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Team Bladebreakers:

I don't think i need to introduce to them still giving name of team members.

All of have scared bitbeast which is strongest and have power over basic elements of nature.

Captain Kai Hiwatari: He is from Russia, Mysterious, speak very very less but whenever he speaks you will want to listen his every words in repeat mode, owner of Dranzer which had control over fire, known for his legendary endurance during battle, also owner of Black Dranzer which is completely opposite of Dranzer in nature as well as power.

Tyson Granger: He is from Japan, You can say he is completely opposite in nature to Kai, Speak to to much, stubborn, owner of Dragoon which had control over air, known for offensive battle style.

Max Tate: He is from America, but lives with his dad who is in Japan, Hyper active, known for his defensive battle style, owner of Draciel which had control over water.

Ray Kon: He is from China, had cat like features, clam, owner of Driger which have control over lightning, known for balance fighting style but goes for offensive battle style mostly.

Diachi Sumeragi: He is from small village of Japan, stubborn and talkative like Tyson, owner of Strata Dragoon which have control over earth.

Kenny : Computer genius, work on designing and repairing of beyblade, gets scared easily, his bitbeast Dizzy is somehow stuck in his own computer (how i don't have any idea, never mind).

Age of characters:
Kai Hiwatari 15
Ray kon 14&1/2
Tyson Granger 14
Max Tate 14
Kenny 13
Daichi Sumeragi 12
Why this age because i want most character in fifth year with Harry and others.

Other teams who will join to Hogwarts with Bladebrakers are

Demolition Boys:

White Tiger x

Saint Shield

Why so many blders in Hogwarts?
Can you imagine any member of Bladebrakers will be able stay without good bey battle. I can't, so that's why i am including them.

From Harry Potter
Golden Trio:

Every Harry Potter's fan knows about them so i am going to introduce them shortly

Harry Potter : Known by many names in wizarding world ( which stupid for me 😅), stubborn, act first think later, trouble magnet, don't trust easily anyone due to his past. (poor harry i hope i will able to change his perspective)

Hermione Granger : Genius in studies, known as know-it-all by others due to her behavior in class, always support harry, Harry's best friend.

Ron Weasley : Loud mouth, foody (i think he will give very good to Tyson and Daichi competition of eating food in future 🤭), makes opinion about anyone easily without knowing them and once his opinion nade then it can't change easily, friend of Harry ( i will not called him as best friend because of his behavior towards Harry and Hermione, let's see if he change or not), thinks all slytherin as evil, snake.

Silver Trio

Draco Molfoy: Rival of Harry Potter  loves to create trouble for Harry, genius in potion, genius in studies and rival of Hermione for first place in studies, right now facing very scary and hard situation at home.

Pansy Parkison: Loves to gossip, you can't keep any secrets from her, bestie of Draco.

Blaise Zabini: Flirt, speak less, known for natural in war against Dark Lord.

Theodore Nott: Known as Theo, don't trust any elders other than Professor Severus, but trust his friends immensely.

George and Vince Goyal: Foody, don't like to study, act as bodyguard for Draco.

All six are best friends with each others from childhood but no one knows about this in hogwarts, due to their perfect slytherin mask.

All the other characters of Harry Potter will be in story.

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