Chapter 58

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Denver picks another size for his pair of jeans. "What do you think about this one?"

"I prefer the dark pair of jeans. Do you have a nice shirt to go with that?"

"No. Can you help me with that?"

"Sure... what about this one?" I point to a nice button shirt that is the opposite of Denver's style. Honestly, I think it is more Maroney style, but Denver would be handsome with this.

"That's a nice shirt. How much is it?" Denver asks me as he grabs the tag with the price. "Oh, forty and two dollars?"

"You have twenty percent discount," I show him where it says in the tag. "Are you sure you're going to wear these unlaced shoes with this nice shirt?" I point to his old pair of sneakers. The same one he wears every day at school and to go out at night.

"Let me be. That's how I am. I like it." He defends himself. "I know I need a new pair," he seems to change his mind.

"Make sure all the clothes fit you, so you don't have to come back here again."

"I know." He says the words as he holds my hands, "You're so pretty, Cassidy. I wish you could come over to the party with me."

"Sorry, but I can't."

"Cancel with him."

"It is not fair to cancel with him."

"I know he has much more to offer than I'll ever have. I don't know what to tell you." He looks in another direction. "All I have is my love. Nothing else."

His comment touched my heart deeply.

I find a lovely dress to wear tonight as we walk. "Okay, Let's go to the fitting room."

We head to the nearest fitting room. Nobody is around. I take the one at the end of the hallway while he takes the first one. I remove my pants first, and then my shirt. Then I grab the blue dress, and as I am almost done fitting on my body, the curtains open, and Denver enters without announcement.

"What the hell?"

He grabs me by the arm and pushes me against the wall. The next thing I know, we are kissing deeply inside the small space with mirrors. "You haven't even tried your clothes, did you?"

"Of course not," he says as his tongues seeking mine. His hands are underneath my dress, and we are suddenly interrupted by two girls who practically caught us leaving the dressing room.

"Oh, I have to wear my clothes back," I tell him. They look at us with a mouth open and laugh as they leave. "We should call security," one of them says. "Sex in the dressing room shouldn't be allowed."

"Let's get the hell out," says Denver.

We end up going to another section where Denver says he would like to buy a male fragrance. There, he looks at me intensely as I feel things are still heated since he kissed me in that fitting room. He finds a Ralph Lauren men's fragrance on the top shelf. "Are you sure you're not going to the party with me tonight?"

"I'm positive I'm not going with you," I said, swallowing hard.


It is seven-thirty, and I'm late to meet Maroney. I shouldn't have gone with Denver to Kohls. That took longer than I expect. I decided to go home to shower and get dressed and instead told Maroney to go ahead that I would meet him at the party. He provided me with the address, and I figure it is better to take a cab than walking. It is a few miles away from my apartment.

"Good luck," says TJ with a smile on the corner of his lips before I leave through the door.

The house is more significant than I expected, with the kitchen three times the apartment's size. There is a lake in the back, the house decorated with flowers, and a table outside. Maroney finds me entering the house, a line of people getting ready to get their food.

"We need to talk," it is the first thing he says. I can notice something is wrong with the tone of his voice. He takes me to one of the couches in the living room. There is a library filled with young adult books and a fireplace.

"What's up."

"Millie said she saw you at the Kohls with another guy this afternoon."

"How come I didn't see her?"

"Is it true?"

"Yes, so? Did she see me doing anything wrong?" My heart is racing.

"She said there is a problem with the way you two look at each other. Tell me it isn't Denver."

And by the time Maroney mentions his name, I see Denver talking to another girl in the kitchen. I recognize her from the other party. Susan. The boy with dark eyes is wearing the clothes he'd bought at Kohls with a nice pair of shoes. I don't remember him buying that pair.

My body freezes. My heart is almost jumping out of my chest. Is it possible the party Denver was inviting me over with him is the same as Maroney's?

"You didn't answer my question, Cassidy. You agree you would respect the day I'm with you. Because of him, you showed up late."

"Sorry." I can't take my eyes of Denver and the girl.

"I can see you're not even paying attention to me!"

"Sorry, Maroney. I'm trying hard, but you never let me in. You are here, but you're not, even if you are. It is like there is a door that separates us. You've been absent the whole time."

"I know," he finally agrees with me. His expression is of sadness.

I look at him, but then he is gone.


I head outside with my food when I see Amaya, Luna, and Danika sitting at one of the tables. I notice by Danika's smiles she'd seen me with Maroney. Denver approaches, bringing his plate, too.

"Nice guy," says Danika with her sarcastic smile across her lips. She exchanges glance with Luna and Amaya, who don't seem to care as much.

"Where is him?" asks Denver.

"He is gone, I guess." No matter how many times I'd called and texted Maroney, he never picked up the phone. It has been over twenty minutes since we last spoke by the fire place. The food is delicious, but I've been so anxious that I barely can taste the way I would normally.

"Want to go in front of the lake?" Denver asks me, and I nod. There is a bench right in front of the water and a dock for boats.

"It might be nice living here. I'm assuming whoever lives here is rich."

"Yes, Lucas's parents are loaded with money. They moved here from Alberta, Canada. I heard they also had a lake house there."

"Why did they move here from Canada?"

"Not sure, but it looks like his family picked another cold place to live."

"Don't remind me. I haven't been here for the winter yet, and you're scaring the hell out of me.

"It is not as bad as you think." He admits.

"What do you mean? I heard the temperature can reach as low as minus twenty."

"That's true. I mean that it is not that bad when you have someone to love in the winter. Someone you care about that you can cuddle and watch movies within bed after a nice dinner. I tend to be depressed in the winter, but I would never be that way with you, believe me."

The conversation is flowing so well that I practically forget about Maroney and how he has left the party because of Denver. I wouldn't say I like the fact I'd hurt him, and guilt hits me inside my chest. Maybe neither Maroney and Denver deserve me.

"What are you going to do after you graduate?" he asks me.

"I have no idea," I confess.

"Me neither." He says as he wraps my cold arms from the chilly breeze coming from the lake. "Was your first guy from Seattle?"

"No...Che-Chelan." I mumble rather than speaking.

"How does he look like?" Denver seems to be curious.

"He was funny and wild."

"Nothing like me?"

"No. Nothing like you."

"Do you think I am too boring?" He holds me tight.

I smile, "Are you crazy? You love parties. There is always something going on with you." That's the first sentence that comes out of my mouth.

"Is it a good thing?"

"It is a nice thing. But I saw you talking to that Susan girl."

"Susan is Susan. Some nights she is Susan with S, and some nights she is Suzan with Z."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll know what I mean. There is vodka, Tequila, and fruit punch. What do you want?"

"Fruit punch."

"You see? You picked fruit punch made with rum. Susan is confused between Tequila and Vodka, but sometimes she wants both. When I say she is a confused soul, I mean in real life.

"You are so confusing me." I let out a laugh. If Denver thinks I'm not confused, what the hell am I doing with him and Maroney?

"C'mon. You'll get to know her when it is time."

"And if I don't want to?"

Then you don't."

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