Shot- 3

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Sanskar's character was grey shade in last two part which will change now.. it's said we knows importance after loosing something. He will know importance of swara but what if Swara wants to distant herself from him being afraid of another heartbreak..???

Sanskar was looking outside the window , not able to figure out what's happening to him.. why he is so restless to loose something.. as if something going far away.. as SHE IS GOING FAR AWAY.. but was it true. She is not going far. It was him. She was always there and she is still there.. when he looked at her final time and that tear which changed something inside him. But why?? He never felt this way for anyone.. and for her? Not even in his worst dream.. atleast his mind thought so but was it true.. cause if it was true then what was something that wetting his eyelashes and felling down to his cheeks. Tears or water??? Well.. he just can't figure out it.. just the way he can't figure out his feelings that was developing inside him..
" Swara " the name that never mattered to him.. her existence never mattered him. Her presence never mattered him.. then why? He always ignored her and hurt her.. yeah, he knew that he was hurting her for nothing.. she did nothing to him. Did she?? What was her mistake to bear all that.. she was always innocent girl who lost her father only few days back of their marriage and then she just came to his house as his wife but what she got .. betrayal. Does she deserve that? His conscience questioned his innerself..
The true thing was he doesn't know anything about her accept her name but she is his WIFE Which he never thought about her. In all this one thing really confused him a lot was why?
Why she was still with him bearing all this? Why she still support him when she knows his motive of marrying her.. when she knows he love Kavita.. ?
He was lost in thought of Swara.. thinking about recent conversation at airport when Laksh jerk him..
He look at him asking what?

Sanskar: what?

Laksh: seriously!! I call you three four times but no response so I jerk you? Where are you?

Sanskar: nothing, you say what happened?

Laksh: we reached to Paris.. come.. let's go.
Sanskar then only looked outside only to find they already landed. His seatbelt was still tied as he did before taking off of flight. He now realized he didn't sleep whole night . His thoughts was surrounded by Swara..

Laksh: now what? Let's go Bhai..

Sanskar: hmm yeah.. let's go.

He untied the seatbelt and stand up to go out. They come put of airport where their company cars was waiting for them. Laksh and Sanskar got into one and ragini and Kavita got in one. They reached their hotel and check in..

Sanskar move to his room without saying anything which confused all but they also move to their respective rooms.

Sanskar go inside and lock the door. He thought to get fresh n up to feel better. He open his bag to take out his clothes. There were some files which was his office files . He kept them aside when he saw another blue colour file and a book with it.. he got confused as it wasn't his.. Then he remembered he kept it in hurry thinking it his as it was kept on his side table.. he keep it aside and take his clothes and goes to washroom..

After taking bath, he come out and saw that file and book.. if it wasn't his then what was it doing on his table, what if it's Swara's. he got curious to check it so he went to bed and take that..

He open the file and sees only to get shocked to find certificates.. there was her certificates of her schools, graduation and masters. She had done masters in arts. She was bright in study. And a certificate from music academy.. no wonder her dad wanted to open a music school for her.
He remembered her words..

"I m villager but I m not illitrate.. it's just that you never tried to understand me.."

Now he come to know what she meant and it did nothing but made him feel guilty.. he kept the file aside and then took that book only to analyze that it wasn't a book but a diary.. he remembered when he saw her writing and she immediately hide it. He was feeling different.. should he open it or not? He never gave her any right to touch his things then do he have right on her personal things..? He thought not to see it but something inside him force to open it and see the diary. He wanted to know about her..

He feel an urge to look into it... He open it and what he saw shocked him.. It was his photo with title " Mera pyaar... Meri Zindagi"  (my love... My life")

He turned page..

Swara's p.o.v:

Life is so unpredictable and just like love. Life take sudden change and love... It happen suddenly.. yes, it happened to me. I fell in love. Today I saw him.. he is dp Uncle son. Oh my God, he is really handsome.. I m not that girl who fell for looks but Sanskar is different. I was attracted to him at first sight but when I saw him ,his nature, his behavior with family.. he respect them a lot.. I just fell for him but how can I say this? I m reserved type girl and telling about my feelings is not for me I think.. so I m leaving it to God if he will be in my destiny.. he will come in my life..

It's been fifteen days of my papa death.. dp uncle and rp uncle handled everything. They extended their vacation. AP and sujatha aunty always there for me to make me feel better but I still miss u papa. Today AP aunty and dp uncle come with Sanskar marriage proposal. They want me to marry him. I was not in position to think anything but after aunty said me to think I accepted it thinking it as god sign. But most important thing was Sanskar's happiness.. if he is happy with it or not.. I thought if he will not like this then he will deny.. when he didn't,. I thought he is agreed. But still I wanted to talk to him once. He didn't show up to me. And it wasn't allowed to me to go and meet him. I asked Aunty if Sanskar is happy with this marriage, she told he is.. so I didn't stress myself much. Finally marriage day come, we got married. Sanskar didn't even look at me. I was confused..
At first night, he didn't come to room. What's happening.. I was hurt.. actually very hurt. Still I composed myself and started my day only to find him coming from somewhere. He told he was in office. I was shocked yet hurt, his work was more important than me. Maa was angry on him but I managed even though I was hurt..

it's worst day of my life as I lost. I m broken. I lost my everything .. I lost my husband. Not mine.. he is not mine. What I did to deserve this. Why did he do this to me. He love some one else. He don't think me as his wife. Then who am I ? What am I in his life? Does my existence matter.. I can't forget the way he was holding her, the way he was looking at her.. will I ever get that love from him. I don't think I will. I thought I will get my love when I married him but I forget that love gave pain and it gave me that pain which will never vanish. Will I ever able to erase that memory , the scene that I saw in his office..? no I think. I m wishing good to kill me for once cause I don't want to die bit by bit suffering from this heartbreak.
Looks like god don't want to kill me cause he know I will question him why he did it to me? Fine.. I will die each moment watching my husband loving someone else. I will die each moment thinking how I will make them together even though it will kill me. Yes, I decided.. I will unite them. Sanskar must have married in family pressure..
I asked him , why did he married me.. to which he didn't answered and behaved rudely. I can't be his friend too.. why? Am I that much bad? I don't have that standard.. I always thought we see the people to being friends. Does standard matter.. i thought at least I will have some friendly moments with him that I will remember my whole life. It will be much to leave my whole life when he will leave me. But that is also not in my destiny.. if not his wife, not his friend .. then what am I?
I have lost my love but I don't want him to loose his love. He is really happy with him. I try to distant myself from him.. not because I want to.. my heart wrenches with pain to see him with her.. when he talk to her. My love for him is not selfish that I will force on him.
But can someone tell me what was my fault? I just loved him for no reason.. BEWAJAH.. kyunki Pyaar bewajah hota hai.. my heart fell for him completely.. I could not stop myself... Was that my mistake? Do he cares? It's really funny I think, he never cares that I know. Otherwise he would have known that every night I wait for him to come back from office and then eat my dinner and sometime starve too as he come too late that I fell asleep still waiting for him. He never inform me that he is going somewhere or he will get late and why will he.. I M NO ONE TO HIM.

I m living my life and counting days.. may be waiting for him to throw me out if his life and this house or may be waiting for the day if my death.. cause if he will go from my life na.. then I will die. This is the truthy heart knows but I will try to survive.. will try to live with this broken heart..

I m totally aware of the fact how much Sanskarji, ragini and Laksh hate me.. they think me as none. Infact sometime I feel they loath on me. My heart cries to see this. But I still love him. My heart still craving for his love. I want his one look when he will see me with lots of love. I want to die but after filling his life with happiness. I have only one wish before death embrace me I could see his face and take my last breath.
Today, I got to know his reason to marry me.. which did nothing much but scratched my heart. He want that land which was gifted by my father. I know my economic condition is not good enough to complete my music school dream but I knew I will be able to do it one day.. but he married just for a piece of land.. could not he talk to me once. For once he would have talked.. I would have happily denied to marry him and go away from his life but he used the situation for his favour. Do he have any idea how much it pained me. Don't he care a bit about me.. ?
I m crying , my tears are drying but the wound will ever healed? If he want that land I will give him, let him be happy.. cause I love him and my happiness lies with him. I know it's Papa's gift but papa only said na if we love someone ,we can loose anything for them.. he only said if you love someone and he wants to go away.. let him go, cause if he will be in your fate.. he will be back. And I know Sanskar ji can never be mine but if he complete his dream then my heart feel a kind of peace that he will have something which is mine and may be someday, he will remember me that I became the reason of fulfilling his dreams. Even if he don't remember me.. I will have satisfaction that I fulfilled his dream.
He is going to London for business trip, dad want me to go but I know it well he don't want me to go. If he want it then let it be.. I won't go. In one way,it's good cause I won't be able to live watching him and Kavita together and break myself more.

He turned the next page but it was blank. Swara has written it last night. She must have kept it on table to pack in her bag but Sanskar accidentally put it in his bag.
He close the diary and a tear drop fell on it which made him realize that he was crying.. again crying for her. Suddenly something strike on his mind he turned the pages and find it. He could see the faded latters which shows she was crying all the while whenever she used to write. He remembered the night when Swara arrange her bed in balcony and he find her hiding something,then also she was crying. He unknowingly caress the letters " I LOVE YOU SANSKAR".

He remembered her words at airport" be Happy always cause it will be always important for me that you are happy"

He felt sudden pain in his heart but why he never cared for her in her presence then why do he cares for her absence.

A knock on the door brought him in sense ,he wipes his tears and keep the diary on bed and go to open the door.
It was Kavita..

Kavita: hey Sanskar.. are you ready?
Sanskar:( confused) ready? For what?
Kavita: we are going out .. let's go.
Sanskar: no.. I m not feeling well u go with Laksh and ragini.
Kavita come inside and sit on bed.
Kavita: what is happening Sanskar? Since the time we board fight you are behaving differently.. firstly u didn't sit with me and now u r avoiding me.. and why can't u go. What important work do u have?

Sanskar: it's nothing.. I m just tired..

Kavita eyes fell on the diary..

Kavita: oh God.. don't tell me u r reading some books. Because you hate book reading right.. and what's this. It's cover is also not good.. it's too old fashioned..

Kavita take the diary.. and about to see it but Sanskar immediately snatched it..
Sanskar: it's nothing, u can go. I can't come as I m not well.. and about this book. Everything not relies upon cover whether it's good or bad. So don't judge it. It can be special itself.

Kavita: you are say this Sanskar? For whom these small things matters?

Sanskar look away ..
Kavita: what's wrong Sanskar?
Sanskar: ( stern) I think I m clear Kavita.. I won't go. If you want you can go with Laksh and ragini. Now please leave and I want to have rest..

Kavita angrily goes out of room and Sanskar close the door. Then he again sees the diary in his hand and caress it.
He went to bed and kept the diary on side table.

Sanskar feels so hurt.. he take his phone and want to call her but then he realized he doesn't have her no. Isn't it strange .. she was living with her , she is his wife but he don't even have her no.. really.. have he ever seen her carefully, not for a while.. he never cared for her.. then her phone no.. his subconscious mind questions him..
He ran his hand through hair being frustrated or angry. He don't even know what he was feeling.
Her thoughts surrounded him.  He closed his eyes and try to sleep which was seems to be next to impossible.. then only his phone rang. He immediately take the call.
Sanskar: hello..
AP: hello Sanskar..
Sanskar feel disappointed not finding it's Swara..
Sanskar: yeah maa..
AP: how are you? When you reached?
Sanskar: I m fine maa.. we reached.. you say, are u fine?
AP: yeah I m fine..
Sanskar: okay..
AP: take care.. u must be tired take rest..
Sanskar: hmm yeah..
AP: I will also call Swara and tell that u reached..
Sanskar got alert hearing her name..
Sanskar: Swara? What she said?

AP: woh she was not able to contact you so she asked me to know have u reached and u r fine?

Sanskar remind her word " it will always important for me to know u r happy". He knew very well that she was lying that she wasn't able to contact as he knew she will never call him.

Sanskar:( feeling guilty) I m sorry mom..

AP: don't be sorry Sanskar.. Swara told me. It's not ur fault. You forced her to come with you but she had important work in village na. It's ok Swara told me.. it's really sad but don't worry..   she will come back in one or two week. Then we will take care if ur swara. Acha u sleep now. GD night.
Saying this she hung up the call.

"Ur Swara"  when she said that Sanskar unknowingly felt good and but felt sad thinking about Swara..

Swara's village house

Swara was sitting on the floor  resting her head on the corner of bed. She was looking hopeless and feeling no strength in herself. Her eyes were open and still teary. There was a photo in her hand. It was their marriage pic. A fresh tear fell from her eyes to the pic . She wipe it and look at Sanskar face, caressing it. She dont know since how much time she was sitting like that.
She just remember she come inside her room and then collapse on the floor feeling no power to hold herself more. How much , how much she can bear.. she had to maintain the facade of being ok to everyone around her but not when she is alone. And now she was alone.. lost in her world, where she cry as much she can, cry as much louder as she can but no one was there to hear her. That was her FATE.. may be or may be not.

She come back to her sense when she heard her phone ring. It was AP.. she immediately wipe her tear and take the call..

Swara: yes maa.. what he said? He is fine na? He reached safely na?
AP:( smiled at her care) oh Swara.. he is fine.. and he reached safely. U don't worry. Laksh is also with him but I m worried for u beta. U r there alone.. no one is there. I will do one thing.. I will also come to u till ur work get over..
Swara: no no maa. I m ok.. don't worry.. I will be back as soon I complete this work. It's not really important. U take care maa..
Ap: ok beta.. come soon. GD night..
Swara: gd nyt maa..

She cut the call and again started crying bitterly.

10 days later:

Swara came back yesterday evening only. She was again back to her mode. She was showing herself normal and try to smile with family members.
It was morning, Swara was cooking and AP and sujatha were helping her. Uttara was cracking her silly jokes in between which somehow bring smile on her face..
Then only AP phone ring.
AP: arey Sanskar is calling?
Uttara: bhabhi .. seems like Bhai knows that you are with badi maa..

Swara gave a fake smile which Uttara noticed but she ignored as may be she is over thinking.

AP: haan Sanskar..
Sanskar was just talking casually but he wanted to ask about Swara..
Then sujatha took the phone and started to talk to Sanskar. Swara was just looking at them how happy they are..  she started to cut veggies but her concentration was on them and by mistake she got cut..
Swara: aahh...
AP: Swara!!..
Uttara: bhabhi..!!
Sanskar heard it.. he heard her voice ,he felt sudden happiness that she was back but he got scared what happened to her..

Sanskar:(panicked) Swara..? What Happened to her?
Sujatha: woh she got cut..
Sanskar: what? How..?

But then he heard her voice.

Swara: it's ok maa.. Uttara. It's just small. I m fine...
AP: shut up Swara.. uttara give me bandage..
AP  give first aid to Swara.
AP: be careful beta.. see how u get hurt..
Sujatha: u r right jiji.. Swara now go to ur room and rest , we will do now..
Swara: but Chachi ji.. maa..
AP: no Swara, u go..

Sanskar feel relieved that she is fine but he wanted to talk to her. It's been 10 days ,he heard her. He was dying to talk to her.

Swara nods with smile and was about to go when she heard Uttara...
Uttara: ahaan bhai want to talk to bhabhi.. see ,I told you na badi maa.. he only care about bhabhi..

AP: Uttara.. give phone to Swara.. don't tease them..
Swara get scared.. why he wants to talk to her. What if he again say something which she won't be able to take it..

Swara: no maa.. u talk. I will talk to him later. I remember some work in my room. I m going..

Sanskar felt bad listening her denial . She don't want to talk to him. And he deserves that cause he had hurt her but he felt her fear and pain in her voice which made him restless.. but he can't give up. He have to talk to her..

Sanskar:( to Uttara) Uttara give phone to ur bhabhi.. I think u heard me..( serious)
Uttara: ok Bhai.. bhabhi pls talk.. otherwise he will get angry..

Sujatha: see jiji.. how much restless he is to talk to his wife..
And laughs. AP smile..

Swara took the phone from Uttara..
AP: beta u go to ur room and talk. Don't be uncomfortable..

Uttara was about to tease them but AP say her not to do that.

Swara go-to  room.. and close the door. She took a deep breathe and say.

Swara: he..hello..

Sanskar never felt this much good before.. his heart flutter..

Sanskar: hello Swara..

Swara heart skip a beat but then composed herself not want to have any hope..
Listening no reply Sanskar say: how are u Swara?

Swara closed her eyes and tear fell from her eye in relief. At least for once he asked about her.. she took a deep sigh..

Sanskar: ( panicked) Swara.. Swara are u there?

Swara: ji...  Everyone is fine.. they all miss you..

Sanskar: ( felt bad that she was ignoring his question) Swara I ask about you.. How are you?

She was giving totally opposite answer what he was asking...

Swara: Ji.. don't worry I will take care of property papers.. lawyer uncle told we will get in two three days.. then I will transfer it to ur name..

Sanskar: Swara what are you talking.. I did not want to ask that.. infact..

Swara: ( not giving any chance to let him say) ji.. pls you don't take tension.. maa is  also alright.. I never let her skip her medicine..

Sanskar: ( plead her to listen him) Swara pls....
Swara: okay... You must be busy.. I will talk to u later..

Her voice was getting heavier and she was chocking which Sanskar felt..

Sanskar: Swara please don't do this...  I want to say something Swara.. pls let me...

But Swara cut the call.. not listening anything and fell on floor..

Sanskar feels too guilty.. his eyes filled..
He wait for night but Swara didn't call him... He expected this..
Next day he get no from AP excusing that her no. Got deleted from his phone..
He call Swara but Swara doesn't lift it.. she put it on silent..
After trying a lot Swara lift the call.. Sanskar feel relaxed to hear her voice but then only Kavita come .. she call her...

Sanskar curse her for this.. as he heard her saying: you seem to busy.. will talk to you later...

Before he could say anything.. Swara cut the call and started crying bitterly...

Sanskar closed his eyes feeling guilty but then he thought something and call again..
Swara sees the phone that was ringing continuously but she didn't lift it.. and was still crying..

Sanskar keep calling but Swara didn't answer..
Sanskar: pls pls pls Swara.. let me talk to you once.. pls.. god..

He bang his hand on glass table being impatient and the glass piece Pierce in his hand but he was least concerned..  he was still calling her..

Screen split on Swara crying face and the phone was ringing beside her while Sanskar was restless and his hand was bleeding...

Precap: TWIST....

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