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  I'm starting another crossover fanfiction. This time it's Beyblade and Harry Potter crossover. Beyblade and Harry Potter belong to their original authers. Every character and plot belongs to respective authers only. Only this story plot idea belongs to me. Before starting i wanted to clarify that i had watch anime and movie only.

I'm going to change some things from Beyblade and Harry Potter's original plot. Their will be so much drama, adventure, twist. Story will progress slowly. I will try to show some important character in much depth and will have gray shades.

English is not my first language so i am asking you forgiveness for all my mistakes and telling you all my readers to notify me so i can correct them. 

Languages spoken by characters::
Abcd English
Abcd Japanese
Abcd Russian
Abcd Chinese
(Abcd) Auther's thoughts
Other specific language will add laterwords.

If you thinking why so many different languages are mentioned here then let me tell you in beyblade anime characters are shown from different countries but they have shown speaking one common language. Never showed any character speaking his/her native language and i disagree about this. So there will be different language will be spoken by different characters atleast some point.

Another thing i wanted to clear you before start. In beyblade anime auther had shown beyblade as team sports which is either played by team of 4-5 people or it's shown as tag team with two members as team. But whenever they mentioned world champion they only mentioned Tyson as champion and other team members got forgotten. I completely disagree with this. We also had many team sports like cricket, football ect where winning short is taken by only one player but we said champion as whole team. And player got special awards for their performance. So in my fiction i will follow this. If anyone don't like it then don't read it.

    Most important thing i want to declare about my favorite Bladebreakers team. All members have scared bitbeast who are equally powerful to each other who controls most powerful elements of nature. Their owners are also powerful equal to each other so i will show every member wins last important match atleast once. For me tyson, kai, ray, max all of them are equally powerful and world champion so i will show them as world champion. Anyone who thinks only tyson should be called as world champion or should always win final match please leave. As this fanfiction is not for them.

    Other powerful team members who had shown as powerful at the start of season but as anime progress from one season to another this team shown so weak that gives me headaches to see their play. So in my story they will powerful so they can give very tuff competition to our favorite team.
Last but not the least this story will develop very very slowly.

With this i am ending my stupid preface. Thanks for your patience. Let's start actual journey.

3, 2, 1. Let it rip....................

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