Dating a candy cane

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Okay, so assignments and that are almost done for the term, and I have less than two weeks before I go on holiday, which means more time for writing!

*Cue the cheers*

Anyways, on with the story!

Warning: Swearing because it's me.

Dating this candy cane would include:

❤him teaching you how to cook (and loving the food you make)

❤you constantly playing with his hair

❤glaring poisoned daggers at Lui after the scar

❤going to every single one of his matches

❤always trying to beat him

❤watching out for him
*getting him to take a break after hours of training*

❤utilising the puppy dog eyes to get him to take the day off to spend time with you

❤hand holding in public

❤spooning on lounge, watching tv together

❤falling asleep, legs tangled together

❤breakfast in bed is a regular thing

❤barbed comments toward his parents the few times you see them
*how dare they leave Shu alone so much? This baby needs love*

❤staying with him after Lui breaks Spryzen

❤going with Shu to get Spryzen fixed

❤self doubt when he goes silent

❤anguish and sleepless nights when you realize he's gone missing

❤Wakyia, Honcho, fricken everyone holding you back to keep you from castrating Red Eye

❤lots of sleepless nights

❤Honcho holding you back when the mask breaks

"Let me go Rentaro, damnit let me go, Shu, Shu!"

❤getting free and tunning down to hug him

❤heart breaks when he doesn't realize it's you

❤Valt hugs you as you cry

❤even Lui is shocked, it was obvious to literally everyone how much Shu had loved you

❤he hesitates for a split second at the tortured sound as you scream

❤it actually fucking hurts so much

❤you're sitting with Daigo and Ken when you see Red Eye

❤nearly leave in tears

❤freeze when Shu rips Beus's ear

❤angst turns to rage

❤what the actual fudge happened to him? Why the hell is he acting like this?

❤spins around and shoves him hard

❤sharpest tongue lashing imaginable

❤cheering like a crazed person for Valt

❤small part of you is sad when Shu loses

❤hesitates, but then you fairly tackle hug him
*leaps into his arms, legs wrapped around waist, crying into his neck. Rubs circles on back, murmering apologies into your hair. Breathing in your scent, and swearing never to put you through that again*

❤after you calm down you give him the biggest bitch slap of all time, like seriously, the sound echoed
"Shu Kureni what the fuck? Don't you ever do that to me again!"

❤relationship is a little rocky

❤flowers, home cooked dinners, late night movie binging

❤things are still off

❤you come home one day to find the lounge moved from the lounge room, red and white rose petals everywhere, candles in the shape of a heart

❤Shu is in the middle of the heart, gets down on one knee as soon as you walk into the room

❤will you marry me?

❤you say yes

"Shu what're you-?" You falter as the young man in question drops to one knee, faintly you realise you've dropped your hand bags as you stare at him in shock.

"I have alot to say sorry for, and so much I need to do to earn your trust again. But I love you with all my heart and I have since we were eleven. My biggest regret is leaving you like that, and everything I did to hurt you when I was Red Eye. If you'll let me, I swear I'll spend every single day making it up to you. Y/N L/N, will you make me the happiest man alive by doing me the honour of becoming my wife?"

Silence fell as you stood there stunned, shocked at the sweet gesture, his words ringing in your ears. You stood there for so long, Shu began to get nervous.


"Yes." It comes out as little more than a whisper, but Shu manages to hear you, although he can scarcely believe it. "Yes, yes, oh my God, yes."

Red and white roses typically symbolise unity, while red means love and white means purity.

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