Valt Aoi x Aiger Akabane

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Requested by mkasdsys. Hope that you will like this request. By the way, I don't actually ship Valt x Aiger, so I'm afraid this oneshot is more platonic than romantic.

A young boy around seven years old delightedly ran towards the entrance of an amusement park.

"Valt, wait," called out his mother, who was still unstrapping two toddlers from the backseat. "You need to stay with me at all times."

Valt nodded. "Sorry Mom," he said. "I'm just so excited!"

The blue-haired boy enjoyed the amusement park with his family, riding the Ferris Wheel, bumper cars, and the roundabout. Then he asked his mother if they could all go on the ghost train.

"I don't know," said Chiharu. "It seems too scary."

"Please?" asked Valt as he made puppy-dog eyes. "I promise that I won't get scared."

"Valt, the twins are too little to ride the ghost train, I can't leave them unsupervised, and you're not allowed to ride alone."

"Aww," said Valt. He pouted a little.

Just then, another family came by with a five-year-old boy and an infant girl in a pram. "I want to ride on the ghost train!" the boy was saying.

"Whoa, Aiger, slow down," said his mother. "We still have plenty of time."

Just then, the two boys saw each other. Valt smiled at the boy. "I'm Valt Aoi."

"My name's Aiger Akabane," said the other boy.

In the end, Valt rode the ghost train with Aiger and his father. It turned out that it wasn't so scary after all. The jumpscares were mild and the only creepy things were the darkness and glow-in-the-dark ghosts.

Valt and Aiger couldn't stop talking about stuff. "I can't believe that the ghost train wasn't scary!" wailed Aiger. "I feel cheated."

"Well, I actually don't like horror movies much, so I'm actually relieved," said Valt.

Soon, it was time for both families to return home. Both boys said goodbye to each other, not knowing that they would meet again.

Valt's POV

Great, now I'm lost. Why didn't I ask Raul for a map or something? I'm always getting lost, and there's no signal in the forest.

I was supposed to be on my way to this Bey trainer called Taiga Akabane to help upgrade Valtryek. But as usual, I got lost.

Just then, I heard a noise. "Who's there?" I asked. But all I saw was a dark shadow swinging from tree to tree. Must be a monkey.

I decided to spin Valtryek and go wherever it went. But Valtryek started rolling down a hill. "Wait, come back!" I yelled. I tried to grab Valtryek, but I somehow accidentally jumped off a cliff. "Help!" I screamed as I fell. Just then, I felt someone grab me and the next thing I knew, I was sitting on the ground with a boy slightly younger than me hanging from a vine.

"Looking for this?" he asked as he gave me Valtryek. "Oh thank you thank you thank you!" I gave the boy a hug.

"Hey! Stop hugging me!" said the boy.

"Sorry. I'm kinda lost and..." But the boy had started swinging again. Wait a minute...

"Hey! You're that monkey I saw earlier!"

Oops. Wrong thing to say. The boy came back to me.

"You take that back! I'm not a monkey!"

"Sorry, I am looking for a Bey trainer called Taiga Akabane."

Just then, the boy challenged me to a race. Well, we ran throughout the whole jungle and somehow ended up in a lake.

For a moment, I felt like I was back at BC Sol. I quite liked the boy.

"No one's ever been able to keep up with me before," the boy told me.

"I'm Valt Aoi."

"My name's Aiger, and the guy you're looking for is my Dad."

Now I was stunned. "No way! Why didn't you say so before?"

No one's POV

Valt and Aiger walked to Aiger's home. The latter told Valt that he grew up in a farm.

"Wow, that's great!" said Valt. "You know, I think that I have seen you before. But I can't quite remember. I know a lot of people."

"Now that I think about it, you also look familiar to me," said Aiger. "Have we met before?"

"Well, I remember every single one of my opponents, so you can't be one of them. Could we have been in the same school? Definitely not the same class. You look too young."

"Nope," said Aiger. "Maybe an outing. Or..."

Suddenly, the two boys looked at each other. "Ghost train!" they said at the same time.

"I remember now! We were in the ghost train, and it wasn't scary at all," said Valt.

"Yeah," said Aiger. "I can't believe that it's you."

Valt nodded. "I told my best friend about you. But then I forgot after a few years."

"Whoa. I wonder if my parents still remember you," said Aiger. "My little sister definitely won't."

"I can't wait to see your family," said Valt. "They're nice, right?"

"Of course they are," said Aiger. "Come on, let's go over to my house quickly."

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