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IT WAS MEDIA DAY. Everyone had to be in the gym by 10:00 AM. The players had been awake since 5:00 AM, they didn't want to be late and have to face Kai Slade. Kai groans while hauling in the last light fixture. Kai goes back to her office and grabs three different lenses and two different cameras, as well as the camera stand. It was 9:48 AM and some of the players were just arriving.

The players 'ooo' and 'ahh' at the setup. Kai smiles while adjusting the light fixtures height. "No, don't you dare KK!" Paige yells while running after KK to stop her. "Hey!" Kai shouts as there's very expensive equipment on the floor and they're acting like children.

KK and Paige stop in their tracks. "If you're going to play fight, don't do around thousand dollar equipment!" Kai scolds and KK has to stifle a laugh as Paige was getting yelled at. "I'm talking to you too, Arnold." Kai finalizes with a pointed finger at both of them.

"Go in the locker room to calm down." Kai demands while pointing to the locker room. The two girls nod and scurry off to the locker room. "Jesus Christ, KK!" Paige says while pushing her lightly.

"It's not my fault that you think Kai is mesmerizing." KK teases as Paige rolls her eyes. "Doesn't mean you have to tell her that." Paige groans and looks at herself in the mirror. More players enter the locker room not wanting to get scolded by Kai as well.

"What was that all about?" Nika asks as she watched the interaction go down. "Paige has a crush on Kai!" KK blurts out. Paige cuts a glare to KK, "you are so lucky we're taking pictures today." Paige threatens and KK smirks at the blonde.

"Alright, let's go!" Kai yells while walking into the locker room. All the girls rush out of the locker room and into the gym. "Okay, I'm glad everyone is here and ready to go." Kai says as she looks at the players that were clad in their white uniforms, hair done, and makeup done. "KK, you're up first."

Kai directs KK and positions her over and over again to get the right angles and shots. After about a 100 photos later, it was Aaliyah's turn. Kai did this with every player. After taking everyone's pictures, she had over 1,500 photos to look through.

"Thank you, everyone. You have practice in thirty minutes, go get ready." Kai says releasing the hungry players. Kai gets to work with taking down the light fixtures and backdrops. Taking everything down was much easier than setting it up. Kai was able to get the gym back to normal in just 15 minutes.

Kai heads into her office and puts her lenses and cameras back while taking the SD card out to plug into her computer. "My favorite part of photography!" Kai says sarcastically while the SD loads and the pictures start appearing. Kai smiles as the raw images were looking so good with no editing.

Kai goes through the pictures deleting over half of the initial photos. Kai stretches as it was 2:00 PM already. Kai packs up opting to finish it up tomorrow. Kai shuts off her laptop, and turns the light off in her office before locking it up and heading to the gym. Practice ended so there were no players in the gym, at least there wasn't supposed to be.

"Bueckers, what are you doing?" Kai questions as Paige throws a ball and it circles the rim before going into the hoop. "Just getting some extra practice in." She answers and grabs another ball to shoot. Kai smiles before snatching the ball out of her hands.

"Really?" Paige asks, hiding her smile. Kai nods as she bounces the ball, trying to get the ball through her legs like she's seen the players do but failing miserably at it. Paige laughs at Kai's attempts before running up on Kai.

Kai side steps Paige to dodge her attempts at grabbing the ball. Kai lines up a shot and goes to shoot. The ball was a complete air ball. "I'm not a basketball player, Bueckers." Kai says knowing Paige was going to make fun of her shot. Paige grabs the rebound and does a simple layup.

"It doesn't help that I'm like a foot shorter than you." Kai adds while Paige passes the ball to her. Kai lines up another shot, she throws the ball and it barely goes in after hugging the rim for a couple of seconds. "I made it!" Kai says excitedly while clapping.

Paige laughs at her excitement before shooting a couple of shots herself. Paige jogs up to Kai and hands the ball to her, "I'll show you how to shoot." She says while grabbing Kai's waist. Kai's stomach erupts into butterflies at Paige's touch.

Paige continues to talk to Kai about positioning and showing her the hand movements, in all honesty, Kai was not paying any attention to the blonde hooper. Paige rolls her eyes and snatches the ball out of Kai's hands. Kai gets broken out of her trance and runs after Paige. "Bueckers!" Paige lets out a laugh while running away from Kai, "come and catch me, Slade!"


"I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow." Kai says while stretching out her arms. Paige smiles softly as they lounge in Kai's room. Kai grabs some food out of her mini fridge and hands it to Paige. "I'm starving." Paige says while opening the container revealing grapes, watermelon, apples, cantaloupe, and strawberries.

Paige immediately goes ham on the fruits and starts eating grapes. "Hey, I'm hungry too." Kai tells the blonde while grabbing some pieces of watermelon. "Could you take my makeup off, I don't have anything to take it off." Paige asks and Kai nods as she grabs her makeup remover and cotton rounds.

Kai pours the remover onto a cotton pad and gentle rubs the makeup off of Paige's face. Paige flinches at the cold sensation causing Kai to grip her chin to keep her in place. Paige pouts while closing her eyes so Kai can finish removing her makeup. "All done." Kai says while throwing away the used cotton pads in the trash. "Thank you."

Kai nods as she goes back to eating the fruit in the container. "So, how are the pictures looking?" Paige questions wanting to make more conversation with the media director. Kai shrugs while plopping a grape into her mouth.

"Don't do that, tell meeeee." Paige begs and Kai gives in, grabbing her phone. "Okay, I only have the ones from my first day on my phone right now." Paige nods and grabs Kai's phone and starts scrolling through the pictures. Paige gawks at the pictures and Kai hides her face in her hands. Kai snatches her phone thinking her photos were bad.

"Stop, I know. They suck." Kai says while throwing her head back. Paige smirks at the girl, "they aren't bad." Kai turns to look at the blonde. "Really?"

Paige nods and holds her hand out to get the phone back. Kai hands the phone back to the blonde and Paige goes back to looking at the pictures. Kai immerses herself in the fruit, hoping Paige wasn't lying about them looking good. "Might need you to start taking my insta pics." Paige says, that was the best compliment Kai could've received from the blonde.

Kai blushes and this doesn't go unnoticed by Paige. Maybe Kai Slade was just as mesmerized with Paige Bueckers as Paige is mesmerized with Kai.

"So, I already know the answer to this but I need clarification; am I ever gonna get my clothes back?" Paige questions breaking the silence. "Nope." Kai puts simply and Paige laughs with a nod. Kai rolls her eyes and goes to her closet and grabs some clothes for Paige. "Now we're even."

"Hey, the girls are wondering if you want to come out with us tonight." Paige says and Kai thinks about it for awhile. "Okay, you're coming." Paige declares and Kai laughs at her abruptness.

"Help me pick out an outfit?" Kai wonders and Paige jumps into action by going through everything in Kai's closet.


liked by paigebueckers, azzi35, kamoreaarnold, and 13,876 others.

thank you p. bueckers for this 'outfit'

tagged: paigebueckers

paigebueckers: like you could do better k. slade
kaislade: im gonna slap you

azzi35: never let paige pick your outfit
liked by kaislade
paigebueckers: now everybody is ganging up against me, and for what????

kamoreaarnold: still looking fine asf
kaislade: oh kk, that's all you 🤍

nika.muhl: danggggg, are you single?
kaislade: nikaaaaa stop making me blush

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"In my opinion, the outfit is fire." Paige says while crossing her arms over her chest making her biceps prod against her shirt. Kai's eyes go wide seeing how big her biceps are. "I think your shirt shrunk." Kai teases and points at how her biceps are just begging to be let out. Paige looks down and smirks at Kai before changing her top. "Better?" Paige questions and Kai squints to make it look like she's looking really hard. "Yes."


liked by kaislade, azzi35, nika.muhl, and 98,682 others

kai made me change shirts

tagged: kaislade

kaislade: ur biceps were begging to be released from the confinement of ur shrunken shirt.
paigebueckers: how'd you notice that slade, hm?
kaislade: no comment.
liked by paigebueckers

adorezoomer: okay so nika post soon too???
liked by nika.muhl

nika.muhl: buckets !!!
liked by paigebueckers

azzi35: fye 🔥
liked by paigebueckers

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Kai climbs out of the car that was driven by Paige, they almost died three times on the ride there but they made it. "You are not driving." Kai demands as she grabs Paige's keys out of her hand, Paige rolls her eyes as they walk into the club. Kai immediately goes to the dance floor getting hyped over the music. Paige keeps her eyes on her as she disappears into the crowd of people.

"You're whipped." Azzi says coming up behind the blonde. Paige scoffs as they go sit down in the V.I.P lounge. "Let me get a dirty shirley." Paige says simply to the waiter who approached the table. Everyone else ordered and soon after the drinks arrived. "Are you gonna ask Kai out?" KK asks while sipping her drink. Paige rolls her eyes and just takes a long sip of her shirley. The girls laugh knowing how much Paige was obsessed with Kai already.

Kai limps over to the table making every worried, "Kai?!" Paige is on her feet helping her over to the table and having her sit in her seat. "I'm fine, I just rolled my ankle." Kai says, panting and grabbing the drink in front of her. Paige lets her take a couple of sips of her drink before taking it back, "you want your own, Slade?" Paige questions and Kai nods.

Paige waves the waiter down, Kai reaches and grabs the drink back and finishes it off. Paige pursues her lips at the girl. Kai smiles up at Paige, genuinely not caring about taking her drink. "Bueckers, come dance with me!" Kai says grabbing her wrist and pulling her to the middle of the floor.

"If they don't date, I'm gonna go insane." Azzi says and the girls nod in agreement.


Kai groans as another alarm is blaring in the room. "Paige." Kai pokes Paige and she wakes up on the first attempt. "Do we have an early practice again?" Kai asks, dropping her head onto a pillow just wanting to sleep. Paige yawns, "fuck, I have a class." Kai laughs at the blonde as she climbs over her.

Kai rolls over and takes Paige's spot, almost falling asleep on the spot. "I'll see you when I get back." Paige says and Kai barely responds to the girl as she leaves the room. Kai goes back to sleep.

Paige unlocks the door to her dorm room to see Kai still in the same spot. Upon hearing the door close, Kai opens her eyes. "Good morning, Bueckers." Kai yawns out while sitting up in the bed. "Damn, I was hoping we could go back to sleep." Paige said with a sullen tone that makes Kai laugh.

"I'm so hungover, can we go get food?" Kai asks and Paige nods, setting her backpack down on the ground. Kai looked down to see herself wearing Paige's clothes again, this time it was a UConn sweatshirt and some of her basketball shorts. "Why do they make basketball shorts so long?" Kai questions, only getting a shrug from Paige.

Kai rolls her eyes while grabbing her phone and standing by the door for the blonde. Paige opens the door and lets Kai go out first. Kai bites her tongue to stop her from calling Paige a gentleman or in Paige's words a 'gentlewomen.'

Kai groans as walking made her head pound. "My head hurts." Kai states and Paige could relate, not as much as the brunette.

"Don't drink so much next time, Slade." Paige teases and Kai cuts a glare at her, "whatever Bueckers." She responds trudging along the hooper who didn't even look affected by a hangover. They reach the dining hall and Kai immediately goes to a table and sits down, sighing in relief.

"What do you want? I'll go grab it for you." Paige offers, Kai gives Paige a sleepy smile, "eggs— no pancakes. I need carbs right now." Paige nods and goes to the line to grab them food. Kai slumps onto the table in exhaustion and her head pounding at her.

Paige arrives to the table and sets the plate of pancakes in front of the hungover girl. "Thank you." Kai mutters out while sluggishly cutting the pancake. The girls ate in silence, talking being too much for Kai. "Wassup!" Kai cringes at the loud voice of KK.

"Shut up." Kai mutters, just wanting to sleep the day away. KK raises her eyebrows and Paige just shrugs in response. Paige walks away from the table, KK taking her spot and eating some of her food.

"Hey, Azzi's gonna bring you some aspirin." Paige whispers to Kai. Kai nods, she's never gonna drink again. Paige lets KK stay in her spot and opts to sit next to Kai.

Five minutes later, Azzi finally brings the medicine for Kai. She takes it hastily, gulping down water with the pills. "Dang, you're a lightweight." KK teases. Kai flips off the girl who laughs at her. Paige laughs as well before ushering her up. "Let's get you to bed."

Paige closes the door after getting Kai back into her bed, being as quiet as possible as to not wake her. "Are you gonna tell her we have practice today?" Ice asks as Paige walks back into their dorm room. "Nah." She responds and gets changed for practice.

Paige and Ice leave their dorm room and head to the gym. They were the last two to arrive, drawing all eyes to them. "Where's Kai?" Nika wonders and Ice gives Paige a pointed look, "sleeping. She's hungover."

"Really? She's a lightweight." Inês comments and the girls agree. Paige rolls her eyes, "yeah whatever."


Kai groans while getting out of bed, looking at the time— practice just started thirty minutes ago. Kai heads to the gym, her head not pounding as bad as it was when she first woke up. Kai walks into the gym, already wishing she was asleep because of the echoes of balls bouncing. She rubs her eyes, not watching what the girls were doing.

A basketball goes air ball and snacks Kai straight in the nose, "ow." The girls all run towards her as blood runs down her face.

"Tilt your head back." One of the players say and Kai obeys, the blood slowing down. One of the personal trainers comes over to help the girl. Geno blows a whistle ushering the girls back to the court.

The girls reluctantly leave Kai in the hands of the personal trainer. The personal trainer directs Kai to sit down and she does. "I'm okay, just get the bleeding to stop." Kai says and the personal trainer nods.

The blood stops streaming out of her nose, her nose was bruised. Paige gives Kai a glance and Kai smiles softly in return. Looks like Kai was not gonna finish the media day pictures today. Kai sat on the bench watching the girls for the last thirty minutes of practice. UConn had their opening game in about week and the girls were ecstatic about. Especially Paige. She couldn't wait to get back out on the court again.

Kai, too, was excited to be on the sidelines taking pictures. She couldn't wait to be back in her element, already feeling at peace with taking pictures again. "What's got you all smiley?" Nika asks sitting next to her. Kai sighs, "opening game, I can't wait to watch and take pictures."

Nika nods knowing how that feels. Kai stands up wobbly, her legs having fell asleep. Nika watches the girl hobbling out of the gym, "Paige, she's gonna steal all your clothes one day."


hello i hope you guys are enjoying this storyyyyy

bc i am

much love 🤍

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