Moments of Reason

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Ah yes, another English hand-own-made chapter 'cause I don't have any motivation to make request right now >:)

AND I LOVE THE PICTURE ABOVE THO. Aiger but Jojo version :) (Planning to use it as the cover for my future book if I can join the Aiga Akaba cult-)

Credits for our Queen of Inspiration TheAzureGirl (Sorry, I tagged you up, again-) :D

Timeline: The Battle Camp arc, episode 13
(Beyblade Burst QuadStrike)


"Bel, I think you should team up with Quadra!"

The word spit out from the spiky water-blue hair boy aka Valt makes those two people that being named flinch in surprise.


"The Dark Prince and me?!" Pri said, dissatisfaction could be felt in her words. "No never, I won't team up with him!" She points her hand to Bel then look back at Valt with annoyance.

"Yeah, she tricks me!" Bel didn't hesitate either, he immediately argues back. His teeth clenched in anger. Ranzo in the middle looks like he's just so done with two of his friends.

Instead, in the other side, Wakiya secretly sees that his friend's idea is kinda a great one. He look at Valt: "That's an interesting idea Valt, gotta hand it to ya!"

The blond proudly said, and the bluenette just
simply turn his head back to look at his friend as a response.

"No way-!"

Pri and Bel are preparing to refuse fighting together. But Wakiya immediately turns back the table when he shut both of them up by saying this: "Pairing will create a great power when you least expecting it, so give it a try!"

The two kids who look away from another turn back to see each other's faces, huffing a little then turn away again. The twisting blond haired boy standing in the middle is being so confused. If Bel has to team up with Pri, then who will be his partner? Everyone has their own one already.

"Hey, how about you team up with me Ranzo?" The said person turn his sight to see his senpai Valt, the bluenette's right thumb pointing to himself. Still that signature smile appearing on his lips.

"Huh?! You're going to join the tournament, too??"
Bel was very surprise. He didn't expect his senp- one of his biggest rivals to join, and he even team up with Ranzo!

From afar, a pair of emerald eyes watching them, annoyance can be seen inside those.

"Wakiya Murasaki, please remove Pri Forsythe from the tournament"

The Commissioner of WBBA choke in surprise upon hearing that. He was busy handling his paperworks until someone just simply went in without any permission and even say weird things!

Shocked royal blue eyes meet cold emerald green eyes.

"W-what?" Wakiya shutters in lack of understanding. Wait, isn't that Pax, Pri's brother like what Valt said? What is he doing here?

Pax takes a deep breath, his back leaning at the cold white wall, his hands crossing in front of his chest. The emerald eyes look directly at the one who is sitting: "I said you have to remove Pri Forsythe out from the tournament"

"Why though?" Wakiya asks, his fist clenching lightly.

"She is more powerful when she fights alone. Pandora should fight on its own. Tag-teaming will only make her and Pandora weaker."

Now that angers the blond. Okay, what kind of brother is this? He's trying to stop his little sister to get stronger together with her friend? Wakiya has to admit this, he clearly see his younger self when he look at Pri for the first time.

A little arrogant, overconfident, cocky but actually very lonely. The blond knows Pri is really close to Bel and Ranzo, she sees them as friends although she and Bel sometimes quarrel.

The power of friendship can change people. That's why Wakiya agrees with Valt's idea of Bel and Pri being a team. He hopes that their friendship can get closer and become stronger thoughout this tournament. Well, he actually learnt this from his fellow Valtryek blader friend tho.

He immediately stand up, his right hand slams hardly on the table: "No! I won't do such a thing. Pri and Bel is a good team in the first place. She can get stronger when she knows how to cooperate with her accomplice or in this situation is Bel. So yeah, I refuse."

Well, the plan failed. He helplessly sigh "Alright, if you say that. I'll get going now. See you at another time then" Not even a second later, he disappeared from the blond's sight.

Wakiya sit back on his chair, his head being so empty now. He looks kinda familiar. Maybe the Wyvron blader can spend some time to search about this Pax Forsythe guy. Getting his computer, he turn it on to search the bladers' information, he's literally the Commissioner of WBBA right now.

When he finds it, the information about Pax shocked him. He needs to give this to Valt.

Pri has been feeling so weird lately.

Thoughout the training with Xander, she knows that him and Valt are...friends? Their close actions with each other triggers her.

Yes, she doesn't know what a friendship is.

Since she was small, she hasn't ever made friends with anybody. His brother said that the world out there is cruel, she would get hurt if she contacted with the one that was so-called friends.

But now, she's seeing the total opposite. She had Valt, Bel and Ranzo, sometimes Hannah and gramps Jinnemon on her side. Maybe she can't see Valt too often but there was Bel. She remembers every moments she has with the Dark Prince. She really sees him as her friend.

Sitting lonely on a random bench, her emereld eyes look far away at the horizon, where the sun is slowly setting down, creating a beautiful scene right in front of the girl's eyes.

"Feeling so lonely, right?"

Pri flinch, her head turn to where the sound came from, she catches the sight of a familiar person. Spiky water-blue hair, those warm hazelnut eyes and such a soft voice....


The bluenette just nod softly, his right hand pointing to the bench she's sitting, meaning he wants to sit with her. She understands it, quickly move to the other side of the bench. He smiles gently, sitting down beside her.

She doesn't know why, but whenever she looks into those hazelnut eyes, she feels something inside her bloom. The turquoise-haired girl want to express her feeling to the older.

"Uhm... Can I ask you something?"

Pri secretly flinch, she didn't expect Valt was the first one to ask. She looks at him, curiousity covers her face: "What is it?"

"You see Bel as your friend, don't you-?"

Valt realized something. Okay, that was kinda too straight forward. That question should be in the end!When he wants to fix his question, he sees the younger one's face darken. Her body starts to shake uncontrollably, head tittling down a little.

"H-hey, what's wrong-"

Not letting the bluenette finishes his word, the tears coming from Pri's eyes start to fall down to her cheeks. She looks down more: "Yes, I do! H-he was t-the first friend I-I have ever have i-in my life... When you s-said that I-I will be team up with B-Bel, although I d-disagree about it, b-but inside me, I w-was so happy! B-because I can h-have fun and b-become stronger w-with him..."

Her voice sounds so broken, she's showing the side that she'll never show out to anyone else, even her brother. Valt has never seen her like this. Understanding the feeling from the younger one, his hazelnut eyes soften.

Pri can feel the bluenette's hand patting her head. It's so warm. She looks at him. He smiles softly, with the illumination of the sunset, his smile becomes the brightest thing she has ever seen in her life. She froze at her spot.

"It's alright, I understand it. When you have something you don't want to express, your friend will be the one who will always understand and comfort you. That's what having a friendship means. For now, you can always find me and I will help you back, is that okay?"

A ray of hope lights up the Pandora blader's heart. She finally understand, why Bel respect him so much. He's the kindest person you could ever met, a nice and caring senpai. Always welcome you with wide arms and a warm smile.

With all her confidence, she finally speak: "Valt-senpai"

Valt was so shock. This was the first time Pri calls him that name. But he quickly calm himself: "Yes?"

"Thank you so much.."

Only four words, but it makes the bluenette's heart melt in happiness. He's glad he can help the girl.

The Dark Prince is practicing in a bey stadium, his grandfather Jinnemon is going somewhere else. Suddenly, he heard someone calls his name:

"Bel Daizora"

He turn around only to spot the cold emerald eyes looking kinda darkly at him. Bel immediately recognizes the person.

Pax Forsythe.

"Huh? What are you doing here?" Baby blue eyes narrow in frustration. What's with that look? Does he do something wrong?

Pax doesn't want to waste his time, so he speak: "I have a challenge for you"

"A challenge?"

"Yes. You have to win the tournament tomorrow on your own"

Okay, the Dark Prince is being shock. He know, he has to team up with Pri. Although he didn't admit it, but he feels so fun while playing with the Pandora blader. He really want to test how strong could they if they team up together. But....

Thinking for a while, he let out his decision: "I accept this challange"

Pax was going though the hallway. The battle between Bel and Pri VS the Hizashi brothers just ended.

They lost. Bel couldn't complete the challange. He was disappointed. When he was trapping in his thoughts, loud footsteps can be heard behind him.

It was Pri.

"You said something to Bel, didn't you?!" She shout angrily at her brother. She knew somthing was wrong, but she couldn't expect her beloved brother was the one controlling the strings all these time!

Despite the younger one's anger, Pax just simply say a word "Something..."

"Come on!!"

He didn't even look back at his sister: "Listen here Pri, Pandora should only have a battle on its own-"

"NO, YOU WERE WRONG!" Pax choke on surprise. He look back only to see the Pandora blader gripping her hands tightly. Anger can be seen though those emerald eyes.

With Pri, when she heard those word from her brother, she feel something bloom inside her? She was so angry. It's anger born from protection. She wants to protect her friend from her brother's rude word and also his weird actions either.

"Excuse me?"


With her impotence, she ran away though the opposite way of her brother. Leaving the stunned Pax behind.

He looks at his sister who's slowly disappear from his sight. Then look down to his robotic right arm. Is he being too rude to her?


A pair of hazelnut eyes is watching the scene from afar.


"Pax, can we talk?"

The light mint-haired man was standing at somewhere high, watching his sister playing with Bel and the Hizashi brothers, Ranzo, Hannah and gramps Jinnemon cheering for them. They were having fun.

Until someone say out his name. Cold emerald eyes turn its side to see Valt standing beside him. He doesn't have any choice but to talk with the Valtryek blader.

"Hm? Alright. What do you want to ask?"

Taking a breathe, hazelnut eyes look at the man. "Who injured your hand?"

Cold emerald eyes widen in surprise. He didn't expect that coming. "H-huh?"

"I found some information about you. You used to be an ace blader in England. But because of an  accident, your hand was injured. It forces you to quit the Beyblading career." Valt explains slowly, trying to remember what Wakiya said to him about Pax. "So maybe, if you don't mind, can you tell me who make your hand injured? It's alright if you disagree"

The light mint-haired man gulps in frustration. The bluenette doesn't force him, he also want to share it to someone else trustful enough. Valt is the person he trusts because he's the one who defeated that person's masterpiece.

"Don't be too surprise if I say that person's name, alright?"

Valt just nod his head, uneasy feelings express on his face. Pax narrows his eyes.

"His name is Ashtem, or if you aren't aware of that name, then what about....

....Theodore Glass?"

Hazelnut eyes widen in horror. It's been a while since the name of that man being mentioned in front of Valt. But every time it does, memories from the Red Eye incident he's trying to forget came back like a train of thoughts.

Pax looks at him. He continues: "That day, I had a battle with that Red Eye or as you know, Shu Kurenai. I lost, my bey was destroyed. The pieces from the broken bey injured my right hand. And in that time, Theodore appeared and threaten me not to reveal his secrets. But now, it's finally end"

Awkwardness draining the air. They start to talk about something else to ease the awkward around them. It kinda lasts for 15 minutes.

"....I think it's time I have to come back to England. I'll let Pri with Bel. You have to promise me that Bel can be a good friend to my little sister. Is that okay?"

Valt nods "I promise"

Pax smile a little then leave. The bluenette look at him a little then look back at the bey stadium where the kids are playing so fun. He smiles, Pri finally make it.



Thanks for reading this shitty chapter.

I write this story because after watching all of the 13 episodes, I ask myself that why Pax's right hand is injured and I can see Theodore's vibe in Pax lol- Don't believe in this story guys, it's just a theory-

But this is not the best thing yet. Today, I'll remind you 3 big things that will happen in the Beyblade community on July 1st, which means it will happen in 4 more days!

First thing first...
Beyblade X, the 4th generation of Beyblade will officially released from this July!

Ah...Beyblade Burst will finally end its 8 years of journey in the end of 2023. It is the saddest thing I could ever heard. 7 years of watching the grow up of Valt and every main characters in the series. Thank you so much Beyblade Burst for giving me the best childhood ever...

Let's see if Beyblade X is good or not to watch, guys!

Wait- It's not a sad story- ehem!! We will move on the second news.

Number two..
Beyblade Burst QuadStrike episode 14 will be aired after a month of delaying!

In this episode, we will welcome the return of Our Scarlet Supermova, or the best Prankster gangsta, AIGER AKABANE!!

Yeeeeee. He finally came back after disappearing from season 6 with his new bey, Zeal Achilles!

Hope he can create some chaos with Bel and Pri :)

Now, the final news, it's last but not least....




That's all dear fellas, hope we will meet again. Ta-tah!

- Elena

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