The Legend of Hikaru and reader

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Once upon a time 1000 years ago there was a hero named Hikaru and a heroine named Y/N...they saved people from evil, enemies and everything evil
Their code and the honor of heroes didn't allow them to tell each other what they felt...and it broke them day by day, but they knew they had to...until one day a villain shot Y/N with an arrow
Hikaru: Y/N!, NO!
And he ran to you, while you were already on the ground
You were coughing up blood
Hikaru: Y/N, I'm here!, don't leave me!
Y/N: You have to keep going have to beat them, okay?
Hikaru: Yes, I promise!
You used the last drop of your strength and smiled gently at him, while he softly said I love you Y/N....
Hikaru managed to defeat him...but in the end he died from severe injuries and grief for you, but he died a hero, but before he died he said that he would not have been and would not have become a hero without you.
Those were his last words until he breathed his last...and went to a better place...
The present
Your CV:
My name is Y/N (surname), I have (state your age)
And my favorite color is (specify color)
I just moved to Japan to practice Beyblade! and a member of Comet Hyuga asked me if I wanted to join them and of course I did!, but...I have severe anxiety
I should go
You got there and everyone gave you a nice welcome
But...Hikaru and you looked at each other strangely and you both asked at the same time: Why do you look familiar to me?
Everyone looked at you strangely...
Then you turned to them
You: It really looks familiar to me, even the name... I don't know why
Hikaru: Me neither
You came back home...
It was 10:00 pm and you went to sleep
You dreamed of Hikaru fighting that villain
You woke up at 00:30
Your pov: No way! It's just someone who looks like him, how can someone be born again? And me? How did they kill me?
Hikaru pov:What!?Y/N is from the past!?I'm from the past too!?
You immediately started calling each other, but Hikaru was quick
You told each other everything
Y/N: Let's go to the museum tomorrow or to a library, 100% there are answers there
Hikaru: See you at 09:00
In the morning you were in front of the museum
There was a picture in the museum...of two teenagers facing you
Then the owner of the museum decided to tell you what happened...
Owner: They were heroes...then they killed the girl...they hit her with an arrow, and Hikaru won, but after severe injuries and grief for his beloved, he died
Y/N: Loved one?
Owner: At that time heroes were not allowed to tell their feelings, it was considered that it would spoil everything
Hikaru: But why do we look like them?
Owner: Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe they didn't finish something, so they sent you to do it for them.
You looked very confused, so the owner told you to go to the old library at the end of town and you will find the answers there.
You obeyed her and left
You asked for nothing
Until one black book glowed golden and opened itself
Y/N: This is weird!
Hikaru: I agree
You started reading: Once upon a time a thousand years ago...(you read everything the owner said), then before Y/N passed away, Hikaru said I love you Y/N...
Hikaru the day before he passed away left his and Y/N's hero necklace, he buried them because they were powerful...
Necklaces can reincarnate someone...
Hikaru: We're reincarnated?
You: It seems
The book began to float
You tried to catch her, in the end she went outside and fell to the ground
You: Maybe those necklaces are here!
Hikaru: Let's dig
You dug up the necklaces
They were bright
The shadows of the former Hikaru and Y/N appeared
Beowsy Hikaru: I had to do it, I'm sorry...
Ex Y/N: Please...she sighed, if you love someone don't let the rules dictate what you do
Former Hikaru: We did and that's how far it got us
Current Hikaru: We won't
Present Y/N: But why me?
Former Hikaru: We don't know that, our necklaces chose you
Ex Y/N: Now it's your necklaces
Present Y/N: Ours?, how?
Former Hikaru: Well, the reincarnation must continue in case the villains come back again
Beavsa Y/N: That's right
Present Hikaru: But if they show up? Are you sure we can beat them?
Ex Hikaru: Of course! The necklaces wouldn't choose you
At that moment, Hikaru grabbed your hand and you blushed
Biws Y/N and Biws Hikaru laughed and disappeared
A gentle breeze began to blow
Hikaru: Sorry Y/N...
Y/N: Mmm...nothing!
You broke up
Hikaru: Ever since I saw you...I liked you, I...
Y/N: You too
You both smiled from the hug
Hikaru: We will not let what happened to them happen to us
Y/N: That's right!
Hikaru: You and me against everyone
You smiled: Oh yes...for the rest of your life!
Then you kissed
Tomorrow you went to the museum
Y/N: Excuse me, where is the owner of the museum?
Vodic: We do not have an owner, we only have an owner
Y/N: I'm sorry
Hikaru and you ran outside
Hikaru: But yesterday...
Y/N: I know!
She appeared behind you: I am not the owner, I am a woman who directs reincarnated people to the right path and to see their true strength, call me Ina
Y/N: I'm glad, but how?...
Ina: I see you fixed the fate of both Hikaru and Y/N's exes
Hikaru: So we were just supposed to be together?
Ina: Love is the strongest power of all, so...yes!
You looked at Hikaru and he was into you and you smiled
Ina: Villains will not appear in your generation, no
Y/N: So not while we're alive?
Ina: Yes, a lot of time will pass before they appear, but that doesn't mean you don't have to discover what superpowers you have.
You and Hikaru said in sync: Super powers?...
Thank you for reading!
If you want the second part to find out what kind of super powers they have and what awaits them, write, and you can also write a request for what you want to happen in the story.
Of course requests are always open

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