Werewolf Aiger Akabane x Human Reader

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The final request by KaoruKenzaki555. Hopefully you like it.

(Y/N)'s POV

I didn't know how I got lost in the woods. My class is on a camping field trip, but I just had to get distracted for a minute and get separated from my group.

There was no WiFi service, and I was useless at reading maps. Geography isn't my strongest subject.

I looked around. All I could see were trees, trees, and more trees. How annoying! Where was a path when you needed one?

Suddenly, I heard a rumble of thunder. Uh oh. Is it going to rain? I thought that it would be good weather today.

Unfortunately for me, it started to rain. I tried to find somewhere to take shelter, but I couldn't find anything.

Suddenly, I slipped on a wet rock and fell... Into a river! I tried to swim against the current, but it was too strong.

"Help!" I yelled before getting pulled under. Big mistake. I should have taken a breath. When I managed to resurface, I didn't make the same mistake twice and took a deep breath.

My strength was slowly running out. I felt terrified. I was so tired and felt that I was going to pass out.

Suddenly, I felt something pull me out. I was so exhausted and out of breath that I couldn't register who had saved me. It wasn't long before my vision went black.

No one's POV

(Y/N) opened her eyes to find herself still soaking wet, but no longer alone. She was looking at a boy with maroon hair and turquoise eyes. "Are you okay?" asked the boy.

"I think so," said (Y/N). "What happened?"

"You fell into the river and I went in to save you," said the boy. "I'm Aiger Akabane."

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Thanks for saving me."

Aiger smiled at her. "No problem. Are you lost?"

"Yes," said (Y/N). "What about you? Are you lost too?"

"Er..." Aiger suddenly grew uncomfortable. "Not exactly."

"What do you mean?" asked (Y/N).

"Well, would you believe me if I told you that I am a werewolf?" asked Aiger.

(Y/N) started to laugh. "Yeah, right."

However, when she saw that Aiger wasn't laughing, she realized that he wasn't joking. "Oh my, you're serious."

"Of course I'm serious," said Aiger. "Why would I joke about a thing like this?"

"I'm sorry," said (Y/N). "It's just that I have never heard of a thing like that. You're a werewolf? Like a real werewolf?"

"Yeah," said Aiger. "Well, I'm usually in my human form and only transform during the full moon."

"Wow, that's so cool!" said (Y/N).

"Really?" asked Aiger. "You don't think that I'm a freak?"

"Of course not," said (Y/N). "I think that you have a condition. In the Harry Potter books, there was this guy who was a werewolf and I really liked him. It's not your fault that you are a werewolf."

"Oh," said Aiger. "That's nice. I have been avoiding everyone ever since I became a werewolf. It was... A difficult process."

"Oh," said (Y/N). "Has anyone ever made you feel bad for being a werewolf?"

"I don't know," said Aiger. "I was so terrified that people would shame me that I went into hiding. I have heard horror stories of how people would be shamed for being different and be called circus freaks. I know that hiding is cowardly, but I can't help it."

"Aiger, it's perfectly natural for you to feel afraid," said (Y/N). "But I'm sure that there will be people who will accept you no matter what you look like. When I was little, I was overweight and had some people who would laugh at me. But I also had friends who accepted me. I don't care that you are a werewolf. You saved my life."

Aiger's cheeks turned pink. "Thanks," he said.

Suddenly, (Y/N) heard voices calling for her. "(Y/N)! (Y/N), where are you?"

Suddenly, Aiger stood up and started to run. "Aiger, wait!" asked (Y/N).

"I'm not ready yet!" said Aiger. "I can't face people yet. Maybe someday soon, but not today."

(Y/N) saw that there was no changing Aiger's mind. "Will I see you again?" she asked.

"Maybe," said Aiger before disappearing.

It wasn't a yes, but it was better than a no.

(Y/N) was found by her classmates, but she couldn't stop thinking about Aiger. She hoped that he would be alright.

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