I Didn't Know... ~V2~ (Xander Shakadera x Ruwei Sun)

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~~ I... Just- Trigger wraning... We have a sensitive topic here tonight... ~~

Have you ever had a bad feeling? One that just… won’t go away until it either happens or you figure it out? Ruwei knows that feeling well, having felt one at least once or twice a week. But this new feeling, a very persistent one, would not go away. Even after almost two months, it was still there.
    “Ruwei, dear, it’s probably nothing.” Xander, his partner of three years, told him, the two getting dressed and ready for training for the day.
    “You don’t understand, this has been going on for weeks. This feeling just won’t go away.” Ruwei explained as he zipped up his jacket, making sure his hair tie was tight at the end of his braid. They were practicing their martial arts today rather than blading, hand-to-hand combat being something Banner wanted everyone to practice.

Xander sighed softly, adjusting the belt on his pants as he turned to look at him.
    “Honey, I love you, but you’re being paranoid. Nothing bad is going on and it isn’t any time soon.”
    “I’m not being paranoid! Xander, you just don’t understand the feeling I’m having, and you’re pissing me off for not listening!” Grey eyes glared at the taller man before closing a moment, the brown-haired male storming from the cabin.
    “Ruwei, wait!” The redheaded giant groaned and followed him, tailing behind him. “I was listening, Ruwei! I was offering my opinion!”
    “That’s the problem! I don’t want your opinion, I want your understanding!”
    “Then instead of getting angry, just talk to me like a normal person!”
    “I was!

The two glared at each other and then got into a sparring position, silently agreeing on the only way to settle the dispute. Hand-to-hand combat with each other.

Now, it may seem like an unfair match-up with Xander being so much larger than his lover, but size doesn’t matter in this case. No, they were both equal in their martial arts training, making them the perfect sparring partners.
    “Don’t hold back, Xander…” Ruwei told him harshly, still obviously upset with his beloved.
    “Trust me, I won’t…” Xander answered just as harshly, circling the Regulus blader like a hunter does its prey. A few circles and he struck, lunging forward to land a hit as Ruwei dodged expertly, landing a successful counterattack as he kicked him in the chest.

The Xcalius blader grunted and stumbled backwards slightly, regaining his balance and looking at him.
    “Not bad, you’re improving.” He complimented, dodging the second kick coming his way and grabbing his ankle as he spun and threw him like a shotput. Ruwei landed expertly and waved the dust away from his face, glaring.
    “It’s not like I needed to improve much.” He growled, rushing in for another attack. Xander yet again dodged his attack and countered, dealing a harsh punch to his smaller partner’s stomach. It was definitely harder than he wanted it to be, Ruwei collapsing to the ground holding his stomach as he coughed. 
    “Shit, are you okay?” Xander asked in worry, kneeling down beside him and rubbing his back. The grey-eyed blader didn’t answer, settling for a small shake of the head as he coughed a lot harsher, spitting to the ground. When it was found to be stained red, the taller martial artist immediately knew something was up. Especially since Ruwei curled tighter inward, clutching his stomach more.
    “Ruwei?” Xander asked, concern heavy in his voice. Grey eyes looked up at him, brimmed with tears as his partner shuddered.
    “... S-something isn’t right…” He whimpered, wincing more as pain exploded in his abdomen.

Almost like something burst.

The giant nodded and gathered his partner up into his arms, running to the main gate of SB Rios and disappearing out of it.


He paced anxiously in the waiting room of the nearby hospital, a million thoughts racing through his head as he waited on news with Ruwei. Upon examination and a CT scan, Ruwei’s abdomen was filled with blood the doctors didn’t know from what, so they had to take him into surgery to clear out the blood and find out where it all came from.

That was hours ago…

Xander tried to keep himself calm but found the bad thoughts never leaving, overwhelming guilt filling his head the longer he waited. Ruwei wouldn’t be in this mess right now if it wasn’t for him.
    “Why did I have to go for the stomach…?” He questioned himself, guilt and regret coming together as a couple.
    “Mister Shakadera?” A voice suddenly called out to him, red eyes snapping to it almost immediately. A doctor stood there in his scrubs, looking like he just came from the operating room which would mean he either had good news or bad. Or both…
    “Y… Yes?” He answered, rushing over to the doctor. “Tell me, is Ruwei okay? He has to be.”
    “Well, yes, but…” The doctor trailed, a grim look crossing his eyes as he motioned to a chair. “Have a seat, please.”
    “No, not until you tell me what’s going on.” Xander spoke firmly, his tan arms crossed over his chest. The doctor sighed softly and nodded, knowing very well how the news was going to impact him.
    “Your partner will recover physically very well. We were able to control and stop the bleeding in his abdomen through the operation, as well as figure out the cause.” 
    “What caused him to bleed so bad?” Xander asked, desperately waiting for an answer.
    “Mister Shakadera, the bleed was caused by a miscarriage your partner had…”

The news hit Xander like a truck, his red eyes widening as he paled slightly. A miscarriage, meaning Ruwei was pregnant. Meaning he killed the baby his love was growing inside of him-
    “... Mister Shakadera…” The doctor’s voice faded as guilt and sadness further buried into his head, his hands reaching up and gripping his hair tightly.
    “N-no, you’re not serious! He couldn’t have been-” His breath hitched as he collapsed to his knees, tears filling his eyes. “H-he couldn’t have been pregnant!”
    “I’m… afraid it’s true, Mister Shakadera… He was indeed pregnant.” The doctor reiterated, kneeling down and placing a comforting hand on the Xcalius blader’s shoulder. Yet, no comfort was felt from him, tears coating his cheeks as the thought just kept repeating itself in his head.

Ruwei was pregnant.

Ruwei was pregnant


    “I-I- W-we didn’t know-” Xander felt sick to his stomach, desperately trying not to spill his lunch all over the floor.

Oh god, Ruwei is going to be devastated

NightBear15 signing off...

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