Chapter 59

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Denver and I head to the basement, where techno music plays loudly. Green laser lights flicker at my face, and I squint. Maroney has left for a while, but I wouldn't like him to see me now. Not this way. I'd probably drunk more than five cups of strong fruit punch, as I sense my true feelings coming out as I dance with Denver. 

"I want to sleep with you tonight," I manage to say as I kiss him.

He smiles, "Really?" his eyes filled with hope. "Yes, you can." He kisses me deeply, his fingers going through my hair, behind my skull.

There was a time in my life; I'd promised never to drink again. I promised that to Jason. And he made me promise that to Jessa. A party in the basement was all it took almost to lose myself.

After that, I never drink again.

Until I moved to Madison

I'm not sure how long Denver and I are dancing until I'm finally tired and tell him I want to sit on the couch. The black leather sofa is right on the corner, and it feels damn good when I feel my back and butt sinking on it.

"Do you mind if I go upstairs to get another beer? Denver asks, "The ones down here aren't that cold. 

"I'm fine," I kiss him again. 

"Wait for me. I'll be right back to kiss you more. After that beer, you'll go home with me."

I suddenly realize Aaron and the same blonde chick who'd hooked up with TJ last week kissed next to me. They don't seem to notice or care I'm here playing the third wheel. 

But who am I to judge? I have kissed enough since last week.

Checking my phone, there aren't new messages or calls. y. Only a warning about the low battery. I'm glad I don't have to work at Sophie's tomorrow morning as I used to every damn Sunday for a long time. I'm still on involuntary non paid vacation time, and I wonder if Sylvia will let me go for good once those two weeks pass. The hurt feelings of the anonymous person who had told shit about me to Sylvia comes to my mind strongly. 

It hadn't been Scarlet or Jeff.

Meggie. The girl whom I thought was my best friend. 

Meggie used and betrayed me. Too bad she isn't at this party today.

It is then that I realize that Denver is taking a while to come down with his beer. He might be talking to someone upstairs. He knows a lot of people in this town.

I hope it is not Susan. Susan with S or Suzan with Z? Whatever name he calls her. A knot on my stomach hits me when I think about the possibility of Denver talking to Susan. 

The thought of Denver talking to her and having sex with her continues to float on my mind, but relief rushes over me when I see Susan coming down to the basement with her high heels, holding a martini in her hands.

She walks toward my direction and sits next to me, spreading her legs over the black puff across from her. We are so close. Her legs under her jeans are touching mine. She smiles wildly at me.  I looked sideways, Aaron and the blonde chick still practically eating each other.

"I'm smiling at you. Nobody else." she looks at me intensely, holding a martini with a cherry inside.

So, you and Denver, huh?" she pushes conversation.

I don't know what to say.

"I saw you talking to a guy earlier in this party. I used to hook up with him, too."I hear her voice through the loud techno song. My face falls when I realize she is referring to Maroney.

Did she fuck with both Denver and Maroney?

Like reading my thoughts, she continues her lame speech, "There is a difference between Maroney and Denver in bed. Denver fucked fewer girls than Maroney in this city, but yet he can do a better job."


"You heard me right. I fucked with Maroney more times than I can remember. Denver only once."

"What happened then?" I asked, my head spinning so bad I can barely keep up straight.

"You showed up in Denver and Maroney's life," she says with a grin. "But anyway, I no longer want to have sex with Maroney. He sucks at oral."

Denver shows up just as the girl is talking about him and Maroney. I try to move away from her as she pushes herself toward me. Aaron continues to kiss and touch the girl, and I'm left without space. As Denver approaches, Susan removes her legs from the puff so that he can sit across from me.  He pulls my leg on the top of his, one of his hands holding a Heineken. 

"What's up, Susan?" Denver asks as he takes a sip of his beer.

Susan doesn't care to move away or give us space.

"Are you going to tell her?"

"Tell what?" Denver asks, confused. He doesn't appear to be too drunk. At least, not like Susan or me.

 Confusion hits my head.

"That you are planning on doing us both tonight."

 "Oh," he smiles. "That is your idea. Well, that is is up to her." he looks at me. 

"What?" I'm disoriented with his answer, my head spinning with the amount of alcohol I'd consumed. I can believe he is considering having a threesome with Susan and me.

Susan continues, "We were talking about you upstairs. I let him know how beautiful you are and how I'd like to take you upstairs with me. Luca's parents are out of town, and he offered me the key to their bedroom in case Denver wants to bang us both. What do you say?"

"I don't do girls," I tell her, my eyes in shock.

"For what I understand, you don't do with boys, either. Maybe this is your opportunity to try something different, right?" she looks at him. "Right, Denver?"

"As I said, it's up to her," he reminds Susan. "I've never done a threesome." He confesses with a serious tone in his voice. 

"You see?" Susan looks over at me, "You should consider trying it," she places one of her hands over my upper legs moving up and down carefully. "We can both give you a lot of pleasure."

I move her hands away, "Are you really considering sleeping with both of us at the same time?" I ask Denver, intrigued.

"No. I am not considering sleeping. I'm considering to be awake all night long." he smiles.

I stand up from the sofa so quickly that Denver's bottle falls from his hands, beer spilling over him and the puff. The noise doesn't seem to bother Aaron and his girl, who continues to kiss deeply as the music plays.  There aren't meant people dance on the floor, so I scan the room for Danika, Luna, Amaya, or anyone else who can give me a ride home. The girls aren't here. I take the stairs back to the living room, but who knows where the girls are in this huge house they left home. 

Maybe they are gone for the night. 

I bring my phone from my purse to call the cab to pick me up. 

It is the best thing I can do.

The battery is one percent, but I manage to dial the cab's company number because I don't want to bother TJ at two in the morning. A woman answers the phone, but the device turns off right in front of my eyes when I'm ready to give out the pick-up address.

Maybe I can ask someone else to call me a cab?

A girl is pouring more drinks into her cup in the kitchen. She can't hear or understand anything I say or tell her. She is too drunk. Other people have been passed out on the large couch.

Fuck it. I'm not a person who says bad words, but today is one of those days. Damn it. I can't call a cab, and I can't call TJ to save my ass from these perverted people. 

But I can always walk home. The night is beautiful, with the full moon illuminating the sky and the city. All I have to do is follow the stars. 

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