Chapter 3

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I step back from Newt, and turn to Thomas, who appears to be looking closely at the bodies, as if he is looking for something. And he is. My younger sister. I grab his arm urgently, and look at him, my eyes wild.

"She's not there, is she?" I ask, my voice slightly panicked. If someone touched my sister, I will find them. And they will suffer. Thomas doesn't respond immediately, and my eyes scan his face, searching for something that will let me know if Teresa is safe or not. "Thomas!" I shake his arm, needing to know. He shakes his head slowly.

"She's not here." I step, back and breathe a small sigh of relief. There's one less thing I have to worry about. Only about one million things to go before I'm worry-free. But I still have a sense of dread, like a storm cloud, looming over my head. And it's not just because of the bodies hanging above me. Teresa may not be one of the bodies that are in the same room as me, but that doesn't mean that she's safe. If whoever did this killed the people above me, they might have killed her too. Thomas seems to be thinking the same thing, for he says what I am about to.

"Teresa. We've got to find where they put her." Thomas says and I nod. Perhaps I won't feel like someone has thrown me into a giant blender and spun me around until everything spiraled out of control if I know that my sister is alright.

"He's right." Minho says to the group of frightened and confused Gladers. "Spread out, find her!" I run over to the door that I remember her walking into only a few hours ago. Oh, how much can happen in such a short period of time. Thomas follows me, and calls out to someone to grab the fire extinguisher in case we needs to break the lock. She has to be safe in there, like we were. Nothing should have been able to reach her. If she's all alone though, and hearing those sounds, she must be terrified. Minho yells for Winston to get the fire extinguisher, as I reach the handle. I shake it with such force that they whole door rattles, but it doesn't open. I see Thomas looking at a small, clear, plastic card holder off to the side of the doorframe. A sheet of paper has been slipped into the thin slot on the side, several words typed on its surface. Teresa Agnes. Group A, Subject A1. The Betrayer. I read the words over twice, wondering what the last two meant. The Betrayer. I can't see my little sister betraying us. But, I suppose I am biased since she's probably my only remaining family. Her last name also makes me think. If her last name is Agnes, then so is mine. Mirabelle Agnes. My name. I turn around and see my door. There's a card next to my door as well. Mirabelle Agnes. The Warrior. At least that's what the type says. The words 'the warrior' are crossed out with pencil. Underneath that, it says 'The Variable', also written in pencil. I suddenly remember the blond lady's words after we escaped the Maze.

"Welcome back. Over two years, and so few dead. Amazing." She finally says. I feel hatred cloud my mind and throw myself at her, screaming. Newt pulls me back, holding me close. I glare at the women. The fact that she didn't care about all the boys that we've lost makes me want to drive my sword through her.

"Ah. You." There's something about the tone of her voice that hints she dislikes me. "Our little mistake."

Minho's voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Hello? Thomas? Snow? Not a good time to daydream." He says impatiently, and snaps his fingers in front of Thomas' eyes. I pull the card out of its holder and shove it in my pocket with the shards of glass.

"Sorry. Just thought I was weird that Teresa and Mirabelle's last name was Agnes." Thomas replies. He's one of the only people besides my sister who calls me by my real name.

"Who cares about that? What's this freakin' stuff about Teresa being the Betrayer?" Minho shakes his head and regards the card warily. I finger the card in my own pocket, being very careful not to slice my fingers on the pieces of glass.

"And what's 'Group A, Subject A' mean?" Newt comes over, and stands next to me. He hands the fire extinguisher to Thomas, and looks over at me. "Do you have one of those card things, Snow?" He asks, and I open my mouth to reply, but hesitate. The Variable, it had said. A mistake, the lady had called me. Suddenly, I don't want Newt to read the card and also think that I am a mistake as well.

"No." I lie, biting my lip. I gesture at the empty card holder. I jump as Thomas whacks the door's handle as hard as he can. Two smashes later, and the brass knob is lying on the ground. The door pops open immediately. I run in, past Thomas, and into the room, holding a glass shard like a knife.

"Oi!" I hear Newt exclaim, and soon, he's standing next to me, looking over the room for any danger as I am. The room is a smaller version of the boys', room, with only four bunk beds, two dressers, and a door that I assume leads to a bathroom. All the beds are properly made; the sheets pulled up and the pillows resting at the top of the bed. All except one. But there's no sign of my younger sister.

"Teresa!" Thomas calls out. He walks over to me and Newt, and the other Gladers trickle in after him. It's quiet in the room, until the swirling, swooshing sound of a toilet flushing makes me jump back and pull my knife back, ready to throw it in case whoever is in there is an enemy. Thomas runs forward to open the door, but Newt grabs his arm.

"You're used to living with a bunch of boys besides Teresa and Snow," Newt says, looking at Thomas. "I don't think it's polite to go stomping into the bloody ladies' room. Just wait till she comes out." As he says this, I feel a small smile spread across my face. Their could be a serial killer and Newt still is so courteous. It's so cute. I shake my head. My gosh, I can't afford to have these ridiculous thoughts in my mind.

"We don't know if Teresa is even in there. It could very well be someone who'd love nothing more than to hang us from the ceiling." I warn, my eyes fixed on the door. Newt and Thomas step to the side of the door, and I stand frozen, ready to throw my piece of glass at any hostile being that walks out of the room. It feels natural in my hand, and I am certain that if I throw this, it will hit it's target. This gives me a small amount of comfort. A very small amount. Tess? I call out to my sister, using the nickname again. Are you in the bathroom? Because if I don't know who it is it might end up accidentally sending a piece of glass through you. Teresa! Answer! I call out, frustrated. Why won't she answer me? Then there is a click. The door handle twists open, and I crouch into a battle stance. My eyes blaze as I prepare myself for a fight. The person who walks out of the bathroom is most definitely not Teresa. "Don't move." I call out fiercely. "Or this goes straight through your head." I hold the glass shard up so that they can see. "And I promise you, I won't miss." I add, narrowing my eyes. The person freezes. I can see him clearly now. It's a boy, wearing the same type of pajamas as the Gladers. A button up shirt and flannel pants. I'm wearing a long, gray, semi-tight top, and black leggings. I'm guessing Teresa must be wearing the same thing. Everyone gets matching pajamas. Yay.

"Who are you?" Thomas asks harshly, and I can tell that he was hoping that Teresa was going to be the one to walk out of the bathroom.

"Who am I? Who are you?" The boy asks, with a bit more than hint of sarcasm. And, suddenly, I'm thrown into a memory.

"Aris!" I call out impatiently, crossing my arms. The boy turns around and looks at me, obviously annoyed. "How do you not care about the people we're sending into the Maze?"

"They don't matter Mirabelle." He snaps back, obviously not wanting to talk to me. I feel anger surging though my veins as I look at him.

"They're human lives! Of course they matter!" I argue, glaring at him. He raises an eyebrow.

"You're a human life. And you don't matter." Aris says, with a triumphant smile. I put my head down and walk forward quickly, moving as if I am planning on storming past him angrily. But instead, when I am close enough, I slap him in the face.

"Mirabelle!" Newt. His voice brings me back to the present. I'm standing still, and the shard of glass I had been holding so tightly is in pieces on the ground. Newt is standing in front of me, a look of concern written on his face. "Are you okay?" He asks, searching my eyes for a reason as to why I just completely froze for a minute. He reaches out to grab my hand, but I pull it back quickly. My mind is still reeling from what I have just remembered, and I don't notice the hurt that flashes across his face as I step away from him. My eyes fix themselves on Aris, and I step closer, slowly.

"Aris..." I whisper, and he looks up at me, with a slightly surprised look on his face. I know him. He was my memories. And, judging from the bit that I remember, him and I don't get along very well.

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