Chapter 6: Dream Or Nightmare Land

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Sorry for the wait. Double, double. Hope you enjoy the new chapters. <3

BC Sol going to America!.... Why? For the Individual Tournament! BC Sol was getting there by bus.
It will be a long ride and long way to get there.
Hope they don't kill each other.
Anyway... Everyone in the bus were chatting, looking at the window, taking a nap, and ect.
Everything went smoothly. Valt was taking a nap with Free. Because Free was sitting next to him and fell asleep on his shoulder half an hours ago.
"Zzzzzz..... Zzzzzz..... Zzzzzz..... Zzzzz......"
"Zzzzz....... *snore* Zzzzz..... *snore* Zzzz..."
They were sleeping peaceful.
Some of the BC Sol members were glad that Valt was asleep. Because his excitement will get annoying for the passed hour drive. So they took their chance to take this quiet moment.
This will be the last till they get to America.
"Zzzzzz..... *snore* Zzzzzz....." Valt was sleeping peaceful.
"Ya know, I'm glad his asleep." Said Sisco.
"Really?..." Rantaro raise an eyebrow.
"Yeah, because it's finally peace and quiet around here." Sisco cross his arm and enjoy this quiet moment.
"Knew it...." Kit and Rantaro sweat drop.
"Zzzz.... *snore* Zzzz.... *snore* Zzzzz...."

In Valt's Dream...

Valt has one card left and Keyshi has a lot of cards in his hands. They were playing UNO.
Keyshi put a yellow card. Big mistake...
Valt put his final card on the dream table.
"Yeah, I win!" Valt smile and grin and celebrates his victory.
Keyshi flips the table.
"Now we never know who won." He smile innocently.
"Keyshi, stop flipping tables every time we play cards!" Valt pouts at him.
"I don't flip tables!..... Only if I want to. So ha!"
Valt roll his eyes and wave his head giving a smile.
"So... What do you want to do next?" Keyshi ask.
"Hmmm...... I don't know? You choose." Valt offers the choice to Keyshi.
"I think I got one..." Keyshi smile and know what to do next.
"Like what?" Valt ask and look at him.
"How about I show you. Lay down..." Keyshi points on the ground.
"Ok?...." Valt question but lay down any way.
Keyshi lay next to him.
"Do you still remember this?" *snap* He snap his finger as music and galaxy came around.
Like they were floating in space enjoying the beautiful colorful stars.

"Hey, I remember this! You use to show me this to help me go to sleep or make me smile." Valt look at the stars shimmering as his eyes sparkles.
"Is it working?~" Keyshi ask and gave a cat face.
"Nope....." Valt just gave a frown.
"What!!!???" Keyshi flinch and had a shocking face.
"Just kidding." Valt wink and stuck of his tongue.
"Awwwww...... You........" Keyshi smile and fell for it.
"Hehehehehe............." Valt giggled and that was clever of him.
"Yeah?" Keyshi replied.
"I have a question?" Valt ask.
"What is it?" Keyshi raise both of his eyebrows.
"Do you know Shu?" Valt turn his head and look at him.
"....................Ahhh...... Why are you asking?" Keyshi look at him and why was he asking about this.
"I don't know, I just....... My friends said Shu and panic. And I don't know why because I can't remember him... Did you......... Did you erase him out of my memories?" Valt ask and had a sad face.
"Valt... You know I can't do that. Last time I did that once you almost got hurt because of me...... And I wanted you to forget that......." Keyshi shiver of a horrible flashback he was having.
"Sorry, if I remind you of that..." Valt made a mistake asking Keyshi about his memories.
"That's okay.... You want to know about Shu?" Keyshi look at him seriously.
"Hm hmm.~" Valt nod and hummed yes.
"Ok......" Keyshi told the good parts about Shu and who he was.
"Woah! He sound like an awesome and kind person!" Valt was feeling happy.
"How do you know a lot about him?" He ask.
"Valt..... I'm a demon, I can see people's memories." Keyshi narrow his eyebrows and frown and sweat drop.
"Oh, yeah..... But one question thou? Why did  everyone panic when they say Shu in front of me?..." Valt question and wonder about that.
"That....... Do you really want to know?"  Keyshi gets up but was sitting down and look at Valt with a worry and serious face.
Valt gets up and look at Keyshi. He nod and was serious.
"Alright......." *sign* Keyshi took a deep breath and sign as he was now telling the bad parts about Shu.
As Keyshi was talking about Shu. Valt's eyes widened and had one of his memory back about Shu.


"AHHHH!!!!!!!" Valt screams and feels pain from his head and heart. They were aching and hurting.
"What's wrong!!!? Keyshi look at him and panic and worried about him.
"M-my head!..... My heart!...... It's starting to hurt for no reason!!!!" Valt was in a lot of pain and his heart growing more black cracks.
"Valt! You have to calm down and relax! Everything going to be f-f-f-F-f-F-F-fine... You need to, you need to. Going to-" Keyshi voice was glitchy and was cut off.
"Keyshi???" Valt looks up and Keyshi was gone.
"Keyshi!!?!" He panics and was looking for his Akuma. Everything was shaking and breaking.
"Keyshi!!!!? Keyshi!!!!???? KEYSHI!!!!!?????" Valt scream his name and no replied. He was scared and feel so much pain growing through his body.
Something was growing behind Valt as it's eyes glows. Valt shivers and turn around.
It roar horrifying.
"Hmm!...... Hmm..................." Valt was was sleeping and release his hand from making a fist of fear and was unconscious from his dream.

BC Sol finally arrived at America for the Individual Tournament. Free woke up and yawn and notice the bus finally reach it's location.
So he was going to wake up, Valt.
"Hey, Valt....." Free shook him lightly on the shoulder.
"................................" No response.
"Valt?......." Free shakes him lightly again.
"..................................." Valt still didn't response.
But Free hears quietly heavily breathing.
Valt tilts his head on Free's shoulder.
"Hold on............." Free touch Valt's forehead with the back of his hand.
"That's hot!" He moves his hand away.
"Hmmm.............." Valt wasn't feeling to good and breathing smally and heavily.
"Maybe is just car sick?" Thought Free as he slowly lay Valt on his lap and took off his headband and pets his head and arm.
"Zzzzz........" That was helping him sleep peaceful and breathing normally but slowly.
"Hmmm........ Why must you be cute?~" Thought Free as he pout a little from his thoughts as he was looking at the window.
The bus finally reach it's stop and BC Sol was staying in a hotel for the Individual Tournament's matches. Everyone was getting out of the bus.
Free was carrying Valt on his back.
"Why are you carrying, Valt?" Chris ask and question why Free was holding Valt.
"I think, Valt has a fever or got car sick... Or both." Free wasn't sure if Valt gotten himself sick or was just car sick from the bus...

"What make you say that?" Chris ask and raise an eyebrow.
"Because his face is red like a tomato." Free shows Valt's red face to Chris
"........." Valt panted heavily and quietly. His face was all red and a little bit of sweat was there too.
Chris walks up and touch Valt's forehead.
"Ah! That's extremely hot." She move her hand away and wave it to cool it down from Valt's hot forehead of his.
"Better get him into the hotel and lay him in bed. And check his health." Chris demanded to take care of one of BC Sol teammates and members.
Free gave a nod and takes Valt to the hotel and went to Valt's hotel room. And lay him in bed.
"Hmm........" Valt's head hurt like a bus just hit it.
Free puts a wet towel on his forehead.
Valt was breathing heavily and sweating a bit.
Free pets his head and left.
Now Valt was alone in his room sleeping in bed not feeling so good...
But his not actually alone...
Keyshi turns form back to his normal self and look at Valt with worry and panic what happen in dream land.
"Valt!" He look at him with worry in his eyes.
"Hm....." Valt shiver and was hot.
Keyshi touch his forehead.
"You got a fever.... Valt, don't scared me like that!..." Keyshi was mad at him and was very pissed.
"But...." *chu* He kiss Valt's forehead.
"You know I get worry if you're not okay..." Keyshi pets his head and gave a small smile of relief that's his yūjin is okay.
"Zzzzzzzz..... K-.......... Keyshi............ Zzzzzzzz......" Valt mumble in his sleep and shiver and his aching head hurts more.
"Don't worry I'm here... I'm here aren't I?..." Keyshi pets his head and smile softly.
Valt was now breathing normally and his face was a little red.
"Hm.~" Keyshi smile and started thinking.
"Nah..... Can it? Nah...... But..... Who or what blocking your memory, Valt? Who?..." Though Keyshi and had a serious face.
Valt garbs Keyshi's hand and hold it.
"Huh!!??" That snap Keyshi out of his thoughts.
"Hm.~ Get some rest ok. You don't want to miss the matches now do you. Love you, yūjin." *chu* He kiss his forehead again and transform back into a necklace again.
"Hm.~" Valt was sleeping peaceful in bed.
It disappeared and went back were it came from.
But what or who was that?...

To be continued...

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