Frustration (Ukyo)

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Here you go, hope you like it!😁 I'm actually so proud of how quickly I wrote this. It's a little short, but I thought it was pretty good. My first Ukyo x Reader, it was a little odd because I've never used him as a love interest before, but this was actually so much fun to write.

I usually have a friend or two look over my stories for an extra pair of eyes for my editing and they thought it was pretty cute, so I'm going to say this is a pretty sweet lil' piece.


Ukyo was ticked off, that much was certain. For six months, six wonderful months, he had been in a relationship with his beautiful girlfriend (Y/N). He had had a rather large crush on her for about a year and a half beforehand, when the girl had gotten sick of waiting around for him, and made the first move. Of course they had their fights, what couple didn't? But still, he wouldn't change a thing about her or their relationship for the world. Well, maybe there was one thing.


In the half a year that they had been together, Ukyo had not once been able to kiss his girlfriend. Sure, she would give him a peck on the cheek, or even pepper kisses across his face whenever he did something to please her, but he never seemed to manage to press his lips against her own. It wasn't for lack of trying either. Oh God did he want to kiss her.

There were some nights where he would lay there, wide awake, and stare at the ceiling, wondering what it would be like to have her lips against his own, and he was sure she felt the same. But it seemed like the universe was out to get them. And by the universe, he meant everyone. Everyone being the Beyclub, the Swordflames, even the members of the Supreme Four. Sure, three groups wasn't exactly an exhausting list, but they still acted as if they were out to thwart him at every possible opportunity.

Six months ago
(When he asked you out)

'It's about time the two of you got together,' a booming voice laughed. Ukyo flushed at the very abrupt appearance of Xander. He picked up the small female, who was like his younger sister, and lifted her to sit on one of his broad shoulders.

'Treat her right, you got that Ukyo?' Xander then said, a tinge of seriousness seeping into his words.

Ukyo didn't take things harshly. It wasn't like his friend didn't trust him, he was just looking out for (Y/N). Besides, it wasn't like it was a necessary warning, Ukyo would do everything in his power to ensure that he would never intentionally harm the (H/C) haired girl who owned his heart.

Five months ago
(One month anniversary)

He had gone all out.

Roses, dinner, even an adorable little teddy bear that took him ages to choose. All for nothing. Ukyo gritted his teeth and not so subtly glared at Zac, who was sitting beside (Y/N).

The girl in question, as if feeling the heat of his stare looked up and sent him an apologetic glance. Not even ten minutes earlier, Zac had run in swooning and moaning, needing (Y/N)'s help in putting the finishing touches on his latest song that he was due to release the next day.

An hour later, Zac made his exit, bidding fairwell and throwing dozens of apologies over his shoulder as he did so. Although, it was no use. The romantic setting had dissipated, and (Y/N) sighed.

"I'm so sorry about that," she said quietly, reaching out and entwining their fingers.

"It's fine," Ukyo assured her, smiling gently and giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "As long as I get to be with you."

Two months ago
(Home alone)

Ukyo lay beside his girlfriend on her large couch, cradling her smaller frame in his arms. Aside from the two of them, the house was empty. (Y/N)'s mum and the twins were out shopping, and her little brother Valt was off doing who knew what.

Nothing was said, a comfortable silence falling as he held onto his sweetheart. Slowly, he inched forwards, closer and closer until his nose brushed with her own. Ukyo could feel (Y/N)'s warm breath fanning his face right as their lips brushed. His eyes fluttered shut, but right before anything could happen, the front door flew open and a set of feet pounded against the wooden flooring.

"(Y/N), you home?"

Ukyo threw his head back and groaned in frustration at the untimely appearance of his girlfriend's brother.

"I need your help with an assignment and-" Valt trailed off as he ran into the lounge room and caught sight of Ukyo and his sister cuddled up together. "Oh, were you guys in the middle of something?"

Ukyo huffed and sat up, and ran a hand through his blue hair. "No, we weren't."

(Y/N) gave him a sympathetic look and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to her brother.

End flashbacks

Every. Single. Time.

It didn't matter where or when, if Ukyo was attempting to get a proper kiss from his girlfriend, it was guaranteed that someone else was lurking in the immediate vicinity.


A familiar voice from behind made Ukyo jump, he spun around, only to be faced with the very same female that was constantly plaguing his thoughts.

"Is something wrong?" (Y/N) wondered. "I don't usually get the drop on you so easily."

Ukyo flushed and gave his girlfriend a half hearted glare.

"Aw," she teased. "Are you blushing?"

"What, no."

"Did I get the Ukyo Ibuki to blush?"

"No," he defended. "It's just cold."

Ukyo pulled his long hoodie around him for emphasis, even as (Y/N) hummed in disbelief.

"Huh, it's the cold, is it?" She asked. "Are you sure?"


(Y/N) rolled her eyes good naturedly, before regaining her concerned demeanor. "Seriously though, what's wrong?"

Ukyo sighed and gave her a long glance, before an idea popped into his head. Without warning, he stepped forwards and gently cradled his girlfriend's jaw in his palm. Carefully, he brought their faces together, his heart beating as furiously as it had the first time he had met her. He placed his lips against her own, and fireworks exploded in his stomach.

It wasn't one of those bruisingly rough kisses. It was innocent and sweet as their mouths moved tentatively against one another. However, there was something there, a spark. The kind of ember that could ignite into something much more dangerous if left alone to smoulder.

As it turned out, Ukyo's first kiss with (Y/N) didn't have to be an extravagent, romantic staging. Here they were, standing in the greenery that surrounded the dojo, and everything was perfect. The young couple didn't even notice as Valt and Rentaro crashed through the trees, skidding to a halt upon catching sight of them.

"Aw man," Rentaro pouted.

"We're too late this time," Valt finished for his friend.

Slowly, (Y/N) parted from Ukyo to glare at her younger brother.

"Have you been interrupting us on purpose?" She asked, not taking her hands away from Ukyo's chest, where she still had the material of his hoodie clenched her fists.

"Um... funny story," he laughed nervously, sweatdropping at the sight of his enraged sibling.

(Y/N)'s lips curled in a snarl, she released Ukyo and took a menacing step toward the two younger boys. They let out twin shrieks of terror, before spinning on their heels and fleeing the scene in a cloud of dust.

"Cowards!" (Y/N) shouted after them. "I know where you sleep!"

Ukyo couldn't help but laugh quietly at how adorable his girlfriend looked. He wrapped his fingers around her wrist and pulled her into him.

"You could go after them," he said, pressing a soothing kiss to her hairline. "Or you could stay here with me?"

She smiled up at her blue haired boyfriend, adoration shining in her eyes. That was all the answer that Ukyo needed, to lean down and kiss her again.

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