Chapter 2: Join Dragon Squad ~Part 2~

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Hey, guys here is part two of Join Dragon Squad. It take me long to finish and the save button was acting weird. And every time I recheck it I somehow mess spell and mix up the story. This is what happen when you make one longest chapter. Also I have some help by hrishika1234 thank you hrishika1234.~ :3 Hope you guys like part two, let get into the story shall we...~

"Pay the fed, check. Good with a sword, check. Look like a knight." Raul looks at Val's description and check on his check list. And checking at Val for the last part of the list as she pose like a knight but turn out adorable.
"Um, close a enough." Raul was like I'll take it and check his list.
"Alright, am I in or am I SO in.~" Val was so excited that she feel jumpy like a puppy.
"Oh, you are so in!" Raul feels like a teen again and trying to be cool and young.
"Hahaha, welcome to Knight School!" He raised his arms and welcoming the new member.
Val smile but this is what she's really feeling in her inner Val.
"YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Val walk around finally being here at Knight School to become a knight. She spotted her new squad and walk up to them.
"Nice to have you in Dragon Squad, Valt. Hope you last longer with the guy we replace." Red Eye greets Valt as a friend and useless object that he'll throw away later. Because their old squad mate was a mess. Val can't tell if that was a compliment or an insult.
Raul take the school small stage as everyone gathered around because class was staring.
"Now class I need one squad to volunteer to help with today lesson." Raul said looking some of the squad if they want to volunteer.
"Watch this.~" Wakiya whispers to his squad mate Daigo as he had an evil plan and walk up to Dragon Squad. He was going to scare the newbie from behind but his plan fail because Val raise her hand and was like pick us pick us please please, like an excited little kid. Wakiya miss his chance to embarrassed Dragon Squad.
"Dragon Squad, I'll take that hand raise as a yes." Raul never thought someone will raise their hand. He just choose someone randomly or hear a scared girly scream. Dragon Squad goes to the center to demonstrate today lesson.
"Dang it!" Wakiya got mad because he miss opportunity to scare the newbie.
"Today, you will learn that danger lurks where you least expected." Rual point at a plain gargoyle statue.

The Gargoyle statue started to move and walk around ready for the kill.
"A Gargoyle statue, really?... Tch, lame." Ice(Lui) doesn't see this as a challenge for him.
Gargoyle statue stomp on the ground and roar.
"We got this, draw your swords." Red Eye said as he and his squad draw their swords expect Valt.
"That a Gargoyle stone type. Sword attacks won't work on him, I got this." Val knows what she's doing.
"But-" Red Eye was going to argue but Ice interprets him.
"Shuh, let him I want to see this.~" Ice smirks coldly and wants to see the newbie get hurt really badly.
Val was ready as her team back away.

(It was the only one that doesn't have swords and harmless for a class lesson)

"Say hello to my friend, Cliff." Val was cornered but kick the enemy like a flip and throw him over the
school's cliff. Everyone was impressed and clap.
"Hahaha, Cliff. Because you threw him off a cliff. Hehehe." Raul laughs at that clover joke on the battlefield.
"Haha, extra credit for heroic word play. Your squad can now select a bonus quest!..." Raul press the crystal on the stage as the wall shows the bonus quests. Their were only three too choose from which one will Dragon Squad pick.
"Yes, awesome a bonus quest!!~" Val was excited to do an actually bonus quest. Bonus quest help the squad to get extra points for their ranking on Knight School of how the squad help improve about team work and trust. But if your at the last ranking of the class you're out of Knight School but good thing Dragon Squad is on the top rank.
The three bonus quest are...


Flaming Repulser
"We should pick something easy for the newbie." Red Eye said seeing one of the bonus quests that is skill level for Val.
"No, something challenging that the newbie wishes he was never born.~" Ice was being cruel and wants that extra points to still be number one.
"This is how we keep losing members ICE..." Red Eye growls.
"Because they're weak and pathetic RED EYE!..."
They both glare angrily and had their firing background.
"What bonus quest do you want to choose, Valt?" Wind ask Val what she wants as their bonus quest.
"Hmm?..." Val looks at the bonus quests.
"What the quest for the Flaming Repulser?" She smile innocently.
"It just the hardest one. Very hard... Your squad must receive the Flaming Repulser from the burning tree from the south guarded by the Omni Dragon. Take your time of choosing your quest no rush, class this miss." Raul explains the quest Val mention and finish class for the day.
"Now we have to pick a quest by the end of the day." Red Eye said.
"And you if make it at the end of the day, that a Dragon Squad new guy record." Wind pat Val's head. Val feels so special from her squad.
"That strange?..." The Princes has that exact same ring." She points at Wind's yellow pixie crystal ring
"Now that I see it you three do have the same rings with the three Princes."
"So their Prince their rich they have things. Tch!.." Ice was annoyed and trying not to blow his cover.
"Ok?..." Val raise an eyebrow and confuse.
"But why are you being so stubborn about it?"
"Hey, what's that." Wind points at something from a different direction. Val turns around but their was nothing.
"There noth-" She turn around but her squad mates were gone.
"Where did they go?!?" Valt was shock and flinch, she question how did they disappeared.


The three Princes run into Lui's room through the secret passage.
"We lost him that was a close one." Shu sign in relief.
"Nice trying to stay your cool, LUI!" He growls at Lui at his stubborn stupidity.
"Shut up, Snow White! At least that newbie idiot doesn't know our secret so are secret is safe!" Lui was like I don't care just shut up.
"Actually, I think the newbie idiot figure it out." Val cross her arms and standing right next from the secret passage way.
"No, he didn't Free what do you ever think that!" Lui yelled at Free for saying something that stupid.
"....... I didn't say anything." Free look at him and he really didn't say anything. They turn around and see Val as they flinch a little.
"How did you get here, get out of my room!!!" Lui yelled at Val for her being in his room without his permission.
"He means the Prince's room." Shu change the subject seriously like he can't tell a lie.
"Drop the act, alright. I been at the pixie crystal river, I know that ring transform you and you guys are-"
"Boys!..." Zac yelled through the hallways.
Val, Shu, Lui, and Free heard Zac coming this way.
"Princes..." Val was going to say Prince but in the wrong time and moment.
"Now it will be a good time to press those rings." She point at her own finger to give them an example. All of them press their rings and transform to their Prince life style.
Zac knock on the door first before entering. Val quickly hide under the bed.
"Boys, I need your help with my outfit for my royal meeting. Does this outfit make my butt look sexy and me look fabulous!~" Zac gave a sassy hair flip.
The boys sweat drop and made a face at Zac.
"So hot that everyone are so jelly of your hotness." Free said giving his opinion.
"Aww, thank you.~ What do I do without you boys." Zac leaves with sparkles and beauty.
"So... What were you saying about you three not being the Princes." Val was asking so innocent and a bit evil.
"Yes... We are the three Princes of Astoria." Shu admits it first and telling the truth.
"I can't believe you found out, no one in the whole kingdom knows." Lui treated everyone in the kingdom like idiots.
"So my squad mates are also the three Princes of Astoria... Awesome!~" Val was excited that she found people like her that are rebel and do what they want to do. And this was her opportunity to be a trusted squad mate.
"HOW IS THIS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💢💢💢💢💢"
Lui yelled and growl at Val for seeing this as a good thing.
"Because you guys can choose your own destiny and not be a perfect buzz killer Prince that are so meh."
The guys sweat drop looking at Val's energetic personality.
"You don't get out much, do you?" Free said raising his eyebrow a bit.
"No, because my older brother say the world is dangerous and you will get captured by a monster call... The virginity." Val said because her older brother tells her a scary story about the virginity that will capture you and do evil things to you if you're not careful.
"PFFFT!!!!" Free and Lui pfft and trying so hard not to laugh of what Val said. Shu just stares not trying to laugh too.
"And I don't know what that means?..." Val tilts her head and was confuse why call the monster the virginity.
"........ I'm gonna tell him.~" Lui smirk and going to tell Val what virginity really means.
"Don't you dare!" Shu yells at Lui so he won't break someone innocence like he always do because he's Lui.
"Hm??" Valt gave an innocent confuse face.
"How old are you?" Free ask and was thinking in his head that Val can't be that innocent for her age, right?...
"Eleven/Twelve.~" Val tell her age and was being so happy and cute about it.
"..................." Free look at his brothers.
"I like him, his my favorite squad mate." He point at Val and making her his favorite.
*Gasp* "Yeah!~" Val gave sparkles of joy as she feels so happy and proud of herself for going to Knight School and not telling her mom or home about it.
"Nani?!?!" Shu and Lui were both shock, Free doesn't have favorites for squad mates he just yawn and he doesn't really care.
"Can you keep are big secret?" Free ask Val if she can hold and keep this big secret that no one in Astoria knows about.
Val zip her lips, snap her finger, hold the key, and throw it to the window.
"???............. What the heck was that!?" Lui was like that was the dumbest thing I ever seen.
"Zip my lips shut, lock it, holding the key, and throw it to the window so I can't find the key." Val explains what she did, this is how she keep her promise of holding secrets. Her older sister thought her that as a kid.
"You hold people's secrets?" Shu raise an eyebrow not seeing Val as a secret keeper type.
"I have older siblings that hate each other. They say a lot of stuff that I don't understand yet." Val was telling the truth her siblings say mean stuff at each other like calling name or secretly pranking each other.
"Like your virginity when someone -" Lui was going to say it but.
"Lui, I swear to God!!" Shu interpreted him before he had the chance to say it. They both argue and glare.
"They're at it again." Free sign as he made his usually lazy face and lay on the couch.
"Do they do this everyday?" Val ask.
"Yep...." Free just yawn and not seeing this as a problem.
"....................." Val looks at Shu and Lui fighting as brothers that annoy each other.
"That adorable.~" She thinks it's cute.
"How do we know we can trust him with our secret." Lui whisper growl at Shu having their own little meeting. They turn and look at Val, Val just gave an innocent face with sparkles.
"Do you really want me to answer that?" Shu looks at Lui with a frown.
"Grrrrrrrr!!!!!" Lui growls angrily and don't trust or like Val one bit.


(That the only one having like a nice background of the café thing. It fantasy, they only have the inside not the outside)

"Valt, you're going to like the Tasty Trunk and it own by Shadow Wizard so everything is serve with the side of what the heck." Free likes their food here it makes him sleepy, he loves sleep.
Dragon Squad walk around and sit down at a table of their choosing.
"I know, I always sneak out or come here to get something goods to eat." Val sneaks here... A lot the pixie kingdom has a lot of small food, only pixie can eat. Expect for Val she can't transform to her pixie form because she's a very late bloomer. Even tho she doesn't realize she's human.
"Hi, Shadow Wizard!~" Val wave at Shadow Wizard as he wave back as he was working at the counter.
"Let order, Shadow Wizard four plates of mozzarella sticks." Free ask Shadow Wizard to do his special order.
Shadow Wizard magically put four plates with uncook mozzarella sticks but flame came out of the plate and the sticks were cook and crispy.
"Ooooh.~" Val drool and took a bit on one of them.
"Hot!!" But she burn her tongue tasting one of them that was still hot from the flames. Than Wakiya and his friend Daigo walk up to them.
"Will, hello team wannabes.~ Wakiya was being his rude sassy jerk self as Daigo was just standing there next to him not saying a word.
Red Eye, Ice, and Wind roll their eyes at Wakiya being the drama queen.
"Oh, hi I'm Wakiya the nicest person in Knight School." Wakiya was being sarcastic so the newbie will trust him and so back he can back stab and betray him.
"Yeah... You're not mean at all with beautiful long hair." Val smile and gave complement. Daigo just gave a creepy silent stare.
"So...~ Have you guys figure out what quest you're gotta fail.~" Wakiya grin knowing with the newbie around they might have a chance on losing their place on top if the school's ranking.
"And are you gotta finally figure out when to shut up!" Ice stand up and slam his hands on the table.
"Ice no, we're not going to have this again." Red Eye force him to sit down and behave. Ice growls angrily at Red Eye and Wakiya.
"We already chose are bonus quest, Wakiya." Free said as he yawn. And he lied that they did, he just wanted Wakiya to go away.
"Yeah, and it's going to be the Flaming Repulser!~"
Ice, Wind, and Red Eye had shocking faces on Val.
"You don't say.~" Wakiya was being evil and sassy.
"This twerp making my job easier for the team to finally drop to loservilla.~" He said that through his thoughts not worrying at all what happen to Dragon Squad if they lose.
"Yeah, and we're going to ace it!~" Val gave a air fist bump because she was so pump.
"Hehehe, alright good luck than.~" Wakiya smirk and walks away.
"........" Daigo was just being dark and bruting as he walks away too.
"Let do are best guys!~" Val looks at them excited and can't wait to do a quest with them.
"Val.... Can you go get us three packs of marina sauce...." Lui growls a little and trying not to kill her.
"Ok!~" Val gets up and go get them
"Let kick him out!" Lui said and want Val to get out of his squad quickly so he can't see her face again.
"Why?..." Free ask a bit confuse, Val didn't do anything wrong yet.
"Wha- WHY!!? You know why, he's going to humiliate are squad and make us fail Knight School." Lui has he reasons to kick Val out of his squad.
"As much as I hate Lui, I kinda agree." Shu hates to admit but he's agreeing on Lui's side and opinion.
"So let kick him out!"
"I didn't agree to that." He frowns at Lui, Shu just agreed on his opinion not agreeing to kick Val out of the squad.
"But I like him." But Free wants to keep Val, he likes her personality and how innocent she is.
"Will, I don't! Heck, I don't know if we can truly trust him or not! Look at him he's a monster!.." Lui growls and glare at Val. Free and Shu look at Lui's direction looking at Val from a small distance.
Val wave back at them adorable and cute.
"A monster..." Lui just glare at Val not liking her one bit. Shu and Free just sweat drop and seeing the real monster sitting right in front of them and that's Lui.


"Who's ready to get their quest on!~" Val was so ready for her first quest with squad mates.
"Why are you excite for a quest that will kill you?..." Lui made a face, he's like the newbie getting hurt but this, this one a buzz kill, stupid, and crazy at the same time.
"Because who doesn't!~" Val smile and being a happy puppy.
"Is he crazy or just that stupid." Lui said that in his head and showing his reaction with a sweat drop.
"Oh, I forgot my sword let me go back and get it, ok.~" Val goes back to Knight School because that where she left her sword.
"Take your time..." Shu said not rushing her and take her time.
Val was completely gone and know Lui and Shu had their little argument again.
"Let just kick him out already!!!" Lui growls and glare at Shu's eyes angrily and annoyed.
"No, Lui we can't keep losing another member again!" Shu not kicking another member because of Lui's attitude and behavior that's how the originals quite because of him or how they been treated. Or just Dragon Squad was being too hard for them.
"So!!! They're weak and stupid it's not my fault!" Lui really doesn't like weakling and he wants power and being number one without false.
"Hey, guys I found my-" Val walk up to where the boys were waiting but stop mid way and stand by the side not showing a lot attention to herself and hearing what Lui and Shu were talking about.
"I know Valt is reckless and naive but still we need a member for are squad." Shu was giving an example why he needs Val on their squad. Without four members there's no Dragon Squad and that means the boy can't become knights.
"Don't you want to become a knight yes or no?" He was being serious and acting like a mom.
"Yes!" Lui growls and whine.
"Than give Valt a second chance."
"Hah! Yeah, right!.. A second chance so he can humiliate us again!" Lui glare and not easily convene on agreeing to keep Val in the squad.
Val feels bad and unwanted and than leaves not listening to their argument anymore.
"I'll show him, I can be a great member for Dragon Squad! Why are boys always have to be selfish stupid jerks! At least the virginity is better than him." Val pouts through her thoughts and go on this hard quest by herself.

"Just give him one more chance, Lui." Shu sign with annoyed in his tone of voice.
"Ok, ok, here a deal. If Valt do fine in the quest without messing up or getting us kill than he'll stay. But if she doesn't she out, completely."
"Hmm, I'll take that deal." Lui smile evilly and takes that offer.
"Ok... Where Valt, it doesn't take that long you him to find a sword." Shu question what's taking Val so long.
"He just left..." Free finally said something. He didn't join the argument it too much work.
"What!? When!?!" Shu look at Free confuse and shock.
"When he listen to the conversation you two were having."
"And you didn't stop him or tell us!!" Lui was like great and now hs has to save that weakling's butt.
"If I say something you guys wouldn't listen." Free made a face and having a good point.
"Let hurry before Valt gets hurt!" Shu said as him and Free run up the gates.
"Or his already die and let just say to the teacher he quites." Lui was happy on this one if we lost a member like this.
"LUI!!!" Shu yelled at him because he's not going to drag his butt all the way there.
"Ok, ok!!" Lui not liking this and has too.

With Val...

Val was climbing the tallest biggest tree she ever seen.
"Guess I have to check climbing the biggest tree off my bucket list." She was wearing fire proof gloves and outfit so she won't burn her skin on the trees burning small flaming bark.
"Gah... hm." Val got on top of the tree's center and brought out her bucket list.
"Climb the biggest tree, check." She check that out of her list and put it away and continue her quest.
"I don't see this being hard this is easy." Val walk through the tree's tunnels leading down the bottom inside center. Like walking down the longest steps going down stairs to the end of the floor.
"What if..." Val had a fire proof outfit and see abandon shields and swords on the ground from the previous travelers.
"Hmm...." Val grab one of the shields put it on the ground sit on it and going to do the most dangerous and funest thing she'll ever do for a living.
"In 3... 2... 1... Go!!~" She gave a little push and slide through the tunnels like a circling rollercoaster and using her sword to balance and turn so she won't hit the walls.
Val was having fun but than she realize something... Breaks.
"Oh, no!! Ahhh!!!!" Val slide to the finale floor and was speeding really fast and landed on a big pile of treasures.
"Ow..." She wasn't badly hurt because the treasures stop her from crushing to hard.
"That was AWESOME!!!!~ I want to do it again hahahaha!!~" Val wanted to do that again but she need to focus on her solo quest.
"Where is the Flaming Repulser." She try the find the Flaming Repulser that Raul explains in class. Val looks up and down and Raul wasn't clear what Flaming Repulser looks like.
"I should of ask what it looks like first before I came here, hmmmm...." She sweat drop and was gloomy.
"Guess I have to go with my gut feeling." Val sign and stay positive.
"Boy, their like a lot of stuff here this will take forever to find the Flaming Repulser." She dig up some random things she find on the treasure pile. Val climb up the top of the treasure pile and saw something in the middle and was stuck under the floor just showing the handle.
"Is that it??" She slide down and run up to the handle.
"I think it a sword?" Val question to herself and tries to pull the sword out of the ground.
"Wow, this is sooo deep. It like pulling out a thorn out of beast's organ still alive and struggling." She use all her strength to pull the sword out of the floor like pulling out a nail with a hammer. The floor was cracking a little and finally Val pull the sword out.
"Hmmm!!!! Ahhh!" She fell on her back side and panted. Val hold the sword up and look at it.

"Yes, Val for the win.~" She was like I am victorious without the boys here. Val gets up and hold the sword and did a little victory dance.
"This was too easy, I don't see how this is hard or dangerous." Val looks around seeing this place harmless than a threat. She remember something that Raul say that there was a dragon.
"Wasn't there be a Omni Dragon or something???" Val tilts her head confuse and shrugs her shoulders and just leave because her quest was done so fast and easy. As Val was walking back to where she came but some thing big was raising up behind Val. Valt turns around and froze finally seeing the Omni Dragon that stole the Flaming Repulser.

He roars violently and showing his windy hot breath and a bit salvia on Val. Val blinks having a messy blown hair with cover with a bit of saliva. She blinks and looks at the Omni Dragon.
"Oh my-!"

With The Guys...

"I'm going to kill him and slap him so hard!" Shu was mad like very mad that Val do something this reckless and dangerous. Him and his brother where at the burning tree in the entrance to the core where the dragon has the Flaming Repulser.
"I told you so, that means I win!~" Lui was smiling so evilly and cocky. He was right that Val the newbie was stupid and will get in trouble. That means Val is out of the team.
"He only did it because he was listening to our conversation, Lui!!!" Shu growls at Lui, this deal doesn't count if the newbie over heard what they're saying about them.
"Excuses, excuses!" Lui was like don't use excuses that I was right and you were wrong. Free just make a face and have to deal with their argument 24/7.
"Do you have an excuses for losing all are original members!" Shu turn around put his foot down and was going to have a full angry argument with Lui.
Like grounding your own child of what they done in school that was bad and rude.
"Pfft, not my problem if they can't held power. We keep you and you're the weakest one in the squad!!!" Lui went to far and Free was in the background saying 'oooooh' because Shu got roasted.
"What... Did... You... Just... Said!" Shu was like you're gotta get you son of a beep.
"I said you are weak, do I have to spell it out to you!... W. E. A.-" Lui was going to spell weak but half way there Shu tackle him and they started fighting each other to the death for example chocking, punching, kicking, anything that will send you to the hospital. Free just watch them as they roll back and forth trying to break each others bones.
"What are they doing?" Val ask standing next to Free and holding the Flaming Repulser also injured.
"Lui broke a fuse at Shu and now they're fighting to the death." Free replied to Val's question as they watch Shu and Lui fighting to the death.
"How long have they been going?..." Val see them pulling each other hair.
"Not that long they just started five seconds ago...." Free said seeing Shu and Lui twisting their arm all the way back.
"..........." Free flinch a little just realizing Val was right there next to him. He looks at him and back to his brothers, Free cover Val's eyes because this part was going to get very ugly.
"Uh???" Val gave a confused happy face as her eyes were being cover by Free's hand.
"Why are you covering my eyes?" Val ask a bit confuse of what Free doing to her.
"You don't want to see this." Free said making his usually Free's face.
"Oh, Yeah Shu at least I'm not a son of a b-"
"Language, language!!" Free covers Val's ears and yelling language interpreting Lui's swearing.
"Shut up Fre-" Lui turn his head and stop mid-sentence seeing Val right there.
"WHEN WAS HE THERE!!!!!!!!!?" He yells angrily because Free didn't say anything again.
"How long have he been standing there!?!" Shu was upset too and seeing Val injured.
"Three minutes ago..." Free replied.
"Oh my, VALT!!!" Shu yelled at Valt like a worry parent losing he's child from the mall.
"Yes...." Val replied.
"One, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, and two, how did you got injured!!!!!!" Shu was very mad that he actually want to kicked Val out of the squad.
"What was I thinking.... I was thinking that you two didn't respect me as your team mate." Valt made a serious mad face and walk up to Shu.
"I know but-"
"No, buts mister!" Val put her finger up and put it on Shu's lips to shut up.
"You may be serious and prepare for everything but you're not prepare for accepting a new member on your team because they're different than you... You are a selfish jerk and only thing about yourself for being something that nobody can catch up too. Because a true knights never quits on their squad." She was lecturing Shu so good like a sad disappoint friendship scene wanting the best friend to feel guilty.
"I am not self-"
"Ha Hurrrrrrrr!!!!" Val ha hurr right in Shu's face.
"What was t-"
"Ha Hurrrrrrrr!!!!"
"Will you le-"
"Ha Hurrrrr!!"
"Stop t-!"
"Ha Hurrrrr!!"
".............." Shu stops because this was getting nowhere.
".....Ha Hur!~" Val ha hur on Shu's face smiling because she won and it was fun to say.
"You may act and look perfect as a prince but some time perfect is imperfect and imperfect perfect." She said that being perfect always have their false even if they don't realize it or ignore it.
"Tch, no it doesn't you weak idiot!" Lui argue with Val's argument and opinion.
"Shut it, kawiia chinchilla!!" Val made an angry face and looking up to Lui. Like facing her bully in school.
"KAWIIA CHINCHILLA!!!!!!" Lui yelled angrily because Val just call him cute and he hates being called cute.
"Pffft... Hahaha, kawiia chinchilla! Hahaha!" Shu laughs because that was priceless.
"You too, Ha Hur Eye!" Val gave Shu his insulted nickname. Free was just standing there in the background being quiet and the inside he was laughing at the nicknames Val choose for them.
"Ha Hurr Eye!!!" Shu got mad being called that.
"Listen here you-!" Lui was going to wish Val hasn't done that and threaten her but...
"I don't wanna hear it you little peach! 'The newbie so weak, I hate them kick them out, I'm a whiny jerky baby who need royal life to make my life easier!' I'm done of hearing your crap, Lui!!!" Valt shouts at Lui without fear and regrets also mocking him.
"You'll regret saying those words at me you idiot...." Lui gave his scary glare and dark face. He was really pissed off so pissed off that his flaming hair was flaming.
".......... *inhale* *exhale* ....You know.. I was trying to make you accept me as a team mate but at the end your just a cold hearted jerk who can't accept people who are better than you or not. I guess I have to use the classic way to make you give me respect and kindness for me..." Val gave a glare and cross her arm.
"Tch... Oh, really and what is that?..." Lui chuckle a little and smirk for Val being stupid. What will make him be more nice to her, anything in the world nothing will make him nice or respect for someone.
"Well, good news for you today's the day is when finally someone have the confidence to do this." Val smile and than do this to Lui.
"Graaaah!!!" And she kicks Lui right in the nuts because that's the painful target for boys.
"Gaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!!" Lui feels the pain and touch his nuts as a fell on the floor. Shu and Free back away and never seen someone have the confidence to do that.
"Hmm, good day sir!" Val sassy hair flip and leaves but came back.
"Forgot the Flaming Repulser." She got the sword and than leave with pride and dignity.

At Knight School...

"And that is why you don't milk a horse in a battle." Raul was show a lesson of what not to do in battle. Everyone just nod and sits there.
"Got the Flaming Repulser, teach. " Val walk in out of breath and maybe losing some blood.
"Oh, I'm glad you came in on- SWEET MOTHER OF ASTORIA!!!!! What happen to you!?!" He turn around seeing Val mess up and injured. Like fighting fire with a human being and the fire won.
"I fought the Omni Dragon and won!~" Val raise the Flaming Repulser with victory defeating the dragon but here was real really happen...


"Oh my-! YOUR ADORABLE!!!!~" Val's eyes sparkles and seeing the cutest dragon every. The Omni Dragon flinch at Val's reaction.
"Come here!!~" Val run up to him and pet him.
The Omni Dragon was acting like a dog and licks Val's face and got some burn from the tongue acid.

End Flashback...

"And I believe this belong to you.~" Val hands him the Flaming Repulser bacback to Astoria.
"You have receive the Flaming Repulser back to Astoria. But where are your team?" Raul ask not seeing Val's squad.
"Oh, that *pant* long story..." Val was still out of breath.
"Why are you out of breath?" Raul ask and raise an eyebrow.
"Oh, why because I kicked Lui in the nuts and he's chasing me."
"VALT!!!!!!" Lui shouts angrily and going to break every bone in Val's body.
"See ya!" Val gave a wave and starts running.
"COME BACK HERE!!!!!" Lui chase after her like a angry dog.

Val was in the nursing hut with magical medical medicine and cream.
"Now hold still so I can clean does burning wounds." Shu use one of the medical treatment for burning wounds.
"Ow!" Val whines in pain feeling the cream burning and healing her skin. They were both silent not saying anything or looking at each other.
"........ Are you still mad at me..." Val gave a sad face and mumble a little. She really don't want to be scolding or yell at, and she really don't want to kicked out of the squad either.
"A little but you're grounded and not getting any sweet treats when I finish your treatment." Shu frown and making a face at Val.
"Eh!?! No, fair!" Val flinch and was awing in disappointment and giving a pout.
"But what you said back there was true......" Shu said healing her legs and wrapped in bandages.
"Hm?..." Val look at him confuse and which one did he that believe was true.
"True knights never quit on their squad....." Shu wrapped bandages on Val's arm not looking at Val but with a straight face.
"Uh!......." Val was speechless and her heart skip a beat. Shu look at her closely and put a bandage on her right cheek.
"Hm!" Val blush a little and pout.
"Get some rest okay..." Shu makes her lay down on the bed and cover her with a blanket.
"Am still in the squad?..." Val looks away not wanting to hear the answer. She knows she going to be kicked out from her reckless action.
"Yes..." Shu lay his forehand on Val's.
"Yes, you're still in..." He look at her and stroke her hair.
"You made us worried... Don't do that again you hear me." Shu gave a angry scary glare at Val not wanting her to ever do that again. Val nod and was a bit nervous.
"Good." Shu gets up and walk out of the nursing hut. Val looks at him leaving and turn around and rest. Shu see Lui standing beside the entrance.
"..........." Shu glare and walks away.
"He can stay..." Lui mumbles and Shu stop if he hears him correctly.
"I said he can stay... I kinda like his personality." Lui smile evilly but in a nice way.
"You only like him because he had the confidence to kick you in the nuts." Shu smirks and going to remember that best moment in his life.
"GRRRR!!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!!" Lui growls and he wasn't totally blushing. He's totally blushing...

To be continued...

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What will happen next?
How will Dragon Squad improve in team work?
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