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KAI SNIFFS, HER NOSE BEING STUFFED. "I'm sick." Kai says to no one as she was alone in her room. Kai pouts, grabbing her phone and sending a quick text to Geno letting him know that she would not be attending the game.

Kai throws her phone to the side and turns onto her side trying to get some sleep before the door bursts open. Kai groans and covers the bottom half of her face, "get out, I'm sick." She says, it being muffled from the covers. Paige sucks her teeth. "No you're not." She says walking towards the bed.

Kai groans and backs away from the blonde, "I'm serious, go away." She whines. Paige laughs and puts her hands up in surrender. "You better cheer us on though." She says before leaving her room. Kai grabs her remote and gets her tv ready for the game that was going to happen that night.

Kai rolls over deciding to get some rest before the game. Kai snores while the game loads up on her tv. Kai wakes up just in time for the tip off.

From waking up, Kai felt better. Kai smiles as she watches her team absolutely destroy Marquette. Kai takes some medicine, wanting the sickness to go away for the night as it's New Year's Eve.

Kai gets dressed in a blue dress with a grey blazer and a matching hat. Kai checks the group chat to see where the team was going. It wasn't just New Year's Eve but a celebration for the win they had over Marquette.

Kai runs to her car, freezing her ass off in the cold winter. Kai starts her car and goes off to the house that was hosting the New Year's Eve party. She pulls up to the house, it being in full swing already.

Kai heads into the house, spotting Aaliyah first. "Aaliyah!" She yells as she runs to the tall girl. Kai hugs the girl, as much as she could as their height difference is practically laughable. "Where's everyone else?" She asks, Aaliyah bending down so she could speak into her ear over the loud music. Aaliyah shrugs before pointing to the kitchen where Jana, Inês, and Paige were.

Kai says bye to the tall hooper and makes her way to the kitchen. She grabs a drink on her way to the kitchen, popping it open Jana spots her. "Kai baby!" Jana shouts. Kai smiles as she hugs the girl.

Kai says hi to Inês and Paige. "Thought you were sick?" Paige says with sass. Kai rolls her eyes, "rest, water, medicine usually does the trick." She sasses back with a wink. Paige smirks, taking a sip of her drink to hide her blush.

Kai grabs Inês hand and drags her to the living room to dance. "Come on, I'll show you how to shake some ass." Kai teases making Inês embarrassed. Kai laughs as she grabs Inês waist trying to move them to the beat of the music.

Kai gives a demonstration to Inês, her hips moving easily to the music. "I can't move like that!" Inês says with a laugh. Kai rolls her eyes and starts dancing with the Portuguese girl. Kai excuses herself to grab another drink in the kitchen.

"You gonna come dance or just stand there and watch?" Kai questions while grabbing another can. Paige shrugs her shoulders, "dunno." She answers simply. Kai grins and grabs Paige's hand and heads back to the living room where Inês and Jana were. Jana cheers seeing Paige and Kai holding hands, Kai didn't realize that's what she was yelling about.

Kai and Jana dance around together while Inês and Paige watch while talking with each other. Kai screams as Bandz A Make Her Dance comes on. "This is my favorite!" Jana laughs as they start dancing to the beat of the music.

"It's almost midnight!" Jana shouts, alerting Kai. Kai cheers, "are you kissing anyone?" She questions. Jana laughs and shakes her head. "Me either!" Kai says and they high five before counting down. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!"


Kai pants as she collapses on her bed. Paige laughs, "you act like you ran a marathon." She teases at the girl. Kai rolls her eyes. "Maybe I did."

Paige smirks with a nod, "I'm sure you did, Slade." Kai kicks her shoes off and climbs up high on her bed. "I think it's time you give me a head massage." Kai declares as she sets her head on Paige's chest. Paige hums and plays with Kai's hair lightly, not wanting to tangle it up.

Kai sighs in relief as she closes her eyes. Paige looks down at the girl who was almost asleep on her chest. "Happy New Year, Slade." She said softly, kissing her forehead. Kai murmurs but doesn't respond.

Kai stretches her body out, waking Paige up while doing so. "Shit, sorry." Kai apologies half assed as she wasn't that sorry. "Let's just go back to bed." Paige suggests, Kai laughs and shakes her head. Kai climbs out of the bed and grabs her suitcase, they had a game in Nebraska that week and Kai had found its easiest to pack earlier than later.

Paige laughs, "shut up." Kai says with a smile. Paige scrolls on her phone while Kai moves around her room grabbing clothes and throwing them into her suitcase, opting to fold them after she found everything she wanted to bring. "Want to grab some breakfast?" Paige quips, setting her phone on her chest. Kai throws a shirt into her suitcase and nods, grabbing her phone they exit Kai's room.

"You want your usual?" Paige asks as they enter the cafeteria. "You don't have to grab it for me." Kai says. Paige rolls her eyes but leads Kai to a table by the small of her back. "I'm grabbing your usual." Paige declares, forcing the brunette to sit down. Kai laughs and takes a seat while Paige goes to grab their food. Kai scrolls on her phone while waiting for the blonde.

Paige comes back after a little bit. Kai sets her phone down while Paige sets the plates down on the table. Paige knew exactly what Kai wanted, scrambled eggs with hot sauce. "Thank you so much, P." Kai thanks, overly enthusiastic. Paige gives her an eye roll before they start eating.

They both finish at the same time, Kai thinks quickly and grabs both of their plates to put them away. "I can do things too," Kai points out when she walks up to Paige. Paige smirks and slings her arm around her neck. Kai gets thrown off balance and starts to fall. Paige laughs and grabs the girl just before she hits the floor. "Easy there, Slade."

Kai glares up at the blonde as she hoists herself up onto her feet. "Let's play basketball." Kai says, Paige nods and they head to the gym. Kai laughs as she skips ahead of Paige into the gym, getting the rack of basketballs out.

"I can see why you love basketball, it's fun when you make it." Kai says, dribbling the ball as best she could, "how in the world do you do it between your legs?" Kai adds along while trying to do it herself and not succeeding.

Paige laughs before snatching the ball out of Kai's hands, "there's literally a rack of them right there." Kai says with a pointed finger. Paige shrugs, "I like seeing you worked up." Kai rolls her eyes while Paige dribbles the ball expertly compared to Kai. "I think it's easier for you to do between the legs because you're tall." Kai speaks after watching Paige move the ball around.

Paige scoffs, with a laugh, "sure, or maybe you just aren't good at basketball." Paige challenges. Kai gasps at the girl before stepping close to her as to guard her. Paige laughs at the feeble attempt of guarding and moves quickly around her and scores an easy layup. "Okay, this is not fair." Kai says with a playful pout.

Paige mocks the pout making Kai stop pouting herself. Kai glares at Paige before rushing towards her trying to snatch the ball. "It's my turn with the ball anyways! I watch basketball sometimes." Kai points out while crossing her arms over her chest.

Paige nods and throws the ball at Kai. Kai shrieks and ducks away from it, "I wasn't ready!" She shouts in defense as Paige laughs. Kai retrieves the ball and starts dribbling it with Paige guarding her. "Okay, go easy on me hotshot." Kai says as she tries to move around Paige but Paige was able to move faster than Kai and cut off her movement. Kai groans as she tries again, gets rejected again by Paige's fast feet.

Kai throws her head back in defeat before just shooting the ball from where she was standing. The ball almost goes in but hugs the rim and falls out. "This is too hard." Kai complains stepping up to the blonde. Paige raises an eyebrow at the girl, "you're the one that wanted to do this."

Kai rolls her eyes at Paige. "I wanted to like shoot some baskets not play 1v1 against the best women's basketball player." Kai whines out. Paige laughs at the girl before grabbing another ball, "let's shoot."

Kai smiles and lines up a shot, without the 6'0" blonde guarding her, and shoots the ball. Kai clasps her hands together while watching the ball hit the backboard and go in. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" Kai yells as she takes a quick victory lap.

Paige watches the girl run a lap, coming back to her while panting. "You're panting." Paige points out, "yeah?"

"You barely ran, how are you panting?" Paige questions with a laugh. Kai flips her off and goes back to breathing normally. "We gotta get you on a treadmill or something."



liked by kamoreaarnold, caroline.ducharme3, azzi35, and 17,926 others


📍 nebraska

kamoreaarnold: cold?
liked by kaislade

paigebueckers: lemme warm you up
kaislade: 🤍

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