Valt Aoi x Shu's sister reader

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Requested by Inshira_Nisshoku. Hopefully it's fluffy enough for you.

Valt Aoi quickly rushed to school. "How can I be late again?" he asked. He rushed into the school so fast that he could have been mistaken for Sonic the Hedgehog.

However, Valt was indeed late for class. "Late again?" asked the teacher, though she wasn't really surprised that Valt had been late.

"Sorry," said Valt. "I overslept again."

The teacher sighed. "Well, take a seat. You have already missed enough of the lesson as far as I'm concerned."

"Yes," said Valt. He sat down in his seat. He looked to where Shu would usually sit, meaning to ask him what he had missed, but it was empty. "Hey, where's Shu?" he asked to no one in particular.

"Shu's sick," said a girl in front of Valt. It was (Y/N) Kurenai, Shu's older sister.

The two Kurenais were only a year apart, but were in the same class because (Y/N) was dyslexic. So the two of them were in the same class so that (Y/N) could be helped by Shu. Valt was close friends with (Y/N) as she was his best friend's sister.

(Y/N) was the foil to her more quiet and serious brother. She was sassy, quirky, and loved to tease her brother. Valt knew that she still called Shu her baby brother, though thankfully not in public.

"Shu woke up at five in the morning and went to the bathroom to throw up," said (Y/N). "He also had a fever, so I told him to stay home. He didn't want to, but after throwing up for the fifth time, he had to agree that he was too sick to go to school."

"That's awful," said Valt. "I hope that Shu's not feeling too sick."

"Don't worry. I'm going to look after Shu after school and hopefully that stubborn brother of mine doesn't take it into his head to sneak out and train."

Valt nodded and looked at his textbook. However, he discovered that he had taken out his math book instead of his history one. Blow!

Valt's POV

I was really thankful when lunchtime came. All the teachers were cross with me for bringing the wrong books to school. I must have forgotten to pack my stuff properly as usual. Just then, I saw (Y/N) at her locker organising her books.

Like Shu, (Y/N) is extremely well-organized. To be honest, I had a bit of a crush on her. But I didn't say anything about it. Is it normal to have a crush on your best friend's sister? I didn't want to unsettle Shu.

Just then, I noticed two seniors come up to (Y/N). What are they doing with her?

"Leave me alone," I heard (Y/N) say.

"What are you going to do about it?" said one of the seniors. "You are so stupid. No wonder you were left down."

"I'm not stupid!" said (Y/N). "I just have some problems!"

"Yeah right," said the other senior. "Your brother's super smart. We'll leave you alone if you could snag me a date with him."

"What? Never," said (Y/N). "Shu would never like someone as shallow as you."

I couldn't take it anymore. "Hey!" I said. "Don't pick on my friend like that!"

The seniors looked at me. "And why does it matter to you?" asked one of them.

"I can tell Shu. And he's going to be very angry when he finds out that you have been picking on his sister."

I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand. "Come on, let's go."

Later, I asked (Y/N) if she was alright. She nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for sticking up for me."

I noticed that her (E/C) eyes seemed to be full of sadness. "Does it bother you?" I asked. "Being in a lower grade?"

(Y/N) sighed. "I feel that I'm a disappointment to everyone. It's difficult, especially when you have a prodigy like Shu for a younger brother. When I was little, I was called a special needs child because I was really bad at reading. Of course, that was before I was diagnosed with dyslexia."

"(Y/N), it's okay if you're not as smart as Shu. Most people aren't as smart as him."

"Well, none of them are related to him. Everyone expects me to be as smart as him, but I can't. I've asked Shu to tutor me in subjects I'm weak in, but that didn't make me any smarter, and..."

(Y/N)'s voice slowly trailed away. "Sorry," she said. "There was no way I could have said that if Shu was here. That would have made him feel guilty."

"It's okay," I said. "It's natural to feel embarrassed if your younger siblings do things better than you. Toko is a better artist than I am, and that can be pretty embarrassing."

(Y/N) laughed. "Your drawings are pretty entertaining though. Remember the time you drew your house back in third grade? It looked more like a tornado."

"Oh, don't remind me," I said. "Everyone teased me for weeks."

Soon, we were just talking and laughing just like old times. Then later, (Y/N) and I had to go back to class.

No one's POV

Valt was walking to the Kurenais' apartment to give Shu some beybreads. He hoped that Shu wasn't too sick to eat the beybreads.

When Valt rang the doorbell, (Y/N) came to answer it. Her face lit up when she saw the beybreads. "Ooh," she said. "Are those..."

"They're for Shu," said Valt. "Is he..."

Suddenly, there came the sound of throwing up from the bathroom. "Does that answer your question?" asked (Y/N).

Valt went to the bathroom. Shu was sitting on the floor, shivering. "Shu, are you okay?"

"Not really," muttered Shu. He looked deathly pale and it seemed that he was going to pass out at any moment.

"I brought beybread," said Valt.

"I don't want..." Shu suddenly threw up again. (Y/N) came into the bathroom.

"Come on," she said. "You should be taking your nap now."

"I don't..." said Shu.

But (Y/N) gently helped Shu up. "Come on, baby brother," she said. "You need to get some rest."

Later, (Y/N) exited Shu's bedroom. "Not so loud," she whispered to Valt. "Shu's asleep."

"Okay," said Valt. "He'll be okay, right?"

"Yeah," said (Y/N). "In fact, I need to talk to you about something."

Valt was surprised. "What's that?" he asked.

"Um... I ... I have a crush on you!"

Valt's mouth dropped open. "R- Really?"

"Yeah," said (Y/N). "I... I didn't know how to tell you."

"Why didn't you say anything earlier?" asked Valt.

"Because you're my baby brother's best friend! How would Shu feel if he knew?"

"Funny you should say that. I have a crush on you too, but I didn't say anything because you're my best friend's sister."

The two of them giggled. "Well, this is awkward," said (Y/N).

"Yeah," said Valt. Then all of a sudden, the two of them just kissed. However, it was bad timing.

"My best friend and my sister kissing?" came Shu's voice. They saw him at his door, staring at them.

"Oops," said (Y/N). "Looks like we have a whole lot of explaining to do."

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