Flirty Doctor Valt Aoi x Shy Nurse Reader

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Requested by KaoruKenzaki555. This request was fun for me to write.

(Y/N) was a new hospital children's nurse. She loved working with children as they were a lot of fun to be with.

She was very shy around her co-workers and only spoke to them if necessary. But one of her co-workers would always flirt with her at random times.

That co-worker was a doctor named Valt Aoi. He was a massive flirt and kept trying to woo (Y/N).

(Y/N) liked Valt, but she wished that he wouldn't flirt with her so often. It made her uncomfortable.

The reason why Valt kept talking to her was partly because he wanted to draw her out of her shell, and partly because he had a crush on her. (Y/N) was so sweet and innocent looking that Valt couldn't help thinking of her as a delicate little china doll.

One day, after work, (Y/N) was getting ready to go home when Valt ran up to her.

"Hey, wait up, (Y/N)!" yelled Valt.

(Y/N) looked around. "What do you want, Valt?" she asked.

"Do you want to come over to my place?" asked Valt.

"Um... I don't know," said (Y/N).

"Come on, please?" asked Valt.

"All right," said (Y/N). "Just don't act all flirty. It makes me uncomfortable."

So Valt drove (Y/N) to his house. The two of them talked about stuff.

"Once when I was a kid, I tried helping my friend make some spaghetti carbonara but everyone hated it," said Valt.

"Really? What happened?" asked (Y/N).

"I used too much peanut butter," said Valt.

(Y/N) gave Valt a look that said, "Is he for real?"

"Well, once when I was a kid, I had a white bridesmaid dress," said (Y/N). "But I accidentally tossed the dress into the red laundry and that was how I ended up being a pink bridesmaid to my aunt's wedding."

"Oh. Did she mind?" asked Valt.

"Not really," said (Y/N). "She actually told me that I was the prettiest bridesmaid at her wedding."

(Y/N) found herself really enjoying Valt's company. She forgot all about being shy, and chatted happily with him. Valt tried to cook dinner for both of them, but it all went wrong.

"Whoops," said Valt as he looked at the burnt chicken and potatoes. "Sorry about that."

"Maybe we should get takeout instead," said (Y/N).

As the days passed, (Y/N) found herself losing her shyness whenever Valt was around. Valt still flirted with her sometimes, but the two of them got along really well.

One day, Valt asked (Y/N) if they could talk in private. (Y/N) agreed instantly.

"What's up?" she asked Valt.

"You see... The thing is... I have a crush on you!" said Valt as he blushed furiously.

(Y/N) blushed as well. "I... I have a crush on you too."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled. "So..." said Valt.

"Do you want to go out with me?" asked (Y/N) unexpectedly.

Valt looked surprised. He hadn't realized that he had actually drawn the shy nurse out of her shell completely. Then he smiled at her.

"Sure, I would like that," he said.

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