The end of a journey 💔

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   Dear BC Sol,
We've had an unforgettable journey together. It was so fun but also emotional as well.

The first day I came, I almost created a mess when I nearly ran into Kris. Then there goes the departure of Free to the Ranging Bulls. A lot of people left the team. We had a bad time back then but still win the World League!

In the International Blader's Cup, I finally brought Shu back from the darkness and become the champion. Man, being a champion make me so busy. I don't even have time for myself until Aiger became the next champion.

Time passed, a lot of events had happened. The Red Eye incident, Phi's dark resonance, Arthur's expansion, Lane's flame and Rashad's enviousness. Well, it all ended in a good way.

Guys, thank you for following me to the end of the day, I very appreciate it. But, I guess I have to leave. Every party has its own end. And this is the time.

Don't worry, I don't say I will leave the team. It's just that...I need to go to somewhere else, and I don't know how long I will come back. That's it. Farewell.

Best Wishes,
Valt Aoi.

Valt put down the pen he's holding. Taking a deep breathe, hazelnut eyes look up to the moon that is shining though the window. He knows...his journey will end. It's time, and he's ready for that.

Folding the letter and put it in an envelope. He stand up from the chair, going to his bed. He take the green back pack, put it on his shoulder and go out of his room.

Going though the hallway, it looks so gloomy. Valt gulps in hesitation, why does it look like someone's watching him? It's already midnight. But he doesn't care anymore. He's going to leave in any ways.

He needs to meet them.

Open the door leads out to the garden, Valt almost gasps in suprise. It's not the garden he used to see, instead, he see the....train station. Alright, he's actually feel lucky, because he won't be suspected by the guards and Free.

He looks around a little, memories flowing on his mind. It's been a while, maybe 8 years since the first time he came here. He went to the station to meet them, and it's his turn now.

The train hasn't come yet. Great, guess he has to wait here then. Sitting on a chair, he sees no one in the station. Yes, it's because this place is only an illusion, he knows that.

But that's just the beginning...


The bluenette choke in surprise. His eyes look at the kids running to him. Wait, how did they come here?? This place is an illusion!

"Valt senpai, our journeys will end?! I don't want to accept it!" Said the boy with spiked-up crimson hair. The red eyes fill with tears.

"Hey Hyuga, you need to accept it. Every party has its end you know" The boy with blue hair styled in a 9-piece mohawk with light-blue tips said, patting his little brother's back. But inside his lime eyes, sadness can be seen.

"You will go without us?" The boy with cropped blonde hair go to Valt, his voice sounds sad just like Hyuga.

"We won't let you do that, because we're the protagonists!" The shortest boy in the kids with red mohawk hair loudly state.

The atmosphere becomes so commotion with the words from 4 kids. They are arguing over the choice of following Valt. But something sounds wrong. Aiger, the oldest one between the kids and Pri, the only girl in here just stay in silent.

"Hey you two, don't have anything to say?"

Valt look at the maroon and the turquoise with curiousity. He hasn't seen them so quiet, especially Aiger, the most energetic one.

"No, but I have to do this..." Pri purse her lips a little then she speak loudly: "GUYS, STOP ARGUING!"

The place immediately turn to silent. She continue: "Let the oldest one between us here decide the final decision, is that clear?" Pri look at Aiger with a smirk, he quickly understand.

He look over to the youngers then look at Valt. Taking a deep breath, he think about every moments he's having with the bluenette and the others. With that, he finally decide:

"Let him go, guys. This is goodbye. We'll stay here, continue the journey we're still unfinish. Sooner, we can meet him again.... Valt senpai"

"Yes Aiger?" The bluenette turn to him.

"Stay strong until we meet again!" The maroon boy said then immediately run away. Dante, Hikaru, Hyuga and Bel quickly follow to stop him.

Right in that time, the train finally come.

"Oh, looks like it came" The train stop, automatically open the door. Valt stand up, going to the door. But before he go inside, he look at the only one who's staying, it's Pri.

"Hey Pri, can you pass my word on to the others for me, please?"

"Of course, that's why I'm still here" The turquoise girl said.

The bluenette smile then pat Pri's head: "Keep it up and be strong!" He step into the train. The door slams right after he goes in.

Pri watch as the train start to go away from the station. Tears appear in the corner of her eyes. She tries to be strong but failed. When she heard from Aiger that Valt will leave, she doesn't hesitate to go with him and Bel. She sees the bluenette as her brother figure.

But after remember the final word from him, she quickly wipe the tears. She will get stronger than ever!


In an empty but beautiful space with all kinds of stars and colors, we spot a train going in an unknown direction. It look like will never stop.

There was a person inside the train. He lean his body to one of the iron pillars. The hazelnut eyes look down a little. He thinks about his past self. He used to be so clumsy, immature, irresponsible and a lot of more.

He's scared that he will lose everyone he loves.


Valt flinch a little, he look at the sound coming from behind. There are 3 kids, two boys and a girl. Oh, maybe that's the one that he tell him to meet.

Standing properly, he stare at the kids: "Oh hi, maybe you guys are the next generation?"

Three of them nod. He continue: "Can you guys tell me your name? Mine is Valt Aoi"

"I'll go first! I'm Bird Kazami, nice to meet you!" The one standing in the middle said. He has spiked terracotta hair with black brown details that make his hair look like a hedgehog and a long thin yellow headband. He seems to be a energetic person like Hyuga or...his past self.

"Me is next. I'm X Kurosu or you can call me Kamen X. Pleasure to meet you" The other boy stand to the front. He has half light-yellow half blue hair with a single strike of hair covering his left eyes. Oh...a cold person just like Delta and Shu.

"Uhm- I'm Multi Nanairo. Nice to meet you..." The last one shyly said. She has short black hair but in the back was green, pink and yellow. A shy one, eh? Maybe she was the same as Ken.

"Nice to meet you guys. You know why you're here, right?"

The bluenette after being silent said with a soften voice. They all nod. They will be the next generation, continue the journey for the one standing in front of them.

Looking at the awkward atmosphere, the bluenette fake coughing a little then said: "Please don't be so stressful like that, I know you guys can do it! Always believe in yourself, okay?"

He smiles, a warm and gentle one. Three of them smile and nod confidently.

"Yes senpai!"

"Alright, let's get the journey started!"

After the bluenette's word, a portal appeared behind X, Bird and Multi. The juniors haven't even known then Valt quickly push them to the portal. It disappeared after they are in.

"Good job, Valt. You did it"

He recognize the voice, turning his head to see two familiar persons. They're the first and second generations.

"Man, the first time I see you, you were just a cute 10 years old child. Now you're already 18, time really flies fast... But you're still cute"

Sitting in the left, there is a boy with dark blue hair and brown eyes. He wear a red short sleeves jacket with white highlights covering his yellow T-shirt, dark blue gloves and jeans and red-white shoes.

"Aw Tyson-senpai, please don't say that!" Valt blushes lightly. He just call him 'cute'! He's grown up now you know!

"Nah, he's saying the truth tho."

Then sitting at the right side, a boy appears. He has shaggy dark red spiky hair with a 2-winged Pegasus headband. He wears a black shirt under a short blue jacket with long, rolled-up sleeves, white-and-gold lines, brown fingerless gloves, dark blue pants and black boots under red socks.

"Alright alright, stop now Gingka, or else he will get mad at us"

Tyson gently said, the other has no choice but to listen to him. Then they have a small talk, mostly Valt keep telling stuffs when he was young to now and the two senpais just listen carefully.

Valt look at the clock on his phone. "Oh, I think it's time. Goodbye, Gingka and Tyson-senpai." He stand up, bowing down a little.

"Hope you're safe Valt!" Tyson smile, hand waving as a goodbye. The bluenette nod and go to the door of the train car, he slowly disappear from the olders' sight.

Gingka sighs "Every journey has its final day, but the memories from it will be eternity..."

"Yeah..." Tyson nod in agreement. But then, his eyes narrow. Turning his sight to a pair of eyeballs flying above. He knows who's watching them.

"What are look doing here anymore? Follow him"

The eyeball simply flies away.


Walking to the room filled with mirrors. Valt look at the glassy thing that was reflecting himself, he's shock to see that each mirror shows his own self but with different ages and....different dimensions.

Look over to the one in the left, it shows his 8 years old self. Over the right, still him but he looks just like Red Eye, well of course with different hairstyle and color pattern.

"W...what is this..?"

A second later, the mirror room start to collapse. Hazelnut eyes widen in horror, trying to run as fast as possible to the exit door but couldn't make it.

Falling to the dark deep void, Valt lift his right hand above in hopeless. He doesn't think he can survive. Closing his eyes slowly, this is really goodbye....

....Of course, not yet.


Someone is calling him. It sounds so familiar. They are holding his right hand.

Opening his eyes, he see himself standing in a white endless space. The bluenette shock as he see the person in front of him.

Shaggy white hair, bright warm crimson eyes. Having a scratch in the right eye.


"Yes, it's me."

Ah, that deep but warm voice. It's really him. But, what is he doing here? This journey is very dangerous, and why did Shu know he's in this place after all?

Shu look at Valt like he knows what his best friend is thinking, he smile a little. "Aiger told me to go with you, he isn't assured that you will be safe going alone. Also...with the help of Tyson-senpai of course"

"T- Tyson senpai?! How did you know him?" Valt almost shout in shock. Only him knows about Tyson, he doesn't tell anyone even the kids.

"He interact with me"

Okay, that was unexpected. Silence immediately take place. They don't know what to say. But their hands are still holding each other, as if they don't want to leave the another.

The bluenette decides to break the ice: "Shu, please go back. Don't go with me... Or else you'll get hurt."

Shu's expression doesn't even change. "No, we've gone this far. You know Valt, if I didn't get here, you would be forever in the dark void. It's really dangerous, so I need to go with you"

"....Why? Why did you accept to go this far for me?"

Valt ask, Shu's smile becomes wider. He holds the bluenette's hand tightly.

"Simple, because I owe you, everything. You've always been an important part of my life. It wouldn't complete without you. Come on, together, we will reach the end."

The albino's word filled with sincerity and gentleness. Hazelnut eyes widen in surprise but quickly smile. They look at each other, they're ready to move on.

A friendship that transcends heaven, death or even realities.

Suddenly, the blank space disappears, replace the emptiness with a beautiful scene. An endless field of flowers blooming full of life. The sun from afar is slowly sink into the depth horizon, a shiny rainbow appear at the sight of their eyes.

A gentle breeze of wind blow up their hair, but they don't care anymore.

"Are you ready, Valt?"


They start to walk to the horizon where the sun is sinking. Valt was going but he immediately stop, raising his head to see a pair of eyeballs flying above him. He smile

"Let's go, readers!"


Finally, this cringy chapter is end! Ha!

If you don't understand much about this Au, then this is the place!

Eventually, the franchise of Beyblade is now have 4 generations. Original, Metal Saga, Burst and X. If you don't know about Tyson Granger or Gingka Hakane then they're the main characters of the first and second generation!

Now this is interesting. In fact, before their journeys start, they will appear at the train station and when they're on the train, they will meet the old generation, expect Tyson because he's the first lol-

Then they will have a journey though the unknown. Valt didn't let the other protagonists(Aiger, Dante, Hikaru, Hyuga, Bel and Pri) go because he knows the journey will be very dangerous.

But I let Shu go with him because I luv their friendship

And I'm so sorry if I rushed too much, I'm too tired- ﹏╥

That's all, bye fellas!

I want to join Aiga Akaba cult-!

I love the SMELL of C H A O S ❤️✨🔥

29/6/2023 (I'm so hark-working-)
- Elena

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