My Hero (Shu)

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(E/C)= Eye Colour

It was a late Saturday evening. You had gotten off work early, just to doll yourself up for the evening that you had been looking forward to all week long.

Your hair was loose and you wore a gorgeous knee length red dress, teamed with a pair of strappy black heels. You didn't need much make- up, but you had still applied sharply winged black eyeliner, that made your (E/C) eyes pop.

But it seemed that your efforts were all in vain.

It was now nine pm, and he was late. Two hours late to be exact. You kept on checking your phone to see if he had at least texted you, but your notifications remained blank.

Over and over, twelve times in fact, the waitress had kept asking if you were ready to order, but you had kept asking for more time, hoping that he would eventually show up. Almost everyone in the entire restaurant was giving you looks of sympathy, just like they knew, and slowly your mood began to plummet, and steadily you began to feel worse and worse.

It was ten thirty when you decided to leave. You fought back the tears, not wanting to cry in front of a restaurant full of people. You could scarcely believe that your boyfriend had stood you up on your first anniversary.

As you stood up, a smartly dressed white haired boy with blood red eyes rushed over and sat down across from you.

"Sorry I'm so late love," he said loudly. "My meeting went over time and the traffic is crazy right now."

He leant in closely as if sharing something private.

"I'm Shu, just go along with it okay? Whoever you're waiting for seems to be a jerk."

You smiled brilliantly and couldn't help but laugh at the conspirational wink he gave you. You weren't entirely sure why, but you decided to go along with it. Here was this sweet, thoughtful guy who had likely scrapped his evening plans just to try and save you. The fact that he was the cutest thing you had ever seen only helped your decision.

The waitress came over again and was finally able to take your order.

As the two of you ate, you talked about everything and anything and found out the both of you had tons in common.

He had been a year ahead of you at Beigoma Academy, and like you he enjoyed cooking. The best part was that he was a Blader.

"No way," You exclaimed. "I knew you looked familiar."

Shu gave you an inquisitive look and you rushed to explain.

"We battled ages ago, you beat me though," you pouted.

Shu thought for a moment before a look of recognition dawned in his eyes.

"I remember now," he smiled. "You were that girl with Queen Persephone. I nearly lost that battle."

You rolled your eyes playfully. "Sure you did."

"It's true, you nearly beat me."

"Uh huh, I was strong but I wasn't that strong."

"Was?" Shu asked. "You don't Beyblade anymore?"

You blushed lightly.

"Maybe a little," you admitted.

Shu arched an eyebrow.

"Okay, okay fine. I have an addiction to the sport, happy now?"

"Yes," Shu nodded, before giving you a slightly shy look. "Do you want to battle some time?"

It was your turn to raise a brow.

"You mean you want to see me again?" You teased.

Some of his feathery hair fell into his eyes and he didn't bother fixing it, for some reason you found this incredibly attractive.

Your soon to be ex boyfriend never had a hair out of place, and went through half a tub of gel on a daily basis to ensure all of his hair was slicked back.

So the fact that Shu didn't mind if his hair was a little messy made you melt inside.

"I'd like to," he admitted.

"Seriously?" You asked incredulously, not thinking he actually would.

Shu nodded. "I'd really like to get to know you better."

You smiled at him and took a pen out of your purse before scribbling down a set of digits on a napkin and handing it to Shu.

"It's my number," you explained to a slightly clueless Shu. "Call me some time, okay?"

You went to pay for the bill, but Shu put his hand over yours.

"Let me?"

You narrowed your eyes and an idea popped into your head.

"Will you let me pay for the next one?"

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and he nodded his agreement.

The two of you exited the restaurant and stood together on the sidewalk, waiting for the taxi you had called for.

"So," Shu cleared his throat. "Just to be clear, you would like to go out on a real date with me sometime?"

"I'd love too," you confirmed. "And real or not, this is probably the best date I've been on."

"I can top this," Shu bragged.

"Can you really?" You taunted.

"You'll just have to find out."

You laughed at the both of your antics as the taxi pulled up beside you.

"You have my number?" You double checked.

Shu took a neatly folded napkin out of his pocket and tapped you on the nose with it.

You grinned up at him.

"And just so you know I'll be breaking up with my boyfriend the next time I see him."

Shu smiled softly.

"Is it bad to say I'm looking forward to it?"

You shook your head.

Shu leant down and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.

"I'll talk to you soon." He promised.

You got into the taxi and gave the driver the address of your apartment.

As you pulled away from the curb, you sent Shu a small wave, which he returned. You didn't stop gazing at him as he stood beneath the soft glow of the street light until you turned the corner.

Moments later your phone buzzed.

12:07 AM

Unknown: Missing you already.

You couldn't help but laugh at the adorable message Shu had already sent you, and you dared to hope that maybe, just maybe, this would turn into something special.

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