Delta Zakuro x Tsundere Reader

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Requested by SoM3bodynNobody. Hope that you like it.

Delta Zakuro thought that (Y/N) was the most mysterious girl he had ever met. She was cold to everyone, and no one really knew her.

Delta was quite interested in her. After all, he had once been a cold person himself before he had joined the Victories. But no one knew a thing about (Y/N) aside from her name. No one knew how old she was, where she lived, or which school she went to.

Delta had tried to talk to (Y/N) many times, but she usually responded with one-word answers. Really, she could be exasperating at times.

(Y/N)'s POV

Ugh! I can't believe that I got caught in the rain and now I'm soaking wet while waiting at a bus stop. And it's not even the rainy season!

I hate getting soaked. I usually catch colds even if I get changed quickly. But I wasn't idiotic enough to just walk home in the pouring rain. Just then, I heard someone saying, "(Y/N), are you okay?"

I turned around to see Delta Zakuro standing with an umbrella. "Oh, it's you," I said.

Delta said nothing but put the umbrella over my head. "Better?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked.

"Nothing," said Delta. "I just thought that you needed this."

"Thank you," I said in a flat tone. "You can go now."

"What? And leave you soaking wet? No way."

"I can take care of myself."

"You will get sick. Let me take you back to the Victories."

I wasn't keen on going with him, but I had no choice. "Fine," I said.

I felt a little embarrassed when Delta gave me his coat. He told me that I needed it more than he did.

To be honest, I was starting to enjoy his presence. He was patient and understanding, and he didn't bombard me with questions.

As soon as I arrived at the Victories' place, I took a quick shower. Then I had to wear clothes belonging to the only girl, Ichika. I was pretty disgusted by her attire, which was all pastel colours, but I had the sense not to complain and hurt her feelings.

No one's POV

"So you took that girl here?" asked Dante Koryu.

"Yeah," said Delta. "I think that she's pretty cool."

"You like her, don't you?" asked Ichika.

"I don't know. Maybe?" asked Delta.

Just then, (Y/N) came out of the bathroom wearing Ichika's clothes. She looked annoyed.

"Whoa, she doesn't look very happy," said Taka Kusaba.

"I feel ridiculous," muttered (Y/N). However, she suddenly saw Tango's cat and her eyes widened.

"OMG, a cat? You're the cutest, cuddliest cat ever!!!!!!!!"

Everyone's mouths dropped open as they saw the tsundere girl pick up the cat and cuddled it.

"Are you sure that's (Y/N)?" asked Arman. "She seems like a completely different person!"

"I guess that she likes cats," said Delta.

(Y/N) suddenly seemed to change. She actually had a normal conversation with Dante and Delta.

"I love cats. When I was little, I owned a little tabby cat called Cuddles. He was super fluffy. But then my parents had a baby and they sent Cuddles to the animal shelter. I hated that they didn't even ask me what I wanted. But then, they stopped paying attention to me after my baby brother was born."

"Oh. I'm so sorry," said Delta.

"Do you have any younger siblings?" asked (Y/N).

"No, I'm an only child," said Dante. "I would like a younger sibling though."

"I'm an only child too," said Delta.

"Wow, lucky," said (Y/N). "I wish that I am an only child."

"Well, having a sibling isn't all bad," said Arman. "I like having a younger brother."

"I have an older brother," said Ichika. "He's a bit of a drama queen."

"Er, if he's a brother, wouldn't he be a drama king?" asked (Y/N).

"Nope. I feel that drama queen suits him better," said Ichika. "Don't tell him I said that though. He would have a fit."

Everyone started giggling. (Y/N) suddenly accidentally touched Delta's hand. They both blushed a little.

Later, Delta kept glancing at (Y/N). Then he decided to ask her something.

"(Y/N), why are you so determined to act cold when you're actually quite nice?"

(Y/N) looked down. She wasn't sure how to explain. "Well, my parents were cold to me after my brother was born, so I decided to be cold to others too. I guess that I was afraid of getting hurt."

Delta sighed. "Actually, I also used to be cold to others. But then I met my friends here and opened up. You just need to find friends."

"Um... Delta?"


"Do you want to... Go out on a date with me?"

Delta smiled. "Sure. I would like that very much."

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