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KAI RUBS HER HANDS TOGETHER. "Hello, Mr. Bueckers." She says politely to Paige's father. Bob laughs, "please, call me Bob." He says as he gives the girl a hug. Kai smiles as she hugs Paige's father back. Kai and Bob stop hugging before Drew jumps into her arms, "hi bud!" Kai says, hoisting the boy up on her hip. Paige smiles at the two of them.

"You miss me?" Kai asks teasingly, Drew nods as she walks toward the baggage claim. Kai sets the boy down as she had to grab her luggage. "Is Cole going to be here?" Kai questions while they head out to the car. Paige shrugs. Kai rolls her eyes as they load up into the car.

Kai ends up falling asleep on Paige, making the family question if she was tired. "She has a hyperinsomia thing." Paige explains. Paige wakes the girl up when they arrive at Paige's childhood home.

Kai smiles as Paige shows her the bedroom she grew up in. "It's cute." Kai says while surveying the blondes room. Paige smiles as she sits on her bed. Kai messes with the things on her dresser. Paige watches the girl playing with her things.

"So, are we sharing a bed?" Kai asks, lying next to Paige. Paige starts laughing like a maniac, "take me out for dinner first." She responds. Kai gasps.

"I'll have you know, I have taken you out to dinner." Kai tells her with a smug look. "I guess I'll just sleep on the floor." Kai says, inching her body off the bed. Paige laughs, grabbing the girls hand preventing her from going on the floor.

"You can always share with me, Slade." Paige tells her, pulling her back up. Kai smiles at the blonde while snuggling up against her because that's what friends do. "Movie?" Kai questions. Paige nods.

"Scary movie!" Kai declares as she starts the movie: Evil Dead Rise. Paige groans, putting her face in the pillow. Kai laughs and grabs the blonde to make her watch the movie. Not even five minutes into the movie and Paige was holding onto Kai for dear life.

Paige starts laughing as Jessica starts choking up some clear white liquid, "real mature." Kai says as she flicks the blondes head lightly. Paige jumps lightly as Jessica starts choking her cousin. Now Kai laughs at the blonde who gives her a glare. Kai sucks in a breath as Jessica grabs her cousins braided ponytail and rips it back exposing the brain.

"Stop!" Paige begs as she holds her hands out in front of her as a shield. Kai juts out her bottom lip at the blonde but keeps the movie rolling.

Half way through the movie, Kai shuts it off as Paige was covering her eyes the whole time. "I'm sorry." Kai says, brushing the blondes hair out of her face. Paige mumbles, "it's okay."

Kai smiles at Paige, the girl who would be very concealed about her feelings, now she was in her arms— scared to death from the movie. Kai grabs the remote and puts on Modern Family to calm the blonde down. Paige falls asleep in the brunettes arms with the tv on in the background.


Paige groans opening up her eyes to see Kai in her arms. Paige smiles, wishing they were dating so this would be a normal thing for them. "You done staring?" Kai says, smiling as the blonde rolls her eyes. Kai slithers out of Paige's hold and heads into the bathroom while Paige watches as the girl goes.

"Do we have anything planned today?" Kai wonders as she comes back out with her hair up and teeth brushed— at least that's what Paige hoped for. "Let's build a snowman!" Kai adds. She runs out of the room before Paige could respond.

Kai skips to the foyer to see everyone— not including Paige, in the kitchen. "Cole!" Kai says as she spots the older blonde. Colette gasps as she spots the photograph. Kai gives her a hug, "I didn't know you were gonna be here!" Kai speaks as she breaks away from the hug, seeing the other blonde come into the kitchen. Paige gives a nod of her head to her sister.

"Paige, say hi to her properly!" Kai all but demands to her. "Hello, Lettie." Paige says. Kai rolls her eyes and starts talking with Colette. "Wanna go outside with us?" Kai asks inviting the eldest sister. Colette nods as they start eating breakfast.

They finish and get dressed for the outside Minnesota weather. Kai bundles up and heads outside where Drew, Paige, and Colette were. "Not you starting without me!" Kai says, acting offended. Colette laughs at the girl before throwing a snowball at her. Kai yelps and dodges it.

"Oh, you are so in for it!" Kai says before it's like a scene out of Elf or a Hallmark Christmas movie. Somehow, Kai and Drew end up on a team and the two professional basketball players were on the other team.

"Okay, this is so unfair but we can't give up. We can win if we try." Kai tells Drew as they prep snowballs. Drew nods, then accumulating multiple stacks of snowballs. Kai gives Drew a signal and they start throwing the snowballs at the two sisters, who were not expecting the snowballs. "We win!" Kai cheers as they run up to the two girls that were covered in snow.

"You'll get em next time." Kai says with fake sadness for the two girls. Paige smirks before shoving a snowball in her face. Kai gasps, wiping her face to get rid of the snow. "Sleep with one eye open." Kai threatens, joking of course.


liked by paigebueckers, colebueckers, katemartin, and 23,829 others

never seen snow this white 🍎


tagged: paigebueckers, colebueckers

colebueckers: the sister ive always wanted 🤍
paigebueckers: uhm, hello????

nika.muhl: let's have blonde hair and not tell kai
kaislade: smh, they always leave me out 🙄
    ↳ paigebueckers: that is not true 🙄

_.ayannap: 🥶
liked by kaislade

paigebueckers: 😍

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Kai sighs as she lays on Paige's bed. It was Christmas Eve and she couldn't help but think she was imposing on the family. At least she had time to get presents for them. She gets up and goes to the living room to place the presents under the tree. She may or may not have spoiled Drew with presents but he's at the prime age for presents.

She had five gifts for Paige, three for Cole, and two for everyone else. Kai smiles at the family pictures above the fireplace, glad that Paige grew up somewhere safe. "Santa doesn't come if you're awake." Paige says as she emerges into the dim light. Kai laughs, "it would be a shame if Santa didn't show up." She says adding to the joke.

"You okay?" Paige wonders, noticing the difference in Kai. Kai nods, she was okay, "am I imposing?" Kai asks. Paige shakes her head, "my family loves you." Paige tells her. It was true, the whole Bueckers family loved the photographer.

"Wanna go to bed?" Paige questions. Kai nods and follows the blonde, ending up under a mistletoe. "Well, we can't ignore the mistletoe." Paige says slyly. Kai smiles and nods. Paige grabs the brunettes chin and leans in.

"Ew!" They pull away to see Drew standing there. "You need to be sleeping if you want Santa to come!" Kai playfully scolds as she chases after the boy to his room. Paige groans as another kiss was interrupted.


"Paige, let's go." Kai says as she practically melts off the bed. Drew was wide awake and wanting everyone in the living room to open presents. Paige yawns and follows Kai to the living room. Kai takes a seat on the couch, Paige taking the seat next to her. Drew gets to work handing everyone their presents, him having a mountain of presents. Kai actually had a decent amount, more than she wanted. "You guys didn't have to get me anything." She says, she wasn't used to getting presents.

"You deserve it, K." Paige says with a side hug. Kai smiles as she hugs the blonde and Drew starts opening presents. Kai smiles from ear to ear, loving how much Drew was enjoying his presents. It was time for Kai to open her presents.

They were all camera related gifts, she got some new SD cards— which she desperately needed. Kai grabs the last present of hers. It was from Paige.

"Paige, I told you that you didn't need to get me anything." She says but opens the present nonetheless. It was a hoodie. On it was the words 'Kai Slade Photography' with her last name on the back and a UConn husky. "Paige! I love it!" She says immediately hugging the blonde.

Paige laughs as she hugs the girl tightly. "Okay, now open your gifts!" Kai tells her pulling away from the hug. Paige grabs her gifts and starts opening them. The last gift was from Kai. Paige gives a look to Kai. "Just open it."

Paige unwraps the gift to see a box. Paige opens it to see a bracelet with a charm of the number 5. Paige juts out her bottom lip admiring the gift. "I love it." She tells the girl. They give each other another hug as they finish up opening gifts.

"Let's make gingerbread houses!" Kai suggests. Drew immediately agrees and heads to the kitchen with Kai on his tail.

Kai grabs the gingerbread making kits and opens them up. Drew starts grabbing the things not bothering with listening to Kai. "Drew, we have to use icing to make them connect!" She says as the gingerbread walls kept falling over. He mocks her but lets her place icing on the walls to mend them together.

Kai and Drew end up making a mess with the icing, toppings, and their walls kept breaking in half. "Maybe I should just stick to photography." Kai says defeated looking at the discombobulated gingerbread house. Drew nods agreeing with the girl. "You aren't that good at making gingerbread houses either." She points out and he rolls his eyes.

Kai cleans up the kitchen making it look like the two of them were never in the kitchen. "I should probably start packing." Kai says solemnly to Colette. The Huskies had a game on the 31st. Colette pouts as she embraces the girl, "ugh, I'm going to miss you." She says. Kai nods feeling the exact same way about the older blonde.

Kai walks into Paige's room where she was sprawled out on the bed. "Hey, you should probably get packing." Kai suggests as she gathers up her clothes that are scattered around the blonde's room. Paige groans, "can you do it for me?" She asks. Kai laughs at the girl's laziness.

Kai finishes up packing her suitcase before moving over to Paige's. "Kai, you don't actually have to pack my suitcase." Paige tells her, appreciating the girl for trying to pack her suitcase. Paige hauls herself off the bed and starts packing. "I don't want to leave." Kai admits. She had fallen in love with the state. And because of the family she was with.

Paige knew how she felt, always wanting to stay in Minnesota but having to go back to UConn to make her dreams a reality. Paige finishes packing and lays next to Kai. "Thanks for inviting me." Kai speaks. Paige turns her head, making eye contact with the girl.

"You were going to spend Christmas in your dorm room. I couldn't let that happen. Especially after everything you've done for the team." Paige tells her. Kai tears up, letting one tear fall. "I'm not sad, just very happy to have you in my life." Kai says as she wipes the tear away.


Paige and Kai step off the plane and get into the car to go back to UConn. "I'm so tired." Kai informs while Paige drives. Paige laughs, "we know." She tells her. Kai rolls her eyes before falling asleep. Paige smiles at the girl who was sleeping. Paige was in deep, she wanted Kai. She just didn't know if Kai wanted her.

Paige pulls up to the dorms, slightly shaking Kai to wake her. "We're here," Paige says softly. Kai yawns and grabs her suitcase as they leave each other to go their rooms. Kai opens her fridge, it being empty from break. Kai groans not wanting to go grocery shopping so soon after just getting back to Connecticut. Kai flops onto her bed, deciding to just get groceries tomorrow— with Paige.


okay this chapter is shorter than i wanted it to be but i had to get it out there bc we just hit #1 in the paige tag and im literally shaking and crying and throwing up like what!!!!!

i love you all !

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