Missing Hyuga Hizashi (15 years old) and reader

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Before the story begins, I'm sorry if they get worse...
My dog ​​died yesterday, her name was Masa
I knew her since I was little... I was very sad that she left...

Oh yeah...I know Hyuga is still a virgin...I mean relationships but let's see what it would look like if he was older

It was sunny weather
You felt the breeze and the sunlight shining on your face
It was not only your face that lit up, but your smile as well
You were happy that you were going to see your boyfriend Hyuga, but...
You: What do you mean disappeared!?
Cak: We don't know! He was there this morning, so he just ran out and didn't tell us where he was going
Hikaru: Yes, I don't know where she is, we have to find him!
You yes!
You all ran out of the Comet building in different directions
You've been looking for Hyuga all day...but no sign of him
You sighed
Your pov: What if he disappeared? What if I never see him again!? What if!?
Hikaru: Y/N!
You: Did you find him!?
Hikaru took a deep breath and exhaled (sadly): I didn't...
You felt as if your heart was breaking, as if someone had cut it with a knife, tears began to flow.
You just ran away
Hikaru: Where are you Y/N!?
You didn't answer anything
You ran until you fainted, where your legs took you, you didn't even look where you were going
You ended up in front of your favorite sweet shop
You turned around
Y/N: Who is that?
There was no one...
Your story: This is strange, it seemed to me that someone said my name, but...it just seemed to me!
I'm going home...
On the way home you thought about Hyuga and what to do
You fell asleep in tears
You: Hyuga, there you are!
Hyuga: I'm here and I'll always be with you, but you have to take care of yourself
You: What? Where are you? Hyuga?
You woke up
You: Hyuga!
No one was in your room
You went to drink some water and calm down
You saw the sky light up like a meteor shower
You: It's really nice
You went outside
You felt somehow calm, when again...
???: Y/N
You: Okay, who is that!?
???: You don't recognize me?
You: No! Who are you?
???: You don't recognize your boyfriend?
You: Hyuga!?
Hyuga: Yes, my love, I'm fine
You woke up and it turned out that it was also a nightmare...
It was morning, you got ready and immediately ran to Comet
You: Did you find him!?
Hikaru: No
You sighed
You fought all day...you waited for news about him, but nothing...
It was 20:00 hours
Hikaru: Y/N, let's play the truth challenge
You well
Hikaru: Truth or Dare?
You: True
Hikaru: Do you like being with us on the team?
You: Of course! Now truth or dare Hikaru?
Hikaru: Challenge
You: Run five laps around the building
Hikaru: Here
After that...he came back panting
It was as if you were seeing Hyuga instead of Hikaru
Hikaru: Now it's my turn to ask you, truth or dare?
You: Challenge
Hikaru: Go to the beach, to your favorite place
You: Okay?
You left
You saw saints, flowers, your favorite food, sweets...
Your pov: What's going on? It's not my birthday!
???:Hey Y/N
You turned around
You: Hyuga, is that really you?
Tears began to well up in your eyes
Hyuga: Of course I am and smiled
You ran up and hugged him tightly and he hugged you
You: I thought you disappeared
Hyuga: I'll explain everything to you, but first, happy two-year anniversary
You: Two-year-old?
Hyuga: Yes, and secondly...this was all planned and everyone helped me with this
Hyuga was scared: Yes, of course!
You: But nice of you
You kissed him gently on the lips
You: Happy two-year anniversary to you too
Hyuga: So let's eat
You: Thanks again Hyuga
Hyuga: Everything for you, and when will I get my present?
You: Right now
You took out two heart-shaped chains as two halves
You: I wanted to give it to you before I found out that you "like" disappeared
Hyuga: Thank you Y/N, it's beautiful! I adore you
You blushed, and so did Hyuga
You hugged each other and went to eat

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