Episode 43,44 Review,Episode 45 Preview

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(Spoiler warning)

The author:Well, let me talk about episode 43....Well Sisco and Free vs Rantaro and Valt..Rantaro and Valt win, And Shu and Lane vs Lui and Drum....Shu and Lane win

Sisco,Free,Lui,Drum: Ahhh

The author: It ok....Ok, let talk about episode 44

The author: Wakiya, Your home is so big

Wakiya: Yeah

The author: Awww

The author:Then Ranjiro, Aiga and Drum is here!!

The author: We have new Wyvern

The author: 🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍

The author:And we have a tag battle, Drum and Wakiya vs Ranjiro and Aiga

The author: Wakiya face is so funny (Laugh a lot)


The author: 😅😅

The author: Well, Wakiya training them....You just replace rantaro to be them coach.....

Rantaro: Aww

Wakiya: Sorry....

Rantaro: No need to sorry (Kiss Wakiya face)

Wakiya: (Blushing)

The author: Well...next episode, Shu and Lane vs Free and Sisco, Valt and Rantaro vs Ranjiro and Aiga, Drum and Lui vs Hikaru and Hyuga....

The author: Wow, I so excited...Oh....

The author: (Smells something great) It is.....

The author: Okonomiyaki!!!Wakiya, It is you make!?

Wakiya: Yeah.

The author: Can I 🤤🤤

Wakiya: Of course

The author: (Take the Okonomiyaki and eat it)Hmm, Delicious

Rantaro: Can I?

Wakiya: Author chan ate the last one

Rantaro: Aww......(Look at Wakiya)


Rantaro: I think I know what I can eat

Wakiya: What?

Rantaro:(Hold Wakiya bride style and go there room)You!

Wakiya: What???Help

Rantaro: (Close the door room and lock it)

The author: Wow.....(Still eat the Okonomiyaki)

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