Ken x Daigo

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Requested by Mindee114. I hope that you like this oneshot.

Ken's POV

It has been a few months since I had joined the Beyclub. I wasn't sure about it at first, but I had fitted in quite well.

When Valt insisted that I join the Beyclub, I was shocked. Why would he want me in the Beyclub? I am a blader, but people usually don't want to make friends with me because I'm too quiet. Most people don't know what my real voice sounds like since I communicate with Keru and Besu almost all of the time.

For the most part, I get along pretty well with all of my teammates. However, there is one person I just feel so nervous around.

The truth is that I have been crushing on Daigo for ages. On the outside, he appears to be emotionless and a little cold, but when you get to know him, he's actually a pretty sweet guy. Though he's a cat person, we get along pretty well.

Every time I try to tell Daigo how I feel, I get so tongue-tied and scared. I'm just too shy to talk to Daigo.

No one's POV

The Beyclub was sitting on the rooftop of the school chatting about the upcoming summer holidays. "Can you believe that it's almost the end of the school year?" asked Rantaro. "It feels like this year has passed so fast."

"I know, right?" said Valt. "It feels like only yesterday I was meeting Shu and Xander in kindergarten."

Daigo nodded. Then he noticed Ken not joining in the conversation. "Hey Ken. What are you planning to do this summer?"

Ken turned red and spoke through Besu. "Oh, well , we're not sure yet."

"I know! Why don't we meet up tomorrow to go to the amusement park?" suggested Valt excitedly. "It will be fun."

Everyone agreed to it, so the next day, they all went to the amusement park.

Ken's POV

I'm enjoying myself right now. We have been having fun all day. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but somehow Daigo seems to be the one spending the most time with me. All I can do is stare at him. However, he noticed that something was up after a while.

"Ken, is everything alright?" asked Daigo.

I didn't know what to say. Should I tell Daigo how I feel about him? Oh, who am I kidding? I don't have the guts to talk about my feelings. I spoke through Keru.

"Oh, we're enjoying ourselves just fine."

"Well, I'm enjoying myself too," said Daigo. "I just wish that Ryota could come along too. He would love it here."

I decided that it was now or never. I just had to tell Daigo how I feel about him. I raised Besu and spoke through him.

"Actually, Daigo, there's something Ken wants to tell you."

Daigo looked surprised. "Really? What is it?" he asked.

Daigo's POV

I looked at Ken in curiosity. His face was completely red and he looked nervous.

Then he spoke through Keru. "The thing is, Ken really likes you."

"Er... When you say likes me, what exactly do you mean by that? Does he like me as a friend, or does he..."

My voice trailed off as the realisation dawned on me. I looked at Ken. "Do you like me that way?" I asked.

Ken nodded wordlessly. "Yeah, Ken has had a crush on you for a while," said Besu.

Now it was my turn to go red. "Wow, I don't know what to say. I never thought that you actually liked me that way."

I don't know why I did what I did next. I guess that I was overcome by instinct. I just kissed Ken.

Suddenly, I felt eyes watching me. I saw Valt, Rantaro, Shu and Wakiya watching us. But that didn't bother me one bit. I turned to Ken and asked, "Well, shall we get some cotton candy?"

Ken gave me a smile. "Sure," he said in his own voice.

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