Colours (Daigo)

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AU where the place on your body that first makes physical, skin to skin contact with your soul mate is completely black, and when you touch them for the very first time, the darkness is replaced with a rainbow of colours.


(Y/N)= Your Name
(E/C)= Eye Colour
(H/C)= Hair Colour

This innocent smol child needs love and protection!!! ❤️

All your life, you wondered. Wondered just who was the one that was destined to complete you. Your soulmate, your other half. The fear that you would never meet them always lingered at the back of your mind, and every time you went out in public, the anticipation of possibly meeting 'the one,' curled in your stomach.

Your hands, both of them, were as black as sin. From the tips of your fingers, to a jagged line on your wrists, your hands were encased in inky gloves of darkness. At times you wondered, just how that much of your skin would possibly be able to touch them at once? It made little to no sense, but in the end, you didn't worry. It would happen when it happened, today, tomorrow, or two years from now. Whoever it was, was meant for you and you alone. Hopefully the two of you would find love, but at the very least the two of you would have a chance at happiness together.

The soul marks, as they were dubbed, always intrigued you. Your best friend's in particular, you liked to study. Valt for example, had a black mark stretching diagonally across his stomach. It was your laughable theory that he would quite literally fall for his soulmate, although you hoped he wouldn't crush them. Another instance, was Wakyia, who's right palm looked as though he had dipped it in black paint. You knew he worried that he might strike his true match in a fit of anger, as unlikely as that was. Rentaro's arm had a black smear, Shu's was wrapped around him like an embrace, and Ken's cheek had a black lip print. However, it was Daigo who intrigued you the most.

Nowhere, absolutely nowhere on his body, was there even a hint of the dark shade. No freckles, birth marks, prints or whisps. He was simply... markless.

So many people teased him for it. Jeering that no one would ever love him, what with his dry attitude and behaviour. On many occasions the Beyclub would get into a slanging match with someone or other, who dared taunt him for his blemish free skin, yourself leading the pack. So what if he didn't have a soul mark? That didn't mean he was any less worthy of love or affection, just because he didn't have a mark didn't mean he wouldn't find love. Tons of soul mates didn't feel love for one another, and so many people rejected their pairing because they had fallen for someone else.

But still, the thought that your dear friend would go his life without that one person, that one individual that held the other half of who he was, saddened you. There once was a time, where you had felt something for him, and honestly? You still did. However, you would always chase those feelings aside. Daigo faced enough stigma, without having to deal with the affections of someone who was not his own. So badly did you want to just tell him, to get it off of your chest, to be freed from your unspoken burden. But no, you kept your mouth closed, it was better this way.

Later that afternoon, you were walking home from school, when the sounds of arguing caught your ear.

"Freak... matchless... no one likes you..."

Instantly, you knew who was being spoken to. You followed the sound of the bully's voice, until you found two huge boys standing beneath a tree, blocking the third from your view. Even though you couldn't see them, it was blatantly obvious as to who they were harassing.

"Hey!' You called out. "What the hell is going on, here?"

The two brutes turned around, and laughed upon seeing you.

"Come to watch the show, have you?" One of them jeered, a splotch of darkness encasing his rather large nose. "We were just about to teach the loner a lesson."

"Yeah," his friend jeered dumbly. "Who knows, maybe it's his black personality that makes up for it?"

The boys guffawed loudly, as though it was the funniest thing they had heard, but to you, it just sounded stupid. You took the chance to glance behind them, and you caught a glimpse of your friend, looking sad, and just the tiniest bit afraid. This only served to incense you further, adding fire to your already burning rage.

"I'm sorry, but what do you think your doing?" You sneered, cutting off their laughter abruptly.


"What right do you have to gang up on my friend like that?" You continued furiously, taking a brief delight as they both took a nervous step back as you strode toward them. "It's one on two, and you're both twice his size!"

"He doesn't have a mark," the dark nosed one said, as though it explained everything, and his friend nodded along in agreement.

"So what?" You exploded, face flushing red. "Your's looks like whatever unlucky person that's tied to you, will deck you in the nose! God knows you'll probably deserve it!"

"Sorry, but who do-"

You cut off the friend, jabbing your darkness enclosed finger, sharply in their direction. "Damn right you better be sorry! What the hell are you even doing? Picking on kids like us, we're younger than you for God's sake!"


"You do not speak when I am speaking," you snarled, on a roll. "That boy deserves just as much love as anyone else, soul mark or not! Just because he doesn't have a mark, doesn't mean you can just harass him like this. Leave him the bloody hell alone, because so help me, if I see either of you two near him again, you better pray that I'm not the one who ends up hitting you!"

Wide eyed and pale, the two boys scurried away, tails firmly between their legs. Allowing yourself a small smug of satisfaction, you turned to face your friend to see if he was okay, only to find his head bowed, shoulders shaking.

"Daigo?" You asked softly. "Are you-?"

Without a word, he turned and bolted. You stared for a moment before running after him. Despite his smaller legs, that boy was fast, and you found yourself struggling to at least keep him in your sight. You skidded around the corner panting, and with a sinking feeling, you realised you had lost him. Screeching to a halt and panting for breath, you remembered that the BeyPark wasn't to far from where you were. Daigo liked to go there when something was bugging him, and he was definitely quick enough to have easily made it there by now.

Not wanting to miss him, you started again with a slight jog, before gradually piling on the speed. You wove between people, and jumped over a cat that was moving too slowly for your liking. It wouldn't take Daigo too long to realise that you would think to find him there, so you knew you had to be fast. Taking much less time than if you had been walking, you ran through the evenly spaced bushes that bordered the park, and slowed to a much more sedate pace.

Sure enough, in the distance, you could see Daigo, sitting on the ground beside the stadium. Quietly, as to not alert him to your arrival, you made your way over and silently sat on the short stone wall behind him. With a pang in your chest, you realised he was still shuddering every now and again, even though he was silent when he did so. After a few more minutes, you decided it was time to speak up.

"You okay?" You wondered gently.

Daigo jumped, and sensing he was about to bolt, you grabbed him by the back of the jacket, pulling him down to sit back in front of you.

"What was that for?" He snapped, not letting you see his face.

"To stop you from running off on me again," you replied shortly.

"I wasn't-"

"Be quiet." Like the smart child he was, Daigo fell silent, and, when you felt confident enough to do so, you released the thick material of his jumper; however you took his bag, just as insurance.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

Daigo took a small breath, and slowly turned his head to face you. "Did you really mean what you said back there?"

Your heart broke when you saw the fresh tear tracks that streaked his pale cheeks. It physically hurt something inside of you, when you noticed how lost he looked. "Of course I did..."

He shook his head and buried his face in his legs, which he had drawn up to his chest.

"Daigo Kuragami, you listen to me right now, and you listen good." You ordered, not unkindly. "You are one of the single most greatest people that I have met. You are smart, you are strong, you're dedicated and you're loyal."

Daigo looked up, suprised at your words, and even more so shocked at the honesty and desperation in your (E/C) irises.

"You can be bloody well adorable at the best of times, and I love how sweet and caring you are towards your brother," you continued, not noticing his transfixed gaze. "Those guys had no right to treat you the way they did, you did not deserve any of that. You are an amazing human being, and I wish I could be as half as great as you are."

"You really mean that?" He mumbled.

"Of course I do," you said passionately. "Honestly Daigo, you're so much more than just some soul mark. Not having one doesn't make you any less of a person, and it hurts that you don't see that."

He let his head fall back, resting it on your denim clad legs, humming softly. You handed him a tissue from your own school bag, using it to wipe away his tears.

"Thanks," he muttered under his breath when you had done, shoving the tissue in your back pocket.

You smiled down fondly at him. "I meant every single word of that Daigo, and don't you forget it."

The two of you were surrounded in a comfortable silence, and you began to sing a quiet song under your breath.

"And I look around and all I see, is your happiness embracing me." You sang gently, Daigo smiled faintly, and tilted his head back to lie in your lap. "Oh Lord I'd be lost," you tugged away his bandanna, placing it beside you and pushing up the sleeves of your jumper. "But for the grace of God..."

You trailed off in a gasp, as you tangled your fingers in his surprisingly soft, spikey hair, the effect was almost instantaneous. A warmth like you had never before felt spread its way up your hands, right up to where your wrists emerged from his ebony locks, a multitude of colours embracing them. But it was Daigo's hair that transfixed you.

From the roots was where the transformation began. Reds, yellows, oranges, pinks, purples, blues, some colours you didn't know even existed were slowly spreading into the tips of his once sin coloured hair. Hair everyone had assumed to be naturally black, as it was a trait that ran dominant in his family, no one could ever have guessed what the darkness had truly meant.

"(Y/N), what...?" Daigo trailed off, turning to see what had shocked you so, only to gasp himself at the vibrant colours that swirled their way up your wrists.

"You're my soulmate." You stated dumbly, even though that fact was blatantly obvious.

"All this time, I thought..." he said softly, shaking his head.

"We've never actually touched," you realised, remembering that, like your soulmate, you preferred pants and hoodies. "Not skin to skin, at least."

"I actually have a soulmate," he mumbled, more to himself than anyone. "I'm not alone."

You flew into his arms, hugging him fiercely, neither of you minding that you were lying on the ground. "You were never alone."

He held you tightly to his chest, crying quietly in relief.

"I always did like you," you said, muffled by his jacket, not that you were complaining. "Now I know why."

"You're my soulmate, (Y/N)," Daigo murmured into your (H/C) hair. "I'd hoped-"

You cut him off, lifting your head up and planting your lips in a sweet kiss against his own.

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