Depressed Aiger x Fubuki

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Requested by Champion_Aiger10. This is my first oneshot, so sorry if it isn't good. Takes place during Rise.

Aiger's POV

It's been one year since I became world champion. I should be happy, but I'm not. I can't stop thinking about the horrible things I did.

Like breaking Valt's bey, being rude to all of my friends, pushing away Ranjiro when he tried to help me. Everyone forgave me, but I don't think I can forgive myself.

Even though I apologized to everyone after I snapped out of being corrupted, I still feel so guilty. I have been cutting myself when I'm alone. My family has been worried about me because I have been refusing to eat, but I'm just not hungry.

Well, I should be going out today. I don't feel like it, but I don't want to worry my parents even further as I haven't left home for a month.

No one's POV

Aiger decided to go to the park. Since he was world champion now, many people knew who he was. Everywhere he went, there was always someone who said hello to him. Aiger didn't want to raise suspicion, so he said hello back every time.

Later on, Aiger somehow bumped into his friend Fubuki. Fubuki smiled at him.

"Hi Aiger. I haven't seen you for a while. How's everything?"

"Oh, everything's fine," said Aiger.

Fubuki suddenly noticed that Aiger looked pale and skinny. Was he alright?

"Aiger, have you lost weight? Are you sure everything's alright? I haven't seen you since your last match against Valt."

Aiger looked down. He didn't want Fubuki to find out why he had been so distant lately. He had ignored all of his friends' calls and text messages. Of course they would be concerned!

Just then, Fubuki noticed that Aiger was wearing long-sleeved clothing. He had never done that before. He quickly grabbed Aiger's arm and pulled up the sleeve. He gasped when he saw all the cuts there. "Aiger, what happened?" he asked.

Fubuki's POV

I couldn't believe what Aiger told me. He started to cry and said, "Actually, I'm depressed! I have been depressed since I realized all the horrible things I did when I was corrupted. I know that you guys gave me a second chance, but I feel that I don't deserve it."

I felt so bad for Aiger. I remembered one time when I was younger I asked Shu what was it like being Red Eye. Shu had gone quiet and refused to talk about it. Back then I didn't understand why. But now I know better.

"That's not true," I told Aiger. "Everyone deserves a second chance. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. We all forgave you because we saw that you were truly sorry."

I gave Aiger a hug because honestly, he looked like he needed one. "Thanks Fubuki," he said. "I feel a little better now."

"I'm glad to hear it," I told him. "Anytime you need someone to talk to, I'm right here."

No one's POV

Five months had passed since that fateful day. After some urging from Fubuki, Aiger had decided to tell his parents about what he was going through. They had been very supportive and helped Aiger all they could.

Now Aiger's not depressed anymore and he's practically back to normal. He is much closer with Fubuki now and everyone's happy.

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