Shot- 4

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" The no. U r trying to reach is currently not responding to ur call.. pls try again later.."
The same line he is listening since hours as he is continuously trying to call her. To listen her voice but alas! Look like she is not lifting his calls , doesn't she care about him? No, it's not that .. she cares for him.. it's just that she is not that strong to bear that heart wrenching pain again.

Keeping his one hand on glass window, he was still trying to reach her but only to get disappointed. He remembered two days earlier when he heard her voice but couldn't talk to her properly and it's all happened due to Kavita.. if she wouldn't have come then he could have talked to her.. but deep inside on his heart he also know that not Kavita, but he is responsible for everything happened. It's all because of him only.

That day, he felt so much relief when she finally lift his call. He don't know why but felt an unknown happiness in his heart. He also don't know why he was so desperate to hear her voice.
It was so soothing to hear his own name from his mouth. The way she take his name " Sanskar ji".. it was always irritating for him but what happened now?

He said" hello swara" , how r u?

He asked only to get disappointed as Swara didn't answer him..

He repeat himself.." hello swara, are u listening?

She just hummed with heavy voice, he could easily figure out that she was chocking , trying to stop her cry but she composed herself and asked him..
" Are you fine Sanskar ji?" Surprising him.
"Yeah, I m.. " he replied.
" How r u , swara? , He asked again but only to get same reply.

" Everyone is good.. maa, papa ji... .." he interrupt before she could blabber that same words again...
" Swara, i asked about u, if I want to know about them, I can call them directly na? " He said.

" But why?"... She asked gathering a bit courage as she knew he will never give answer of her " why" and " how"? She never had right to question him and she never did.. but something inside her force him to ask " why ".. why do he care?

" What?" He asked confused..
" Yeah,. Why do u want to know ,how am I.. you are happy na that's all matters. I was never that important , infact my life have no importance.. A girl like me don't deserve ur care.."

He unknowingly get angry listening the word " A GIRL LIKE ME". .

" What do u mean a girl like u, haan?" He asked in little anger which she could feel.

" Yeah, a girl like me.. who is not even worth of ur friendship. Just creating problems in ur life.. sometime I think ki mujhme hi koi kami hogi ki aap..." Stopped as she heard Kavita voice..

" Sanskar baby.... U r still not ready, we are going out, let's go" Kavita come in his room Calling his name..

Then only he heard her broken voice " you seems to busy, I m sorry, again I waste ur time. I m really sorry"

" Hello,listen" he tried to say but before that the call was cut.

He redial her no. Again and again but didn't got any answer. He was continuously calling her ignoring kavita who was confused to see him so impatient and stressed all of the sudden.

Kavita: what happened Sanskar? Leave ur phone na.. come let's go na?
She try to snatch his phone but he just burst out on her being frustrated.
Sanskar: wht the hell Kavita? Can't u see I m busy? Stop being childish sometime.

Kavita: Sanskar,... I.

Sanskar: shut up. , I m not going anywhere, heard that.. now get lost. I have some work.

Kavita come out of his room while he completely ignored it and continuously calling Swara..

Now, it's been two days but still answer didn't change. He was unable to hear her voice.

A knock on the cabin door bring him back to his sense. He turn around and tell the person to come in. It was Laksh.

Laksh: Bhai, we are ready for meeting. Shall we ?
Sanskar: hmm yeah..
Laksh: bhai., U okay?
Sanskar:( fake smile) yeah, I m fine.. what happened to me? Let's go.
Laksh: sure?
Sanskar: yes Laksh..
Laksh nods and both move toward conference room.

The meeting was going on. Sanskar was physically present but his mind was somewhere else and Laksh saw this. He signalled him few times but Sanskar assure that there is nothing. After sometime meeting was over. Sanskar go out taking his car without saying anything.

Days passed like this. Sanskar behavior was strange with each passing day she. He tried maximum to avoid Kavita. He don't like to be around her. Most of the time he try to call Swara in a hope that she will lift his call but answer didn't change. Now , the worst part was that Swara use to avoid him even if he use to call AP or sujatha. Swara skip from the situation so that she would not have to talk to him.

Due to continuous ignorance of Sanskar, Kavita also fight with him and with each passing days fights increased .
Sanskar could not figure out what was going on. He couldn't find peace any where. He knew that something was missing but couldn't realize that it was Swara. And why will he miss her when he never gave her importance..

Two months has been passed , and their project was also going to finish in few days. Sanskar wanted to end it soon and go back to India.

It was evening, Sanskar was sitting on terrace of his hotel on railing, hanging down his both legs.. looking in the blank space ,he was thinking something deeply.. he was lost in his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder...

" I CAN'T DO THIS TO HER"... He whispered..
" What"? Said the person.

Sanskar: yeah, I can't do this Laksh, I just can't..

Laksh: what are u talking Bhai?
( He said sitting beside him)
With whom u can't do and what?

Sanskar: ( slowly) Swara..

Laksh look at him shocked.

Laksh: what's going on Bhai? Are you okay?

Sanskar: I just don't know Laksh, I don't know. I don't know what's going on with me. I can't able to figure out what is happening to me since the day I left india. I m not okay Laksh.

Laksh: Bhai, first calm down then tell...

Sanskar:( shout) what should I tell haan,.. what should I say when I don't know myself. It's damn suffocating. I m feeling like I have air but still I can't breathe.. and Everytime I see her even she is not around.
It's been two months Laksh, two damn month I heard her voice, I saw her face and it's irritating me now. Everytime I see her diary ,I remember her crying face.. ,her tears came in front of my eyes.. what was her fault Laksh, what? What did she do? NOTHING!!.. she was a simple girl who just lost her father and then married me , trusting our family, trusting maa, papa.. she didn't even know me properly still I was her priority. She loved me.. how can she do that? She was always selfless and how can I use her for my profits.
You know what Laksh, she never demanded a single penny from me since the day we got married, just wanted my friendship to live some moment of happiness but I gave her only pain. What was her mistake Laksh, that her father died? What was her mistake that she dreamed to live her life happily after marriage, what was her mistake that she expected not love but at least some amount of care from her husband when he left her in the middle of nowhere and she couldn't figure out what she should do.. what was her mistake that she expected friendship from her husband even after getting the worst betrayal of her life by the same person.. what's her mistake that she kill herself daily so that I can be happy.. what's her fault that she sacrificed her dream so that I can fulfill my dream..

Laksh:( shocked) what?

Sanskar: yes Laksh, that piece of land for which I married her , she dreamed to build a music school and shekhar uncle wanted her to fulfill it.. so he bought that land as u told but her condition was not good to do it still she never gave up. She hoped that one day she will be able to do it by her own hard work.. not by cheating or betraying like the way I did to her..
She was never at fault.. only I did wrong to her.
I don't know whether I will ever forgive myself for this but I want to ask forgiveness from her. I can't live with this guilt.

Laksh: why? You didn't felt it wrong in starting then why now? You only said everything is right to fulfill ur dreams..

Sanskar: but not on cost of other's dream.. not on cost of other's sentiment or feelings. I understood it very late when I got to know her pain through her diary.. her each and every words broke me..

Laksh: so now what u have decided? You will divorce her and...

Sanskar: NO... I can't leave her..

Laksh: why?
Sanskar shivered just with thought of leaving her or divorcing her and Laksh saw that..
Sanskar: I can't .. I won't divorce her..

Laksh: but that was the deal I guess.. you only wanted that land and u married her and now that u don't want that land , divorce her.. anyway she is not ur type Bhai.. and u love Kavita na.. then what's the problem.. fine u accept ur mistake , now you should give her life back .. she is not for u Bhai.. not ur standard.. just low class girl...

Before he complete he got tight punch on his face..
Laksh look up to see Sanskar who was looking furiously at him and within a second he punched him again leading his lips to bleed. Sanskar harshly hold his collar and shout..

Sanskar:( shout) what?? What did u said? Low class girl? One more word about Swara , if u blurt out one more word about her na MR. LAKSH MAHESHWARI,.. I will dig ur grave here itself.. I will forget that u r my brother..

Laksh jerk his hand roughly and shout too: but why Bhai? WHY DOES SHE AFFECT U? IT CANT BE HAPPEN JUST BECAUSE OF GUILT ,RIGHT? THEN WHAT IT IS? why does she hold the power to control ur patience or anger that u r lifting ur hand on ur brother?

Sanskar:( shout) CAUSE I LOVE HER DAMN IT... I LOVE HER.. AND get that straight to ur head .. that I M FALLEN FOR MY WIFE MRS. SWARA SANSKAR MAHESHWARI..
Sometime we know the importance of person when we r going to loose them and I just hate myself that I m going to loose her.. I.. I love her Laksh.. I don't want to loose her..

Laksh: good to hear that Bhai..

Sanskar look at Laksh who was smiling at him wiping his corner lips..
Laksh: I was seeing that confusion on ur face since so many days , and I knew that there is something about Swara and that's why I forced u to blurt out.. and u did..

Sanskar just hug him .
Laksh: you won't loose her.. u just have to gain ur love..

Sanskar: she will never believe me.. I have broken her heart..

Laksh: then mend it..

Sanskar: do you think it's easy?

Laksh: no.. but if u want her in ur life.. you have to do it. But what about Kavita?

Sanskar: I have already told her about my marriage when we fought last time ND we broke up..

Laksh: that's why she go back to India 15 days back..

Sanskar nods.
Laksh: so now, come on talk to Swara bhabhi ( chuckled)

Sanskar:( sadly) she wont talk to me..
Laksh:( confused) what? But why?
Sanskar: ( chuckled sadly) she don't want to break more by listening my voice..
Saying this he told him everything about last time conversation.

Laksh: so Kavita came in between and ur talk left in middle..
Sanskar: yeah..
Laksh: so? U have her no. Na?
Sanskar nods.
Laksh: give me ur phone?
Sanskar:( confused) what? Don't tell me, u will call her.. she didn't lift my call since two months then why now..?

Laksh: wait and watch..
Saying this he took Swara's no. And dialled it from his phone..

Sanskar widen his eyes.. why didn't he thought like that?

Laksh: ( reading his expression) I know I m smart.. , see u want to hear her voice so I m calling her but you ,pls be silent ok..

Sanskar nods.

Sanskar: put on speaker..
Laksh did it.

Phone was ringing and ringing..
Sanskar: she won't lift it..
Laksh: just wait..
Sanskar: I know she...
" Hello"..
Laksh: sshh...

Sanskar lips broke into smile. He was about to say something but Laksh sign him to keep quiet.

" Hello.. " Swara said.
Laksh: hello swara.. it's me laksh.

Swara: oh Laksh, you? Anything important?
Laksh look at Sanskar" what should I say"?
Sanskar give him " I don't know look".
Laksh: haan.. haa..haan... Woh.. woh.. haan.. mom.. where is mom?

Swara: she is downstairs... But u could have called her directly na?

Sanskar hit Laksh on head.

Laksh: oh.. her phone was switched off I guess..

Swara: hmm may be.. wait I will go to her and u talk to her..

Laksh:( hurriedly) NO .. WAIT!!!..

Swara get confused..
Swara: Laksh?

Laksh: no I mean.. let it be .. I will talk to her later. She must be busy.

Swara: but she is free now.. u wait Laksh..

Laksh: no it's ok.. I will talk later..

Swara: okay..
Laksh: acha Swara .. woh Sanskar want to talk....

" Beep..." Before he finish the call was cut.
Sanskar closed his eyes in pain and a lone tear escaped from his eye.
Laksh keep his hand on his shoulder.
Sanskar: it's her right.. she has all right to get angry with me or ignore me. Now I know what she must have felt Everytime I ignored her but the difference is I was in front of her yet far away and she is far away from me in both way..
thank you so much Laksh.. it was so much relief to hear her voice..

Laksh:( smiled) well I have one more thing for you that will make u happy..

Sanskar:( wipes his eyes) really? And what's that?

Laksh: our project idea was liked by all board members and we will get tender..

Sanskar: ok.. but these business talks don't make me happy nowadays.

Laksh: wait .. ur happy news is still there with me..

Sanskar: don't play in riddles Laksh.. you know I hate it.

Laksh: ok.. we will get that tender and then we can go back to India and see the project development from there only..

Sanskar: oh yeah,... ( Realized) what???
Laksh nods.
Sanskar: really? Thank you so much Laksh.. you are my best brother..
Laksh: yeah, that's why you hit me two times on my face..

Sanskar: sorry.. but never say anything about her. I can't bear it..
Laksh: ok.. come let's go now..

Sanskar: hmm..

Two days later:

Sanskar was sitting and looking outside the window. He touched the diary that was in his hand and closed his eyes..
" Just few more hours Swara, then I will be there with u ... FOREVER... LOVE U SWARA"

Laksh look at him and smiled. Ragini sees him and ask what but he nods nothing. Ragini still knows nothing about it.

A girl was sitting in balcony lost in her own world. She is Swara.. it's been two days she heard his voice.. no.. it's not that she never heard his voice in these two months. Whenever he talk to any family members.. ( on speaker). She hear him and it give her relief. But that day when he heard him ,for a min she thought he want to talk to her, he want to say something to her but why? She is not that important to him.. Laksh wanted to talk to Mom.. and he also wanted that may be.. she can never raise her hope high..
She knows that she is here for some days ND soon she will be thrown out of this house.. will she able to bear it? The answer is hell no but what she can do is nothing..
In these two months, there wasn't a single day when she didn't think about him.. there wasn't a single night when she didn't cried for him but she is helpless to do anything..
He used to call her but she don't have that much guts to lift the call and say hello.. just in fear to break down..
She always heard that love gives us pain but it's also gives happiness.. but in her case she was only getting pain.

A lone tear escaped from her eye and she let it fall.

" Bhabhi"... Uttara voice brought her back to her sense..

Swara quickly wipes her tears and composed herself as usual.

Swara:( open the door) haan Uttara...
Uttara:( happily) bhabhi... Let's go.. let's go.. u know..( dragging her)
Swara:( smiles to see her happiness) arey Uttara calm down.. where are u taking me?

Uttara: Chalo bhabhi...
Swara: arey but...
Uttara: bhabhi.. Sanskar and Laksh Bhai came back from London..
Swara: ( happy) really?
Then suddenly swara stopped.. Uttara get confused.

Uttara: what happened bhabhi?
Swara:( try to smile) but they were supposed to come back next month na..?

Uttara: arey bhabhi... His work finished earlier.. let's go na.. we will see it later and saying this she dragged Swara along with her..

Uttara excitedly go to sanlak leaving Swara's hand in the middle. Swara stopped on the stairs and sees everyone, how happy they are.. AP and sujatha were scolding Laksh and Sanskar for not eating properly, how things they became.. Swara sees him for whom she was longing since two months.. she wanted to throw herself in his arms and cry .. a smile crept on her lips but suddenly it faded as she realized something..
" When you will be back na, we will apply for divorce then u can marry Kavita."
She remembered her words that she told when he was about to leave.
Sanskar feel her presence around and turned only to meet her teary eyes which she immediately averted. He didn't missed her faded smile that break his heart. She was looking angelic in red and white combination saree and her hair open till her waist but her glow was still missing from her face and he know the reason..

Then only sujatha call her..

Sujatha: are Swara, why are u standing there? Come here na..

Swara nods and go and stand with AP.
Sujatha: arey, ur husband came back.. at least now stand with him.. hai na jiji..

Uttara dragged her and made her stand beside Sanskar. Swara just passed a forced smile. Sanskar look at her but she looks down.

AP: you both look perfect together.. and Sanskar, I will kill u if u leave her alone next time..

Sanskar:( looking at Swara) never maa.. I promise, I will never leave her alone.

Swara: maa .. woh I have to see something in kitchen . I will just come..

AP: arey Swara... Always work work.. leave it for sometime .

Swara: just two minutes maa.. I m coming..
Saying this she hurriedly move toward kitchen but Sanskar knew that she was doing it deliberately to ignore him..

In kitchen:
Swara hurriedly run inside and start crying. She pressed her mouth so that no one could hear her..
Swara: ( crying) why Sanskar? Why are u promising something which you will never keep? Why don't u kill me for once than killing me bit by bit? Why?

Swara blabbered all this unknown of the fact that someone has already heard her standing outside and it was none other Sanskar when came following her giving excuse of water.. and when he heard her, it make him feel nothing but hell and guilty of his deeds..

To be continued.....

Precap: same.....

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