Yuki Shirosagi

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Requested: mightyfriend12

Name: Yuki Shirosagi

Nickname: Princess, Baby Shark, Ice Queen, Dragon Queen

Age: Sixteen

DOB: 22nd August

Hair colour: Teal

Hair type: Reaches just below her shoulder blades, light shade of flaming teal

Eye colour: Violet

Parents: Lui and Y/N Shirosagi






👎🏼Being too hot or too cold

👎🏼Being held back

👎🏼Music constantly on loop

About Yuki:

You were spot on, because Yuki is a huge daddy's girl. When she was a kid she'd basically follow him anywhere. Even though she's older now, they're still really close.

Oh my God, she looks exactly like him. She has your facial features, but his colouring.

She inherited his shark like teeth, plus, she's pretty well muscled from working out.

Did I mention she wears his white feather boa?

Fluent in sarcasm, literally it is her second language.

Loves to sleep in trees

Constantly talking to her Bey, Shard Draconis (it's a dragon, no surprise there).

Firey temper. She's pretty nice all things considered, but if she's mad whoever was responsible needs to look out.

Like I said, she and Lui are close, but when they butt heads things are explosive. Twin hair flares and everything, it's like looking at a female Lui.

They always make up though.

Hair flares up when she's angry, excited or just really pumped up, it's like this firey halo surrounding her. It actually starts to smoke a little when she starts to anger, almost like an early warning signal.

Game of Thrones addict let's just say that. Her bedroom still has that nursery wall paper, and on another wall she has painted all the house mottos along with the accompanying sigils.

Joint captain for BC Sol, she shares the position with her best friend. It's because of them that the team is still number one.

You miss her so much, living in Spain, but she visits whenever she can and calls you all the time.

She is actually so cuddly with you and Lui. Literally all the time, she just loves to curl up on the lounge and hug.

Her and Shun are pretty friendly... But they are huge rivals.

You and her mum often joke that it's Lui and Shu all over again (but way less intense).

You have the same favourite colour.

She's nice, but a little standoffish to strangers. With her friends though, she is incredibly open, snarky and sarcastic.

Think that saying 'Real friends talk smack to your face, but won't let people do the same behind your back.'
(It means you might be mean with your friends or tease them as a joke, but if anyone tries to talk about them behind their back you won't let them.)

Fire extinguishers are a thing you have to keep around the house because of her and Lui's hair.

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