Episode 45 Review,Episode 46 Preview

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(Spoiler warning)

The author:Ok....Today we have Shu and Lane vs Free and Sisco, Valt and Rantaro vs Ranjiro and Aiga, Drum and Lui vs Hikaru and Hyuga
First is Shu and Lane vs Free and Sisco......Well.....Shu and Lane is win...then they can enter the final

Free, Sisco: Oh.......

The author: It is fine

The author: Next is Rantaro and Valt vs Ranjiro and Aiga

The author: Here 👆🏻

Valt, Rantaro: Oh my..........

Aiga, Ranjiro: Yeah

The author: (Smile)

Hikaru: So cool 🤩🤩

Aiga: Thx Hikaru

Ranjiro: (Pat Hikaru head)Thx, Helios

Hikaru: (Blushing)....

Hyuga: (Smile)

Lane: Hyperion (Hug Hyuga)

Hyuga: Lane(Blushing)

The author: Next is Lui and Drum vs Hikaru and Hyuga

Drum: Not again....

Lui:It fine......

The author: Lane your hand.......

The author: You so excited........


The author, Ranjiro, Lane: Kawaii

Hikaru, Hyuga: 😊😊(Blushing)

The author: Next episode

The author: Looks like you two find Ranjiro and Aiga to training

Hikaru, Hyuga: Yeah.....

The author: Rainbow turbo!!!!!

Delta:......(Faint on the ground)

The author, Drum: Delta!!!!!!


Lui:......Oh no

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