Daigo x Clio

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Requested by Daina_addicted. This oneshot is platonic, so I hope that you don't mind that.

Daigo Kurogami was intrigued by the newest member of AS Gallus, Clio Delon. The mysterious blader had turned up one afternoon during training session, putting on quite a show.

Some of the AS Gallus members were still a little terrified of Clio, mainly because of his weird behaviour. Even Daigo almost had a heart attack when he saw Clio drinking a red liquid. However, it had turned out to be tomato juice.

Daigo was secretly a little relieved that his little brother, Ryota, wasn't here. The sight of Clio would have terrified the little boy.

Daigo wasn't really sure if Clio was really a vampire or if he just liked pretending to be one. But he wasn't going to ask. He would rather not know.

One day, Daigo saw Clio preparing a ball under the cup trick. He looked on in amusement.

"Can I have a go?" he asked.

"Sure," said Clio. He placed a ball underneath one cup, and then mixed around the cups. "Now, which cup has the ball?"

"This one," called Daigo, pointing to the middle cup. But there was nothing underneath it. "This one," he said, pointing at the right cup. Again, nothing.

"Then it's this one," said Daigo as he pointed to the left cup. But that cup was empty too. "I give up. How do you do it?"

"A magician never reveals his secrets," said Clio. Daigo lifted all of the cups, but he couldn't find the ball. It couldn't have disappeared into thin air! Or could it? He didn't want to know.

"How do you do it?" asked Daigo. "The magic, that is."

"I can't tell you," said Clio as he sipped his juice.


In the days that followed, Clio showed Daigo more of his magic tricks. He showed a door which can make someone disappear, a spring that could trap a ring inside, and a playing card which seemed to levitate. The last one wasn't difficult to figure out. Daigo had once loved the allure of 'invisible string' as a small child.

Now that Daigo thought about it, he hadn't talked much to Clio since their first match. He decided to have a chat with him.

One day, after practice, Daigo went up to him. "Clio, can we talk?"

"Sure," said Clio. "Is there anything you want to discuss?"

"Well, is there a reason why you keep showing me your magic tricks?" asked Daigo.

"Because you are such an amusing audience," said Clio.

"Why don't you show your magic tricks to anyone else?" asked Daigo.

Clio suddenly looked somber. "Once when I was little, I showed a magic trick to another boy my age. It scared him terribly. I haven't seen him since."

"Oh. I'm sorry," said Daigo.

"Yeah, I have always had difficulty making friends because of the way I act. I know that I'm not normal, but I don't want to change anything about myself."

"Look, I'm sure that you'll find a friend someday," said Daigo. "I used to be alone, but when I met my friends at the Beyclub, everything changed. I can be your friend if you wish."

Clio smiled at Daigo. "Thanks. I would like that very much."

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