Chapter 3: The Chesto Berry Cup

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"Ooooh!~ What is this place?" Val look around at this nice room.
"Welcome to the Dragon Squad Rec Room." Shu said showing Valt their very own Rec Room.
"Each Squad get there own hangout in the castle." Shu explain that every Squad in Knight School has their own Rec Room.
"But only are has this." Lui flip a switch showing their Dragon head statue on a mini column alabaster statue starts breathing real fire.
"Cool!!~" Val look at it closely and slowly lift up her hand to touch the burning flames of fire.
"Don't..." Shu stop her before she burn off her hand.
"If you want to read a book by the crystal fire place just call out a title." Free walk up to the bookshelf.
"Bookshelf, My Knight Academia." He catch it perfectly and give it to Valt.
"Ooooh!!..~" Val look at the cover and all the pages. She was surprised and excited to find a book with pictures because all the books she reads are always have information from the ancient time or just functional.
"And if you want to chill out." Shu grab a jelly bean in a glass jar.
"Try one of are magical jelly bean bean bag chairs." He throw one on the floor and a bean bag magical appear. Valt gasp excitingly and jump on the bean bag hugging it like a bed pillow.
"Does it taste like real jelly beans!~" She ask as she took a nibble on the bean bag.
"No..." Shu narrow his eyebrows with a frown being his serious self.
"Awww...." Val just whines in disappointment but still like sitting on a fluffy bean.
"Just don't eat the jelly beans you'll explode." Shu gives Val a warning not to eat those magical jelly beans.
"!!...." Val made a frighten face and a bit consider.

-School Horn Sound-

"That the horn for Knight School we better go." Lui said getting his equipment for Knight School.
"K..." Val trying to get up but was stuck because the bean was too big on her it like swimming out from a ball pit.
"Um... Guys a little help." She wiggles her arms and legs trying get out of the bean bag.
*Sigh* "Hold on..." Shu sigh and help her out.
"Thanks, Shu." Val smile sweetly and hug Shu.
"I'm not a hugger..." Shu frown and lightly push Valt away.
"But everyone deserve warm loving hugs!~" Val made a cute dorky kitty smile as her eyes sparkles.
"You're a weird one.." Shu sigh and pat Val's on the head.
"Hm?..." Val tilts her head and was dumbfounded on that comment.
Dragon Squad headed to Knight School with their equipment as class started, they start parrying, defending, and attacking with each other or other Squad just for practice.
"Squad, gather round!" Raul said as he walk up to the stage haves a surprise for all of them.
"Bat Squad, Pegasus Squad, Dragon Squad. As you know only the best Squad in Knight School will become Knights. And to help decide, I am proud to announce the annual." He uncover the covers and show a trophy cup.
"Chesto Berry Cup!"
"Yeah!!!" All the Squad cheer and were excited for the annual and traditional Chesto Berry Cup.
"The competition was name after Fern Berries who save Astoria from the great Black Shuck attacks. Which really wasn't all that great by the way." Raul remember those dark times and death.
"You have till tomorrow to inform me who from your Squad will compete to win the Chesto-" He point at the trophy but accidentally knock it off. Raul quickly pick it right back up.
"Berry Cup..." Raul clear his throat and finish his announce as he walk away casually.
Bat Squad has already decided who will do the competition, Wakiya!.. Not because they're scared of him no... Ok a lot, but he has the urge to win. Like those competitive princess pageant drama queen with a lot of savage and sass.
"Hey, since I'm the new guy I'll love the chance to compete for us." Val volunteer as tribute, also she really wants that shiny cup.
"Valt...~ That's so nice of you.~ No!.." Lui refuse Valt to enter that competition because he likes wining and making the other Squad cry like babies.
"...Why do you get to decide." Val cross her arms as she frown angrily with a pout.
"Because I want to win like I always do." He not lying, Lui has enter the competition six times in a row and hasn't lost once.
The Chesto Berry Cup is about staying awake through night and day without falling asleep or taking naps. Danger lurk everywhere from the dark shadow at night or a monster in disguise to attack innocence lives at the day time.
"Will, I want to win that big fancy cup." Val point at the trophy because she really want that shiny cup. Why?... Because it's shiny and pretty.
"You can see mine after I win." Lui walk up to Valt very closely and give her a scary dominant glare.
"I'm gotta win." Val glares back and trying to look scary but turn out adorable. Like a small born puppy trying to bark angrily.
"No, I'm gonna win!" Lui growls angrily and showing his sharp deadly teeth.
"No, I'm gonna win!" Val growls like a random wild animal that fuse together to make a weird but also scary sound.
Shu and Free see them arguing back and forth.
"No, I'm gonna win!!" Lui push Valt a little giving her a small warning to back off.
"No, I'm gonna win!!" Val push Lui really hard making him bump into Free. She's not backing down without a fight. Also that was a bad move because that made Lui really really angry.
"Should we take away there sword?" Free yawn seeing the fight getting out of control.
Lui and Val draw there sword and ready to kill each other.
"That's a yes!" Shu yelled trying to stop Lui from killing Valt and Free stopping Valt from hurting himself.
It was like trying to hold back a cranky grizzly bear vs holding back a feisty small kitten with tiny sharp claws

Later at the Tasty Trunk...

"No, I'm gonna win!!!!" Lui yelled.
"No, I'm gonna win!!!" Val shouts back.
"No, I'm gonna win!!!!"
"No, I'm gonna win!!!!"
"GUYS!!!" Shu shouts angrily making them stop arguing like children.
"You been shouting at each other for hours...." He growls and having a headache.
"You have to settle this."
"I don't want to settle this!" Lui cross his arms and don't want to settle this.
"I don't want to settle this either!" Valt cross his arms and pouts angrily.
"What about a coin flip?" Free yawn as he was eating his french fries.
"Good idea." Shu said as he was getting a gold coin out of his pocket.
"I call tails!" Valt quickly choose tails before Lui has a chance to decide.
"Aaand Valt a butt, that checks out." Lui smirk and relating Valt to a butt.
"Nnnnn!!" Valt stick out his tongue angrily at Lui.
Shu was annoyed as he flip the gold coin. And the coin landed on...
"Tails... Valt wins." Free said looking at Valt with a soft smile.
"YES!!!~ The butt tails has spoken, in your face Kawiia Chinchilla!!~" Val shouts in victory.
"Grrrrrrrrr!!!" Lui growls angrily and really hates that nickname.
"I'm in the Chesto Berry Cup!~" Valt stands up did a little boom and leave the Tasty Trunk by skipping away happily.
"......." Lui glares with frustration and anger as he grab an apple from his table and gripping it with pressure as it explode into pieces. Lui gets up and leaves quietly but sending a dark evil wild aura around him.
"He's mad..." Free said taking another bite of his fries.
"I known.." Shu sigh and rub his eyes from stress and Lui.

At Night...

"........." Val look back and forth looking around the Dragon Squad Rec Room in complete darkness.
"Ok..." She said to herself as she takes off her shoes and her shoulder armor piece with the Dragon Squad logo. Val put her shoes next to the sofa and leaving her shoulder armor on the table counter.
She takes off her black scarf slash cape. Val lay down on the sofa and using her scarf cape as a blanket.
"........" Val looks up at the ceiling as she blinks through the darkness.
"Hm~ I'm finally here, I'm really here... I can't wait to become a real Knight." Val smile and feelings nervous and excited for tomorrow competition. She comfortable on the sofa as she close her eyes and ready to go to sleep.
".... .... .... I can't sleep." Val shot her eyes open feeling awkward and nervous.

The Next Morning...

"Has anyone seen Valt?" Free ask not seeing Val anywhere at School.
"Lui.... What did you do.." Shu give Lui a pissed off look and has something to do with Valt's disappearance.
"Okay, this time I didn't do anything!! I really don't know where he is or lives." Lui was telling the truth, he was planning too but doesn't know where Valt's live.
"Attention students!... It's time to find out who will compete the Chesto Berry Cup. First up, Bat Squad!" Raul lift up his hand giving the first turn to Bat Squad.
Wakiya walks up as he touch the glowing crystals.
The crystals at Knight School are magic tool for detecting used magic for students who are cheating, showing stuff on the stage like a slide project assignment, hand print contract to confirm that one of the students are competing the competition, looking pretty, and etc.
"Bat Squad choice is Wakiya." Raul said as Wakiya's name is on the stone circle on the middle of the wall.
"Get ready to lose peasants." Wakiya smirk with his sass and walk back to his Squad.
"And next is Dragon Squad." Raul gives Dragon Squad a turn.
"Too bad so sad I guess I have to do the honored to be his replacement." Ice smirk and walk up to the crystals like a villain, he stand close to the glowing crystals as he was going to touch it, faith as something else in hand.
"Dragon Squad choice is..."
"NOT TODAY B SWEAR WORD!!!!" Valt just came out of nowhere pushing Lui on the ground and touching the crystals before Lui had his chance to enter the competition.
Valt's name appeared on the stone circle on the middle of the wall.
"What!!" Lui gets up and was frustrated about this.
"You let your guard down Ice. And you're supposed to be a Knight.~" Valt smirk innocently but she know what she did.
"Ooooooohhh....." Everyone in class was like 'oh snap'.
"Why I'm gonn-!!"
"Ice!.. Settle down."
"....Fine." Ice sigh angrily and walk back to his Squad.
As the choosing of what Squad member to enter the Chesto Berry Cup was over. Raul give the runner up a magic artifact. The white medusa snake chocker.

"What are these for??..." Valt said putting on the snake chocker.
"The white medusa snake chocker will notified me who is still in or out of the competition. For example..." Raul snap his fingers and the white medusa snakes went deep inside their skin turning them into a tattoo or magic mark.
Valt's body shivers through the process, it like something is still crawling in her skin.
"If the snakes are off your skin that means you lost the competition but if it still in your skin that means you win and completely the Chesto Berry Cup." Raul explains about the what the chockers do.
The chocker are like trackers, they track on the person who are still asleep or not. For example, the Hungry Games give each person a trackers in their skin to locate where they are or who are eliminated in the battle field.
Now it's time to begin the competition and who will be the last one standing...
The three runner up get off the stage and regroup with their Squad as they all left class and go to there separate ways.
Dragon Squad where at their Rec Room and everything was quiet as you can sense Lui's wild anger.
"........... This feel awkward." Val pouts a little in her thoughts.
"Hmmm..... I wonder if they want to go to the farmer market with me? I heard that they have really good Dorayaki, Taiyaki, Crêpes with fruits and filling, Dango, Strawberry and Sweet Red Bean Daifuku, Melopan, Chocolate Cornet, Ujkintoki, Steamed Buns, Jelly Bread, Curry Buns, Malasadas." Valt thinking about food and as her stomach starts to growl.
"Hm! Hmmm....." Val blush and pouts embarrassingly.
"Hey guys, do you want-" Before Valt can finish his sentence Lui throw a dagger at her. It was almost close to her face but luckily the dagger landed to the wall behind her.
"Ah!..." Val turn around seeing the dagger on the wall and touching her small cut on her right cheek.
"Lui!" Shu look at Lui frustrated as he was sharpening his sword.
"Oops... My hand slip." Lui growls in a low tone and glare at Valt angrily for pushing him on the ground and taking his place at the Chesto Berry Cup.
"Hmmm......💢💢 Anyways, you guys want to go the farmer markets with me." Valt ask putting her Knight School equipment away.
"Graaaa... The commoner peasant farmers markets, I'll pass." Lui annoyingly groans not wanting to buy or be somewhere around non royalty.
"Alright... Shu?" Valt frown at Lui and look at Shu if he's available.
"Sorry, I can't go. I have Fencing practice today." Shu apologies that he can't go with Valt today because of his Prince's duties.
"Ok, Free?" Valt look at Free hoping he'll come with her at the farmer markets.
"Sorry, I can't either I have to learn different languages today." Free apologies too because he has lesson and duties as a Prince. He doesn't want to, but he has too. Because King Zac will make a big deal about it.
"Aaaaa....." Valt pouts and was disappointed.
"Okay, I guess I have to go by myself." She said sadly and leaves the Rec Room.
As Val completely left the room, Lui gets up from his seat and get his bag.
"What are you doing?..." Free ask seeing Lui getting his stuff.
"Following Valt." Lui said in frustration and annoyed that he has to follow a small idiot to a farmer markets.
"I thought you didn't want to go.." Shu said as he raise an eyebrow.
"I don't, but I know that small idiot going to fail the competition because he's a totally naive airhead." Lui was about to head out but Free said something that triggered him.
"In your own words... You're worried about him." Free said as he gave a teasing smile at Lui.
Lui turn around and throw a dagger at Free's face.
Free perfectly caught it before it almost stabbed him right in the forehead. He put the dagger down and look at the pissed off demon dragon Lui.
"Say that again and next time I'll cut off your head."
".... Ok." Free said calmly without showing an sign of fear.
"💢..... You're no fun." Lui frown as he pull his dagger out of the wall that he use on Valt and leave the Rec Room.
"Why you two have to be like this..." Shu sigh and whisper in frustration and can't believe he's related to these two.

At the Farmers Market...

"Oooh, wow.~" Val was walking around looking at the amazing and cool stuff at the farmer markets.
In a far far distance Lui was spying on Valt, he wasn't worried or anything no no no... He just don't want Valt to lose the Chesto Berry Cup and ruining the Dragon Squad reputation of being number one,
That it.
"They have everything!~" Val thought excitingly seeing food, a small show, clothes, people having a good time.
"I wonder if they sell steamed buns or anything sweets?..." She mumbles to herself as she continued to walk further through the markets.
*Gasp* "What is that!!~" Val squeals seeing some cute small black boots with slivers stars, moon crescents, and black shoelaces.

She quickly get inside the market's tent and seeing if these shoes have her size.
"Why is he buying girl size shoes? Is he gay or something." Lui thought as he raise an eyebrow with annoying frown face.
Val paid for the shoes and starts to put them on. She put her extra shoes in a fashionable sack big.
"Ok, now back to- *GASP* AAAHH!! ICE CREAM STAND!~" Val quickly run to the ice cream stand that was selling big double scoop of ice cream.
"Out of my way you hard working lovely people!" She lightly push people out of the way for ice cream. Everyone couldn't tell if that was a compliment or some insult.
"Now I'm regretting keeping him in the Squad." Lui gave himself a facepalm regretting his decision of keeping this small idiot in his Squad.
Val enjoy her ice cream and getting ice cream stain on her cheeks.
"Aaaaah!! Brain freeze!.." She squint her face and rub her aching head from the brain freeze.
"Pfft... Hehehe.~" Lui laughs at Valt's stupidity as he smile softly.
".... !! S**t, I think I'm turning gay." He thought as both of his cheeks turning a little red.


Val was still looking around the farmers markets and enjoying her day by herself as Lui spies on her from a far distance.
*Gasp* "Steamed Buns!~" Val squeals finally founding a stand selling her favorite food. She bought a big brown paper bag of steamed buns with a good price.
"How much does this kid eat." Lui frown and raise an eyebrow. He seen Valt ate a whole deep-fried squid on a stick, two Ikayaki, eight pieces of Takoyaki, and four pork barbecue kebabs. And some where large size.
Val takes her brown paper bag and tries to find a place to rest and eat her big fat fifteenth pieces of steamed buns. She was at the farmer markets resting grounds like a small hang out were people can take a break from walking and talk with friends or family. Val found a free spot to sit with a nice view of the forest.
"Look at that view!" Val said to herself as she took a bite of her steamed bun. She squeals of delight and enjoying her snack slash meal.
"Seriously, how much can he eat." Lui confused and curious of how Valt can eat all that peasant food.
"These are so good!!~ Hey guys you d-" Val turn her head around but realize her Squad isn't here.
"Oh... Right, I forgot..." She look back at the view and eating her fourth steamed buns.
"I'm alone... And it okay. But... I wished they came here to hang out like friends.." Val take another bite and tries to hold back her tears.
"How long is he going to sit there!..💢" Lui thought looking away for a second regretting his decision to be here. He look at Valt again still sitting there eating peasant food. But then he noticed something...
"Hm?.." Lui see Valt's tears falling down his cheeks.
He look at him annoyed, Lui look away but looks back at Valt again, now he's catching feelings. Not the romantic feeling it's 'I have to be a supported friend' feelings. And Lui hates feeling feelings.
Before Lui could make a move Wakiya came into the picture.
"Hey, Valt!" Wakiya response as he was walking to Val's direction.
"Hm!" Val quickly wipes her tears away and look at  Wakiya like her regular happy self.
"Hey, Wakiya. Hi, Daigo. Want some steam bun." She offer them some steam buns.
"No, thanks I'm good." Wakiya doesn't want loser food but Daigo take the offer and enjoy his steam bun.
"...💮" Daigo's aura said he's calm and happy.
"So what are you doing here alone.~" Wakiya snickers and look at Valt like he has something in plan for him.
"Enjoying the farmer markets and getting steam buns."
"Is that so.~" He smirks as he sit down next to Val.
"Yeah... I ask the guys if they wanted to come but they were too busy." Valt pouts.
"That's too bad, hey look at that." Wakiya point at a direction to distract Valt.
"Huh?" Val turn her head were Wakiya was pointing as she was looking at the other way, Wakiya put some sleeping pills in Val's steam bun.
"Oh, you missed it."
"Aaaaaa..." Val really wanted to know what Wakiya wanted to show her.
Lui notice what Wakiya was planning and he's not letting that plastic blond win.
"So what are you guys doing here too?" Val ask and going to take a bite out of her steam bun but out of nowhere Lui slap the steam bun out of her hand and send it flying down to the forest.
"NOOO!!! MY STEAM BUN!!" Val scream high pitch and seeing her steam bun gone and ruin in the wet dirty ground.
Lui, Wakiya, and Daigo cover their ears from Valt curling scream.
"Why did you kill a delicious treat!" Valt look at Lui and growl at him.
"Oh, please their disgusting." Lui huff and don't see peasant food worthy for his appetite.
*GAAAASSSP* "YOU. TAKE. THAT. BACK... B SWEAR WORD." Val glare and stand very close to him being an angry wild animal.
"No." Lui lean close to his face and was like nope.
Val kick his nuts as Lui falls on the ground in pain again.
"Pffft!! Hahahahahaha!!!" Wakiya laughs as he wish he had recorded this amazing moment.
"Bleh!.." Val stubbornly stick out her tongue as she get her steam bun and leaves.
"That f**king brat...💢" Lui thought angrily and really regretting his decision of keeping Valt.
"Hm?" He noticed a warp up steamed bun on the ground. I guess Val drop it without noticing. Lui stands up and ignoring the pain and pick up the steam bun.
"That was priceless, I can't believe Ice got easily defeated by a small shrimp.~" Wakiya smirk and give him around of applause.
"Oh, Shut up plastic!💢" Lui turn his head and yelled at Wakiya.
"Who are calling plastic!" Wakiya yelled back and glare.
Daigo broke the fight before they make a scene.
After that mess Lui went back to his castle were Shu and Free live together. Before he goes to meet them, Lui want to test something. He hide somewhere in the secret passage way.
"......." He look around to check if no body was here. Lui unwrap the rapper and took a small bite of Val's steam bun.
"................. It's good."
With that in the way Lui find his brothers and angrily explain to him about Wakiya cheating and Val being a stupid naive airhead. And they all agree to watch closely to Valt so he won't fall to Wakiya's trick, falling asleep, and not letting him ruin their reputation as the number one squad in class.

3 Days Later...

*Yawn* "Ruff day..." Val walk the Rec room exhausted from lack of sleep and the guys not leaving her alone for three seconds.
"Oh, jellybeans!!~" She put a hand full of jellybeans in her mouth.
"Uh oh!" Val realize that they weren't regular jellybeans and quickly spit them out as all of the jellybeans turn into bean bags.
"They really need to label these... I know, I'll do it for them!~ I just need to find a black marker and white duck tape." She had a great idea and try to find the items she need in the Rec room. Val found the black marker but still trying to find duck tape.
"Hmmm..... Where is that duck tape?" She looks up and down then finally found it. It was on the top of the bookshelf.
"Ah, found it!~" Val spots it on the top shelve and tries to grab it but her height got the best of her. She pouts angrily from her short height.
"Come on..." Val accidentally grab something else and pull a secret lever. The medel knight armor figure open a new different secret passage.
*Gaaasssppp* "New secret passage!~ ✨" Valt gasp in excitement. She looks around the room to see if the coast is clear.
"I'm going to learn more of their secrets!~" Val squeals and enter the secret passage as the armor close behind her. She walks around in the secret hallways.
"How many secret passages do they have? And where do they lead to? I wonder which one goes to Free or Shu's room?" Val mutters and going different directions through the hallways.
"Alright, let choose this one." She choose this door that will lead to something in the castle. Val open the door and she was amazed what she walk into.

"Did I just walk into heaven.~✨✨" She found a secret royal library.
"..... I'm going to read EVERYTHING!!~" Val shouts in excitement as she runs around getting some books to read.

15 Weeks Later...

"Attention students! The Chesto Berry Cup competition is over. And the winner for this year Chesto Berry Cup is Valt." Raul announce his students about the winner of the Chesto Berry Cup.
Everyone in class clap for Valt.
"Say... Where is he?" He looks around and don't see Valt so he can give him his trophy.
"Wakiya..." Red Eye look at Wakiya with 'what did you do to our teammate' look.
"It wasn't me! I haven't see that small shrimp all day!" Wakiya didn't do anything with Valt and was speaking the truth.
"Boys, can you find your teammate and give him his trophy please." Raul gives Valt's trophy to Dragon Squad.
"Sure." Red Eye holds Valt's trophy as his squad goes look for Valt.
"Lui... Did you kill him?" He ask the obvious question out on Lui.
"What!?! No!!! If I did kill him shouldn't the white medusa snake chocker go back to Raul already!" Lui was pissed and shout at his stupid brother.
"Fair point."
"So where is he?" Free ask plainfully.

With Val...

Val reading her fifty book straight.
"This is the best day of my life.... Why do I feel like I forgot something important?" She question herself.
"Nah, I'll remember later." Val finished her book and go for the next one.
Shu walk behind her and bend down.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" Val jolts up and drop her book.
"Shu, you startled me!! Now I have to read all over again!" She pick up her book.
"Yeah, yeah... We got something for you." Lui tsk in annoyed.
"Ooooh, what is it?~" Valt clap excitingly.
"This..." Free gives Valt his trophy.
"Hm?.." Valt look at the trophy and read the title.
"Oh wow.... I forget all about the completion." She made an airhead look. Free, Lui and Shu anime fall on the ground and can't believe that Valt forget something this important.
"Yeeeeaaaah!! I win!~✨" Val got her shiny trophy.
"In your face Lui!~" She shows off her trophy to Lui's face and did a little victory dance.
"Grrrrrrrrr!!!!💢" Lui growls and really pissed off.
"Now come on." Shu hold her hand.
"Let's take you to Raul so he can take off the chocker."
"Ok..." Val yawn and rub her tired eyes.

The Next Day...

Everyone was walking into class as Valt was the last one to walk in and she look exhausted and a little pale.
"Valt, the competition is over. You can stop staying up late." Raul noticed this and remind Valt that he can go to to sleep.
"Oh yeah... I forgot how to sleep." Valt forgot what sleep feel like.
"O-ok... You can leave class and go home, and please go get some rest."
"Ooooookkk...." Valt mumbles and turn around to leave but accidentally bump into a barrel.
"Oww..." She hurt her leg and continue leaving Knight School. Val walk all the way to Dragon Squad's Rec Room.
"Hmmm......" She groans as she lay in the sofa and take off her shoes and shoulder armor piece. Val close her eyes and tries to go to sleep but can't.
"I really can't sleep..." Val whines sadly and her body giving up on her.
Val have been laying there for an hour and Knight School was already over. She heard chatter coming through the stairs.
"Hey guys..." Val said tiredly seeing her squad coming in their Rec Room.
"Valt, I thought you went home?" Shu said putting his shield and sword down.
"Didn't have the energy to go home..."
"Did we wake up?" Free ask.
"No... I was still awake." Val mumbles.
"Like I care." Lui said annoyed walking out of room and getting a snack.
Shu sigh angrily at Lui and look at Valt.
"Do you want us to get you anything to help you sleep?"
"Noo.... I'm good."
Shu bend down and see dark bags under her eyes. He touch her cheek and rub her bags with his thumb.
"Hmm...." Val close one of her eyes and see Shu being a serious supported teammate.
"Hey, Lui!" Shu shouts were Lui went making Val flinch in surprise.
"What!!" Lui shout back making himself a snack.
"Get me a cup of warm milk!"
"Get yourself, bootleg vampire!"
"Hehehe....~" Val giggles quietly and her eyes feels heavy.
"I'll go get it." Free said going to the little kitchen area.
"You don't really hav-"
"Shhh.... Let us help you Valt, you're are squad mate after all." Shu smile softly.
"Ok..." Val blush a little.
Shu stand up and go get Valt a blanket.
"Here you go." Free gives Valt his warm milk.
"Thank you.." Valt slowly sits up and take the warm milk and drink it. Shu came back and warp Valt with a blanket.
"Feeling sleepy?" Free ask sitting next to her.
"No... "
Lui came back seeing Valt looking like a sick child.
"Stop acting like a baby alright." Lui tsk and eat his snack.
"Hmmm....." Val pouts angrily but too tired to complain.
"That's enough, Lui!" Shu growl.
"Tsk, whatever.." Lui really don't care.
Then they start to argue like usual.
"Hehehehehe....~" Val giggles and slowly close her eyes.
"Hm?" Free felt a little nudge in his shoulder. He turn his head and see Valt sleeping on his shoulder.
"Zzzzzz.... *snore* Zzzzzz..... *snore* Zzzzz....."
".........." Free stroke her hair and smile a little.

To be continued...

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