Chapter 7: Bonding Time

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"Hmm....... Hm?" Valt woke up and gets up slowly.
"Where am I?..... And why is my head hurting?...." His vision was blurry and touch his aching head.
"You're in the hotel room. How are you feeling?..." Keyshi touch his forehead with the back of his hand.
"I'm fine but what happen?" Valt move his hand away and ask what happen when he black out.
"You got yourself car sick in the bus. But did you remember anything else?" Keyshi ask.
"No...... Maybe?....... All I remember we were talking and that's all I remember..." Valt still rubbing his aching head.
"Do you remember what we were talking about?" Keyshi ask again.
"No........" Valt wave his head no and can't remember.
Keyshi touch his forehead again.
"Are you sure you're okay?..." He ask and was worry. Valt moves his hand away again.
"Yeah, I'm fine really...." *growled* Valt's stomach growled.
"Ah!... Hehehe.... Guess I'm just hungry that's all. Hehehe...." Valt laughs embarrassingly and scratch the back of his head.
"Hehehe...... I knew you'll say that. Good thing I brought this." Keyshi smile and holding a bowl of hot ramen.
*Gasp* "Spicy Phoenix Ramen! Keyshi!" Valt smile and grabs the bowl. And quickly starts eating it.
"Wait, Valt! It's still-!!!" Keyshi waves his hands for a warning but it was to late.
"AHHH!!!!! SPICY!!!! HOT!!!!" Valt's tongue was burning and on fire.
"Hot.... Hehehe......... Here." Keyshi has him a cup of milk.
Valt garbs the cup of milk quickly and washing it down.
"Ahhh...... *pant pant* I forgot how spicy that was..." His tongue still hurts from the hot ramen.
"Yeah, and you love when I do this." Keyshi grabs Valt's ramen and eat it and breath out fire making a phoenix that looks like it was flying.

Valt claps his hands.
"That's still awesome!" He smile and grin.
"I know! And last time you try to do that, you were coughing out smoke."
"Hey, it was spicy! And we were kid! That doesn't count!" Valt pouts.
"I know, I know...." Keyshi smile and kiss Valt's head.
Valt was eating and enjoying his ramen.

*Knock Knock*

Someone knock on the door. Keyshi goes hide somewhere in the room and be an object.
Just in cause...
Valt gets out of bed and put the ramen away and goes to the door. He open the door and see Chris.
"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?" Chris ask.
"Fine, thanks for asking." Valt smile.
"And the others?" He ask.
"Some are training and others are exploring." Chris explains.
"Your friends went exploring parts at town. You can catch up to them."
"I will." Valt nod.
"Alright." Chris smile and leaves.
Valt close the door. Keyshi pops out and gets Valt's shoes.
"So America........ What do you want to do?" Keyshi ask.
"Well for starters meet up with my friends."   
Valt sits down and grabs his shoe.
"Go have fun..." Valt smile and tying his shoe.
"Hmmm........ I that we can use this time to hang and bond together......" Keyshi cross his arms, floats and pouts.
"I do but......... How that possible? Like you're a demon and no one can't even see you but me...." Question Valt.
"True, true..... I did not think this through...." Keyshi put his hand on his chin.
"No, you have not......" Valt smile and giggled a little.
"But we can still talk through minds." Keyshi smile.
"Hmmm?...." Valt was thinking about it.
Keyshi transform into the necklace and floats.
"And I'll be your necklace and no one have to know I'm a demon. But if anyone ask, you bought it. Ok...."
Keyshi was floating as a necklace.
Keyshi floats closer to him.
"Please.......~" He gives puppy's eyes and blinks so innocently. From the charm orb.
"Hmmmm......... Ok, but just one day." Valt smile and points his finger up.
"Yeah!!...... Let's go!!!" Keyshi put himself on Valt's neck and drag him out of the room.
"Hold on, let me put on my shoes." Valt putting on his shoes first and then go outside parts of town.

At Town...

"Woooooaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!" Valt's eyes widened and sparkles in amazement.
"This is a nice town here. There's a lot of people."
Keyshi said through Valt's mind.
"How do you know? You're under my shirt?" Question Valt talking through his mind with Keyshi.
"Using the demon card on me shall we..." Valt pouts a little.
"Hehehehe....... So what do you want to do?" Keyshi ask.
"Hmm?...... I got nothing..." Valt got nothing to do first.
"What about...... Ummm...... The....... The...arcade!"
"But you can't play?..." Valt was a little disappointed on that idea.
"Dang it! Ummm...... How about the Zoo over there?" Keyshi spotted a Zoo.
"Hm?" Valt turns his head and look and see the Zoo.
"Oh, that's looks fun!" He smile and feels excitement.
"Then let's go shall we?" Keyshi smile through the necklace and wants to see the Zoo with Valt.
Valt nod and went into the Zoo and look at all of the animals.
Valt smile and grins happily with amazement and excitement seeing all the animals from the Zoo.
"Look a dolphin!" Keyshi spotted a dolphin.
*GASP* "Where!!!!?" Valt turns around and goes to the dolphins exhibit. A dolphin jumped and made a splash.
"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Woah!!!!!!!" Valt's eyes sparkles and stars shimmering.
"Hahahahaha!!!!!!" He laughs and smile.

"Ahh! Is that a mermaid!?"

"That's a dolphin."

"Huh?........" Valt turns around but no one was there.
"What's wrong?" Keyshi ask and senses something was wrong
"I thought........... I thought, I heard someone?... And it's sounds.... Oddly familiar?....." Valt touch his head and thinks about that familiar voice.
"Valt..... Please don't pass out?" Keyshi ask worrying.
"Wha-!?! I'M NOT GOING TO PASS OUT!!!!!" Valt yelled through his thoughts.
Keyshi's ears were ringing and lift bit bleeding.
"Just saying......" Keyshi still hear ringing in his ears.
"Hmmm....... Valt pouts and his stomach growled.
"Hehehehehe........." He laughs awkwardly.
"Guess you're hungry again...." Keyshi smile and sweat drop.
"Hehehe..... Yeah......" Valt nod and sweat drop giving a awkward smile.
*Growled* Keyshi's stomach growled too.
"Hehehehe...... Guess I'm hungry too.... Hehehe...." He chuckle embarrassingly and sweat drop.

"Hmm....... What to eat?" Thought Valt walking around the flea markets.
"This place looks good? And they take, take outs." Keyshi looks at all the flea markets.
"Hmm........... Ok." Valt walks up to one of the flea markets.
"Two please and to go..." He order.
"Here you go." She hands him his order.
"Thanks!" Valt payed and left with his food. He look at the bag and was started to water up.
"Valt, you're drooling..." 
Valt flinch a little and wipe off his drool.
"I'm not drooling!" He was defending himself.
"Hahahahaha!!!!" Keyshi burst into laughter.
Valt went to the park and goes somewhere that no one can see him.
"Ok, Keyshi... The cost is clear, you can come out now." Valt look around the area.
Keyshi transform into himself.
"Ahhh........ Hm......" He stretch.
"Feels good to stretch out for a bit." He stretch for a bit and relax.
"Yeah..... Well, here's your burger." Valt has him his burger.
"Thanks....." Keyshi gets his burger and sits down next to a tree.
Valt sits down next to him and eats his.
Keyshi was eating like a wild animal.
"Keyshi, don't eat that fast. You'll choke!" Valt warned him.
"No, I-" *cOuGh COUGH* Keyshi started to choke to death.
"KEYSHI!!!!" Valt panic and was super worry.
"Gotta ya....." Keyshi smile and gave finger guns.
Valt punch him in the arm.
"You freaking scared me!!!!!!" Valt yelled a him and punch his arm again super hard.
"Ok... I deserve that." Keyshi rubs his aching arm.
"Hmmm........" Valt pouts and eats his burger like a chipmukin.
"Hehehehe......." Keyshi giggled a little.
"...What?" Question Valt with his mouth full.
"Ahem! Nothing... Nothing..." Keyshi try not to giggled and smile.
"Ok......" Valt just eats his burger.
"What?..." Valt just look at him confuse.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Hahahahah!!! Is just... The way you're making that face... Hahaha! It's adorable.~" Keyshi smile and hold his laughter.
"Hmmm..........." Valt pouts and finish his burger. Keyshi finish his.
"So what do we do know?" Valt ask.
"Hmmm......... We can go see the Skyscraper?" Said Keyshi.
*Gasp* "There's a Skyscraper!" Valt felt excitement and sparkles shimmer around him.
"Hehehe..... Yep, I kinda saw one from the hotel's window." Keyshi replied to Valt's exciting reaction.
"Then let's go!" Valt gets up and started to run all the way there.
".................3 ..............2 ..............Annnddd 1." Keyshi counted down.
Valt came back.
"You forgot something?~" Keyshi gave a treasure cat smile
"I forgot something..." Valt was embarrassed and forgot Keyshi and left him behind.
"Hahahaha!..." Keyshi gets up and pets his head and transform back to a necklace.
Valt put Keyshi under his shirt and throw away his trash first before going to the Skyscraper. He walk and run all the way to get there. And had a little help with directions.

"We're here!" Valt was excited and how tall the Skyscraper is and talking to Keyshi through his thoughts.
"Wooow! That is tall." Keyshi never seen a Skyscraper close up before.
"Hm hmm." Valt nod and hummed yes. 
"Let's go shall we." He ask and went inside.
He enters the bottom entrance and there was a long line for the elevator.
"That's a very long line... This will take all day..." Valt was a little disappointed.
"How about the stairs?" Keyshi ask him.
"Hmmm........." Valt was thinking about it.
"It's like hard training.~" Keyshi cooed.
"Valt?" Question Keyshi.
"You had me in training!" Valt was pumped up and gave himself a fist bump.
"Alright, let's go to the stairs!" Keyshi smile.
Valt found the stairs case and open the door. And men, there were a lot of stairs and I mean a LOT of stairs.
"Stairs............ Are you up for the challenge?" Keyshi ask Valt if he really going to walk or run all the way up.
"Time for training!!" Valt nod and was pumped up.
"Yeah!" Keyshi cheered for his yūjin.

5 Hours of Stairs...

*Pant pant* *pant pant**pant pant**pant pant* "Ahhhh......." Valt took his final step and fell on the ground panting and sweating.
"You ok?" Keyshi ask and question if Valt was alright.
"Ah... *pant pant* Hah...... Phew..... What a work out..." Valt wipe the sweat on his face.
"But it was totally worth it, right?" Keyshi ask.
"Yep...." Valt gets up.
"It was totally worth it..." He opens the door and was at the topest of the skyscraper. Valt runs up to the window and see the view.
"Wooow!!!!" Valt's eyes widened and sparkles.

(I couldn't find a day one. So here it go.)

"You can see the whole view up here...." Keyshi gave a smile and enjoying the view.
"Yeah..... You can see everything. Hey, look. I can see the hotel up here." Valt spotted the hotel his staying with BC Sol.
"Yeah! Hey, look I can see the Individual Tournament up here too!" Keyshi spotted the tournament.
"Really!!? Where!!" Valt was trying to find it.
'"Turn your head..." Said Keyshi helping him find the Individual Tournament.
Valt turn his head and found it.
*Gasp* "Wooow!!!!" Stars were shimmering and sparkling on Valt.
"It's amazing up here, isn't it?" Keyshi ask and enjoying the beautiful view of the Skyscraper.
"Yeah....." Valt looks up at the beautiful sky.
"It kinda is......" He smile softly.
They both look at the beautiful view for a minutes.
But Valt realize something very important.
"! Oh, no!...... Oh, no!!!!!! No, no, no, NOOOO!!!!!!" Valt started to panic through his thoughts just realizing something important.
"What's wrong?" Keyshi ask what's wrong with Valt.
"The Individual Tournament!!!! It was going to begin today!!! How did I forget something very important!!!!??" Valt panic more.
"Theirs one thing to do...." Keyshi had an idea.
"And what's that?..." Valt ask and was worry about missing the Individual Tournament.
"Run................. Run like your life depends on it!!!"
"But can you just teleport me there?" Valt ask and that was a faster way.
"................No............ This is your training! Now run!" Keyshi demanded.
Keyshi yelled top of his lungs.
"AHH!!!!!!" Valt got startled and started running down the stairs and outside of the Skyscraper. And running all the way to the Individual Tournament.
*Pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant*
Valt was running and dodging people and objects from the streets. He kept on running and running and running. Valt took a turn and didn't look were he was going and accidentally bump into someone and fell on that person to the hard ground.
"Off!! Ow........" Valt groan in pain.
"Hmmm!...." He growled angrily at Valt.
"Ah?..." Valt feels his heart aching a little. He looked up and see who he bumped and fell into.
A boy with long white sliver hair and red scarlet eyes glare at Valt with anger and rage.
"Ah! Sorry!" Valt gets up and helps that white sliver hair boy up.
"My bad....." He scratch his head and apology.
"No, time to talk, gotta go! See ya!" Valt was in a rush and starts running to the Individual Tournament before time runs out.
But he was stop. Someone grabs him by the wrist and look at him eye to eye.
"!.........." Valt look at his red scarlet eyes.
"Stop playing dumb with me, Valt. It was Red Eye and his voice was ice cold like a blade.
"How?........." Valt pause and feels a bit frighten.
"Hm?......." Red Eye narrow his eyebrows.
"How do you know my name?... W-who are you?" Question Valt and strutted as he was a little scared.
Red Eye's eyes widened a little and look at Valt.

To be continued...

What do you think?
What will happen next?!
What will be Red Eye/Shu's reaction?!
What was that beast or thing was in Valt's dream land?!
Comment what you think what will happen next?...

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