1️⃣ pt 2 Introduction to Amber

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          Hello there! My name is Amber and I am going to tell you the story of how I met a girl that very well might lead me to my destiny.

It's just about midnight, and living in a crowded neighborhood like Crépeville, it can get quite noisy, busy, or just straight up annoying and bustling with people on the streets! It's a good thing my family has finally decided to move because I can finally get that peace and quiet in.
Now that it's midnight on the dot, in less than one week, we'll be moving to a calmer place in Paris- wait, wait. What is that?! That looks like . . . a  . . . person. A human person obviously, but did they just appear out of nowhere? Is that even possible? You know what, let me just go and get a closer look.

As I open the window, hop onto the roof. Wait! Shoot, I forgot my phone and flashlight! I go back and seize a sweater, my phone, and my flashlight before jumping back onto the roof, and hopping into a shrub. I think she might've noticed me because when she got the black cat into her arms, she looked in my direction, wide-eyed, and alert. I kept my breathing steady and relaxed slowly as I closed my eyes so she won't feel like there was something watching her.

By the time I opened my eyes again, she seemed to have already gone. I let out a gentle gasp as I slowly crawl out of the shrub and dust myself off. I speed walked off my lawn, and onto the sidewalk, and saw that she had already made a turn at the next intersection.

I run as fast as I can, past all the adults, the families, and such to get a closer look at her. When I finally find her, she looks dazed and confused. I let out a little sigh before walking toward her to not make myself seem off-ish. When I reached her, the first thing she said to me was: "Excuse me, can you explain to me what a tree is?" like hold a minute, I walk up to you, a total stranger, and you randomly ask that to me right out of the blue? And don't even get me started on that monotone voice, like, where were you raised? In a void? And those clothes, oh honey, not only do you look dead inside, but those are so not in. Who is she? And why does she look pale too?

"Excuse me, ma'am?" oh right! She asked a question. "Look at this brown and green thing" I tried to not sound as emotionless as her as I pointed behind her. She looked behind her and her reaction was completely different from how she was speaking just a few seconds ago, "Oh! So that's what a tree is!" she said with so much emotion. I looked around to see if there was anyone who could have possibly been with her. Then all of a sudden, I heard her yawn, and I yawned too, except my eyes become teary.
This Mealise girl, who had such a dark hair color but looked much more pretty brown in the light, pale skin tone, and Saphir blue eyes, seems to be changing quite rapidly.

"Excuse me, but what is the emotion called when you feel your eyes become teary-eyed, and your stomach feels so odd?" This girl looked at me completely oblivious as she took one arm from under her cat to place it on her chest.
"Oh, um  . . . I believe what you're feeling could either be guilt, upsetness, nervousness, or possibly heartbroken.

Why?" and just as I looked at her, she had two streams of tears running down her face. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, why is she crying?
"Um, uh, Mealise, please- why are you crying??" "M-my parent- my parents . . . they, they died whe- when I was- when I was ten years old, and I'm . . . um . . . oh yes, fifteen now . . . I'm so happy I found you Midnight,"

UHHHHHHHHH WHAT. SO YOU FIRST ASK ME WHAT A TREE IS, WITH A VOICE THAT SCREAMS I'M DEAD INSIDE, THEN YOUR MONOTONE VOICE TURNS INTO A VOICE WITH SUCH EXPRESSION, AND NOW YOU'RE CRYING? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!  I think she noticed that I was judging her because I gave her that dirty look that I usually give to people that I think are weird or way out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, this intelligent idea popped into my head when I realized the scar on her neck. Perhaps I should try to act nice to Mayl. . . Maily . . . ugh, whatever her name is, and then use her for whatever my heart desires! I can use her to become the Guardian of The Middle of Societies.

How do I know this, you ask? Well, I did my research a couple of years back, and based on my knowledge, the scar on her neck is the very scar that only the guardian poses. Since she is the guardian of a completely different world, it makes sense that she came out of nowhere and that she acts completely neutral and knows what pretty much nothing means. The reason for this is because she has no clue that she is the Guardian of The Middle Society. Since she said that her parents died when she was ten, they were not able to tell her when she developed the scar at the age of thirteen that means Roseria chose her to be the Guardian.

Actually, this may all be a silly myth because after all, it sounds highly unrealistic, and maybe this girl is just crazy. That can also be a very true possibility. However, there is still a bit of a chance that this all might be true. I'll pretend to stay friends with her just in case, and continue my research when she is not looking.
As much as this might make me sound like the crazy one, there is a part of me that wants to believe that there is a complete fantasy world and a middle world, which is what I want control over. If it exists, nothing is going to stop me from killing the Guardian of the Middle of Worlds and claiming the throne. Even though I have no clue whatsoever how I am going to claim the throne without having any relation to her, one thing you should know about me is that I never back down when I know what I want.

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