champagne. Kai stands up holding her glass, "to the huskies on their win!" She toasts, the girls cheering loudly. She sits back down and goes into a conversation with Aubrey again.

"I never realized how much I like watching basketball until I became a photographer for it." Kai tells Aubrey who laughs at her, "it's really intense, isn't it?" Aubrey speaks and Kai nods.

The team eats and chats with each other late in the night before leaving the restaurant. "Hey, wanna get some ice cream?" Paige asks Kai as they walk out of the restaurant together. "I can never say no to ice cream." Kai confesses and Paige holds up her arm for the girl to take it. Kai laughs and places her hands on Paige's arm as they walk on the sidewalk to the little ice cream parlor on the corner.

Paige opens the door for Kai before following behind her. "What kind are you gonna get?" Kai questions as she looks down at the ice cream in the tubs. Paige shrugs, "vanilla?"

Kai turns around to look at the blonde, "okay basic white girl." She teases before walking up to the counter to order some mint chocolate chip ice cream. Paige ends up going with vanilla and they sit in the parlor to eat.

"I love ice cream." Kai says taking a bite of her ice cream. Paige nods, not sure what to say— being very nervous. "You okay?" Kai asks, picking up on the difference in the blondes demeanor. Paige nods and takes a bite of her ice cream so she wouldn't have to answer.

"Are you going home for Christmas?" Paige questions. Kai stops in her tracks, "I don't have anyone to go home to." She says and picks at her ice cream with the spoon. Paige frowns, "what do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm just going to stay in my dorm room for Christmas break." She tells her. "No, you have to spend time with some family."

Kai laughs, "my father that's the leader of a gang? There's no way that's happening." Kai says bitterly. Paige groans softly, just remembering how Kai opened up to her about her gang background.

"Come to Minnesota with me." Paige says out of the blue. Kai's eyes snap up to look at the blonde. "No, I couldn't. I don't want to be in the way of you and your family." Kai confesses, setting her spoon down.

"You are my family too." Paige says reaching over the table and grabbing the brunettes hand. "Please, you can't be alone on Christmas." Paige begs the girl. Kai lets out a breath, "okay, but you don't have to get me any gifts." Kai says sternly. Paige smiles and nods, glad that she agreed to come to Minnesota with her.


It was Monday, it was another game day. Kai opted out to just watch the game and not take pictures. Geno agreed with it so she wasn't too worried about getting the shots. The game goes quick, it was a Big East tournament.

And the Huskies won by over 20 points. They still had another game before they could go home for the holidays. For the next game they had to go to Ontario, Kai decides to pack two suitcases so she wouldn't have to worry about packing for Minnesota.

The girls arrive in Ontario and win the game by a landslide. Kai and Paige end up on a plane to Minnesota together. "Are you ready?" Paige questions the girl. She shakes her head, nervous to meet Paige's family— especially during a special time for families.

"Don't worry, they'll love you. Drew already does." Paige reassures her. Kai nods, her nerves still there. The nerves increase tenfold when the plane lands. Kai takes a deep breath and walks down the stairs with Paige seeing her family holding a sign up for both of them. Kai smiles, her heart warming at the sight. Maybe being in Minnesota for the holidays was a good idea.


short chapter todayyyy supes sorry

did yall watch the espys??

paige looked so foneee

the suit >>>

okay ily 🤍

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