Chapter 8: Who Are You?

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New chapter! Hope you enjoy reading this.~

"I said, how do you know my name?... Who are you?" Valt pouts a little and was scared.
"Valt, stop playing tricks on me!" Red Eye growled and glare.
"I'm not...." Valt struggles to get out of his grip. Red Eye tighten harder on Valt's wrist.
"Valt, stop messing with me!" Red Eye growled again.
"I'm not messing with you. Let go! Valt gets his wrist out of Red Eye's grip.
"Hm......" He rubs his aching wrist.
".............Hmm......" Red Eye made angry face and narrow his eyebrows.
"I-I gotta go!" Valt started to run away.
"Hey!!! I'm not done with you!!!!" Red Eye chase after him.
"Ah!!!" Valt started to run for his life.
Valt was running for his life because Red Eye was hot in his trail and Valt somehow got to the Individual Tournament. He took a turn and it was a training area and also a dead end.
"WHAT TO DO, WHAT TO DO!!!!!!" Valt panics and yelled.
"Ahh, ahh..... Wait! I have an idea!" Keyshi get off of Valt's neck and transform into a frying pan.
"Keyshi, NOOOO!!!!!! I'm not hitting him with a frying pan!!!!" Valt refuse to hit someone with a frying pan.
"You have better ideas!?!" Keyshi was being a sassy frying pan.
"VALT!!!!" Red Eye took a turn and spotted Valt.
"AHHHHH!!!!!!!" Valt hits Red Eye on the face.
And Red Eye fell and was unconscious.
"AHH!!!!!! I can't believe I did that!!!" Valt tears up and panic.
"His fine..... His just........ Sleeping......" Keyshi transform back into himself and checks Red Eye's plus.
"Keyshi! I'm not a little kid anymore! I know his unconscious!" Valt cross his arm and yelled a little.
"..........So what are we going to do with him?..." Keyshi ask and changing the subject.
"Don't you dare change the subject! But you're right! What are we going to do with him?..." Question Valt.
"Ok, here's the plan! You carry him somewhere while I do look out!" Keyshi explains the plan.
"Why don't you carry him!?"
"Do you want to tell them what happen to him?..." Keyshi cross his arms and raise an eyebrow.
".............Hmmmm............. No........." Valt pouts.
"Good, now do your job and I do mine." Keyshi teleports.
"Now you teleport... Ok.... Come on.... Ahh.... Hmm.... Dang you're heavy...." Valt was dragging Red Eye off the floor.
"Hmm!.... Ok, maybe I have to go into a different angle." Valt was now holding him on by the shoulders.
"There we go...." He was dragging him next to a room with a sofa. It's looks like a waiting area or something...
Valt lay Red Eye on the couch.
"There...... Finally......." *Pant pant* Valt panted and lay on the floor next to the sofa that he lay Red Eye on.
Red Eye was still unconscious.
"Hmmm....... Who are you, really?....." Valt gets up but sits down on the floor and look at Red Eye.
"You seem bad and evil but....... You look kind and caring...." Valt tilts his head and question.
"And I feel this weird feeling that.... That I know you.... Somewhere but where???......" Valt question to himself.
Red Eye twitch that made Valt flinch and panic.
Red Eye feels his face aching like someone hit him by the face.
"Yeah..... Sorry about that......." Valt reach out his hand and slowly putting his hand on Red Eye's long sliver white hair. And slowly petting it.
Valt found a sweet spot and Red Eye was enjoying this.
"Oh.... You like that...." Valt pets again.
Red Eye was enjoying and didn't notice or stopping himself because he was unconscious.
"Hehehe......" Valt giggled a little. But his heart was aching again but a little stronger.
"Ah!.....Hmm....." Valt grabs his shirt and stroke it.
"Why am I feeling this pain?... It's hurts...." Valt was feeling sharp pain through his body.
Valt flinch and the aching stop. He turn around and see Keyshi.
"Keyshi..." Valt blinks.
"Valt, you better hurry! They're look for him." Keyshi warned.
"Wait!... Can you bring me ice?..." Valt ask.
"Why?...." Keyshi raise an eyebrow.
"Just do it." Valt narrow his eyebrows and pouts.
"Ok, ok..." *snap* Keyshi was holding an ice pack.
"Why do you need the ice for?" Keyshi ask and gives Valt the ice pack.
"This...." Valt lay some ice on Red Eye's head.
"You're done?"
"Ok, then let's go!!" Keyshi grabs his wrist and teleports out of here.
Someone walk in and see Red Eye laying on the sofa.
"Red Eye?" Boa walk up and shake Red Eye lightly.
"Hmmm......." Red Eye groan.
"Red Eye......"
"Hmm..... What?...." Red Eye gets up holding the ice pack from his aching bruise.
"You okay? I saw you laying on the sofa with an ice pack." Boa explains.
"What happen?" He ask.
".......I just got hit by the face with something heavy and metal......." Red Eye narrow his eyebrows.
"Who hit you?....."
"........I don't know because I got hit by the face!!!" Red Eye growled and glare at Boa.
"Sorry for asking...."


*Sign* "I can't believe I did that......" Valt feels so bad what he did.
"It wasn't that bad....." Keyshi was being Valt's necklace again.
"I hits someone with a frying pan, Keyshi... A freaking frying pan!!!!!" Valt yelled at his Akuma.
"..........Ok, it was bad...."
"Gaaahhh......." Valt face palm and sorry for hitting Red Eye with a frying pan on the face.
"But I have a question....." Valt moves his hands away from his face.
"What is it?" Keyshi was curious.
"It's this weird feeling that..... That I know him from my life.... But it's strange that I don't know him but I do know him? How can you tell you know someone but you can't remember them?...." Val ask and explains.
*Sign* "I think I know why......."
"You do??" Valt flinch and was curious.
"Remember when you say that you can't remember Shu and you said that I erase your memories back at BC Sol in the forest....." Keyshi explains.
"Yeah..... I was mad at you because I didn't recognize you at first. You really grown Keyshi... You're even taller than me now...." Valt pouts that last part.
"Hehehe.... Yeah... But that's not the point. Valt...." *Sign* Keyshi sign and took a breather.
"Valt... That's person you met is S-"
Someone with a positive and similar voice shouts Valt's name and interrupted Keyshi reason about Red Eye. And that snap Valt out of the conversion.
"Oh, hi Cooza!" Valt turn and see Cooza.
"There you are! We been looking for you every where..." Cooza panted.
"We?..." Valt raise an eyebrow and question Cooza.
"Daigo, Rantaro, Kit, and etc..." Cooza explains.
"Come on! We need to be at the Individual Tournament and be ready for who battle who. Come on!" Cooza drag Valt to the Individual Tournament.
"Oookkk...." Valt was being dragged all the way there by Cooza and also on time.
(I'm lazy to do the A and B team members and I just want to go to the good part! X3 Sorry....) 


It was dawn and everyone was eating dinner.
"Hey, Valt? Where were you?" Daigo ask.
"What do you mean?..." Valt took a bite on his burger.
"I mean where were you from parts of town?"
"Hmm...... The Skyscraper..." Valt replied to Daigo's question.
Keyshi face palm quietly that Valt couldn't hear him.
"Theirs a Skyscraper here!!?" Cooza was speechless and want to see the Skyscraper.
"How the heck did you get up there? Theirs like... A lot of people in lines going up there." Said Sisco eating his taco.
"Easy... I use the stairs." Valt felt proud of himself.
"But how? You know what, never mind...."
"How was experience around town?" Rantaro ask.
"Good, expect for a tall sliver white hair male almost attacking me....." Valt took another bite on his burger.
Everyone was speechless and eyes widened and some mouth were open.
Valt was chewing his burger then look at the guys every confuse.
"What?...." He question.
"Um, Valt.... Did that tall sliver white hair male also has scarlet red eyes?" Wakiya ask. He already knew about Valt memories loss about Shu. Because Rantaro and Daigo told him.
"Yeah......... But how do you know he as scarlet red eyes?...." Valt question and was curious how Wakiya knows.
"That because.... That tall sliver white hair male is actually....... Shu......"
Valt mind was blown and was speechless. Then his head was aching badly.
"You ok!" Cooza see that Valt wasn't looking to good.
"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine just a but mind blown and shocking...." Valt rubs his aching head.
"Maybe you should go rest...." Said Daigo.
"Yeah... Maybe you're right... I'm going in early see ya guys in the morning." Valt gets up and head to the hotel and into his room.
*Sign* Valt sign and plop into bed.
"Hmmm........." Valt head hurt and aching.
"You sure you're feeling ok?" Keyshi transform into himself and see Valt a bit pale.
"Yeah...... Just a bit surprising and shocking that Red Eye guy was Shu?...." Valt lay his face on the pillow.
"And how are you holding up with that?" Keyshi ask.
"Ok.... I guess......" Valt said it quietly.
"Are you sure?....."
"Hm hmm....." Valt hummed yes and nod.
"You want me to get you something?" Keyshi ask if Valt wants anything.
"Hmm..... Maybe some glass of water...." Valt look at his Akuma.
"Alright... You get some sleep and I'll get your water. Ok..." Keyshi look at Valt if he understand.
Valt nod and understand.
"Good." *chu* Keyshi kiss his forehead.
"I'll be back..." *snap* He snap his finger and teleports.
"..............." Valt lay his face on the pillow and pouts a little and not feeling ok. It got dark and also it's night time. Keyshi came back with the glass of water.
"Ok, Valt I got your wa- oh, no!!" Keyshi throw the glass of water across the room and hits the wall and shattered into piece.
"Valt!!!? Where are you my precious child!!!?" Keyshi panics and worry about Valt. Where is he!?!
"Keyshi..... I'm right here....." Said Valt.
Keyshi turns around and see Valt sitting on the room balcony that's have a window.
"Oh.... Valt! You freaking scared me!" Keyshi yelled at him.
"Sorry......." Valt bent his knees and legs together close to his body and cross his arms and lay them on his knees and lower his head.
"!........" Keyshi floats to Valt.
"I didn't mean to shout.... You just had me worry..." Keyshi apology at yelling at Valt.
"It's ok......." Valt mumble.
"Is something bothering?..." Keyshi knew it was about Shu.
"No.........." Valt mumbled again.
"Ok....." Keyshi floats to Valt's bed and moves his blanket so he can tuck Valt in bed.
"Hey, Keyshi.... I have a question?......" Valt lift his head a little.
"Ask away...." Keyshi fluff the pillows.
"Am I.............. Am I bad?.........." Valt narrow his eyebrows sadly and lay his head on his cross arms.
Keyshi froze and turn around and look at Valt.
"What's makes you say that?..." Keyshi look at him.
"It's just..... I'm been think......... Am I really that bad?........" Valt mumbles and look at the window.
"Is it about Shu?...." Keyshi ask calmly.
"Hm hmm...... Someone caring and kind can turn into something bad.... Was it my fault that I was  really bad?......." Valt still look at the window.
"No.... Valt, he'll never think of you as a bad friend what made you s- ................Oh........ Valt, you got that memories back didn't you......."
"The one I told you to erase from my mind when we were kids..... Yeah, that one..... That's the one......." Valt shiver and started to tear up.
"Valt.........." Keyshi narrow his eyebrows sadly.
"Hmm...... *sob sob* How can I make someone nice turn into bad because of me?...... *sob sob* What did I do or better yet what did I say to make them change their mind being my friend..... *sob sob* *hiccup* Am I just bad to be with or am I not normal to be with other. Because I'm different.... *sob sob* That's why they change their mind.... Because.... *hiccup sob* Because I'm not normal to everyone around?...." Valt has big fat tears shed down his cheeks.
"Valt...... Come here....." Keyshi sits down and open his arms freely to Valt. Valt came closer to him and lay his face on his chest and cry.
Keyshi pet his head and comfort him.
"I'm a really that bad.... Bad to be call someone friend?....." Valt hiccups and cries.
"Valt, don't say that!..... That's not true and I know how....." Keyshi put his hand on his cheek.
"You do?......" *hiccup sob* *sniff* Valt look at Keyshi.
"Yeah, I do..... He...... Really cares about you Valt.... I know that because he's just like me.... Worry about and wants you to be happy." Keyshi rubs his tears away.
"Then why?... *hiccup* Then why did he turn into a bad jerk face......" *sob sob*
"He looks and act anger and want you gone but...."
Keyshi pause for a bit.
"But what?..." Valt was a but curious.
"I think his just scared to lose someone who makes him happy and make him feel special... I think all that anger was just blinded with fear.... But he doesn't know it because he was focusing on revenge but the truth is he really afraid of loosing you as his best friend..." Keyshi smile softly.
"Ah!......Hmm....." Valt was tearing up again.
"Hey... If you were blinded with anger you'll say harsh and cruel thing too... And you really didn't mean to say it to the person you care....." Keyshi rubs his hair.
"But what if I say something cruel too you and I really REALLY didn't mean it and you started to hate me?...." Valt cries more.

"I'll be mad... But more like disappointed then being mad at someone I care.... I don't want to hurt you, my yūjin...." Keyshi smile.
"Hm.~ And I don't want to hurt you either my Akuma...." Valt finally smile from his crying.
"Hehehe..... There's that smile of yours... That's the many things that I love you.~" *chu* Keyshi kiss Valt's forehead.
"Hehehe...." Valt stomach growled.
"You kinda skipped dinner, you only took bites..."
"I know......" Valt was hungry.
"Don't worry I got ya.... Here...." Keyshi hands him a  different blow of ramen.
"Hehehe........ *sniff* Doki Doki Ramen....." Valt holds the ramen.
"You even made a heart......." Valt smile and eats the ramen.
"Hm.~ You just need a little piece of my heart.~ Feel the Doki Doki.~" Keyshi made a heart out of his hands.
"Hehehe..... Keyshi.... Hehehe....." Valt giggled.
"Hehehe..... *yawn* Heh......hehe.....he..." He was starting to doze off.
Keyshi smile and put the bowl of ramen away and snap his finger making Valt wearing his pajama and taking off his headband. The he carry Valt to his bed and lay him their covering him with a blanket.
"Zzzzz...... *snore* Zzzzz...... *snore* Zzzzz......" Valt was sleeping peaceful in bed.
Keyshi pets his head.
"That's my yūjin." *chu* Keyshi kiss Valt's forehead again.
"Night...." Keyshi was going to sleep under the bed because why not his a demon.


*drip drop* *drip drip* *drop drip* *drip drop*

Their something coming out of the demon summoning symbols.

Something big........... Something big is coming.......


To be continued...

What do you think?...
What's going to happen next???...
Comment what you think what will happen.
That's all... Bye, bye.~

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