Raiden Aoi

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Name: Raiden Aoi

Nickname: Rey

Age: Fourteen

DOB: June 17th

Hair colour: (He has your hair colour)

Hair type: Spiky

Eye colour: Warm brown

Parents: Y/N and Valt Aoi

Siblings: Thorn (eleven), Akane (nine), Satoru (six)


👍🏼Hanging out with friends

👍🏼Being on time

👍🏼Hair bands


👎🏼Being compared to other people

👎🏼Having messy hair


About Raiden:

He is just like Valt, personality and appearance wise.

He has Valt's eyes, and your hair colour, as well as your nose. Aside from those few features he inherited off of you, he's like a mini Valt.

You do not give him anything with a remotely high sugar intake past 7:30PM, in fear of your own mental well-being.

Super close to Toko as well. One big thing they bonded over was how they're both feel like they're in Valt's shadow when it comes to Blading.

For awhile he almost quit Blading altogether despite loving it, because again, he feels like he can't measure up to his dad.

His Bey is an Attack type called Dark Hailstorm. To step away from Valt's influence a bit, he started his own Beyclub, which now represents Japan in the World Leagues. It's name is Next Gen.

He has at least seven headbands.

Super responsible and protective big brother. Sometimes he hates being the oldest, but most of the time he loves it and get's along great with his siblings.

When it comes to Akane, he is crazy protective. She is one of the only ones granted the honour of actually using one of his sacred headbands.

Never treats Thorn like a kid, they're best friends and often act like they're the same age.

Satoru is his protégé, let's just say that. Raiden teaches him everything he knows, while Satoru hangs off of every word.

His best friend Rieko Murasaki, who is also his team's second in command. They're always hanging out together, but they're not dating (so many people assume that they are.)

Although they did once pretend to be a couple to stop some flirty waiter that was getting on Rieko's nerves.

Literally, he is that sort of best friend.


Name: Thorn Aoi

Age: Eleven





👎🏼Being treated like a kid

👎🏼Messing up his work

About Thorn:

This child is actually so cool. He adores his nana, and cooks amazing foods with her all the time. On birthdays, mother's day and father's day, Thorn always cooks up a huge meal for everyone, and is always the one in charge of cake decorating. He doesn't give a damn if it's unmanly or whatever, he does his own thing. He and Raiden are best friends, and loves how his big brother treats him like an equal. He can Blade, but he doesn't, and prefers the dainty work that comes with the mechanics behind Beyblades, and he works for Next Gen as their mechanic.

Name: Akane Aoi

Age: Nine


👍🏼Oversized sweaters

👍🏼Spending time with her brothers


👎🏼Being coddled because she's the only girl

👎🏼People underestimating her

About Akane:

As the only girl out of four, Akane gets overlooked a lot, and she hates it, especially because she's treated like one of the guys by her brothers. She usually protests about them looking out for her and being 'over protective,' but secretly she loves it. Despite her long hair, she absolutely hates having it in her face, so it's always tied up and pulled back using one of Raiden's headbands. She loves Blading and is bloody amazing at it, and aspires to take the title of the best Blader in the world, and even though she's nine, she has a spot promised to her as apart of Next Gen when she older.

P.S She is a huge daddy's girl!!

Name: Satoru Aoi

Age: Six



👍🏼Thunder storms


👎🏼Being clean

👎🏼Waking up early

About Satoru:

He loves the idea of flying so much. On his sixth birthday you and Valt let Kento take him on a short delivery trip and he loved every minute of it. After a lot of nagging because he wanted to be like his siblings and his dad you got him his own Beyblade, and he chose one named Hell Canazotz (yeah, your son has a slight demonic side😂). Even though he loves Beyblade, you feel like he's going to be a pilot or something.

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