1️⃣ pt 1 Introduction to Mealise

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<Hello, thanks for reading this book, Beyond and Behind the Mirror, my friend and I made this book for national writing month, and obviously needs to be tweaked, fixed, etc. So please read it and tell us what you think in each chapter. ✨Enjoy✨>

          Hello. My name is Mealise. I live in Neutraville. It is just an average place with average people. Everyone lives exactly the same ordinary lives.

One day that was the same as usual, which was waking up, eating cereal, watching TV, walking with my cat, Midnight, and wondering about this really weird thing that runs across my ne-neck that I have had since I was thirteen or so, but that's another. . . um, story. However something really . . . um . . . what is it called? Unusual, yes that's the word. Something very unusual happened today while I was eating my cereal at my usual table.

My cat Midnight jumped out of the window suddenly for no reason at all. I called her back, but she didn't respond. Once she seemed to have disappeared,  my mind told me that I should follow in her footsteps, and I did. I kept following her, um. . . what's the word. . . ah yes, sleek pawprints through this very ordinary town that I've known ever since I took my first breath.
As I was following those very familiar pawprints, I started to have this feeling. The feeling of . . . what is it? Ah yes . . .  there I say it . . . confusion is the word. I was always taught by my parents who somehow disappeared, that everything is to stay in order with no surprises at all. Everything is just always . . . the same. Nothing is different. They always followed the footsteps of everyone else in this ordinary world.

I was told when I was a small child, the true tale of Neutraville. It all started with a husband and wife that were named Mr. and Mrs. Neutra. They founded this small town in the year of 1789. They never liked the thought of things changing. They always liked everything . . . well, the same and in order. They hated the idea of school because "Why think when you can just live the same ordinary life every day until you die?" wisely said by Mr. Neutra in the year of 1796. There is even a statue in his honor directly in the center of Neutaville.

Ever since these very wise words were spoken by Mr. Neutra, it turned into something, something that was so remarkable, but I had forgotten the name of.... oh yes, a tradition that was carried on from generation to generation.
And a rumor has been going around that I don't think anyone believes anymore, that there is a mirror that lies deep in the forest that a witch from a fantasy world, named Roseria, put a spell on this town that made everyone have no . . . um what is it . . . emotion. However, I don't believe it because I as well as everyone else in this very ordinary town of Neutraville feel perfectly normal. Just because a tradition was made by the founders of this very ordinary town, it doesn't mean that a spell was cast to make us act a certain way, and I would know if I was under a spell.

Oh yes, I forgot that I was looking for my cat, Midnight. As I was entering the forest that was supposed to lie the mirror that Roseria came from to cast the spell of neutrality on my town, I heard a voice that had a very out-of-the-ordinary tone to it. The voice said, "You are now entering the reality world." . . .

I kept following Midnight's pawprints until they stopped, but they didn't stop in the middle of nowhere. The pawprints stopped in front of this mirror that was . . . um cracked and was double-sided. Each side had scriptive writing that was very hard to recognize what it said. Finally, I understood what each side was telling me. One of the sides of the mirror said reality and the other side said fantasy.

Suddenly, I had this very weird feeling that Midnight somehow got into the mirror. At that very moment, I put all of the pieces of the puzzle together. When I heard that voice that had a very odd tone that stated, "You are now entering the reality world," Midnight must have touched the side of the mirror that said reality which must have transferred her to a world that is reality. Even though I knew how to pronounce the words, I had no idea of what they meant at the time.

I had no idea of what I was thinking when I decided to touch the mirror at the time. I guess I had this very . . .  very slight feeling of . . . what is it . . . oh yes, curiosity.

    After I put my hand on the reality side of the mirror, everything went very- very blurry. I felt that I was floating in this very interesting tunnel that you would never see in the town of Neutraville. It had something called . . . color that swirled all around me.

It must have taken at least a couple of minutes for me to reach the completely different world that was called reality. In those long couple of minutes, the same odd voice that I heard when I was entering this very colorful tunnel said, "Whenever you want to come back to your original world, just come back to the tree that you are about to land in front of, and just simply say, 'Bring me back,' and you will come back."

After the very um . . . mysterious voice told me my directions, the only thing running through my head is, "What in this world is a tree?"
When I finally landed in front of this very big rough thing that had the color of dirt. And this thing had these weirdly shaped things called. . . um, what are they? I think. . . um . . . yeah, possibly leaves? Everything had a wide variety of color that was the complete opposite of Neutraville.

Suddenly, I am starting to feel a bunch of different . . . um, emotions. I think that's what they are called. I was so confused at the time, and I didn't know who to talk to, but luckily there was this beautiful girl with blonde wavy hair. She had such a, uh . . . pretty skin tone with the most . . . um, what are the words . . . oh that's right, fancy clothing.

When she came over to me she told me that her name is Amber. I thought to myself how much of a strange name that was. She seemed like a well . . . um . . . nice. . . um . . . girl, so I decided that she would be able to answer some of my questions that I had.

Firstly, I asked her what a tree is. She just told me to look behind me, and it all seemed to make sense! Secondly, I asked what kind of emotions I am feeling when I am starting to tear up, and how my . . . um . . . yes, my stomach feels really weird. She told me that it is most likely me being upset, feeling guilty about something, or being nervous, and other things I don't remember. She talked to me as if I was . . . um . . . what's the word . . . oh yes not the most . . . um, smart person that she has met before.

She then asked me what my name is. I just said, "My name is Mealise." Suddenly, I started to break down into tears. "I think I'm feeling . . . I'm sad that my parents di-died when I was just ten years old, and now I think I . . . um, yes I think I'm fifteen, and I am so relieved I was able to find you Midnight."

For some reason, Amber just started to look at me as if I.I.Um. I . . . um . . . was. . . mentally insane. Yes, those are the words!

Even though I thought Amber looked pretty, well, nice at first, I realized that she was being . . . um . . . what's the word . . . oh yes . . . kind of rude to me. As I was starting to have the thought of walking away, I realized that the other people around didn't seem much different, so I decided that I was just going to stand by her side for now.      

❄️Hope you like this first part of the chapter!❄️

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