Knife[Wakiya x Rantaro]

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Shortest but the most Death filled Chapter.


"L...leave me alone... I don't want anymore... I don't wanna hear all these shit anymore..."Wakiya cried out, burying his face with his knee and his ears covered with his palm. Sitting on the corner of his room, Sujihara and I stared at him worriedly.

"Young Master we have to—"Sujihara tried to approach Wakiya, but he just pointed a knife at him. He was hiding a knife under his sleeves the whole time.

"GET CLOSE TO ME OR DIE!"He shouted,"All these words.. No, voices... The darkness were whispering shit in my head... A..haha... The darkness says i'm crazy... I'm... Mad.. I'm useless. I'm worthless. IDONTDESERVETOLIVE IDONTDESERVEANYONE INEEDTODIE. HAHAHAHHAHA!!"

Wakiya has been like this for 2 days straight now. Before he breaks down, He was crying on my shoulder, telling me depression has gotten into him again. He tried to kill himself, wounds, scars... Cuts were covering his arms, and marks were covering his neck. I'm the one who stopped him from killing his self. I can't bear see the person I love hang his self and hurt his self...

"Young Master that's not true..."He stepped away from Wakiya. His voice was shaking and it was obvious that fear has engulf him. He is no use to calming Wakiya now...


"S...SHUT UP! DONTSPEAKATHING!! IDONTWANNAHEARYOURVOICE!!"Wakiya was laughing and crying at the same time... I felt bad...

I have to calm him down a bit... Of course..

"Wakiya I dont care if you dont wanna hear my voice! I just want you to go back to your old self! I want you to be happy..."I slowly step closer to Wakiya, he became more outraged that he pointed the knife at me with both of his hands.

"GETAWAY!!! IDONTWANTANYOFYOURNONSENSE!!!"He was out of his mind. His eyes were of glass and emotionless. He doesnt feel anything right now... It's not him who is controlling his body... No.. It's him... But it's depression who is taking over."IHATEYOU IHATEYOU! LEAVEMEALONE IWILLJUSTHURTYOU!"

"WAKIYA!!!"I ran over to him, hug him and held him close to me. I hold his hand with his knife clutching it. I closed my eyes, tears streaming down my cheeks,"Wakiya.... Please..."

"Why.... Why.... WHY!!!!"Wakiya kept screaming, trying to break free from my grip,"I WILL KILL YOU!! GETAWAYFROMME BEFOREIHURTYOU!!"

"Wakiya! No! I wont leave you... Even if you hurt me... I'd rather be killed by you... If that will turn you back to your old self."I buried my face into his chest.

"Honcho.... I'm sorry... I'm a bit... Bipolar... Depress... Crazy..."He gave me smile... A manic one. "But The Only thing that kept me sane... If I saw you... In my arms..."

"Wakiya..."It made me felt relieved... Relieved... Relieved... But...

I felt a cold object pressing into my skin."In my arms... Dead... With me... Hehe..."

"Waki...ya..."My vision was blurry. I can feel a warm liquid flow out of my body. Wakiya... Can kill me..?

"I told you to get away....Sujihara had run away... Why are you so naive.. Why didnt you...?"Wakiya smirked, caressing my cheeks.

"Because.. I love you..."I coughed, clutching his collar.

"I do love you too Honcho... So thats why I want you beside me... Always..."He smiled, pressing the knife deeper in my chest."I always... Wanter everything cold... Cold.... Even your body......"

""I tried to keep myself alive... I wanna see him smile...

"Kiyama~... I love you~... That I want to kill you."Wakiya laughed once again. Pulling the knife from my chest that made blood spurt out of it.

God. Wakiya. You're so Sadistic. I'm about to die but God damn Wakiya. You're still funny.

I almost burst out laughing but I remember that if I do, Blood will continue to flow out of my body.

"Honcho. Can I hear your voice one last time..?"He smiled, biting the knife filled with my blood.

"... I love.. You."I forced a smile, until my eyes widened when he stabbed the knife at my chest again.


Im gonna die for sure.

"Hehe.... Uh... Honcho........... I.... Love.... You..."His voice... I was unable to hear it clearly now...

I guess this is death...

But i'm happy because he's happy.

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