Mafia Shu Kurenai x Reader

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Requested by Shukurenai143. This was by far the most difficult request for me to work on because of the really long story. Well, here it is.

(Y/N) was a really cheerful and sensitive girl. She was always sweet and never seemed to lose her temper at anything. Unfortunately for her, her sunny-filled life would take a dark turn one day.

(Y/N)'s parents decided to introduce her to her future husband.

"(Y/N), we think that it's time you get married," said Mr (L/N). "You are now twenty two years old. Your partner is from a wealthy family. We would like to let you two know each other for a week before your wedding."

Obviously this was an arranged marriage. Another person would have protested against it. After all, it's 2024 and arranged marriages are ridiculously old-fashioned. But (Y/N), being the people pleaser she was, agreed to it without any questions.

Soon, (Y/N) was introduced to her future husband. "(Y/N), this is Shu Kurenai," said her mother. "Shu, this is my daughter, (Y/N) (L/N)."

Shu Kurenai was a very cold person who didn't seem to be interested in (Y/N). However, (Y/N) was immediately smitten by Shu. In spite of Shu's cold behaviour towards her, (Y/N) fell madly in love with Shu. She did her best to get to know him, but always received no response.

"Hi Shu," she said. "Shall we go out in a cafe?"

Shu looked at (Y/N) coldly. "I don't want to," he said.

"Oh, but please?" asked (Y/N). "We can go to that place which makes rainbow macaroons. They are good, trust me."

Shu sighed. "Fine, I will go."

Although Shu did like the macaroons, he didn't like how (Y/N) would keep chatting his ear off the entire time. Finally, he had had enough and snapped at her.

"Can you be quiet?" he asked. "You keep talking, and it's getting annoying!"

This startled (Y/N) so much that it was enough to make her quiet for the rest of the day. But she forgot all about the incident the next day and went back to trying to spend time with Shu.

It wasn't long before the wedding day arrived. (Y/N) had been looking forward to the day with glee, but Shu still retained his cold attitude.

The truth was that Shu was furious with his parents for forcing him to get married. He hated the fact that he had to marry a girl he hardly knew. But he could never disobey his parents. It annoyed him that (Y/N) didn't seem as bothered as him.

(Y/N) kept smiling throughout the whole ceremony. She looked very beautiful in her gorgeous wedding dress and veil. However, she accidentally threw her bouquet in the direction of the wedding cake. However, she didn't mind the cake being ruined and laughed through it.

Shu felt very irritated with his new wife. Does that girl ever get upset? he thought with annoyance as he watched (Y/N) pretend to eat cake from the ground and make the guests laugh.

A year passed since Shu and (Y/N) got married. Shu's behaviour towards (Y/N) still hasn't changed. He was still cold towards her and hardly spent time at home. Shu was secretly part of a Mafia gang and had to keep his work a secret.

(Y/N) refused to be discouraged by Shu's lack of love towards her. She still tried to earn his love. Once she even asked him about where he worked, but he yelled, "Mind your own business!"

So (Y/N) stopped trying to find out where Shu worked, but she still tried to win his affection.

All of (Y/N)'s friends thought that (Y/N) was wasting her time. They even tried to convince (Y/N) to leave Shu.

"Arranged marriages never work out," said one. "My older sister was forced to marry some random guy, and it was very miserable for both of them. She didn't like him at all."

"I know that you say that you love Shu, but he doesn't love you," said another. "Shu never seems to enjoy your company, and he's never home."

"Shu has to work a lot," (Y/N) tried to explain.

"Are you sure?" asked her friend. "He might have a secret lover or he probably just wants to avoid you."

(Y/N) didn't seriously believe that Shu would cheat on her, no matter how little he cared for her. But the second option seemed very likely, so (Y/N) decided to make it her life's mission to win his love.

In the next few weeks, (Y/N) did everything she possibly could to please Shu. She cleaned the house and made him dinner. She tidied up his stuff and laid his clothes for him every morning.

"What are you doing?" Shu asked one day.

"Being a good wife," (Y/N) said.

Shu looked at (Y/N) in astonishment. Was she serious? Shu didn't know what a good wife was like, but he was certain that it wasn't being a mindless doormat.

However, a few months later, their parents threw a bombshell on the couple.

"Are you crazy?" yelled Shu. "I don't want a child!"

"Shu, it's just a baby," said (Y/N). "I can take care of it if you are busy."

"But I can't have a baby!" said Shu to (Y/N). Then he turned to his parents. "And I'm sick and tired of you telling me what to..."

Mr Kurenai suddenly slapped Shu. "Don't talk back to me, young man!" he said. "I am your father and you will do what I say."

(Y/N) was shocked. She had never been physically harmed her entire life, and Shu's father was shamelessly berating him in front of his in-laws. Even her parents looked a little taken aback.

Well, it all ended with Shu and (Y/N) needing to do forced *adult stuff* (I'm keeping this kid friendly for young readers) and soon (Y/N) was pregnant.

Although most women become irritable during pregnancy, (Y/N) somehow still remained cheerful. She was looking forward to the next chapter in her life. And surely Shu would love the baby once it had arrived, and maybe he would learn to love (Y/N) as well.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) was able to understand Shu's home life a little better. Shu's parents were both physically and verbally abusive and anytime Shu started to argue with them, they quickly silenced him by hitting him.

Really, thought (Y/N). It's a miracle Shu hasn't ever hit me.

Although Shu can be rude towards (Y/N), he had never laid a hand on her. Surely Shu couldn't be completely bad if he had the decency to not hit her.

Shu actually helped out a little while (Y/N) was pregnant. He was still cold towards her, but (Y/N) saw this as a small improvement.

Shu even once had a civil conversation with (Y/N). (Y/N) was telling Shu about a white bunny she had owned as a child.

"I once had a bunny too," Shu said unexpectedly. "I named her Snowball. But my parents drowned her..."

Then as if he was realising that he had said too much, Shu went quiet and resumed his cold demeanor. But (Y/N) was secretly pleased that she had been able to thaw her husband's frozen heart.

Soon, it was time for (Y/N) to have her baby. Only she didn't have just one baby. She had two! (Y/N) held her twin girls in delight.

Shu wasn't there at the hospital when she gave birth, but he came along afterwards.

"Shu!" said (Y/N). "Come and meet your daughters."

Shu looked confused. "I have daughters? As in more than one?"

"Yes," said (Y/N). "Turns out that I have been carrying identical twins. Come and meet them."

Although Shu wouldn't admit it out loud, he couldn't help but feel a slight fondness when one of the girls was handed to him. The newborn girl opened her crimson eyes and smiled at him.

"Aww, they both have your eyes," said (Y/N). "What are you going to name her? I have named this one Sana."

Shu looked at the girl he was carrying. "I'll call her Sakura."

"Great!" said (Y/N) happily. "Sana and Sakura Kurenai, what a nice ring to it."

In the following weeks, (Y/N) hoped that Shu would change his attitude towards her. Although Shu was secretly fond of his daughters, he tried not to show it. But there was one time when he heard Sana cry in the middle of the night.

(Y/N) didn't hear her, being too exhausted to notice her cries. So Shu secretly got out of bed and went to the twins' nursery.

Sakura was the quieter twin and was sleeping soundly. But the more energetic Sana was screaming her head off.

Shu picked Sana up. Instantly Sana stopped crying and giggled instead.

"Stop that," said Shu. "Stop trying to wrap me around your..."

Sana grabbed Shu's finger.

Shu groaned. "Why do you have to be so cute?" he asked.

He put little Sna back into her crib and went back to bed, trying to remind himself not to get attached. But it was getting harder and harder to ignore the weird feelings he was having...

Part 2 coming soon!

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